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Why do so many people dislike Rarity so much and like Rainbow Dash so much?

Sazama Ichida

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If there is one character I can't stand it is rainbow dash... 



She is way too prideful and thinks way too much about herself. It annoys me everytime I see her try and "show off" all the time... it ticks me off. I think Rarity is a great character though if there is one character I cannot stand it is rainbow dash.

Hay remember how she treated flutter shy in hurricane flutter shy?


Don't forget that.  (heh sorry).


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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She did help her to see her true potential and helped out I will give her that but I still don't like RD :P

I was just string the pot ^^.

honestly rainbow dash has been amazing lately.


flight to the finish and helping out scoots.


her going full blown sperg in daring don't.  I mean i like the new rainbow dash.

  • Brohoof 2


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Rainbow Dash is my favorite honestly because I find myself relating to the tomboyish side of her, basically I myself am a tomboy and am very similar to Rainbow. I will say I don't hate Rarity, I didn't particularly care for her during Season 1, but as I watched the episodes that featured her, she grew on me. Now I say I love her more than I did, and definitely enjoy the episodes with her and her interacting with her friends. I am definitely excited to see her in the Rarity Takes Manehattan episode! 

  • Brohoof 4


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Ohh the duel shall be fought between these two until Luna calls the Moon..and then some!


I love the fact that the conflict of interest is between Ra-ra and Dash, not Rarity and AJ. It shows the depth of the community to see the TRUE difference. Most new fans might flip this conclusion, seeing as how the Cow pony and the Fashion monger are so different. But as time goes on we come back to this conversation instead. While the Orange and the Pearl may be so different, they are very similar in most regards.


But we aren't talking about Apple-to-the-Jack, miss big flank herself, we are talking about the Madonna and the Jock.


Sadly, while I DO enjoy RD's persona of the typical tomboy who a overly developed tongue and ego, she for ME does not rank far above my eye rolling fervor on Fluttershy (she is 5/6 on my list). I am a sucker for the Tomboy, I will not lie. Haruka Tenou (sailor Uranus) is my most drewled after Senshi after Pluto, and who doesn't love Ryoko from Tenchi! These two go to the extremes of tomboy, short hair (ruka) male clothing (again ruka) and rude behavior (ryoko). These are stereotypes, and to get back on topic we as fans and humans LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...gasp...OOOOOOOOOVE stereotypes. They are easy for us to grab onto and understand. Sure we argue they are rude and "wrong" but in truth they are the most right about what we understand, and know out of the world around us.


The love for Rainbowdash is her stereotype. She is the rebel, she is the lonar, she is also the best friend you could ask for and has a mouth that many would kill for. Her constant shield of ego and pride shelter her from the common fear we all have of sharing out opinion. RD is the keystone of that ideal, she says whats on her mind and does what she wants. Something all human beings wish they could be (even though we claim to do just that..do you really?). In MY opinion this is the key to her popularity. Other minor reasons have to contributed to the creators of her look and persona. The rainbow mane, clearly the "biggest" and most eye grabbing. Her gruff but femine voice has to play a number 2 to fluttershys to the most recalled by the community. These are just physical things but lets look at more personal. She has a long running friendship from childhood. Most of us do. And like her most of us blow it up in adult hood, normally over conflicts of current family, friends or job as the childhood friend is a stranger to this....god I want Gilda back!!!!!! Gilda as Princess Twis royal guard 2014!!!!! Make it happen!..lol.


On to Ra-rar, my little Rarity Belle. Oh Rarity, oh lady of the hour. Oh mistress of the seam. She of the cloth, and madam of perfection. The mare of the raised nose. And goddess of her own world. We bow to you and your inclined wants and needs...ok, maybe not every pony! :P

What can I say, the moment I heard her speak (thank you mrs Germaine!!) and watched her interact with Twilight in s1e1, I was in love. We, as the mindless internet drones of the new century insist on loving depth in things, that really has no depth. We love to have our own space, our own desires, basicly our own worlds. We fill them with the constant need to be loved and have our opinion shared via digital devices. This NEED to be acknowledged in our society out weighs almost everything else. Rarity, she is throw back but also a leap forward to society. She IS a Lady. What does that mean? Simple, she knows her own value. And does not require others to tell her what it is, or to even assume what it could be. She has a femine strength that while yes, can be keyed into things like fashion, hair, and makeup, is just a mask or shield she uses to hide her true persona. Now why say that and then counter it with my next statement, because the two complete one another, just like her duel personality. Rarity IS who she is, because she created herself. She has no excuse for her personality, she loves it. And this self indulges is hated by our modern society. We spit on those that would linger in there own creations, we snarl at those who claim to be better then others. This is a lost trait in humanity, the ranks of society. She acts above others because she has made herself above them, in her own mind. Not once does she claim to be better then any pony, hell, out of all the mane6 she does MORE for every pony then all of them combined. She is a giver, she is also a doer she will not suggest something then sit on her idea, she acts. This is trait is envied by modern society, we all claim things, we pump ourselves up through the digital universe then when called upoun it, rarely act. Ironic enough it is this RARITY in her that makes her who she is, unique. We HATE unique. No matter what you claim as a pup or an adult you want to fit in, she strains hard NOT to fit in, this grinds us. That said as many in this thread have claimed, "she has grown on me", exactly. The initial exposure to such a character makes us bawk, but after time with her, we grow to love her, to move her up that list of favs. Why? Because we are allowing ourselves to realize our own wants and desires and give that depth to our OWN personal traits, which we commonly ignore in favor of "fitting in".


Ok so if you read all that your rolling your eyes, even if you do agree. Let me make it short and sweet. We love RD because she is who we force ourselves to be every day. We see a kindred spirite. We hate Rarity (at least at first) because she is the picture of our fantasys. Not all of us enjoy fashion or looking good, but in truth we all have something about us we want to stand in a parking lot and scream about how great we are at it...but just cant or wont.


Love what you love, hate what you hate, but for Celestias sake...open your mind and accept them both. RD isn't my fav, heck she is pretty low on the list, but I RESPECT her. And would never, EVER bad mouth anything she does. Ra-ra maybe at my top, and the desired dream of a female who truly knows her place in society, but I also can not help but find humor and enjoyment in her antics. These are the spices of life. "eewwwwww" or "cause im awesome!" are really the voices of our own hearts.

  • Brohoof 3

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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Am I the only one who finds relatability to be a little overrated at times? 


I am literally the opposite of Rarity in almost every way possible.  She's outgoing and overdramatic, I'm a pretty reseved person .  She's a fashionista, I wear whatever is clean in my drawer. 


To me, relatability, when it comes to personality, is boring.  Why would I want to watch a fictional version of myself?  Relatability is only interesting when it comes to being able to deal with the issues of daily life.  That's why my favorite Dash episode is Sonic Rainboom, because it dealt with her issues with her confidence and stage fright.  Relatability is interesting IMO only when it's about a character's moral dilemmas and less about personality quirks.


That's also why I like Green Isn't Your Color, as Rarity has a relateable moral dilemma- she feels jealous of Fluttershy's success, but at the same time she feels horrible about her jealousy and makes her best effort to still be a good friend. 


But overall, from a *personality* standpoint, I don't find Rarity to be a character I identify with one bit.  And yet she's my favorite, because she's the most *interesting* and *well written* of the six, IMO.  To me, the outer trappings of a character like their interests and hobbies are just cosmetic.  It's what the writers do with the character themselves that's most important. 


In the long run, a super relatable character, taken to the nth degree, is really just a version of *you*.  Frankly I don't think I'm super interesting and wouldn't want to read a fictional version of myself.  But a character who is interesting and well written with a lot of layers, will always be *exactly* that. 

My god ALL OF THIS, pretty much sums up everything I feel about relatabilty so well, why the hell would I want to watch someone like me rather than someone really interesting? It's not like Im ever going to meet these characters, they are fictional so why should I care about how much they would theoretically gel with me? I find relating to a character to be a rather shallow reason to really like them actually that completely ignores the things that actually make up what a character is.

  • Brohoof 1


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My god ALL OF THIS, pretty much sums up everything I feel about relatabilty so well, why the hell would I want to watch someone like me rather than someone really interesting? It's not like Im ever going to meet these characters, they are fictional so why should I care about how much they would theoretically gel with me? I find relating to a character to be a rather shallow reason to really like them actually that completely ignores the things that actually make up what a character is.


so wait you don't know people who remind you of the cast?

i think the mistake some anaylists make is the dislike isn't from a lack of empathy, but it's from experience.


"do you know someone like rarity, Rainbow dash, AJ, Twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, or flutter shy?"

"does said person get on your last nerve?"


cause if they do that's likely to be a huge influence.


Take some of rainbows haters "Oh she's a dumb jock."

that might translates to "I've met jocks I hate"


"rarity reminds me of this b**** i knew in school"


I've personally said there's only so much of pinkie pie i can take at a time, because I've met people who are alot fun in smal bursts.  I'm assuming that's what pinkie pie is.

Could you imagine being in a long car trip with someone like pinkie pie?  there you go lol.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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so wait you don't know people who remind you of the cast?

i think the mistake some anaylists make is the dislike isn't from a lack of empathy, but it's from experience.


"do you know someone like rarity, Rainbow dash, AJ, Twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, or flutter shy?"

"does said person get on your last nerve?"


cause if they do that's likely to be a huge influence.


Take some of rainbows haters "Oh she's a dumb jock."

that might translates to "I've met jocks I hate"


"rarity reminds me of this b**** i knew in school"


I've personally said there's only so much of pinkie pie i can take at a time, because I've met people who are alot fun in smal bursts.  I'm assuming that's what pinkie pie is.

Could you imagine being in a long car trip with someone like pinkie pie?  there you go lol.



Of course I know people who kind of remind me of some of the traits the cast have, I just don't care. I don't let it pretaint my opinion of the characters, I would be foolish to do so. My real life experiences have NOTHING to do with these fictional characters. And I will judge them only on my subjective view of those characters themselves and the quality of their writing.


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Of course I know people who kind of remind me of some of the traits the cast have, I just don't care. I don't let it pretaint my opinion of the characters, I would be foolish to do so. My real life experiences have NOTHING to do with these fictional characters. And I will judge them only on my subjective view of those characters themselves and the quality of their writing.

that sounded really good, but

why exactly would it be foolish?

I could understand something fairly to view it objectively, that makes perfect sense.


but treating it fairly so i can veiw it subjectivly?

Subjectivity is made up of your personal experiences, likes and dis likes.


I get what you meant, but do you see what i'm saying?


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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that sounded really good, but

why exactly would it be foolish?

I could understand something fairly to view it objectively, that makes perfect sense.


but treating it fairly so i can veiw it subjectivly?

Subjectivity is made up of your personal experiences, likes and dis likes.


I get what you meant, but do you see what i'm saying?


I said subjective because obviously my views on the characters, stories and episodes are my personal views, they are to me myself objectively looking at all those things but I am not arrogant enough to think that my views's are the objective truth that everyone should follow so  I used the word subjective, which I guess may of been a mistake. 


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I said subjective because obviously my views on the characters, stories and episodes are my personal views, they are to me myself objectively looking at all those things but I am not arrogant enough to think that my views's are the objective truth that everyone should follow so  I used the word subjective, which I guess may of been a mistake. 

*eyes slowly go derp*

I'm going to try and proceed through this paralisis path.

You can have a set of standards and view something objectively.


I would consider it objective when you have a set of rules you fallow that contradict your gut instincts.

(some might call that retarded LOL or beaurocratic).


it's a manner in which your attempting to put in place a fair set of values that can be applied to anyone equally.  An attempt.

We are human ^^.


Subjectively to my understand is "this thing made me smile, or feel good so i like it,"

"this thing made me un happy, it was bad and you should feel bad while watching it."

Subjectivly rarity takes main hattan was the first episode I hated it this season.


Objectively i hated castlemaia and bats. 


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Of course I know people who kind of remind me of some of the traits the cast have, I just don't care. I don't let it pretaint my opinion of the characters, I would be foolish to do so. My real life experiences have NOTHING to do with these fictional characters. And I will judge them only on my subjective view of those characters themselves and the quality of their writing.

I agree with this, In Real Life there are people of all shapes and personalities, But that does not mean you can't be friends and like someone who is different than you

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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Rarity is probably disliked because of how she can be very self centered but then so can rainbow dash who, to me, seems to just sit there being cool but thats who she is and rarity is just trying to keep her shop running. What happened in the sonic rainboom episode didnt help her become very popular either yet to me she is one of my favorites.

  • Brohoof 1


Go away Pikachu, you aren't an Eevee evolution  :okiedokielokie: 

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Because it's undeniable that Dashie is best pony


Rarity fans are the same way towards Rainbow Dash. Dash's fans tend to not like Rarity that much, and Rarity's fans tend to not like Dash that much. Perhaps the reason why people dislike Rarity so much is the way she wields her element.


Yeah, she can be generous at times, but I feel that people think she represents her element the worst out of each Mane Six member. And, I'm sad to say that I'm in that same boat. I do like her character though. She's very persistent and doesn't let anything stop her from pursuing her dreams. She's a very inspirational character indeed.


Speaking of inspiration, what some bronies don't know is what element she was originally supposed to wield; the element of inspiration. I would've much rather prefer her wielding that element as apposed to generosity. It would've prevented some of the hate she's always getting.


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I love Rarity. I just don't understand why people hate her so much. People say she is annoying, bossy and maybe even too generous, but I think her actions are cute. ?

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I like Rarity, but she is selfish, greedy, and stuck up. I still don't understand how her element is "Generosity". In season one "Look before you sleep", I literally laughed out loud when Applejack told her to "Stop being so darn pussy". She is right though. Rarity likes to show off and act like she is the best. I can relate though because I am a clean-freak like her.

Edited by Judgement

Tom V.S. Boulder: Who will win?


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I love Rarity, her sass kills me every time.  The diva thing is just too funny.


I actually don't like Fluttershy.  I don't like her color scheme, and she is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too timid most of the time in my opinion.


As for Dash being selfish, she may think about herself more, but is this really a bad thing?  What's wrong with thinking about yourself more than other people, it's your life isn't it?  Dash is a boss B) and bosses love other bosses. 

Edited by Deesinn
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I gotta ask, Seriously, Why exactly do so many people dislike Rarity so much and say that she's their least favorite pony? And why exactly do so many people like Rainbow Dash so much and say that she's their favorite pony? Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy I can easily understand why people like but Rainbow Dash? Really? She's alot more selfish and obnoxious than Rarity if you ask me...She's a conceited show-off and mostly seems to only think and care about herself alot of the time...She's definitely my least favorite out of the mane 6...Why exactly do people like her? (Don't hurt/kill me for saying that please RD fans)


But at least Rarity shows acts of generosity sometimes and does things for other ponies like making dresses etc...What exactly do people have against her?

I agree with every word in this. Please, have my first born child.

  • Brohoof 3

FimFiction - Lunar Marines: NLR Airsoft Team Facebook page - Lunar Marines: NLR Airsoft Team Youtube (coming soon)

A lot of people ask me.. am I afraid of death? Hell yeah I'm afraid of death. I don't want to die yet.
A lot of people think.. that I worship the devil.. that I do all types of.. retarded shit.
Look, I can't change the way I think and I can't change the way I am
But if I offended you? Good. Cause I still don't give a fuck
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I don't know how much I have to add to this when so many have already explained, but hopefully my two cents helps someone out or is interesting to someone.


Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony. Rarity used to be my least favorite, below Applejack. Now a strange shift has happened... (and keep in mind I adore all of the main six, I really, really love every one of them, this is just a matter of balancing who I like most and least out of the six.)


My favorites now look like this:

1. Rainbow Dash

2. Twilight Sparkle

3. Rarity

4. Pinkie Pie

5. Fluttershy

6. Applejack


Rarity started capturing my heart when Sisterhooves Special aired. I liked her in Suited for Success just fine and thought she was hilarious in A Dog and Pony Show (formerly Diamond Dogs), and I even liked her in Sonic Rainboom (I thought she was being a dick but was fine with that because she was funny and later apologized). 


But when Sisterhooves Special happened, something happened. I began to see how deep, interesting, and dynamic of a character she really is.


Also, I think Rarity is usually... funnier than Pinkie Pie. (Oh please no don't kill me) :blink:


But Rainbow is still my top. I hated Rainbow in May the Best Pet Win! (until she started to have her revelation after the boulder hit her) and a couple of others, sometimes she really is just extremely arrogant and dickish. However, when Rainbow is written well she is written


so well.


I could go into why she's amazing but I think people have probably covered that well. I just want to add on that her design is awesome and she's the main character of Sonic Rainboom, one of my favorite episodes. So there's more reasons. She's also the type of person I aspire to be since I'm more of a hybrid of Twilight and Fluttershy. Rainbow has the desirable traits I don't have but would like to have. Confidence namely.

Edited by PaintedLattice
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Rarity is an uppity prude and Rainbow Dash is fun.


Can't tell if bait or genuinely ignorant.

  • Brohoof 1

FimFiction - Lunar Marines: NLR Airsoft Team Facebook page - Lunar Marines: NLR Airsoft Team Youtube (coming soon)

A lot of people ask me.. am I afraid of death? Hell yeah I'm afraid of death. I don't want to die yet.
A lot of people think.. that I worship the devil.. that I do all types of.. retarded shit.
Look, I can't change the way I think and I can't change the way I am
But if I offended you? Good. Cause I still don't give a fuck
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They all have their negative traits, but depending on what they are some people may decide to prefer one pony to another, it doesn't matter, stop hating on other ponies cause you prefer another!

This thread starts with "yay rarity, boo rainbow"

So it's kind of hypocritical, complaining about people not liking rarity by hating on rainbow!

Just agree to disagree and like all the ponies, that's the magic of friendship, love and tolerance guys!

  • Brohoof 4

If you actually took the time to read my forum post, I thank

Love you Dashie :wub:


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In my opinion, RainbowDash is so popular because she has the most unique design of all the main characters. Bronies view her as awesome, amazing, and cool because she is a really fast flyer and can make a sonic rainboom. She is just viewed as "awesome".


Rarity, in the other hand, is commonly disliked probably because she doesn't really do much. She is a drama queen, and she never really has contributed to the story of MLP FiM. She isn't needed.


I honestly cannot STAND RainbowDash. She is so incredibly ignorant, rude, arrogant, crude, and raw. She seems to feel no remorse for any action she takes that results in consequences. I know she is just a cartoon character, but I cannot stand mean people. In Griffon the Brush Off, Rainbow states "you're not annoying as I thought, Pinkie". How f*cking rude of her to say that. She thinks she is so incredibly high and mighty that she has no real feelings for other ponies. She acts like she does, but underneath, she doesn't at all.


Rarity is actually one of my favorite ponies simply because she overreacts. And it is HILARIOUS when she has tantrums. I feel that she is a great addition to the show.


If Rainbow Dash didn't exist, the show would be better off.



Edited by Samurott77
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As I have said before in this topic both rarity and rainbow dash are among my least favorite ponies but I will defend ther character. It is true that dash is arrogant and rude, but personally I believe those traits are just skin deep. I think that, similar to Fluttershye, Dash suffers from crippling insecurity. They deal with a common problem in opposite manners though. Fluttershye is reserved and shy whereas I believe that Dash craves other ponies to pay attention to her and to think she is cool in order to validate her self-esteem. I think this is clear in the episode mystery mare do well when Dash is so strongly affected by being outshined and losing the public eye to the mare do well. Additionally I think that if Dash is as selfconceited as some people are saying that she wouldn't go to such extremes to protect and defend her friends, especially in the circumstances when doing so would force her to lose something she wants. An example of this is in episode 1 where she helps her friends instead of joining Nightmare Moons best flying team. Oh and Samurott if you are basing an argument on one line from one episode, I could give you a long list of mean and terrible things each pony has said throughout the course of the show. One line is never indicative of a character's personality.


On the other hand, I have tried for a long time to understand Rarity, and I just don't think I do. Her generosity seems to contradict her vanity. This leads to a very interesting character development, but sometimes I just cannot understand her actions. In Look Before you Sleep, Rarity is extremely reluctant to help applejack and Twilight with the tree because she would get "icky." In the end she does help, but it takes her a while to decide to help. For the same pony to instantly, without question, butcher her own tail to help a distraught sea monster is hard for me to comprehend. I find Rarity's character interesting but I just can't seem to understand her because to me, she seems to act very inconsistently


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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I agree with every word in this. Please, have my first born child.

You do know that I'm a dude right? lol


But thank you very much.

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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I'd really like to see a Rarity and Rainbow Dash friendship episode. A story focusing on both of them might help bridge the gap between their fanbases a bit. 


Rarity and Applejack are incredibly different too, but they've had significant shared screentime (Look Before You Sleep, as well as scenes in Best Night Ever and Sisterhooves Social), which highlights what great friends they are. In RD's case, she really only hangs out with Rarity when they're both part of a larger group, so it'd be interesting to see.

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