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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Midnight Scribbler








Scribbler stood with Mirror, allowing her to place her weight against him. He was fearful of her condition, it put their group at a disadvantage having one of their main defenses knocked down. But it also tied up their secondary, looking after her condition. Scribbler was concerned with this, but it seemed the others were more concerned about this new member who'd so confidently stepped into the room. Scribbler nuzzled Mirror once more, then smiled, though he could not see her face, he was happy enough to see her strength return to some degree. "I'm sure you'll be alright.. You're standing again, that's a good sign. Let's focus on getting out of here.. Oh, here. This may help as well." He reached into his pack, and handed her a couple carrots. "The spell will help, but this will continue to help your body maintain it's strength. Are you in pain at all?" Scribbler glanced to Orion briefly, then back to Mirror. He had been toying with an idea.. He could cast his teleportation spell on a set of his enchantment marbles.. but, that would leave an open door behind them unless the stones were destroyed. Was it worth the risk? He would bring the idea up once he was certain Mirror was alright to continue.

"A little bit...but it's bearable....." Mirror said before taking a bite of one if the carrots. She watched as Orion took a step towards the Pegasus. "Thank you, Scribbler." Mirror mumbled, hoping that only he could hear her. Being this weak, especially in front of other ponies, wasn't something she found very enjoyable.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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White Eclipse

"If you were trustworthy, you would tell us why we needed to give you Amethyst and Shadow in the first place." Eclipse began charging up his magic and got into a battle stance. "But, since you aren't willing to explain, we won't let you take them without a fight. Amethyst and Shadow may be smart alecs, more so Shadow, but their home is at stake... and so is ours. I'll do what is necessary to fulfill my promise to Starshine. I will protect Equestria... and Amethyst's world as well."

"You have one last chance to explain."

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"Those putrid race-traitors? It would be doing us all a service if I removed them from existence here and now... but they aren't what I am here for. They can burn along with this world for all I care."


Every word still sounded perfectly civilised and friendly, despite the actual content of what was being said. No passion even - he might have been greeting a stranger in the street judging on tone alone.


"I merely find it entertaining that you have so easily accepted them into your midst after what they have done... Oh, didn't they tell you? I'll not spoil the surprise then. It's clear that they think of themselves as greater than they are - names are for creatures whom deserve them, not vermin like these."


He smirked and turned his back on the ponies - ignoring their empty threats as he looked over the others whom had remained quiet so far: no doubt presuming that he had forgotten about them. He stepped casually closer - resting a hoof on Orion's shoulder.


"Six stones. You've seen them haven't you?" He paused. "You don't have them... but one of you does. If would not be considered wise to hide them."




Orion Starsinger.


Orion stared down the pony: even weak as he was, this Pegasus was doubtless nothing but bluster, nothing more than the others. He was about to retort when a familiar blue Wyrm floated closer - it's glow so weak it was hardly recognisable - and took position just beside the pegasus.


"Kricket..?" Orion said in a deadpan tone. "What in Equestria?"


The pony smirked, and directed his attention to the Wyrm.


"Kindly locate the stones, and we will take care of whomever is concealing them."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Ronin grunted as he was ignored but gave amethyst a questioning glance "what's he talking about? You two didn't do anything wrong... Did you?" He asked curiously. He was well aware that all of them were still in danger, but his curiosity and confusion compelled him to ask questions.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Willow Starsinger


"Kricket?" Willow instantly stopped digging her hoof into the dirt when she noticed that he was flitting around by somepony else.


Somepony else.


Willow wasnt sure whether she should hug the little drake or hit him with a chair. Did Orion know about this? He has created him, after all. Was this where Kricket was this whole time? She didn't know what to feel, but she knew that she felt betrayed. Kricket was the closest thing to something to care for a really long time, and even risked her life to jump after it into that cavern. Well, not all "innocent" creatures are loyal.


Willow looked at Orion, then Kricket, then the pony who was booming over them. He's mentioned something about stones. Who could have them? She looked at the ponies within her group. Zintiik didn't have any pockets. Willow's glimpsed in Scribbler's bag and only saw the book. She knew Mirror didn't have anything. Orion wouldn't hide stuff from her. That left Denarius. She decided not to chicken out this time and talked to this.. well, loud pony.


"What stones?"


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Amethyst Void.




When she spoke, Amethysts words were little more than a panicked hiss which she hoped wouldn't be overheard by the intruder.


"I don't... No! No of course not! He's... stalling or... or bluffing or something!"


It wasn't a particularly convincing denial by all accounts.


"We're a team and... stuff... right? I helped with the Litany - and the Stalkers! Just... he might have a slight grudge against me - he's trying to turn you against me!"

Never quite forgotten.

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When Amethyst panicked at Ronin's question Shadow growled out a whisper to the pair, directing the sound away from the others in a mimicked sound spell (Thank you Mirror XD) "She didn't do a thing, i caused a detonation in your cave when trying to break into this place. Now can we get back to the task at hand, hes trying to distract and fracture you guys and numbers are your only advantage here..."

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@,@@Tricksters Pride,  


White Eclipse

"Guys, a team should never hide anything from each other, and I've experienced plenty of that. And, if it happens one more time, I'll never be able to trust anypony again." Eclipse said, looking up to Shadow and Amethyst. "I hope both of you to be completely honest with us. Are we just tools? Are we simply chess pieces on the board in some kind of much larger plan?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Shadow looked at the (Clearly not paying attention...) pony with a confused look before growling out in a low and panicked tone. "I'll pretend i didn't hear that for a while but can we stop with this team stuff and focus on the actual problem?!? Its an obvious attempt to distract you and its working real well....."

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@@Tricksters Pride


White Eclipse

Eclipse sighed and looked back up. "You're right. We don't have time for this. You and Amethyst's tones have more to tell me than what you're letting on, though." Eclipse began to slowly walk from the scene, and looked over to Amethyst and Shadow and Sole. "Let's go, guys. We haven't got all day!"

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Noble Persona & Gwyn


Gwyn yawned widely as Noble and Bolt talked, kinda bored as she looked over the crossbow. She already saw three ways to make it shoot faster and maintain power at longer distances. All three ways involved making the metal parts impervious, since the weapon would definitely break or wear out quickly.


Noble, meanwhile, was considering his options. His surveillance crystal had shown him that the two he was dealing with before, Emerald and Captain Stahl, had returned to the Noble District. This was disappointing, but not unexpected. He couldn't expect the militia factions to simply trust a pony who doesn't show his face, after all. But his plan was falling apart at the seams faster than he could piece it back together. And he wasn't even in charge, just hanging around the edges.


"If it wasn't for Gwyn, I would chance it myself. There's no need for you to play nursemaid for a Knight who can handle himself. And I assure you, Bolt, I am very capable of fighting on my own. But I must take Gwyn's safety into account. And Gwyn would be safer with you than with me."


At this, Gwyn paused. "Hey! You are not leaving me behind. You promised that you wouldn't leave me, Noble. You promised me."


Noble put a hoof around Gwyn and pulled a crystal from his belt. It was another Tracking Crystal. "I know I did, and I'm sorry that I have to break my promise. Stay with Bolt and you'll be safe. Then, when you find Ice, give her this crystal and tell her that I have its partner. She can find me with this."


"What are you going to do?" Gwyn asked, confused. Her brother wouldn't abandon her when she needed him, would he?


Noble took off his mask and nuzzled Gwyn. "I don't know yet, but I'll think of something. Help Bolt where you can, but don't go giving him a hard time."


"I promise not to give him a hard time." Gwyn said, flashing an innocent smile.


'Call me if you need me.' Noble said via the connection, receiving feelings of confirmation from Gwyn in return before he turned to leave with his coat swishing dramatically as he put on his mask once again.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Pavisa was having trouble following what was happening - through her head hurting and everyone speaking at once, it was taking her a bit to process everything.  She blinks and steps up past Aegis to stand between him and Kingfisher - wait, had he been trying to protect her?  Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around?


She didn't say anything, though she did focus her attention on the pegasus she had noticed before.  The one that was now ordering both groups around.  He was saying something about stones - were those the ones that had been on the pedestals when they came in?  What was the big deal about those?  She kept her thoughts to herself for now though - he seemed distracted with Orion, so it was as good of a chance as any to try and get herself thinking straight.  





Zintiik had seemed to have gone mostly unnoticed by this newcomer so far, and he couldn't really blame him for that.  The way he was commanding both groups around?  Zintiik didn't like it.  He'd had a bad feeling for a while now, and it was even worse around this new stranger.  He gasped quietly when he saw Kricket, the little wyrm didn't seem to look all that well, and turned towards Willow when she started to speak.  That was one thing he knew he still had to do, no matter what - he had to make sure Willow made it through this in one piece.  So as she spoke to the strange new pony, Zintiik stepped up next to her ready to step in front of her if something happened.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Denarius' attention was continually diverted by the arrival of this new strange pony. The pegasus' sudden appearance and abrupt demands piqued his curiosity. His mouth hung slightly ajar, ready to let loose a scathing remark, yet quickly snapped shut as he noticed Willow's hoof gesture for him from the corner of his eye. The mare's presence here still possessed a greater portion of his current interests within their little clique, and would probably be best for him not to delay. 


The dank and stagnant air of the chamber swished through both the mane and tail as Denarius turned to approach the mare. His ears shifted downward as a burst of noise jutted out of Willow's mouth. A smile crept over Denarius' face, pleased with the mare's dynamic little outburst of energy. "Willow, friend, it seems you've snatched my sentiments towards the entirety of this conversation right from my mouth".  His hooves stopped their movement slightly in front of her as he awaited for the answer to the question just asked.

Edited by Nomadic
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Blasted Nova

Stones? Blast had no idea what in the world this pegasus was talking about. He tried thinking back to past events, hoping to piece together the situation. He then remembered that old pedestal Pavisa brought back from that train, along with the other supplies. And the burns... that couldn't have been just anything.

"Oh no..." Blast muttered to himself. "Pavisa... are those burns that noticeable, considering you, ya know, don't have armor?" Blast whispered to the former guard.

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Ronin sighed, he didn't buy the excuses and stories they were trying to tell him, but he still found it in him to trust them... Or amethyst at least. "It's fine amethyst, you don't need to convince me. I know you won't betray me." He said encouragingly, purposefully leaving out shadow.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stahl thinks the offered plan over for all of about two seconds, before turning to walk back out of the quarters.  "Well, let's get going then."  He made no indication towards which offer he was talking about, the creature's 'plan' or the whole 'kill everything we run into' offer, but he didn't want to be just standing around while Sol and the Sons were still out there dealing with whatever was going on.


The truth was Stahl didn't know what to think - he wasn't about to start trusting Byter just like that, not after seeing what the other creatures from his world could do.  He could fake it if he needed to, but was letting the creature do as it pleased really the best course of action?  He really wished there was someone more qualified here to make the call, like Celestia or Luna.  Think, Stahl...  The important thing right now is getting Canterlot and her people through this.  You can deal with the backlash later...


As he walks past Emerald, Stahl glances at her briefly as though asking for her opinion.  His usual smile is still on his face, though it may have faltered for just a moment.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Clockwork Green--Midnight Scribbler


@@Tricksters Pride,



@@Icy Void,







(holy mother of player lists)


Scribbler smiled warmly in response to Mirrors thanks. He felt content that she was not in severe danger any longer, but was not about to leave her side now in case anything changed. She still wasn't in good condition, but now he could divide his attention to some degree. Things had been happening in the room about them, Orion was now face to face with some stranger he'd never met before. Who was this? Scribbler paused at the sight of Kricket, and a chill ran up his spine when the mention of locating the stones reached his ears. The drake was no longer under their control, he was a puppet to this new pony. Instantly Scribbler realized, he had the stones. "What in Equestria do I do??" He had been caught in many difficult positions before now, and this did not seem to be any more important than any other.. But something nagged at him, something in his intuition was screaming out to him that he was in danger. Did he hand them over? Or did he try to oppose this newcomer? Could they fight him? All these things were swirling around his mind, unfocussed. He stopped, taking a deep breath, and held it a moment before exhaling. "I have the stones." He said, sounding completely confident. "But I must ask, what do you intend to do with them? They must contain some power, yes?" He stalled, wondering suddenly if they may be used in defense against this creature, if they had to. Certainly not without studying their properties, and there was no time for that now. Right now, Scribbler did not feel like causing confrontation, though he was unsure of what Orion would think of him readily revealing the stones. Reaching into his pack, he found one, but.. where was the other? He began frantically rummaging for it to no avail. Removing the one he'd found, he looked to the pegasus, and held the stone. "It must be that green stallion.. tricky bastard."


Clockwork remained firmly fixed on the new pony, though his question had gone unanswered, he did not lose his composure, nor take his eye from the stallion. He was clearly dangerous.. more so than any of the others in the room. He stalled a moment, then an idea sparked. He shot a glance at Midnight, who still had the lock box strapped to his saddlebag. Looking back to the newcomer, he backed towards the door slightly, and spoke up. "I believe our party has one.. Midnight here has a lock box, likely containing one of these stones you seek. I am trusting you will not harm us if we comply. Though your motives are more than a little bit shady." He grinned, knowing the others would likely be angry at his choice of words at the moment. But there was more under his hat than a caster device and a mane. The gears were turning, ever clicking and ticking, hatching new plans and schemes. This was merely another problem to solve, something he enjoyed doing very much.

  • Brohoof 1

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


White Eclipse

Eclipse looked at Clockwork with a surprised expression. He then walked over to him and whispered.

"Are you crazy? And not just because you're an inventor?" Eclipse asked the unicorn. "If we give him the lockbox, who knows what he'll do with the contents? We don't even know what's in that lockbox? What if there's not a stone in there to begin with, and something of even more importance?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Umbreon, @@Scribblegroove,@, Terra was suspicious of this. He might have given the benefit of doubt to Byter but he didn't truly know him. He was determined not to let his fear of the unknown shroud him.

"Come on we both know you're not doing this for us really... Although i do appreciate you self-sacrifice. Regardless you should know that we are not afraid of risking our own lives... at least i am not."

It was true that if he was chosen to do this he would indeed jump at the chance first chance to end this... but it would mean nothing if the rest of situation remained the same. Of course Byter did nothing to enforce this situation so he wasn't to talk about this. Still the thoughts swirled in his mind.

"Just... we're not dumb Byter... although not all of us may have the same knowledge of magic, and from what i understand, magic in your world may not work the same way... but... be sure to at least give it a try. It's not bad for us to want an explanation about what forces we are dealing with right? It'll help you too... it'll help you get trusted by others more. It's all i can ask afterall."

He gave him a kindly calm smile that wished nothing but friendship. He was different than this creature but he felt that if two so different species could reach a certain understanding then... then anything was possible.

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Byter laughed. "Finally, someone who speaks my language!" He said as Stahl gave him a green light. He was about to walk after him when Lionmane interrupted his happiness with yet another question. This made him frown. He wanted to do something, it didn't matter what... He sighed. He whipped his tail and stroke his chin again. "How do I explain this without spoiling too much of my research... I'd like to keep it secret you know..." He said slowly. His eye twitched a little as he thought.


"Right... I can bait these creatures into a trap. I can make them go from chaoticly attacking everything in the city to all jumping towards me and trying to kill me. That's all I'll say." He said briskly. He then quickly stepped towards the exit of the quarters, barely able to wait for his plan to get into action... or to get into action at all.


"My weapons, my weapons... I will need my weapons..." He sung softly to himself, raising his eyebrows and grinning at the emerald eyed pony. "Surely a mare like yourself can coerce these stallions into giving me my tools back?" He joked as he jumped out of the door. "They are of vital importance, I assure you."

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Aegis Dare



Aegis's depression returned, with fear overtaking him and feeling trapped with no way out. 'Come on, Aegis. Didn't you tell them you were going to buck logic and do the impossible? You may not be a fighter, but that doesn't mean you're useless. Ask yourself. Who are you living for? You've got a reason to live, Aegis. You've only forgotten what it was. Just let your mind settle and become clear water again, then you'll find it. And while you're at it, stop being so damn mopey!' He thought to himself in attempt to break himself out and retain his sanity. 


He looked for his salve and bandages and whispered to Pavisa and Kingfisher. "Hey, Pavi, Fisher. How 'bout I take care of those burns like I was supposed to a while ago. Sorry I made you wait so long for some basic treatment."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Amethyst Void.




"... thanks. Don't listen to a word he says." Amethyst nodded slightly: cocky arrogance almost - almost - gone from her voice. In all honesty, she might still have been playing a game - just one that she had now decided to take seriously.


@@Tricksters Pride,


She looked over towards Shadow dubiously: as if something that he had done or said had suddenly instilled doubt in her. Raising a brow, she shook her head and nodded slightly towards Rhalkeem and Orion.









"Thanks Aegis... an' uh, thanks fer comin' after us too. Thought we'd seen the last o' the sea fer a minute there."


She breathed a sigh of relief: there were all there - things could certainly be better, but now that the party had been reunited they could also certainly be worse. To make matters better, the colt seemed to have list interest in them and was sniffing around Orion's sister... what was it with that filly?


"Hold on... what's he doing now...?"






@@Midnight Scribbler,



"Excellent! Was that so hard to admit? They are useless to you after all... though If it is all the same to you, I insist that my new friend here checks each of you individually... your race seems... less than honest as a collective."


The 'pony' deigned to answer some of the question it seemed - in his own particular way of answering without actually answering anything at all - as the Wyrm drifted around the room lazily - none of its usual life or spark in its movements, as if it were only half aware of what it was doing.


Your 'Litany' is powered by six coloured stones. Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Emerald, Diamond and an Amethyst. They are not of your world and very dangerous to one who doesn't understand them." He focused on Willow as she stepped forward and leaned in closer, as if to share a secret. "So very dangerous, little one. I am sure none of your friends would want some tragedy to befall you now, would they? After all..."






Orion Starsinger.


Orion was guilty of a lot of things. A lot of mistakes in particular. He had assaulted strangers whom might - under other circumstances - been allies, out of nothing but blind fear. He had led his sister through ordeals that nopony should ever see: least of all a filly who was hardly more than a child in his eyes. He had trusted some that he should have shunned, and denied some that he should have welcomed.


He had read a from a tome of Eldritch lore, and become a willing avatar for its will: if only for a short while.


But no matter what had happened, everything he had done had been with his sisters best interests at heart. He would gladly do it again to keep her safe - no matter how many times she managed to run headlong into danger. Because she was his sister - and that was what family was for.


His revelations had led to a calmness though: he still didn't trust the others any more than he had before: but he had managed to keep him temper under control and they in turn had proven to at least a shred of decency that could be reasoned with.


And now this... this whelp of a pony was here - it didn't even seem allied with the enemy, but just here to make threats and cause trouble. The threat is represented wasn't lost on Orion - clearly it must have some degree of skill to have made it to this place - but when it drew closer to Willow, a seething built up inside once again: a blind panic that had been contained... it still was in fact: just waiting to be harnessed. So what if he didn't have the book or Legion? So what if everything he had done seemed to be for naught? This was his family - not just Willow but all of them. Scribbler, Mirror, Zintiik... even Denarius had thrown in his lot with them, for better or for worse.


And so he bowed his head, and he snarled silently into the shadows around his hooves, and he used the only kind of defence he had ever mastered. He attacked.


The spell struck the pony at an angle - just slightly from the side.


It didn't phase him in the slightest. He stopped speaking am with a look or tired annoyance as the bolt of blunt force seemed to collide with the air itself and dissipate around his body.


Orion didn't stop: as the pony made to speak again, he released a second attack: the cold fire that he had learned from the book back in the forest: feeling his will drain away as the spell was released.


'Nothing' wouldn't have been a fair description of the spell - it gave the otherworldly pegasus pause, but only seemed to graze him - as opposed to the intended effect of immolation: a significant step down.


The pony shook his head - clearly entertained. It turned back to Willow. Orion stepped up again: not about to see anypony touch the filly.


"Leave..." Orion grunted. "... my sister... alone!"


He pushed forward and - lacking any energy to expend on magic - resorted to the only method of causing pain that he had remaining. An archaic and primitive use of a sophisticated evolution - Orion lowered his head and with all the effort left in her drained body, gored the body of the colt with his horn.


Whether it was because the outsider had not been expecting an attack, or for some other reason that Orion didn't know - this time, he got a reaction. A very real reaction. The creature twisted in place - a dark shell forming like that of the Stalkers but a more uniform distribution: this time more like armour than an exoskeleton. It shone with its dark brightness for but a moment as the colt made contact with the unicorn before fading away from sight, and with a resounding crash Orion was laying in the hall - several meters past the visibly pony-shaped hole in the now useless, thick wooden door.






The colt sniffed haughtily, but two facts remained: the door was ruined and no longer useful for keeping things in... and the pony had been hurt - despite his claims that it was quite impossible to do so. Chances - each one as seemingly suicidally foolish as the other - began to appear...


But they were chances: ready to be taken. Risk the door, and chance the tunnels? Or charge down the creature, and risk its wrath? A dangerous manoeuvre without complete cooperation. Climbing for the hole in the ceiling and hoping to escape to the frozen outside above might work with a suitable distraction - but what would work against such a being?


Alternatively, there was the option of simply handing over the stones: if he was to be trusted and if Orions assault hadn't left him even less reasonable... not that Amethyst would have been pleased - after claiming ownership of all objects bearing the 'eye' symbol, no doubt she would interpret this as the violation of trust that she had been expecting all along.


Regardless, whatever action was to be taken, this was the chance: it needed to be taken now!

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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@Cinderscribe@Midnight Scribbler,


As soon as Rhalkeem was hurt and his barriers dropped Shadow instantly dissipated into his favored form as a blackish mist and grabbed ahold of Clockwork and ported him outside the door. 'GET the heck out of here! I've got a lock on your location so i'll definitely follow as soon as your gone, just get some distance away from here eh?' He then drifted around Amethyst, gently nudging her essence towards the doorway as he did so. "Come on Ammy! Lets get out of here we run or we die as we are now so lets save the fighting for when we might survive it... Please?"

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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Even in her current state all Mirror could do was stare at the pony shaped hole that Orion had made. It wouldn't be surprising if the impact had broken his neck. If this...."pony".... Could best Orion so easily none of them stood much of a chance. "Scribbler, give him the orb." Mirror whispered to Scribbler before turning her attention to the Pegasus.


"Please, forgive our friend....he's fiercely overprotective of his sister. Well give you what we have and then we'll leave. Is that acceptable?

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Ronin cursed as everything seemed to suddenly hit the fan. He knew this was a perfect time to escape if there ever was one, but he also knew this eathral would likely pursue. "Shadow's right, everyone needs to get out of here. If we stay he'll probably kill us." He said, before suddenly drawing his sword "so... I'll distract him as long as I can. Use that time to get your flanks as far away from here as possible, got it?" He said, not waiting for an answer as he charged forward and slashed at the creatures throat with everything he had. He knew this was suicidal, but he hoped it would buy his friends enough time to escape. "Go!" He called back urgently


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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