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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Mirror walked toward the stream of water. Everytime she exhaled she could barely make out the thin cloud of her breath. She hadn't realized it until now but she was disappointed that it wasn't much warmer here than it was near the surface. Pulling her cloak tighter around her she moved to the edge of the stream and leaned down to sniff it. It didn't smell stagnant. Which was good. It was a little weird that the water reflected her light so well, it almost seemed to glow....but that could be because of the ice in the cavern. Shrugging Mirror lowered her head closer so that she could take a drink.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@Icy Void,





Looking at the ponies who seemed to be in overwhelming agreement, Kingfisher thought for a moment more and shrugged.


"Sure... I'm not carrying the things around though, it was your idea to bring them with us." She said with an air of cockiness returning to her voice - not unlike Redwave. "Well in that case, shall we get some sleep? We can figure out a plan for getting out of here in the morning..."


She trailed off. The eye on the box... Where had she seen it before? Why was she so interested? She had seen thousands of symbols over the years - why was this one ringing so many alarm bells in her mind? She couldn't place it: but couldn't shake the feeling that it was either really important to remember as soon as possible.






The water bore a faint, coppery taste, but was not terribly unpleasant. It sparkled even more when disturbed but perhaps the most curious property of it was revealed on making contact.


It was warm.


Only lukewarm, but a stark contrast to the frigid cold of this part of the world. The warmth seemed contained - it didn't extend outwards from the liquid as it should have. This explained how it managed to maintain a flow without freezing but was a mystery in of itself. It left a very slight numb feeling where it had touched the unicorns mouth.


There was little else remarkable: the warm liquid flowed gently by - forming a number of almost completely still, shallow pools before vanishing into an underground tunnel that was unlikely suitable for ponies. The unusual quiet still hung heavy in the air.

Never quite forgotten.

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Crimson awoke from sleeping in the corner of the cave, stretching and yawning as he sat up and looked around the room. He notice everyone gathered together, seemingly discussing something with Kingfisher, and decided to investigate. Once Crimson was close enough, he noticed they were discussing the origins and possible uses of the lock boxes. "Hmmm...maybe those things hold some sort of crazy powerful artifact, like the Litany?" he said to Kingfisher, with a shrug.


(MAJOR RECAP!! I'm so sorry for being absent for so long, guys! I've been a bit...off lately -_-)

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Eclipse noticed that Blast wasn't giving much in terms of conversation. That was understandable. The earth stallion went through a lot of stuff today. First, the train crashing gave him a fractured skull, which thankfully didn't give him any brain damage. Then, the giant icepick implanted into one of his front legs. He was probably in too much pain to chime in.


"So, Pavisa." The middle-aged unicorn said to the ex-guard. "What do you think of these boxes here? They don't look at all good to me. We could be holding the pinnacle of evil right in our hooves." Eclipse was still very cautious about those two lockboxes. The eye... what was it about that eye? "What of you?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Pavisa turns her attention to Eclipse and shrugs.  "Like I said, I'm curious on the one with the music note..."  The melody from the train car was still bouncing around her head.  Not enough that she could recreate what it sounded like, but just enough that she couldn't exactly stop hearing it...  




With a sigh she turns to nod at Kingfisher.  "Sleep sounds like a good idea.  If we're going to be lugging these things all the way to the Crystal Empire, we're going to need our strength...  Not to mention we'll need to figure out how we're going to get there without a train..."  She stops speaking so that she can grab one of the straps to her armour with her teeth, tugging at it to try and start the process of taking off the steel suit.  She really needed to check what kind of shape she was in underneath the armour before going to sleep - with the fire fighting off the cold, she was starting to feel the bruises from earlier.





Zintiik was still where Willow had left him laying by the side of the cave.  To anyone watching, the changeling was just staring off into space.  Really his mind wasn't even in the cave right now.  


It happened when Willow kissed him - it was quick, but he'd felt like it had happened before.  When he tried to focus on that thought, that was when it started coming back to him.  Dark ruins and pain, such immense pain.  He had felt like he was going to die.  His brain was going to kill him, all of the repressed emotions flooding his thoughts within the blink of an eye.  He had screamed, begged somepony, anypony to make it stop and put him out of his misery.


She'd saved him.  She had stayed with him and gotten him through what had happened.  He remembered hearing a voice, his voice.  Willow, I think...  I think I'm falling in love with you.  He had actually said that?  Was that why everypony had started treating him differently?  He knew that something was different after the falls, but how could he not tell it was something in his own head?  He was actually feeling emotions rather than just feeding off of them...


He slowly brings his thoughts back to the cave as he hears voices.  Orion was back - when had that happened?  He saw him speaking with his sister.  He lets his gaze linger on Willow for just a second before lowering it, standing up and starting to walk over closer to where the rest of the group was gathered.


She knew...  But...  Why did she say nothing important had happened?  She doesn't think that's important?  Of course not, I'm a changeling.  She's probably embarrassed even knowing what I said...  Does Orion know?  Probably not, doubt I'd still be here if he did.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Midnight Sky


"Alright, then we're agreed. Since it was my idea to grab these I guess I should be the one to tote them around, but I think it would be safest if somepony else held on to the key, as a precaution." Midnight said to the others before strapping the lock boxes back onto his armor. Now he just had to figure out how he was going to carry all of his things, because these boxes added weight that he really didn't need. It seemed the best way to fix this would be to have Sunshine carry his medical gear, though he didn't like having to make his sister carry his stuff for him.


"Hey Sunshine. I think I'll need you to carry my first aid stuff for me, since I'll be lugging around these lock boxes for awhile. If you don't mind, that is." Midnight asked his sister. "Of course I don't mind! It's not like I'm carrying a lot of stuff anyway, so don't worry about it Midnight." Sunshine replied. Midnight could tell she meant it, his sister was just kind-hearted that way, so he took out his jars of burn salve and his rolls of bandages and levitated them over to Sunshine, who then tucked them into her own saddle bag. Now that that was taken care of and things were settling down, Midnight took the time to snack on one of his biscuits, after all he'd been through today Midnight hadn't had time to eat since this morning and he was certainly beginning to feel the hunger now that his life wasn't in imminent danger. It was almost nice in this cave, with a fire, friends, and no immediate problems. It was good to have some time to relax for a change, even if they had to walk the rest of the way to the Crystal Empire.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Sighing heavily, Kingfisher felt her stomach churn... how long had it been since she had last eaten? Going without food had seemed easy before: just tell herself she wasn't hungry and believe the lie like all the others. Not any more though: her body was having none of it.


Rummaging at the bottom of her saddlebag, she snatched up some of the Hard-Tack and looked at it disapprovingly before rolling her eyes and taking a bite. About as nutritious as sawdust and as fun to eat - the biscuity bread was possibly the last thing she would ever want to eat. Still - the stuff lasted forever and was good for long trips at sea...


The mare pulled at the red strips of sailcloth by her side: freeing them and bringing them around to idly play with... thinking back on how long it had been since she started wearing them. Munching on a piece of ships biscuit, she leaned against a rock just outside the light of the fire: cold, but far from freezing.


Red wasn't there. The captain didn't need her watching over him from the edge of the shadows but... old habits die hard.

Never quite forgotten.

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Icarus still sat away from the group. Silent and mostly unnoticed, just watching events unfold. He opened one of his rations and ate the contents. 


I do wonder what could be in these boxes. They are obviously made to be protected, so whatever is inside of them must be worth a lot. I hope this groups decision turns out to be wise.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Frost sat close to the fire, the warmth that irradiated from it wasn't he had ever felt, but he didn't complain. After all any warmth in this cold was better than no warmth at all. He just crossed his hooves and shivered slightly. Well.....you asked for an adventure Frost. Looks like you got what you wanted. he thought, chuckling through his teeth.


He unstrapped his saddle bags and swung them so that they fell in front of him, he opened the pouch and began to dig around. He smiled widely when he saw his protein bar that he had packed the night before he left. He mentally screamed with joy as he pulled it out and began to take small bites as he put his bags behind his head and layed back.

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Willow Starsinger


"I'll try my best."


Willow trotted to Zintiik, noticing he's more confused than ever. "Zintiik, Denarius needs his sword back. We're.. leaving in a few moments." Willow looked at the ground shyly. Waiting for him to pull out the blade, Willow blurts out, "Are you thinking about what happened at the camp?" Willow questioned, ruffling her mane around. She somehow felt Orion's eyes on her, hearing every word.


(( OOC: UGHH I wasn't creeeative today. Sowwy xc ))


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Zintiik blinks and brings a hoof to rub at the back of his neck, forcing his usual grin onto his face.  "Wha?  What's there to think about?  Amnesia, remember?"  He thumps his hoof against his head and shuts his eyes, lying through his fangs.  That was one thing he was good at at least, he'd been lying for as long as he could remember.  "Besides, you said nothing important happened, so I guess I was just being paranoid...  Heh..."  He rapidly changes the subject, picking up Denarius' knife.  "The newbie wants his toy back, you said?  Sure thing...  I'll be right back."




The changeling's wings buzz quietly as he picks himself up into the air, winking at Willow before flying over to Denarius.  He lets out a small breath he hadn't realized he was holding in as he practically drops the dagger on the new unicorn's head.  Thankfully it was still in its sheathe.  "Yo, here's your thing.  I don't gotta carry it this way at least."





The ex-guard groans as she gets the last of her armour off, twisting her head to look over the damage.  There were a number of bruises already starting to form from where the hail had hammered against her armour - it would have been much worse without the layer of steel, but it still wasn't pretty.  Not to mention a few spots where the metal had slipped the leather underlay and touched her bare flank...  In that cold, it likely would have pulled skin off when she removed it if it weren't for the fire warming everything up.


She sets the armour aside, planning to put it back on shortly but wanting to let her battered body rest for a moment.  If the last quest had taught her anything it was that she was better off sleeping in her armour...  Less comfortable, but more prepared.  Sighing quietly she digs out some of the trail rations in her bag that she'd taken from the Canterlot barracks.  They were pretty much tasteless, but they were nutritious and easy to carry...  She slips some of the dried out food into her mouth and starts to chew, staring at the pile of armour next to her and procrastinating putting the suit back on.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Willow Starsinger


Willow catches Zintiik's wink with a blank expression. She knew it was some sort of reassurance from the bug, but she still didnt feel at ease. She knew that Orion seemed to be giving her the cold shoulder and Zintiik.. she didnt know. She felt as if he was.. no, he couldn't have. He couldn't have lied to her.. But what was that? After she had kissed him? She suddenly felt weak for a few moments. Was he.. feeding off her? He didn't want to feed off her.. that was what he said, anyway..


She glanced at Orion. She's sensed distrust in somepony. Somepony in the group.. Zintiik? Seeing him earlier, teasing Denarius.. stopping to talk to her.. It didnt make sense. He was unfair to other ponies, then he feeds off her?


She knew that she allowed him to feed off of her, but she has been feeling rather weak lately.

Edited by Shaymin


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Clockwork Green


@@Icy Void,


@@Commander Tangent,

@@Frosty V,



Clockwork glanced around at the others as the conversed. Having little to say, yet much to take in, he pondered the contents of the lock boxes. What could they contain? Who could say? All he knew is what the group had spoken of, magic was not his strong suit.. at least not yet. He would work on that soon enough. His intrigue for this "Litany" had grown, the more the others spoke of it, though he said nothing, and expressed little in the way of interest aside from the odd glance. His eyes shimmered with interest at it's very mention. He sat next to the fire, letting the others go about their business, and silently stoked the fire with a new log. He saved the coal, knowing it would be easier to carry than lumber. Noticing Icarus had taken to his own solitude in the corner, he finished what he was doing and trotted over to him, sitting down. "It seems you and I are destined to maintain our peripheral existence here." He chuckled, glancing over at the others. "It would appear they're fine, after all that.. it's miraculous really. Relieving for you, I'd imagine." He grinned.


Midnight Scribbler






Scribbler looked to Orion, feeling some form of relief, having been asked about his condition. Perhaps Orion hadn't been feeling well, it wasn't too far fetched. Though something still felt hidden within his demeanor, and Scribbler wasn't about to ignore this. He smiled, pushing it to the back of his mind for the time being and replied in a similar tone, keeping it between them. "I'm not a hundred percent yet.. not by a long shot.. But I should be alright. My magic is returning slowly, the more it does, the faster my recovery will be."

He motioned Orion to follow as he turned to the cavern where Mirror had gone. "I know you don't trust Denarius.. And I think you're right not to. I'll go look for Mirror.. If you wait, you can stay with Willow, I wouldn't let her out of sight with him around. I can usually judge a pony.. he is clouded.. to say the least. I cannot tell what his motives are." He placed a hoof on Orion's shoulder. "Keep your eyes on him and don't turn your back.. As long as we're together, I'll have your back.. But right now, it's you, Willow and Zintiik, and we have yet to see what sort of power he has. Though I don't imagine much, I wouldn't under estimate him either. If I go, I'm the weakest link, I won't be much help as long as I'm without my energy. But I can still search for Mirror."

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Aegis Dare


He sat near the fire, still staring at the packets of preserved food. "Would a clean rock do for something to cook on?" He asked anypony close enough to hear him. His stomach rumbled, but he didn't want to eat cold food. 'Looks like I might have to just eat it as is. I really want some bell pepper stir-fry...'

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Mirror cautiously stared at the water for a few seconds. The fact that it had numbed her mouth didn't sit well with her. Was it poisonous? She hoped not. Scribbler might know...Orion too. But neither of them were here right now. She knew that the smart thing to do would be to head back and rejoin the others. Although she'd prefer a bit more time to be alone. Mirror used her magic to toss a small piece of ice into the water as she stood up. Maybe there was a way across closer to the source of the water.


Before she walked off she cast a spell on the ground, if there really was something wrong with the water it would be better to warn them Using her magic she etched "Don't drink the water." Into the ground.


(OOC: it seems like you wanted her to test the river's properties. She'll do that don't worry.)

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Eyes heavy - Kingfisher replaced her belongings in their correct places - the food in the saddlebag and cloth tied loosely onto the harness, a little distance from the other pieces. She closed her her eyes - not knowing enough about cooking to be able to offer an answer to the writer.


Things were better than expected - given the circumstances - but she couldn't shake the feeling of unease. There was something about that box that dug at her thoughts like seeing an almost familiar face in a crowd... not to mention the paranoia that she had felt further back in the cave. Clutching the handle of the cutlass by her side, she curled up to conserve heat - feeling the cold glass bottle by her side press into her.


It had been nice to step out of the harness for a little while back in Canterlot... She didn't dare do so now though.


"Glad you got back safe..." She muttered vaguely before letting sleep overtake her.




Orion Starsinger.


@@Midnight Scribbler,


Nodding, Orion looked about at the group - stopping with his eyes locking toward the changeling he had thought of as a friend before turning back to the unicorn - face twisted in a grim expression of anger and self loathing which he quickly hid.


"Go on then: hurry. Waiting when we should be on the move is killing me..." He murmured. "I want to get this over with as soon as possible. For Willow's sake."


He took a step back and took a deep breath. Watch: that was what he would do. Prepare for the worst... and deal with whatever situation arose as and when he had to.






The ice hit the liquid with a slight sound - sending ripples outwards but causing ver little in the way of a splash - as if the water was reluctant to break apart from the impact as it should. The frozen clump floated on the surface for a few seconds - refusing to melt in the strange, warmth as it was carried away downstream.


The edge of the stream was more even in some areas than others, but while some areas more suitable for crossing than others, it would not be easy to do so without touching the liquid again... and there was nothing immediately visible on the far side of the bank - as least in the areas which were illuminated.





@@Tricksters Pride,


Back in Canterlot, the unusual weather was continuing to become more concerning. Past the snow and clouds, the grey sky was tinted an unhealthy shade of purple in uneven patches - as it some huge creature had reached up to scratch at the sky itself. Across the city, reports were being made with increasing frequency of unidentified sightings - shadows seen moving in the corners of the ponies sights which would have been dismissed immediately had they not been confirmed by further witnesses.


Strange, haunting lights of shades of blue were seen by ponies who were alone at night - both inside and outdoors. On top of all this, rumours were spreading among the occupants of the city that a section had been closed off as 'haunted'.


Something was happening... and it wasn't just the weather.

Never quite forgotten.

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In a darker and less controlled area of Canterlot... Which may or may not be rumored to be haunted. Sat a rather displeased looking Strings, there had been reports filing in about some shadows seen around the city... a few of them weren't his. *'First this abnormal weather and now shadows of currently unknown nature... this is displeasing. It appears that something other than myself is active around here..... And to remain out of sight from my network isn't natural. I had better find answers to this or hope it blows over quickly... These kind of things are bad for business.....'*

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler could see Orion's face as he scowled at Zintiik. Noting this, he nodded as Orion gave his orders. "How strange.. I thought he trusted the bug" "I will try to be swift as I can. I understand." He badly wanted to ask about Zintiik now, but realized now wasn't the time. Orion was already impatient, he didn't feel like pushing his boundaries any further. Instead he turned toward the tunnel, he removed his goggles, and placed them into his saddle bags. "Won't be needing these down here.. Time to make use of my natural eyesight for once." With that thought, he wandered cautiously into the tunnel, following down the winding worm hole after Mirror.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Finishing her short, tasteless meal, Pavisa sighs and starts the process of putting her armour back on.  It was a longer process than taking it off, and the fact that she was fairly sore didn't help matters, but she'd rather be caught off guard with it on than with it sitting in a pile...


After a while she finally manages to get it all back in place, stepping a short distance away from the fire.  Knowing her luck she'd be liable to roll over into it while she was asleep, so she wasn't about to sleep next to it for warmth...  With another sigh the ex-guard rests her chin on the top of her helmet like some kind of steel pillow.  Not comfortable at all, but better than sleeping in it.


As her eyes start to close, she lets her mind drift back to what had happened...  Particularly the lightning bolt that should have killed her.  By all rights she shouldn't have made it back to the cave, and yet here she was...  And she couldn't shake the feeling that something felt different.  She couldn't say what it was - not yet, anyways, but there was something...  Off.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Denarius stared at the sheathed blade nearly dropped on top of him, and he gave a quick smirk clearly pleased with the return of his dagger. Quickly, he snatched it and reattached the scabbard to his leg. He glimpsed back at Zintiik still in front of him. "Take all of the bits over there for looking after my trinket of a dagger last night. I'm sure you can use them for something", his voice remained nonchalant towards the changeling as he pointed to the small pile of his belongings. 


He could tell nopony trusted him here. This was clearly not a group to trust anypony so readily, granted Orion seemed like the type who wouldn't trust the air if he could. Denarius shrugged it off with a sense of indifference. It really didn't matter to him whether any of the others trusted him or not currently. Furthermore, he had already assumed they wouldn't leave him behind for he could easily become a factor out of their control if he was to be let go of so readily. Paradoxically, the distrust within the group seemed to both threaten and protect him at the same time.

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Icy awake to see the fire going. picking her self up from her resting spot she noticed that others were starting to sleep as well. Her magic was up she could feel the cold enter her body. Slowly and shivering, she made her way to the fire. Even with her higher tolerance to the cold she began to feel the chill of the storm outside. She felt a little hungry, but she was sure going one night without food should kill. Still for her to feel cold, and to be shivering, was odd. resting again near the fire place she held her mother's final gift to her in her hooves.

"Mother" she said softly."please watch over me and those who are here with me tonight" she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Zintiik snorts and rolls his eyes, a small grin playing across his face.  "What would I want with pony money?  You're just trying to get me to carry your junk."  With another grin Zintiik takes off again, his wings buzzing.  He was trying to keep himself distracted, and by keeping moving he was hoping to try and avoid having Willow confront him again...  For a little while at least...  He felt weird lying to her.




Seeing Orion standing by himself since Scribbler had gone to find Mirror, Zintiik decides to take the opportunity to try and remind the unicorn why he'd agreed to give the bug a chance in the first place...  Flying down from near the top of the cavern, Zintiik skids to a stop in front of Orion with his usual, friendly smile that he only seemed to manage to put on for the two siblings.  


"What's up boss?  There anything you need help with?  Something I can do to make things easier on ya?"  The changeling tilts his head a little more with each question.  At least he understood why Orion treated him differently now...  He still expected that Orion didn't know the details about what happened, but he must have sensed something...  That was the only thing that made sense to Zintiik, anyways!  Orion was the first pony he'd actually called a friend!  Why else would the unicorn start treating him strangely?


"Also, umm...  I don't remember if I said anything last night, what with the cold and all, but...  Thanks for loaning me that blanket.  It was supposed to be yours, wasn't it?  We - err, changelings, don't do so well with cold - I'm fine if I have time to transition, but getting dumped from a warm hotel room into a blizzard like that kinda locked me up...  Just, thanks...  You probably saved my life."  He lowers his voice for that last part, not wanting anypony else to overhear.  He meant it though, and the fact that Orion HAD thrown the blanket had given the changeling hope that all wasn't lost between him and his friend...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Orion Starsinger.




This was... not ideal. A lack of trust, a hatred led by a one track mind and need to protect what little of importance was left in his life, that was easy... but bringing loyalty and friendship into the equation? That complicated matters. Why couldn't the Changeling be more like the mindless drone they were famous for being? Or at the very least, easier to hate so that the Unicorn didn't feel so damnably uncomfortable with his situation.


"Don't mention it." He responded with a strained smile.


The sooner he learned some simple illusion spells from Mirror Image, the better.


"It's going to be tough ahead - even for us ponies. We have to go as soon as Mirror and Scribbler return."

Never quite forgotten.

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Autumn Breeze


Autumn stared blankly at the paper in front of her. She took the pen in her mouth to once more attempt writing a letter,


   My Dearest Shield, 


I need you to come hom. Please come home soon. Something happened. We need to talk.


No, that wasn't right. Asking her husband to just abandon his post and then travel for at least three weeks, only to learn that his daughter was dead...was wrong. He didn't deserve this...Neither did Silver. Maybe she should just tell him in the letter...


   My Dearest Shield,


I don't know how to tell you this. You were right, Silver wasn't ready. This is my fault. I should have listened to you. I forced her to go with those ponies that were looking for the Litany. I'm not sure how it happened or why none of them noticed but Silver is de-


Autumn crumpled the piece of paper up and threw it behind her, allowing it to join the countless other balls of paper on the floor. She couldn't do this to him. Sterling Shield deserved to hear it in person. But what would she tell him? All she knew was who Silver had left with and that she didn't return to Canterlot with the others. Did they abandon her? Or had they even abandoned her? Maybe Silver abandoned them? Did they get separated? Was it even their fault? Was it an accident? If it was an accident them only pony to blame was Autumn herself. Autumn's hooves began to shake as she felt her heart begin to beat faster. How long had she been in this room? A few hours? Days? A week? She needed to get outside, some fresh air might help. It wouldn't....but it might. Autumn stood up and turned around she moved towards a window. Out of habit she put on her saddlebags before leaping out the window and flying off into the night.

Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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((Alright, guys! I'm back to a computer I can actually RP on! Let's get down to business!))



Blasted Nova

@@Commander Tangent,


Blast felt warm next to the fire. It felt good to be away from the cold edge of the cave for at least a brief moment. But, it was great to have everypony back safe and sound. He still couldn't understand how Pavisa could shrug off a lightening strike to her armor. Perhaps that experience as a guard is really helping the mare.


The scarlet, injured stallion felt that it was a good time to strike up a conversation with somepony. Maybe try to make them feel more comfortable about the situation. He turned behind him to see Icarus, sitting in the corner in his lonesome.


"What're you doing back there, doc?" Blast asked the doctor curiously. "C'mon over here and warm up before you freeze!"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

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