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How did you come up with your OC?


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Why did you choose the color, what race they are, their cutie mark, etc.


I made mine while trying to make her look like me.  I had teal hair at the time and a sunburn XD so i made her with teal hair and pink fur.  She was originally an earth pony, but then i really like unicorns so i turned her into a unicorn.  Now I think I want her to be an earth pony again.  Just something nice and me about simplicity.  Her cutie mark is a leaf with a pawprint shaped cutout, because I really love gardening and animals, so she does too.  :)


I'd love to hear about yours.

  • Brohoof 1
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I just made mine today...I really liked Twilight Sparke's Alicorn looks, but Rarity's hair and no one had my favorite combination of colors, so I made my own. Her name is Twila Starshimmer--a tribute to both Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna. img-2014132-1-e9FkmL5.png


Her profile (went from Alicorn to Unicorn for RP purposes):


Edited by Twila Starshimmer
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I just made mine today...I really liked Twilight Sparke's Alicorn looks, but Rarity's hair and no one had my favorite combination of colors, so I made my own. Her name is Twila Starsong--a tribute to both Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna. e9FkmL5.png


Her profile (went from Alicorn to Unicorn for RP purposes):


Very pretty!  I've always loved rarity's hair.

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I wanted a ponysona that reflected me and who I was, as well as some dreams I have. Orange is fav color, I like wearing vests, jackets, and other various "overthrows" (as I call them), and Pegasi are best race.


The sonic flameboom thing came later when I commished an artist on dA to draw him. They came back with sketches of what you see in my sig, and I fell in love with the idea, so it stuck.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, here's a link to my OC so people know what I'm talking about:




I always adored the color "white" so I simply decided to see what would look best with the shade of white. I found the bright/light blue worked well, so I went with it. Seeing as how unicorns are my favorite pony species and it worked well with her backstory, I chose to go with unicorn. I thought the red earring would be a nice touch to her as well as the black/blue goggles. Seeing as how she's supposed to be intelligent, I gave her the puzzle piece cutie mark.


As for the backstory itself, it's personally easy for me to come up with ideas on the spot so I just thought it through for around an hour and it sprung into my head. Therefore, I decided to use it. That's how I came up with my OC.

  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I wanted a ponysona that reflected me and who I was, as well as some dreams I have. Orange is fav color, I like wearing vests, jackets, and other various "overthrows" (as I call them), and Pegasi are best race.


The sonic flameboom thing came later when I commished an artist on dA to draw him. They came back with sketches of what you see in my sig, and I fell in love with the idea, so it stuck.

The flameboom looks pretty awesome.  And your color combo matches very well.

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Well, here's a link to my OC so people know what I'm talking about:




I always adored the color "white" so I simply decided to see what would look best with the shade of white. I found the bright/light blue worked well, so I went with it. Seeing as how unicorns are my favorite pony species and it worked well with her backstory, I chose to go with unicorn. I thought the red earring would be a nice touch to her as well as the black/blue goggles. Seeing as how she's supposed to be intelligent, I gave her the puzzle piece cutie mark.


As for the backstory itself, it's personally easy for me to come up with ideas on the spot so I just thought it through for around an hour and it sprung into my head. Therefore, I decided to use it. That's how I came up with my OC.

I love her mane color!  Kinda reminds me of the spa ponies, they're my favorite background ponies :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Mine is, of course, based on me. I'm not really good at making original OCs. In fact, the mane color and eye color are my own (hair, not mane, of course. xD). I partially chose them because of that, but I realized the colors also go together really nicely. Combined with the whiteish body, it makes me think of a winter night.


The Cutie Mark had just been a plain Bass Clef for the longest time (because I play the bassoon, and it's my main instrument altogether), but I decided to make it a little more exciting. Ponies in the show's cutie marks obviously weren't just plain copy and pastes... Like Octavia's. Still, admittedly, the Bass Clef itself is still plain, but it's more stylized than it was before. I wanted to make it more personal than that, so I added a wind symbol behind it... To represent my love for wind instruments in particular.





Everything needs more woodwind!

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Mine is based on me, hair color similar and similar eye color. Mine is a Pegasus, since I like the freedom that would come with flying and the speed as well. The coat was just some random color but blue, so it's a blue coat, dark green eyes and dark blond hair.


He is the same shape as a mare but I just like that one better, his cutie mark is a steering wheel. Representing my love for driving and cars in general, also freedom and speed.

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I made my character Cleo 'cause I was tired of all the 'nice' OCs. Wanted to make one that was unlikable for once :L


As for her coat colors, I believe that I saw that color combination as a website's color scheme, so I had to use it. Then I just hit up the pony creator and found the mane there.


Yeah, it's not the most original, but I'm happy with it c:


As for the cutie mark, it's just something that I came up with while playing around with some drawing software. 


Signature by Azura

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i Don't have a picture of mine but his name is Night Jolt he has blue curly hair (because my hair is curly) with a yellow streak running through the middle and its cutie mark is a black cloud with a yellow bolt of lightning he is a unicorn and his body color is midnight blue

My Pony Appearance is An outgoing, lonely pony who loves practicing magic and would do anything for a friend in need. This pony has a dark purple coat, a violet mane, chocolate brown eyes, and a scroll Cutie Mark.

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I made mine because I wanted to expand upon an idea that wasn't really explored within the television show, in his case it was potion making, but it kinda of morphed over time. Whilst the initial idea clearly shows through, his character and backstory resembles little of what I initially envisioned him as.


The personality was initially supposed be based upon my own, yet again it began to take its own form. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the personality shift. 


Both him being a Earth Pony and his colour scheme, contrary to the other portions of him, remained the same pretty much through out the entirety of his creation. Both of them came about naturally. He was chosen as an Earth Pony because him being either a Pegasus or Unicorn added nothing at all to his character, and I actually believe it diluted his overall personality. In addition, his colour was chosen because I needed something that had simplistic, not something overly garish, yet based around more earth tones.


The Cutie Mark I truthfully can't remember where it came about, oh well.

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My first OC was a bit too uninspired while my second was essentially a ponied version of Mary from the indie game called Ib. She is still being used though, I like her design regardless, but I wanted to something a little more thought behind it. My characters have always had long manes, this one was no exception. Her colouration was chosen before I made her a ghost, I chose blue and grey because they looked nice in her first design. She was a unicorn because she was originally going to be a friend of my Mary character and help her escape her painting prison.


The ghost idea came up when I made a mistake in my image editing software and I liked the idea. Of course, I had to bring some heavy balancing into the equation to make her less overpowered, mainly how she cant interact with small objects without a huge amount of magic, but I don't RP anyway.

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I tried to make my OC reminiscent of me, with redish brown colour mane and tail, the mane was originally shorter, but my hairs growing out so the manes been drawn longer. My Eyes match up with my OC, and so do my skills. She was originally an earth pony , but I released that it'd be difficult for a pony to draw, so she's now a unicorn, which makes more sense in Equestria. tongue.png The cutie mark is kinda plain, but its just a wacom stylus drawing a pixilate line. I need to redraw it and such.

I want to give her white hooves, so she's very much a work in progress still, but the basic design is down. smile.png


Edited by Pixie Doodle


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blu is my favourite color... also it's the color of thw ground wires where i work... they don't have positive potential so they are the only wires that doesn't kill you if you touch them... i love electricity... i've made an oc thinking: "if i turn into a pony, how will i look?" also i wear only blue jeans at work becuase they are comfortable and give quite a protection.. and also i have t fluffy jacket like the one in my oc... i have my arms free to work, lot of pockets to put screwdrivers and tools an also very warm against italian winter... so i thought he should look like me at work... he also has all of my ability (whit some "paranormal" ones.. like handling and storing lightining) and my personality.. so basically he is me as a pony XD (except for yellow eyes and mane.. i have both of them very dark but yellow looks great on blue.. also fits with cutie mark and is the color of danger and lightining)


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Someone on this one website was offering to draw ponies for people--they just needed to give her a good description. I chose black, green, and red for my color scheme, green eyes, and a dragon cutie mark (I was obsessed with dragons at the time). I also chose to be a pegasus for some reason... So she drew my pony, and I loved it! As time went by, I developed her into a character named Midnight and recreated her design in Pony Creator...and that's how Midnight Dragon came to be!

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My main OC, Cyber Pulse, was originally going to be an avatar of me. Total technology nerd, gamer n'all. While I was writing some quotes for him, I wrote something along these lines:

"I teach Biology part-time. It's a decent job, only problem is it's hard to work on lesson plans with [my other OC] around."


After writing quite a few lines, I realised his technology side was going nowhere in terms of development. So I decided to make him a full-on Biology teacher. I also tried to edit his personality a little, but a fair chunk of my own personality remains.


As I developed him I didn't want him to end up as a Mary Sue, so I did everything to make him as ordinary as ordinary could be. And I think that worked, he's not a particularly remarkable character. One element of him that went in the dustbin is that he was originally going to be one half of a dance-music duo known as HoofdPunx (a tribute to the real-life Daft Punk, and an element I am now trying to work into a new character) and also he was going to invent random stuff in his spare time, most notably a jetpack that would allow any Pegasus to fly at Sonic Rainboom-speed, and beyond. (At that time I theorised that there were multiple levels of SRB, and that the SRB that Dash can do is the lowest level) For obvious reasons though, those character traits were scrapped in favour of a much more realistic character.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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When i came up with my OC color was always a problem because I tend not to wear colors, or I try to wear all colors under the rainbow litterally lol! So I wanted to be a white pony, in theory I am white (not that it matters) but that doesn't mean my hair is black. Its actually burnett, but it doesn't work well I felt with rainbow colors. I love the rainbow... I had to incooperate it into my mane and tail as it also was important representation of my cutiemark.


My tail is not of a normal pony as you can see. Some would call it a lion tail or gryphon tail, both would be accurate. But surprisingly it was based off the prehistoric horses when they were tiny and had paws! When I used to draw characters of that, I always exaggerated their tails, to make them longer with fluff ends, they end up looking like lion tails and it just followed through with my OC. And here's my cutie mark info


The cutie mark I have is a rainbow heart - it represents my love for many things such as art, reading, writing, flying, my love for my husband, and as I go through life and continuously fall in love with new things. There is a black lightning bolt splitting down the heart - it represents my spontanious/speedy changes from one love to another in my passion of hobbies or events, I am never settled on loving just one thing at a time, I'm constantly finding new things to love whether that be in my hobbies or events, it is never staying in one place.It also represents my love for peace and union, that I hope one day the world will work like my group of friends. All different types of ponies, from different cultures, race and religion, yet we all are best friends no matter what.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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For Sterling Crimson, my primary OC, I've always loved dark red or crimson as a colour, so I started with that for his body. I then scoured through Ponycreator's mane styles and I picked the one he currently has, which is brown under bright light and black in any other case. For his name, I synthesized the colour of his body, Crimson, with a NASCAR racer named Sterling Marlin. I figured the combination was very original and represented his bright inner self that not many ponies are willing to see. 


As for his personality, I just made it match mine, since I wanted him to be my ponysona. So he has two talents: music and biology for starters. Then there's his autism, which I also have. He's also a hopeless romantic like me and tends to over-analyze situations and overreact to them as a result.

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My ponysona Thrashy is, of course, based on me: The long, brown mane and goatee reflect my own hair/facial hair; teal coat because it's my all-time favorite color; and bass clef CM reflecting my inner bassist. The only design choice that's uncharacteristic to me is the orange eyes, which were originally brown like my own, but the brown eyes didn't look right with the brown mane. Plus, orange contrasts nicely with teal IMO.


As for any of the other OCs I've created so far, it's mostly been a case of "design 'em as I draw 'em", meaning I have no clear-cut vision of the final character before I put the pencil to the paper aside from their sex. Some may see this as a poor way to design characters, and perhaps it is. But for the least, I'm always surprised and pleased with the end result.

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