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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Aegis Dare



Aegis shook his head when Pavisa asked if they were travelling together. "Sorry, Pavi. Doesn't look like we can solve this without belting them around the head or leaving them alone."



He turned to Kingfisher next. "Agreed..." 'But this is just an inevitable conclusion. All Noble did was speed up the process.'


Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the one named Mirror go down and briefly considered helping her. In the end, he left her in the hooves of her team. This apparent apathy was a strange move coming from Aegis, who seemed to try and take others' problems onto himself. 'We're being crushed under the weight of our own hearts, unwilling to let go of the past. But the darker the night, the brighter the dawn. We'll all have to let go one day. Then...we'll be free.'

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He had stood there almost in silent daze within the chamber. His mouth slightly a jar as if always ready to say one random snide remark, yet Denarius had remained in silence. It only opened for the occasional quiet murmur of discontent escaping from his mouth, unheard by the others from the chaos of the surrounding events. Such things amused him, the wild almost unfathomable dance of this place. Never trying to anticipate every move of every pony here, but rather only the ones that had mattered.


Denarius started to move once again as the ponies filled the chamber. These others probably wouldn't accept them if Kingfisher was their leader, she clearly despised him, oh well. He had stood off to the sidelines for far too long now. Trotting forward to the now somewhat sane Orion and the rest of his group, he swerved his body in front of them. "So nice to see you back to 'normal' Orion". Turning his head for moment he stated with a uncaring chuckle, "I guess you were right Scribbler, Me and my skills were more than useless here". His head ricocheted back to facing Orion. "I'll hope that your okay if I stay with your merry little band once more", a wild smug grin escaped him once more.

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(I'm assuming this new eathral is in the same room as ronin and the others. If he's not then just ask and i'll correct it.)


Ronin was about to answer amethyst and blast before the new pony entered. Just by the attitude and style of this stranger, he knew there was something strange about him. "Friend of yours?" He asked amethyst quietly, his hoof resting on the hilt of his blade cautiously.

Edited by ~LoSt SoLe~
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Stahl pushes his way to the front of the group as Terra steps out of his quarters, turning his head abruptly to try and flip his mane out of his face.  "C'mon Lionmane, drop the formalities.  We don't have time for it."  Stahl flashed his usual smile at the other captain, briefly wondering if Terra had heard the reports about his death.


"I just came in off the streets, and while the Guard is holed up here in the Noble quarter good ponies are out there dying to those creatures.  I came back here hoping to find something to help keep some of them alive while they fight back.  Now I'd been expecting to try and get a few blades on the streets...  I hadn't thought to find we had actually captured one of them.  Or that you had let it out."


Letting his tone drop to a more serious one, Stahl lowers his head slightly as he looks at the other Guard captain.  "...Terra, you know I'm usually the first to avoid a fight, but you haven't seen what it's like beyond those walls.  We don't have time to be having tea with it - if it knows something that can help keep ponies alive, we need that information now."





"Yeah, I'm fine..."  Pavisa shakes her head briefly before looking at her friends, forcing a smile back onto her face.  "Don't worry about me, it's supposed to be the other way around isn't it?  Let's just get out of here..."  As she spoke Pavisa took a step towards the door, stopping as she sees both Clockwork and Shadow come back in...  Followed by a rather spindly pegasus.  Wait...  Was that thing always with Clockwork?  And who is that pegasus?  Glancing back at the others, Pavisa motions with a hoof trying to get their attention.


"Hey, what's going on here?  Who's that?"  Still trying to ignore the dull throb in her head, Pavisa was doing her best to keep an eye on the group over near the door as she spoke.  Why were they coming back?  They were supposed to be getting out of here...  It had to have something to do with the pegasus, but who was he?

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Blasted Nova

Blast nodded to Pavisa and began running up to the... unicorn, he guessed.

"C'mon, guys, let's get moving!" Blast ran over to the former guard's side. Things seemed to finally be coming together. With Kingfisher and Pavisa back, the team might just regain itself again. Maybe they won't drift apart after all.

Pavisa seemed to have a strange look on her face. He immediately cocked an eyebrow. "You doing okay, Pavs? You don't look too good." He was a bit concerned at the moment. They were trapped under that magic for who knows how long. Maybe it did something weird.

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Byter grinned at the sight of the food. He was so hungry he didn't even have time to feel offended that he was being served cooked food instead of raw food. He grabbed a piece of cooked chicken and carefully scraped off a piece of it with his sharp claws. He then proceeded to put it in his mouth, where the carefully prepared meat fell apart whithout a single bite. It was a little too luxurious for his taste.


He laughed at the Phoenix who was curiously examining every inch of him. The Phoenix was just as majestic as he had remembered them from Arcana... Or at least he thought it was. He chirped back at the bird, trying to mimic its primal form of communication. It seemed to be a combination of several other birds he had studied. He sent a message, hoping the bird would percieve it correctly. It meant that Fenix was not considered prey for him. That basically meant 'oi, let's be friends' in animal terms. He offered the bird a piece of the chicken, though he wasn't certain if Phoenixes were carnivorous, omnivorous of herbivorous. At least the gesture would send the message across. Offering a creature food would definately gain trust. It had caused him to trust Terra more as well.


He grinned. During all of this his ears, that had been made to percieve every sound that may be useful, had picked up the conversation Terra was haveing with the ponies outside. He had caused quite the commotion in their stone nest... Dying ponies? Well, it couldn't be that bad. Ponies breed like bloody rabbits. They would survive with ease. He laughed at their desperation for help. It made him feel... Powerful. He had been put in a pretty good position. "I agree with the other guy Terra. I prefer action over drinking tea!" He yelled through the door, and then laughed out loud, putting another piece of chicken in his mouth.


Soon he'd have his equipment again. And supplies... And magicians... Oh what wonderful things he could do. What terrible things. He grinned even wider at the thought of this. He'd help the ponies defend their world, but he would not let an oppertunity for experimentation and research pass by just like that. Here in 'Canterlot' he'd have more potential for his magic than ever. Finally he would be able to refine his methods.


He grabbed the entire plate of food and scraped everything into his mouth. With three chews and a good bit of strong saliva he had swallowed it and was done eating. Time for action. He stood up and streched his back, and then his legs. He looked around the room to find something of use. Something that he could use in conjunction with his magic, or a weapon. His eyes eventually fell on the Phoenix again. He thought for a moment. A Phoenix's feather... That would have quite a lot of power within rituals. An energy channeler, or perhaps a converter. It would work amazing as both. Surely there would be a feather on the ground in Terra's quarters somewhere... He began to search, keeping his senses sharpened for anything else that might be of use.

Edited by Scribblegroove
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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler reached into his bag, pulling out the thick enchantment book he'd used before on the marbles. Denarius had said something to him, but he merely glanced at the stallion blankly as he laid the book down in front of Mirror, facing him. Of all things, whatever Denarius was going on about now was of no concern to him with Mirror in her current state. He laid down with her, searching through the pages, coming across the particular enchantment he required. A strength booster, something that would replenish Mirror's sapped physical energy. He read through the runes, and began drawing his energy forth, allowing the spell to conjure around his horn in a brilliant red-orange glow. He leaned towards Mirror, touching his horn to hers, and passing the energy into her. The enchantment surrounded her whole body, causing her to glow momentarily, before soaking in, as water would to a dry sponge. Scribbler hadn't expected this, it was worse than he'd thought. "The aura should have remained longer than that.. How do you feel?" He asked, as he began channeling some magic to her, in case she needed it. He was beginning to feel drained once again. All the energy he'd been exerting was beginning to take it's toll on the unicorn. "I do hope nopony gets injured again.. I really do need proper rest before I go around casting more magic."

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@@Scribblegroove,@@Umbreon, @,  ((OOC:Is my character supposed to know yours? How... i wasn't informed of this))

Terra narrowed his eyes... this one... he remembered his face somewhere but didn't exactly know where when... A Flash of light like a light bulb lit in his mind. This one was supposed to be dead...

"Ever since the Princesses left everything has been going to hell... the Royal Guard is supposed to be protecting the citizens, and now it guards nobles, creatures roam all over the place, people are behaving like paranoid beasts and you... you return from the dead Stahl... i'd very much like to know why you faked your own death... Hmph!"

He shook his head in dissapointment. He was dissapointed and frustrated at what was happening. He wasn't about to let down his standards even for a little... and this one though that he cared less. He aproached another step and firmly put his right hoof on the ground.

"Don't you ever assume for a second that i don't have the best interests of Equestria in mind. My own parents have witnessed some of these creatures and their escape from them has been quite the adventure to tell! I was going to come shortly before you bursted in here... I don't know about you... but i'm going to do my job right, and simply because of the emergency of this situation i am not going to compromise and lower my standards like the rest of you want! He wants to help... but he is prone to violence... he is a wizard of "nature" from the world called "Arcana" where these beasts come from. Regardless he is civilized for the most part... and i would like you to be too."

He turned and opened the door for them but before he entered he said once more. He struck them with a fiery gaze a warning of sorts for them to follow.

"Be civil... this is my home."

Shaking the intensity of the arrival of the rest he proceeded inside. Meanwhile Fenix had been observing Byter's search of phoenix feathers. He had chirped happily at the sign of acceptance that the newly found creature had shown him... Fenix was aware of Byter's interest on the phoenixes by his reaction to him... It happened at that moment that Fenix had been in the beggining of his monthly re-incarnation. A feather shoftly departed from him and seeing Byter's eyes that eventually caught wind of it he thought of something. Grabbing the feather by it's edge and gave it to him... a sign of a beggining of a new frienship.

As Terra looked through the house he caught Fenix at the moment he was giving Byter that feather. He smiled... this was a good sign... if Fenix didn't fear him then the rest shouldn't. He imagined that being a magician of nature Byter would have a natural interest on animals, he was happy that he was kept... "interested" during his absence. 

"So i see you and Fenix are getting along... well... take the feather. Only do me a favor... don't use it to harm anyone now will you? I believe i have here some friends that are willing to help you get into action. They're going to be polite... aren't they?He said striking them a side-glance reminding them of what he said earlier.

((OOC:Sorry if this is godmodding in any way... i can edit...))

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Scribbler's spell had worked. Somewhat. She could feel some strength return to her body. At least enough that she felt she could stand up without immediately wanting to fall over. Slowly, shakily Mirror stood up and then leaned rather heavily against Scribbler's side. At least she could have some dignity in front of the bandits. She had been aware that they had returned, but hadn't really been able to pay attention to them. It seemed that they had two new members in their midst. Treacherous swine, they had left two outside, probably to ambush them. Mirror whispered a response to Scribbler "I don't know...." It was the truth, this had never happened to her before. It was hard to tell whether or not she was fine.

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Pavisa shakes her head and tries to push off Blast's concerns.  "I'm fine...  Just a headache."  She was still watching the group by the door, trying to figure out what was going on.  Whatever it was, she figured it was more important than her throbbing head.






((Well, they're both Captains in the Guard.  It makes much more sense that they would know each other than that they wouldn't.))




Stahl rolls his eyes and glances back towards the others before following Terra inside.  "I didn't fake anything, reports of my death were just greatly exaggerated.  Why, did you weep for me?  I'm sure a couple mares did at least."  He spares a brief glance around as he steps inside, but doesn't pay what he sees much mind as he focuses his attention on the...  Creature, that they had come to see.  They didn't have time for this.


"Only as much as necessary - are you going to help us or not.  I don't have time to waste pampering you, there are others counting on me to get back out there with something to help keep them alive."  Stahl's tone grew slightly harder as he stared at the creature, though he didn't move to draw any of his weapons.  That was a last resort - if there was an option other than violence he was going to try it.  Plus he didn't want to piss Terra off - with him still being registered as killed in action, the other captain's cooperation would help quite a bit in getting some kind of help for the Sons.  He was having a hard time not picturing the mangled corpses they had passed on the way to the Noble's District as he looks at the stranger to their world, however.  He wasn't afraid, as he'd seen firsthoof that getting stabbed could kill creatures from the other world as well as it killed creatures from Equestria.  More along the lines of wary and impatient.

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@@Tricksters Pride,


'Please don't try to leave, I would hate to have to do something that you might regret...'


@@Midnight Scribbler,


The spindly pony ushered the those whom had been in the process of leaving back into the room - closing the door behind them theatrically. As they slammed shut with a sound like thunder, an unsettlingly high pitched ringing made it clear that the area had been secured magically as well as physically. He turned again, and deigned to not introduce himself, and answer only in rhetoric that gave no real insight.


"What do I want... what do I want? Where did I come from? How did I get here? So many questions..."




Scouring the room visually, his look of interest lingered on Shadow and Amethyst: their assumed forms clearly not fooling the pony. Turning in place, he stood in the centre of the room - still smiling proudly as if on stage giving a performance of some kind. From there he swept his eyes across the room - inspecting the rabble of ponies within.


"I have come to recover something very old, which belongs to me. A number of magical objects - gemstones, to be specific. Marked with the symbol of an eye. You seem to be having trouble with unwanted guests? I will ask politely, please return what is mine and in return, I shall end you're little demon problem. Everyone wins, do you not agree?"




Amethyst Void.


After attempting to flit away at the first sign if danger - only to be snared in some kind of arcane web, Amethyst had returned to the ground and was doing the only logical thing for an ancient creature of Arcane energy to do in this situation: heroically shifting as far away as possible from the intruder and hoping that his attention would remain on Shadow and the ponies. Certainly he had seen her - but she hoped that she might avoid becoming the centre of attention until she had found a way to sneak away.


Clearly, he wanted the stones as well... though what his plan was she didn't care to know. Regardless of his intentions, this was something that she wanted no part of - Ethereal did not 'cooperate' towards 'greater goals' and any pretence was no doubt a trap waiting to happen.




Orion Starsinger.


Orion watched closely - drawing closer to his sister as the ponies stopped leaving the room, accompanied by yet more vile thugs. One in particular - easily the weakest looking in the room - began giving orders... to both groups? That couldn't be right!




"If anything happens, get behind me..." He muttered with a sense of unease as he took a step towards this bold new pony. "I don't like this..."

Edited by Cinderscribe
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Midnight Scribbler








Scribbler stood with Mirror, allowing her to place her weight against him. He was fearful of her condition, it put their group at a disadvantage having one of their main defenses knocked down. But it also tied up their secondary, looking after her condition. Scribbler was concerned with this, but it seemed the others were more concerned about this new member who'd so confidently stepped into the room. Scribbler nuzzled Mirror once more, then smiled, though he could not see her face, he was happy enough to see her strength return to some degree. "I'm sure you'll be alright.. You're standing again, that's a good sign. Let's focus on getting out of here.. Oh, here. This may help as well." He reached into his pack, and handed her a couple carrots. "The spell will help, but this will continue to help your body maintain it's strength. Are you in pain at all?" Scribbler glanced to Orion briefly, then back to Mirror. He had been toying with an idea.. He could cast his teleportation spell on a set of his enchantment marbles.. but, that would leave an open door behind them unless the stones were destroyed. Was it worth the risk? He would bring the idea up once he was certain Mirror was alright to continue.

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Blasted Nova

Blast still contemplated the thought. Pavisa was probably hiding how she really felt, almost as if she was worried she'd slow them down. He gave a small shrug and tried to change the subject.

"So, about Mirror and the others..." Blast began. "What did you do with them. Did they try to do anything to you?" Though his attention was broken at the sight of a new pony. He looked over to it, awaiting some kind of motion to be taken by it.




White Eclipse

Now that Eclipse finally came to peace with Clockwork, he thought that he could finally get back to business. There was a much greater task right now. Perhaps he should get to know Amethyst's race a bit more. He'd need all the knowledge on Wyverns that he could possibly get. He began slowing down and walking next to Amethyst, only to realize another pony, looking to her. He was speaking something about gems... and demons.

"What gems? And demons? What're you getting at?" Eclipse asked, looking over to this new pony,

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Emerald Gaze.






Emerald listened intently - her authority currently outweighed by a common guard, never mind a captain. Of course, her forged papers were flawless and had the Princess been around to issue the order they would no doubt have been renewed legitimately... but there was no sense in tempting fate.


Following the pair inside, It took some self restraint to avoid jabbing a hoof into Stahl's side when he began to drivel on about mares once again - but she managed not to. Some stallions were just like that: it made them easier to manipulate and nothing else - a blessing really, in certain situations.


The creature was... unusual, to say the least. Nothing like what she had seen before - either across Equestria or recently within Canterlot. It lacked the... distorted properties that the wolf-things had... was it really one of them, or just some 'normal' monster? She had never really concerned herself with creatures she had no intention of meeting after all...


'Stop staring at it Emerald! That could be interpreted a sign of aggression or anything!'


Under the pretence of pushing her mane from her face, the diplomat smiled gently at the two captains and waited to sway their decisions if need be.

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Midnight Sky


Midnight had remained silent as Orion's group talked among themselves and while his own group got back together with Fisher and Pavi, but now this newcomer arriving seemed to big a problem for him to sit out. What worried him most was that he could feel the magic barrier that was now sealing them in, clearly put in place by the pegasus, but that only led to the questions that he had stated earlier. "Well that is a pretty direct method of negotiating. How about you at least introduce yourself, and maybe you could tell us why you want these gems so much while you're at it." Midnight stated in a calm tone. He may not know what gems this pony was talking about, but they sounded like something Amethyst might want seeing as he mentioned the eye shaped symbol, and he probably has some connection to Arcana too seeing as he used magic even though he at least appears to be a pegasus and doesn't have any of Clockwork's magitech inventions. That means he could be something along the lines of competition for Amethyst, but that also meant that this could be a good opportunity to learn more about these objects since Amethyst hasn't bothered to share what they are exactly.


"I'm sorry about the delay, I can promise you that we had nothing to do with this little interruption. I swear we'll leave as soon as we can." Midnight said to Orion, hoping to dispel any misconceptions he and his group might be getting. Midnight had no idea what the true state of Orion's mind was, but either way Orion's group didn't exactly trust them and it is possible they might see this newcomer as another one of them, and their cross-group relations were bad enough without an outside pony making them worse. Midnight just hoped Orion's apparent return to sanity wasn't temporary, if he went insane again in this situation things could get ugly pretty fast, and there was just too much going on to leave any risks.

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@@[member=Anyone else (Go right ahead and metagame. - _ -)]


After making sure to keep the others between himself and Rhal Shadow nodded his head subserviently, keeping his tone polite and unassuming as he communicated with the elder being. 'Of course not, why would i even attempt such a pointless action in the presence of a being greater than i? Why i aught to be trying to appease you not anger someone whom is clearly much older and more powerful, not to mention much wiser in their years, then me... Why don't you allow me to remove the doubt from your mind by weeding out the idiots in this crew? I wouldn't want them to offend you by their mere presence would i?' He then casually stated to the ponies "Hes obviously just posturing you aught to attack him all at once no negotiations, i'm sure that'll go over reallll well..."








Colors smirked and rolled his eyes as he stated "Thats exactly what i would like to know. It's usually just thugs or brutes who think they can run things better then Ice can but now... Well its situationally dependent really." he then held his hoof out to Aphrodite and smiled. "Anyways i'm Colors and before i show you what i do could i ask what your favorite color is? I'd hate to annoy you with the wrong kind of demonstration." 

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Willow Starsinger


Willow obeyed Orion without hesitation - things weren't looking good. He looked at the other group. They didnt seem to change much. It surprised her that these were the same ponies who gave her hospitality so long ago - when she met Zintiik. Well, at least until Orion hunted her down and probably saw her as an enemy. Now, she was afraid that they might hurt her because it seemed they've gotten stronger. What was going to happen? Are they going to have a treaty? Orion could do well without the Litany. He's already read half of it for Celestia's sake.


Willow turned to Denarius, who's just now talked since they've gotten into the cavern. She didnt blame him. She was rather anxious about the outcome and felt her talent was useless here, too. So she waved Denarius over for a sense of comfort since she didnt feel that Denarius fit in very well. Willow was happy that she just might be safe from the other group's wrath. She felt confident.


But now and again, Willow would eye Scribbler's bag, debating against herself to pull out the Litany and stash it somewhere so Orion and nopony else would get to it or any future generations. She stared ahead, and glanced at the bag. Stare ahead, glance at the bag. She began to inch a little bit closer each time Zintiik or Orion or anypony else was looking, just to peek inside..

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Bolt eyed the newly conjured crossbow bolt with a bit of surprise, though he quickly smothered it and looked back to answer Noble. "Well if you feel like walking a little the main entrance is a quarter block away, but i'm taking this equipment and the civilians to the storage entrance. Faster to unload with a bit of shelter and then we can quickly get these ponies underground where they'll be much safer. Razor's squad should be down there and with such defensible spaces they'll be fine once we them get down there and that'll free us up to start helping the rest get to safety... Care to chance it?"

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Ronin watched with concern and surprise as amethyst began to shift and back away from the newcomer, almost as if she was afraid of him. "Listen, I understand that you must be some kind of super powerful being in your own world, but it doesn't mean you can just come in here and demand things. How do we know we can trust you to keep your word?" He asked skeptically before stepping in front of amethyst protectively.

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Aegis Dare

((OOC: Too many people to mention. Sorry.)


Aegis stepped in front of Pavisa in a protective manner. Every fibre of his being was screaming a warning about this little colt. He was too cocky to be a normal colt, especially given the circumstances and his physical stature. Still, Aegis smiled and appeared friendly. Then he heard what Shadow said and Ronin's question, and his expression faltered briefly.


'We are so screwed...'

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Tricksters Pride@@Windbreaker,


Blasted Nova

"What? What's this?" Blast stood next to Aegis and Pavisa in a defensive position. The group could just never catch a break today, could they? "Razor's squad? We've never heard of such a team. And what makes you think you can come over here and start demanding things out of us? We've already had enough of that stuff for awhile. Explain what these are..."

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Still unarmed, Kingfisher stepped up beside her friends in a sign of defiance - not so much unwilling to negotiate, but unsure of exactly what the colt wanted. Something to do with the weird creature that the others had brought into the tunnels with them probably: she was wearing the jewell which had been inside the inscribed box after all. Giving it up seemed to be the easiest option - it wasn't noble to turn over a pony like that, but ultimately, they really knew nothing about either of them.


Not that her choices had steered them to safety so far. She chose to keep quiet and let the others do the talking.






Giving no indication of annoyance, the pony tutted and shook his head without allowing his smile to fade - though the steely look behind his eyes gave away his true intentions.


"You do not need to know any more - I have asked politely, I will grant you one more chance. If I have to ask again, you will regret it."


The smile turned to a smirk as the ponies assembled themselves to protect their wounded... one even trued to shield the ethereal! Pathetic - did they think themselves a match for him? Did they consider themselves as equals? And surely they should know better than to think that the ethereal were worth saving - that they would do likewise in a similar situation?


"Please, it's embarrassing to think that you are even considering violence against me."

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Still unarmed, Kingfisher stepped up beside her friends in a sign of defiance - not so much unwilling to negotiate, but unsure of exactly what the colt wanted. Something to do with the weird creature that the others had brought into the tunnels with them probably: she was wearing the jewell which had been inside the inscribed box after all. Giving it up seemed to be the easiest option - it wasn't noble to turn over a pony like that, but ultimately, they really knew nothing about either of them.

Not that her choices had steered them to safety so far. She chose to keep quiet and let the others do the talking.


Giving no indication of annoyance, the pony tutted and shook his head without allowing his smile to fade - though the steely look behind his eyes gave away his true intentions."You do not need to know any more - I have asked politely, I will grant you one more chance. If I have to ask again, you will regret it."

The smile turned to a smirk as the ponies assembled themselves to protect their wounded... one even trued to shield the ethereal! Pathetic - did they think themselves a match for him? Did they consider themselves as equals? And surely they should know better than to think that the ethereal were worth saving - that they would do likewise in a similar situation?"Please, it's embarrassing to think that you are even considering violence against me."

ronin glared at the ominous creature disguised as a pony and tightened his grip on his swordhandle "your telling us to give up our belongings or we'll regret it, what did you think would happen genius?" He said in annoyance, before sighing "I don't want to fight, I can tell that we probably have no chance of defeating you if you were to attack... Will you leave peacefully if we give them to you?" He asked calmly; he hated himself for giving in to the strangers demands so easily, but he didn't want to see his friends, especially amethyst, hurt by this creature. "I want your word that if we give them to you, you won't harm any of my friends. Don't even touch them. Do we have an agreement?" He asked yet again. Edited by ~LoSt SoLe~
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Still unarmed, Kingfisher stepped up beside her friends in a sign of defiance - not so much unwilling to negotiate, but unsure of exactly what the colt wanted. Something to do with the weird creature that the others had brought into the tunnels with them probably: she was wearing the jewell which had been inside the inscribed box after all. Giving it up seemed to be the easiest option - it wasn't noble to turn over a pony like that, but ultimately, they really knew nothing about either of them.


Not that her choices had steered them to safety so far. She chose to keep quiet and let the others do the talking.






Giving no indication of annoyance, the pony tutted and shook his head without allowing his smile to fade - though the steely look behind his eyes gave away his true intentions.


"You do not need to know any more - I have asked politely, I will grant you one more chance. If I have to ask again, you will regret it."


The smile turned to a smirk as the ponies assembled themselves to protect their wounded... one even trued to shield the ethereal! Pathetic - did they think themselves a match for him? Did they consider themselves as equals? And surely they should know better than to think that the ethereal were worth saving - that they would do likewise in a similar situation?


"Please, it's embarrassing to think that you are even considering violence against me."


((Hey guys! Sorry for my absence, I've had a lot on my mind lately and wanted to take a break. But I'm back now, and hopefully I'll post more often again. Also, I'll just say that Crimson had been on auto pilot mode while I've been gone, meaning he's been there and helping, but not talking.))


Crimson glared at the new ethereal before them, thinking things over in his head. "This guys dangerous, that much is clear...if Amethyst and even Shadow are scared of this freak, then we need to be careful...but that doesn't mean I have to stand here and be threatened." He thought. "Hey, geezer, I don't give a shit about the items, treasures, or whatever it is you want, as long as they aren't vital to saving both our worlds, then you can take them for all I care...but don't threaten me, or my friends...I don't care how powerful you are, you could have the power to crush me like a gnat right now if you wanted, I'm sure, but that doesn't mean your gonna scare me into doing what you want, I stopped being afraid of death a long time ago...I'd rather die on my hooves, than live on my knees..." he said, despite knowing that he would either laugh, insult, or kill him in response.


((You guys have to remember that this is Crimson's character, not mine, I'm just making him act according to his personality.))

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Byter grinned at the sight of these ponies in front of him. Soon, he'd have the greatest hunt of all time. Soon he'd show these ponies what he was made of. He softly withdrew the Phoenix's feather from its mouth and looked at it while holding it in front of a lamp. He opened his mouth and scratched his beard. He was silent like this for a while, making the ponies wait for their answer. "I thought it was clear that I was going to help you..." He said slowly. He then grinned and looked at the ponies again. "It's just the 'how' part that I will not tell. Even if I wanted to I couldn't..." He said with one of the biggest grins he had ever given. It was demonic, the way he looked with his hair going in all directions, and his horns did not exactly make it easier on him.


"I have a plan. A plan that is... risky, but it will only put me at risk. As far as I know, you ponies do not like taking risks." He said, dramatically pausing while taking a look at the feather again. "But I do. Even more so, I am willing to take the risk for the sake of my own pride. All my plan needs is your coöperation, your trust, thought that might fall within 'coöperation', and I will need some resources." He said while reaching for his wand on his belt. After trying to grab the air a few times, he looked down realising that it had been taken away from him. "Oh, and I will need my staves back... They are of vital importance." He said, frowning lightly.


He walked closer to the ponies. "It's either my plan, or I will come along with you and kill any of the creatures you might meet. I just think my plan will be more efficient... Your choice." He said, bowing dramatically for them. When he stood straight again he laughed.

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