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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Pavisa shuddered as she made it into the shack - after pushing through the snow for so long, the small warmth that had awaited them had felt like a physical blow.  When Crimson made the fire larger she practically winced - going from freezing to thawing that quickly hurt...  At least, she attributed it to that.


As most of the others went off to inspect the conditions of the kitchen, Pavisa took the opportunity to head towards the stairs.  It was nothing against the others, but for the moment the ex guard just wanted to be alone...  She was starting to get a headache, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.  They'd been in danger since the train wrecked - it was making her paranoid.  You're supposed to be protecting the others, Pavisa...  You can't let them see you have a breakdown now.


Making her way up the stairs, Pavisa picks a random room to inspect.  She knew she should have been more on-guard, but she was distracted by her thoughts as she pushed open one of the nearest doors to look into the room.  How are they doing back in Canterlot?  I hope leaving the Guard the way I did isn't causing my brother much trouble...  I should have stopped in and said hi while we were there.  Even as she pushes open the door, she moves her hoof from the opened door to the side of her helmet.  Her headache was getting worse...  Trying to shake it off, Pavisa shuts her eyes briefly before taking a look around.





@@Midnight Scribbler,






Since they were getting ready to leave, Zintiik took that as his cue to fly back out of the cavern.  He was the only one in the group who could fly, at least it seemed, so he took it on himself to fly ahead as a scout.  Plus, it helped him deal with the cold if he didn't stop moving...  The beating of his wings kept him, if not warm, at least functioning.  He flies a short distance ahead before stopping to hover just by the cave mouth, turning to wait for the others.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Clockwork Green


@@Commander Tangent,




As they entered the cabin, Clockwork glanced to Eclipse. He grunted in response to the notion of fighting something so powerful. "A foolish thing to attempt.. Noble a cause as it may have been. It would seem you are mistaken though" He chuckled. "It is plenty warm in here.. Strange though, somepony must have been here recently." He glanced over the inside of the cabin, the embers smouldering in the fireplace suddenly igniting brighter into a full on fire as Crimson waved his hoof to it. Clockwork could see the quarrel in their eyes, Icarus and Crimson. the venomous glances, the remarks. His work had already begun, even without trying, the dissonance had sparked just as Crimson had ignited the fire within the cabin. He smiled coldly at Crimson, knowing what he was capable of, but knowing he wouldn't provoke the stallion to attack, he knew he was safe as long as he played his cards right. Tricks were always his specialty, neither they, nor anypony else had any idea what Clockwork was capable of. His strength lay not within physical ability, nor in the sly tactic of an assassin. No, his work was within the realms of something far more complex and confusing, something feared and loathed by most. Something that lived within his mind, and followed him wherever he went. And it was already taking hold of them. "Worry yourself not with what he will do.. I'm certain you and the others will prevail over any.. hardships. We must look out for one another after all.. you wouldn't want to anger the only doctor we have, would you?" He remarked in an almost mocking tone, knowing this would hit a nerve, possibly a hot point on his temperament. With that he trotted over toward where Aegis and the others were. Food was on his mind, he had little to eat in the past days, and now his stomach was cramping from the lack of nourishment. "I do hate to be a bother, and I apologize for interrupting, but I must ask. Would I be able to borrow a meal off you, Aegis? Whenever you finish with what you are making here. I will repay you in whatever way I can. Perhaps when we manage to make it to the Crystal Kingdom." He tried to put on the warmest persona he could muster. He was sincere, being as hungry as he was, there was little other option for him.



Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler attempted his spell again, this time his power was stronger, and didn't require a high amount of strain. The potency was improving and the wound was beginning to slowly heal up. As he walked, Mirror slowed down, and began walking by his side, he smiled at her. Feeling as though he had at least a place by somepony's side for now. Orion had left him out in the cold, in more than one way now. Was he truly worth following? The thought crossed Scribbler's mind, causing his heart to sink. Was befriending this stallion a mistake after all? He sighed, and shoved the thought down. What mattered now was that he had no other choice but to follow Orion's lead. Hopefully things would look up from here. He glanced to mirror. "Well.. Looks like that blanket you gave me is going to come in handy once more.." He mused, then looked thoughtful. "You have been most kind to me, Mirror. I am in your debt."



Crimson chuckled at Clockworks warning. "Don't worry Clock, I wasn't planning on hurting the poor naïve doctor unless he attacks me first, that is...besides, I'm not here to fight my own nakama, I'm here to take down Noble...that's all..." he said, taking a swig of rum.

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Midnight Sky


When Midnight and his sister entered the lodge, he could tell his sister was eager to explore it to see all the decor, and Midnight wasn't one to begrudge his sister something she enjoyed when it seemed safe enough. "Go on Sunshine, I know you want to look around this place. Just don't get yourself into trouble." Midnight said to his sister. "Really? Thanks Midnight!" Sunshine exclaimed excitedly before running off and going off to who knows where. Even though letting his sister roam in a strange new place like  this lodge worried Midnight, he knew that sometimes he needed to give his sister some space, and sometimes he needed some space for himself as well.


Looking around the lodge, the others seemed to take no time at all to make themselves comfortable, but Midnight just couldn't let go of his suspicions. The fact that there was a lodge out here in the middle of nowhere was strange enough, but for it to be fully intact and for the fire to still be lit when they arrived was just too strange. Clearly somepony had been here at least a few hours before they all arrived, and if so would they return? Midnight didn't want to know how a pony who lives in this barren wasteland would react to a whole group of strangers lounging around in their house, and the fact that the others appeared to be relaxing just put Midnight even more on edge. But since this was the best shelter around Midnight knew that they'd just have to take that chance, so he might as well try and relax a little as well and as such Midnight walked over to the lounge looking area and sat down to rest. After running for their lives from that strange light, resting felt wonderful.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Aegis Dare

@@@Commander Tangent, Anyone else currently in the kitchen


"That'd be something to see." Aegis said to Blast. He then found exactly what he was looking for: A frying pan. "Jackpot! Somepony get a head count. I need to know how many I'm cooking for."


He dug his preserved food out of his saddlebags and turned on the stove. "Look at that. It works." He turned to Icarus. "Well, I think Eclipse has a copy of Dreaming of Wings. That was my romance novel...which hardly anypony bought,,,"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Hmmm, I may have to check it out. The only thing I have released are medical reports," Icarus got a whiff of the food as he walked out and started to count all of the party members inside the cabin, hopefully not missing anyone or miscounting. He then returns to the kitchen. 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Blasted Nova

"Well, Eclipse had always liked reading romance novels. Never really understood why." Blast said, trying to make a head count. He was about to say eleven, but then again, he could be wrong. "He probably said that it reminded him of himself. Makes sense. He doesn't have any love to have and no memory of what he probably had so long ago."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@,@@SilverHeart,@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Nomadic,


Willow Starsinger


"So where will we go?" Willow asked tiredly, grunting in pain again, rubbing her eyes. She stayed close to her brother, not wanting to leave his side. Willow wobbled around for a bit until she pulled on her mane.


Willow noticed Zintiik leaving and wanted badly to follow him. She decided to stick to her word though, and stay by Orion. She's already given him enough trouble. She began to try to lead the group down the path, occasionally wobbling into a wall.


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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @


Watching Willow walk away, and the bug once again trying to unnerve the stallion. Denarius smirked at Zintiik's feeble attempt. Admittedly though, he was still slightly on edge due to the unsightly appearance of the changeling, but he would try not to lose face so readily again, especially in front of the others here. A chuckle left his lips before both, he and the changeling, backed away from each other to go about their own business.


Denarius listened intently to the others speak. Hoping to find any information to use for later. Though much of the info seemed already known by the stallion or went completely over his head, one juicy morsel slipped through Orion's lips though. Apparently, this expedition of their's had something to do with somepony named Noble. It wasn't much, but it was at least a starting point.


He would have to pick a time for further inquiry, granted the group seemed to be ready to leave. Interesting, possibly on the trek Denarius could achieve at least a private conversation with somepony to glean a little bit more info out of them, and hopefully get a better grasp of his current situation. He was getting anxious. The sooner they left, the sooner he could try and get more info with less suspicious eyes focussed on him. With a wide grin Denarius spoke up, "If everypony is to just stand around here nothing will be accomplished. I'll be waiting for everypony up at the cavern's mouth for when your all ready to leave". Turning around he began to head for the entrance. He hoped that the others would follow suit.

Edited by Nomadic
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Mirror Image


Scribbler attempted his spell again, this time his power was stronger, and didn't require a high amount of strain. The potency was improving and the wound was beginning to slowly heal up. As he walked, Mirror slowed down, and began walking by his side, he smiled at her. Feeling as though he had at least a place by somepony's side for now. Orion had left him out in the cold, in more than one way now. Was he truly worth following? The thought crossed Scribbler's mind, causing his heart to sink. Was befriending this stallion a mistake after all? He sighed, and shoved the thought down. What mattered now was that he had no other choice but to follow Orion's lead. Hopefully things would look up from here. He glanced to mirror. "Well.. Looks like that blanket you gave me is going to come in handy once more.." He mused, then looked thoughtful. "You have been most kind to me, Mirror. I am in your debt."

Mirror nodded, "You're welcome." There wasn't much else to say about that. Mirror just huddled close to keep the parts of her that could feel warm.


Autumn and Silver


Autumn stood next to the small bed that she had moved Silver to. She watched the sleeping Mare. Was this actually her daughter? Was it some kind of imitation? Or Celestia-forbid, was this a joke, afterall? The last thought forced Autumn to look away. For the first time, Autumn realized how terrible the room looked. Dozens of abandoned letters littered the room. Every now and then a stray breeze would quietly misplace a few sheets of the would-be letters. The winds helped to emphasize how cold the house had become. It wouldn't do to have Silver wake up and read any of them.... Sighing Autumn started to pick up the papers and place then inside the fire place.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Strings smiles at Gwyn before responding. "Enemies, Lady Gwyn, are merely one part of a job well done. You just have to clean house afterwards..." He then looks meaningfully at Noble while gesturing towards a few approaching ponies. "As you wish, though your concern is unwarranted as this is one of the districts that has been given... a bit of support." Said ponies seem to be fairly well supplied. The pair of unicorns have a lighter sort of scale-mail, crossbows that seem to be in good condition, and well made short-swords to ensure that they aren't helpless in a melee. The pair of earth ponies have some heavier plate armor and are armed with Halberds of decent quality. And the pegisi have very light chain-mail and wingblades alongside what appears to be iron strikers on their fore-hooves. After giving his companions a few moments to take in his associates he explains the drawbacks in a serious and contemplative voice. "Sadly it takes a fair bit of funds and a good blacksmith to equip ponies like this but its worth it and their properly trained, unlike Canterlot's current excuse for a guard. One detail that might interest you is that each one of these six are some of my better recruits and have volunteered to provide my new employer a bit of protection."

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Opening up into a small bedroom - the way that the doors upstairs were arranged suggested that the lodge had once been designed to house a number of guests at the same time. This particular room seemed to have been used recently however - a lantern and number of papers were perched on a desk on the far side of the room. The furniture seemed in decent condition. Comfortable even - if far past it's best days.
A faint music echoed through the room - not unlike that from the carriage out in the tundra but somehow unsettling and twisted. Once more, it played for a few more seconds before fading to nothingness. Had it ever been there at all?
@@Commander Tangent,
& Everyone Else Involved.

Kingfisher couldn't help but giggle to herself as the pirate and the doctor glared at each other before she slumped down into one of the several soft chairs. 

"We really lucked out finding this place didn't we? Hope Aegis finds something to cook with... a hot meal would be great right now!"
She looked over the bottle at her side: was it really so full? She was sure that she had drunk half the bottle, but here it was - almost full! She grinned and took another swig of the liquor. It tasted... sweeter. Perhaps she was finally developing as taste for the stuff?
Orion Starsinger.
@@Midnight Scribbler,
As he stepped out of the cavern with a purposeful stride that he was somewhat comforting. It was good to have direction again: all they had to do was keep moving until the signs started to show.
"I suppose I owe you all a better explanation. And if we are to be joined by you..." He motioned towards the newest addition to the group - not so much in a spiteful or threatening way, but with one of mild distrust. "... it would do to fill you in."
Trudging through the snow wasn't easy, but thanks to its smooth, undisturbed state - it could have been worse.
"There is a tomb, of sorts. Out in these mountains - somewhere close by - we will find the resting place of the one who wrote the Litany of Magic. This is what we seek - we will find it and we will put an end to whatever it is that Noble Persona is planning to use the power of the Litany for." He took a breath - the cold filling his lungs and knocking the breath out of him again. "Whatever else we find is ours - but I've felt the power of the Litany: it cannot be allowed to be used by the wrong hooves.."

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Pavisa blinks, shaking her head before looking around the room.  That music...  Was...  Is it just stuck in my head, or did I really hear something..?  The ex-guard groans and reaches up to take off her helmet - her headache was getting worse.  "C'mon Pavisa, if you're going to have a mental breakdown hurry up and get it over with...  Before anypony else wanders up here to see..."


She walks over towards the table, setting her helmet down on the side before her gaze drifts to the papers in curiosity.  "What do we have here...  And who could have left them?"  She picks up the paper on the top of the pile to examine it, though she hesitates for a moment to put a hoof on the side of her head.  And what is with this damn headache..?  She shakes her head to try and clear her thoughts before turning her attention back to the paper she'd picked up.  









Zintiik hovered nearby, bringing a hoof to his forehead in a mock salute.  "Grave robbing, huh?  Cool, but how are we supposed to find this tomb?"  Zintiik was really hoping that Orion had a plan other than 'fan out and look for it'.  Because considering the fact that he could fly, the changeling had a feeling that he would be doing a lot of work in that case...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Among the papers were various letters and notes written in a spiky script and seemed to be written in several languages - though a few notes were in plain Equestrian.
... rails. It was with great remorse that I left them behind - though with only Harlequin and myself is was hardly safe to try and return for them, given the conditions. We have moved on and discovered what I am certain is Frostlake Lodge if my approximation is correct. It seems quite ruined I fear - no doubt as a result of the years of abandonment - but well enough to rest a while. If we can restore it a small amount it might serve as a good place to start our search...
The rest of the note switched inexplicably to another language, and the others seemed to be observations on various plant and animal life in the area - alongside some extremely technical observations of some kind of magic - there were a few mentions of the Litany of Magic, but little else of use.
Under the letters however, lay something that could be understood in any language. Tattered at the edges but otherwise solid enough was a map outlining the area. Several landmarks were noted either by official names or just those that the author had given them.


Orion Starsinger.
Orion looked toward the Insect and rolled his eyes.
"Actually, I was planning on sending you to find it while we all have a cup of tea." He snorted with a slight smirk. "Ahem. In reality, the spell was supposed to take us right to it: I can only guess that in my... less able state... I made some small error. We can't be far from it: I can hear it... feel it. I suppose it's because of the Litany's touch..." He paused to glance towards his sister. "Once we get closer, you all should too."
He motioned to the south - past a river and towards what looked like a mountain range.
"It's that way. Somewhere that way. If we move quickly, we can find it and get home before this cold starts to get the better of us."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Mirror Image


Mirror Image hid a frown as memories of the Litany's Temple came to her mind, "Is this tomb going to nullify our magic like the Temple ruins did?" Mirror asked as she started to walk in the direction Orion had pointed. After pausing for a moment Mirror asked another question that seemed like it would be worth knowing. "Who wrote the Litany?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Orion Starsinger.



And now came the awkward part...


"I... don't know." The unicorn said with some difficulty. "I have investigated as much as I can - a contact of mine has helped as well but... well, nopony knows. Nothing is written about the Litany or it's creators."


That sounded weak. Even weaker for being said out loud. He cleared his throat and tried to explain further.


"Our best calculation was that it's must draw it's power from somewhere- and to have lasted so long, that must mean something hidden away undisturbed since it's creation. All evidence pointed towards it being sealed away somewhere remote. The spell I cast... homed in on it's power, if you like. Using Willow, we have already traced it back to it's source... we just need to walk the rest of the way. As for what we will find? I would tell you if I knew but as far as I know, nopony has even seen the place since before Celestia's reign began."

Never quite forgotten.

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(And everyone else downstairs!)


Pavisa blinks as she looks down at the map, looking from the old parchment to the letters she was able to read.  "So...  Does this mean that we're at this lodge here..?  But what are these other landmarks?"  She starts to gather up the letters that were written in Equestrian along with the map, to take back to the others.  Surely one of them would be able to make more sense of it - Aegis or Midnight maybe...  She was smart, but creative thinking like this would need had never been her strong suit.


Stacking the papers next to her helmet, she starts to pick them up when suddenly her headache flares up again.  She staggers away from the table to hold a hoof to her head, waiting for it to subside like it had before...  Only this time, the pain doesn't disappear.  In fact, it seemed to be getting stronger...  More focused...  Almost like it was becoming central on a single spot...


Pavisa's eyes shot open - it felt like her forehead was on fire!  She couldn't help herself - she yelled, surely loud enough to be heard by those downstairs.  She fell to the floor clutching her head, wanting the fiery feeling to go away, wondering if she was going to die...  Relief came suddenly when a long horn burst through the skin of her forehead, covered with a thin layer of her own blood.  The pain subsided to a dull throb, though the ex-guard was left in a stunned state from the after effects.  Wha...  What..?











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Blasted Nova

Pavisa's yell could've been heard all throughout the shack. As soon as the soundwaves reached the ears of the stallion, Blasted Nova got up from the chair and limped to her as fast as his broken body could carry him.
"Oh my gosh! Pavs, are you okay??" Blast kneed down to the fallen mare. "Kingfisher, what's happening??"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Icarus ran to the injured pony.


"Be calm... you just underwent a massive Cellular growth, so please try not to use to much energy. Now tell me, how are you feeling right now" Icarus said as he noted  the horn and made the only logical assumption he could. He did not question how the horn got there, but more what it took for her body to rapidly generate the horn.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@,@@SilverHeart,@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Nomadic,


Willow Starsinger


Willow wobbled around, barely making her way out of the cave. She tuned Orion and the others out while she leaned against a rock outside to finally sleep from being so cold outside - and sleep deprivation. Last night she couldn't stop thinking about their situation and wondering why they were on this trip. Willow hoped they wouldn't stay too long in the cold and the adventure wouldn't be too long.


So Willow lay down by a tree to sleep.


(( Lazy post! ))


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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @


Denarius' brow raised as he trudged through the snow. Orion obviously didn't trust him though this was not unexpected considering the source. Whilst he was 'generous' enough to explain to everypony his purpose for being here, yet this did nothing to sate Denarius' quickly growing interest within his new companions.


"Interesting, so what your all searching for is a source of this Litany, an object of obscene power, yet you have no idea what your looking for or what you'll encounter", he began to chuckle at the ludicrousness of their described quest. "Perhaps I was fortunate to find you then. This sounds intriguing enough, and I'm always looking for new ways to entertain myself".

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Aegis Dare

@@@Commander Tangent@, Anypony present


Aegis watched from near the door. He was relieved that Pavisa was alive, but the horn intrigued him, along with its sudden appearance. What had triggered it? Did it happen at the mysterious train car? Is anypony watching the food on the stove? At the last idea, Aegis glanced back. “It’s not that I don’t care that Pavi’s just gone through a traumatic change, but I’ve got to look after the food, and I think Pavi is going to need it.”


He went back downstairs to the kitchen, and checked the stir fry. ‘Thank Celestia it hasn’t burned. Nopony wants burnt stir-fry.


Noble Persona & Gwyn

@@Tricksters Pride

Noble inspected each of the armed ponies. They didn’t look like they’d attack, but Noble kept his guard up all the same. “I appreciate your service, Gentlecolts. I will ensure you are paid fairly. Mr. Strings, you are aware of my family, yes? Then you know that I can provide a quality blacksmith if I can convince him to join. But I will not use my spell on Sable.”


“Compulsive Order.” Gwyn said.


“What?” Noble was confused at Gwyn’s words.


Gwyn grinned. “That’s the name I gave your spell. Compulsive Order.”

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Midnight Sky


Naturally as soon as he got comfortable, something had to happen. After hearing Pavisa's scream Midnight had rushed to help her with the others, but he never expected to see that a horn had grown from her head. "This is interesting, you've gained a horn but not through any method I've heard about. I know of just a few very rare earth ponies that have gained horns through a sort of magical metamorphosis, but this is totally different. Instead it looks to be more like a rapid, near spontaneous, growth based on the suddenness of this happening as well as the blood and obvious pain. I wonder what could have caused all this. Could it have something to do with that pedestal from the train car that disappeared or was it something else entirely?" Midnight thought out loud. This situation was just too strange, Midnight didn't even think to wonder where his sister had gotten off to, but since he could tell she was safe it didn't matter right now. In all his years of magical research, Midnight had never heard of anything like this, and he hoped that Pavisa would pull through.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@@Commander Tangent,

@@Icy Void,


Charging upstairs wasn't so easy under the influence of the alcohol and her already frayed mind - Kingfisher reached the room just as Aegis was pushing his way out. She blinked in dumbfounded disbelief as he mind tried to register that there wasn't something sticking into her friends head - but out of it!




"Hay if I know!" She answered the question somewhat late - wishing that she hadn't drunk so much. Usually a shock or situation like this helped her sober up but... not this time it would seem, not enough. "She's... Sisters of mercy Pav, what happened? Are you okay?"


Maybe the blood made it look worse than it was? Maybe it was the alcohol? Either way - this wasn't good. Not so much the horn itself, but seeing her friend in pain like this was...


"Uhm... Beds! Get her onto a bed maybe? And... uh... Keep the fire going? I don't know..."

Never quite forgotten.

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Frost woke up with a large, slightly violent jolt. He stared down at the saddle bags he had been using as a pillow, he shook his head and looked around, trying to remember where he was. Once he had gathered his thoughts he stumbled to his hooves. He realised he had fallen asleep on the floor and grunted. "How long have been out?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes, the effects of his nap not completely worn off.


He then smelled something, he turned his head to where he thought it was. His eyes landed on the entrance to the kitchen. His stomach grumbled as he trotted his way towards the heavenly smell. When he entered he immediately noticed Aegis standing next to the stove. He smiled and yawned. "Hey Aegis....you are Aegis right?" He asked as he figured he was still seeing things, not fully awake. "Yeah I think you are. Anyway what is that smell?" He said as he looked at the stir-fry. Maybe it just smells appetizing. he thought, sporting a smile.

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The ponies in question seem disgruntled by your response and one of them mumbles under his breath in a discontented way. "Where not here for pay..."


Strings smiles sheepishly and his voice is kept carefully polite. "I was quite aware of that and it will be unnecessary to recruit him, i simply thought that i could get a better deal on the merchandise if i made my purchases through you... Less bits spent per item means more items that i can obtain. I imagine that idea appeals to you as well?" He then switches his expression and tone into a polite if serious manner. "Though i must advise that you don't get used to using that spell often. Not only is it bad practice and may change public opinion against you, but if it becomes common knowledge then it will be much harder to use on those that are aware of it."

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