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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler chuckled at Denarius' remark. Madness? It was beginning to feel that way. His mind was beginning to give way to a bitterness he hadn't felt in years. He was feeling drained, and could collapse any moment. He was about to reply to Denarius, before he pressed on and left him with his words unsaid. Zintiik thanked him, something he did not expect. He chuckled at his remark, lifted his goggles and replied. "I don't believe I could turn down any form of help at this point, Zintiik. There is not much left of me here to resist even if I didn't like it.. I truly need rest." He continued on, following Orion, his light flickering, straining to stay alight.



Clockwork Green


@@Commander Tangent,

&team Brandy (whoever's nearby in the cavern)


Clockwork looked around, his stomach still churning. He felt the worst had been rejected back on the road behind them, thankfully. But now he would be left hungry once again once the nausea wore off. Pavisa seemed to be delusional, something was truly wrong with the mare, though it was anypony's guess as to what the cause of it was. "I've had just about enough of this wretched adventure." He muttered as he laid down upon a dry, flat rock surface.

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Tricksters Pride,



Still staring at one of the nearest portals, rifts, or whatever he was supposed to call them, Stahl nods his head slightly.  The city was going to panic, that was inevitable.  He tears his gaze away from the rift to look at Emerald, briefly acknowledging that she wasn't hiding under the cloak anymore, but now wasn't the time for one of his usual comments.


"We should try to direct the civilians towards the castle district - to hell with what the council says, right now it's the most secure area in the city.  The bulk of the guard is there - they may be largely incompetent when it comes to daily affairs, but they do train us to handle emergencies.  Besides, the presence of guards nearby could calm nerves that are likely going crazy right about now."





@@Midnight Scribbler,


The changeling turns to look at Scribbler again, chuckling quietly.  "Don't be so eager for my methods of help, Goggles...  I'm not even certain cocooning would help a pony.  For all I know, it might make it worse."  Shrugging slightly and turning his head to make sure Willow still looked at least somewhat comfortable on his back, he then turns his attention back to the path in front of them.  It didn't seem like the changeling was planning on explaining what he had meant. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Midnight Sky


Midnight had begun to grow tired of this constant arguing, and apparently so was everypony else. Even Crimson and Amethyst had tried to calm down the argument, though neither on met with success, and now Ronin was taking the drastic approach and swallowing his pride, much to Midnight's relief. "Hey Amethyst, I hope you don't mind but I was wondering if maybe you would be willing to help us out, regardless of what Shadow decides. As I said earlier I am more than prepared to pay for these services in just about any way you'd request, so long as it's within reason of course. And if you do agree to help, I would like to ask if you could maybe teach me a few things about this Arcana place you mentioned and maybe even some of that magic of yours. If you did I would be very grateful." Midnight asked Amethyst. At this point he didn't really care a whole lot what happened with Shadow, so long as they had the help of one of these entities he would be content, though Midnight would be first to admit that Amethyst if far more tolerable that Shadow. Midnight also hoped she would agree to teaching him about the world Amethyst had come from and the powers she had, power like this was rare to come by in this world and if he could attain even a fraction of this power he might be a match for his eldest brother. Then he could go home and settle things with his family and finally find his own path in life.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Frost stood and looked at his group of "friends", if he could even call them that, he hadn't even known them a week and he was already feeling like he was going to die with them, it was a strange feeling, like he despised them for tangling him into this mess, but an adventure was what he wanted in the first place wasn't it? He just shook his head. I have to show these ponies I mean business, that I can help, my attitude needs to change, soon... he thought to himself as he went to sit next to a familiar stallion. He sat and didn't make eye contact. "Your Clockwork right? I feel like we've talked before, but not so much. I'm Frost, Frost Typhoon." He said with a small bow of his head. "So tell me, what exactly is your...or our groups plan from here?" He asked as he lit another cigarette.

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler raised a brow, the thought of what Zintiik had said sparked curiosity, though the uncertainty of the bug that it would even help wasn't reassuring in his condition. He chuckled thinking of it though. "Cocooning eh? I didn't mean to sound eager, I merely meant I haven't much choice in options. More than anything though, I just need time to sleep.. We've been going all day, and for me, I've exerted more than my share of energy, in my condition." He said, glancing around the dim corridor. His eyes fell upon Mirror, she'd been silent for some time. He spoke softly to her. "How are you feeling? You've been so quiet since we left that chasm behind us."



Clockwork Green

@@Frosty V,


As Frost sat down next to Clockwork, he could feel the stabbing sensation returning again. It wasn't about to just vanish, not that quickly. He found it difficult to concentrate on what Frost said, but tried his best, attempting to stay seemingly stronger than he was. "Frost.. I don't believe we have exchanged words yet, but it is a pleasure to meet you." He said, forcing himself to cease from vomiting again. "As for a plan, I'm afraid, there is no real plan as far as I am aware. Just.. surviving is the main thing as of now."

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Frost smiled before his face went straight again, the thought of surviving always hit him like a train, he was always fooled into believing adventures were like the ones in stories he was told as a foal, but now, knowing the true dangers let him see how wrong he really was. He turned his gaze back to Clockwork and sported a half smile.


"Your right, survival is our number one thing to worry about at the moment." He said, taking a drag from his cigarette. Frost looked Clockwork over a little more carefully and raised an eyebrow. "Hey...you alright? You don't look so good Clockwork." He stated in a concerned tone

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Mirror Image


@@Midnight Scribbler,@, (@And the Rest of Team Serious)


"Yes...I'm fine. Well as fine as once can be given the circumstances. What about you? Are you holding up, alright?" Mirror asked, she sounded concerned even to herself. It had been awhile since she drank that water, perhaps she would be fine if she cast a simple spell? "You should take a break...your light barely makes a difference anyway." Before he could respond Mirror cast her own light spell. The moment she did so she felt her stomach lurch. Almost as if she were about to throw up. At least she didn't explode and it was only uncomfortable not painful. So there was that. 

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Clockwork Green

@@Frosty V,


Clockwork looked up at Frost from where he lay. He could see the concern in the pony's face suddenly, now that he'd taken the time to really look. It was as if he'd been in some other world inside his head until now, as if the whole ordeal hadn't sunk in until now. Clockwork paused on his response, thinking this. "No, I am not.. I am suffering a severe form of food poisoning right now.. And anypony else who ate in that cabin likely will be as well." Clockwork smelled the scent of burning tobacco, something he hadn't taken part in for some time, though right now seemed like it would be a really good idea. What else was there to lose? "Would you mind if I borrowed a smoke off you, Frosty.. I feel as though that may calm my stomach. If we ever make it to the Crystal Kingdom, I'll buy us both celebration cigars." He grinned.



Midnight Scribbler




Scribbler smiled weakly, he knew saying he felt alright would be a lie. He was more than exhausted, but was forced to continue. "I've been better." A response that seemed most fitting. Suddenly Mirror took over, drowning his own light out, he let his own fade and felt relief. He was running on fumes now, and Mirror had taken the load, what little it was. To Scribbler, it was as if the weight of ten ponies was lifted from his shoulders. "Thank you Mirror. It's such a simple spell.. Normally it wouldn't even be a thought to cast it." He began to sound melancholy. Not knowing weather or not he'd be given the chance to recover was weighing heavily on him. He couldn't keep this up forever, and he wasn't sure if Orion would bother to wait for him again.


Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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 Icarus sat down away from the group, put still well within sight and hearing distance. He opened his medical bag and went through it, making sure nothing was damaged, and that if it was, it would be repairable. To his surprise, the only thing that was damaged was his spellbook, probably from getting snow on it and then melting. Though a few of the spells were critical, it was unlikely they were damaged. He opened the book and began searching for a way to help his comrades.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Midnight Scribbler


Frost looked down at the Clockwork, his face becoming less concerned looking as he figured out why exactly the stallion was in this state. At the mention of the food from the cabin, Frost felt his stomach turn. "Great, I might get food poisoning, I downed that stir fry, if that is the food you are referring to." He said with a slight chuckle. He saw Clockwork sniff, then eye his cigarette. When he asked for one Frost couldn't help but hesitate. He only had three left not including the one currently in his mouth. He looked at his pack, he smiled after a moment and pulled one out, handing it to Clockwork. "Here, you need it more than I do. Oh, and this." He said, handing Clockwork his lighter as well. "I hope your a stallion of your word. I would kill for a cigar right now." He laughed softly

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Quiet Stallion @Shaymin,    The stallion laughed alongside Aphrodite, apparently amused by her words as well, and his tone carries a trace of pleasant amusement as well. "Yeah you really don't have to worry about feeling left out and don't worry about the questions either, in fact your enthusiasm is kinda cute. Anyways training depends on what you do, nowadays most train for guard duty. When the 'Royal Guard' decided that the outer districts weren't worthy of their protection Strings started to train us in guard techniques, their really strange but they make sense and they work most of the time so i cant complain."

Quiet Stallion (Colors)



After screaming and panic becomes audible from the outside one of the ponies from the table outside comes ripping downstairs, nearly tripping on his own hooves. The quiet stallion moves to the side and looks around in confusion for a few moments before speaking up in a different voice then the one he'd been using the whole time. "What the heck is going on now?!?" Moments after the same stallion comes running back up the stairs and a grey mare with a dark blue mane follows shortly after and stops in front of the quiet stallion. "Ice what the heck just happened and whats Strings' plan of action?" The mare looks at suspiciously Aphrodite for a moment before sighing and responding in a tired tone. "Cut the crap Colors i need you to be Strings while i'm gone, negotiations with the militia just became a little more important so with this all happening i need to be in two places. Get the civilians down into the caverns and try to calm them down, those rifts don't look as friendly as they used to and i don't want to take any chances..." She then looks at Aphrodite for a moment and addresses her for a few moments. "If Colors brought you here then you must be here for a job, congratulations you are now Strings' second guard. I'll see about everything else later once this all settles down..."


The tired mare then teleports to another location, apparently having found the pony she was looking for, and 'Colors' sighs and changes his coat and mane colors to match Strings' appearance... His body shape is the exact same as well so its unlikely that anypony would know that it wasn't Strings. After altering his appearance he looks at Aphrodite in an exasperated manner and his voice sounds echoes it. "Well then... Congratulations i suppose you got a very well paid position of some importance..... Your not going to rat me out are you cause that would just complete this moment to an all time worse for me... And i'm pretty sure that i now have allot to do and would really appreciate some help here."

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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"Pav..." Kingfisher shook her head slowly.

"... you really need to start taking it easy. It's okay, he's right: we've got this."


She forced a smirk and snort of laughter - it sounded hollow and false to her own ears but what else was she supposed to do? If Redwave or Bardic or... or anyone who knew how to deal with this sort of thing were here things would have been so much easier. As it was, she just had to make do.


"You owe me too much money for us to fail, remember?"




Blast wasn't in a good way himself - though as least he seemed sane: which would have been an improvement over some members if the expedition even before these events...


She felt bad for him - so far he seemed to have taken the worst of almost everything that had been thrown at them.


"You okay fella? Hangin' in there?"


They weren't getting anything done anytime soon - but the relative safety of the tunnel was reassuring at least... and maybe now they were away from the cursed cabin they could catch their breath and patch themselves up a little.




Amethyst Void.


@@Icy Void,


Just as she was preparing to flit away and leave Shadow to deal with the ponies (or hopefully let them all 'deal' with each other), The one called Midnight - who insisted on naming her - made a suggestion than was just too 'out there' to ignore.


"Teach...?" She echoed in her wickedly joyous tone. "You want me to teach you... arcane magic? Real magic?"


Of course, she had seen his thirst for knowledge and power but this? This was something else! Impossible! Unthinkable! But... daring, very daring. That was the thing with these ponies: between senseless bravado and suicidal overconfidence there was some minute detail that had ensured their survival for admittedly a decent length if time. Some small detail to be admired - however slight.


"Well I was planning on watching the end of the world - but I suppose I could try and teach you some lore while we wait..."


She paused - glancing over towards her companion pointedly for several seconds.


"Okay! Here are my conditions! One, stop calling me a demon. Two, stop making demands of me." She thought for another moment, smirked, and with a sudden bust of light caused an image of an eye inside a circle of unusual runes to be inscribed in the air between them. It was the same which had been carved into the top of the lockbox.


"Three! Any magical trinkets we find with this symbol on them are to be given to me - no questions asked."


Her demands stated and - in her eyes at any rate - extremely reasonable, she flitted through the air above them - dispersing all of her spells into a cloud of purple light. Most of this proceeded to return to the outsider - adding to the aura she seemed to cast - whilst the rest dispersed into the world around them.


"In return, I'll help try and salvage what's left of your world... and maybe educate you a little in the process..."



Never quite forgotten.

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Kingfisher.@,"Pav..." Kingfisher shook her head slowly."... you really need to start taking it easy. It's okay, he's right: we've got this."

She forced a smirk and snort of laughter - it sounded hollow and false to her own ears but what else was she supposed to do? If Redwave or Bardic or... or anyone who knew how to deal with this sort of thing were here things would have been so much easier. As it was, she just had to make do."You owe me too much money for us to fail, remember?"@@Geek0zoid,

Blast wasn't in a good way himself - though as least he seemed sane: which would have been an improvement over some members if the expedition even before these events...

She felt bad for him - so far he seemed to have taken the worst of almost everything that had been thrown at them."You okay fella? Hangin' in there?"

They weren't getting anything done anytime soon - but the relative safety of the tunnel was reassuring at least... and maybe now they were away from the cursed cabin they could catch their breath and patch themselves up a little.

---------------Amethyst Void.@@Icy Void,

Just as she was preparing to flit away and leave Shadow to deal with the ponies (or hopefully let them all 'deal' with each other), The one called Midnight - who insisted on naming her - made a suggestion than was just too 'out there' to ignore."Teach...?" She echoed in her wickedly joyous tone. "You want me to teach you... arcane magic? Real magic?"

Of course, she had seen his thirst for knowledge and power but this? This was something else! Impossible! Unthinkable! But... daring, very daring. That was the thing with these ponies: between senseless bravado and suicidal overconfidence there was some minute detail that had ensured their survival for admittedly a decent length if time. Some small detail to be admired - however slight."Well I was planning on watching the end of the world - but I suppose I could try and teach you some lore while we wait..."

She paused - glancing over towards her companion pointedly for several seconds."Okay! Here are my conditions! One, stop calling me a demon. Two, stop making demands of me." She thought for another moment, smirked, and with a sudden bust of light caused an image of an eye inside a circle of unusual runes to be inscribed in the air between them. It was the same which had been carved into the top of the lockbox."Three! Any magical trinkets we find with this symbol on them are to be given to me - no questions asked."

Her demands stated and - in her eyes at any rate - extremely reasonable, she flitted through the air above them - dispersing all of her spells into a cloud of purple light. Most of this proceeded to return to the outsider - adding to the aura she seemed to cast - whilst the rest dispersed into the world around them."In return, I'll help try and salvage what's left of your world... and maybe educate you a little in the process..."


ronin smiled as he was released from the spell and landed on the ground gracefully "sounds easy enough. I for one agree to the terms." He said calmly, relieved that he didn't have to give up anything more important. "I guess I can keep my soul..." He thought jokingly, before sheathing his sword. They might just save the world yet.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Blasted Nova

Blast lied down on the ground after talking to Pavisa, nearly motionless. He coughed up a little bit of blood, too. He never had an adventure take as big of a toll on him as this one has. He looked up at Kingfisher, half conscious.


"Heh, I'm fine, Kingfisher..." Blast said weakly, coughing up a bit more blood. "I just need to stop and take a little rest is all... then, I'll be back up on my hooves." In actuality, Blast was anything but alright. He couldn't believe it, but for once in his life, he was totally worn out. He just wanted to go back home to Ponyville and rest...



@,@@Icy Void, @@Tricksters Pride,  @,


White Eclipse

"Trinkets? You mean we have to go treasure hunting to stop these things?" Eclipse asked reluctantly. It didn't make sense to the unicorn. But, for some reason, he felt that he had no choice but to believe this... mare. It was probably the only way to stop the beasts.

"Fine. I accept those terms." He said, losing the grin.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Midnight Sky


Midnight couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as Amethyst listed off her terms. "I think all of those are very reasonable terms, so I gladly accept. Thanks to you, we might be able to save our world." Midnight said. Out of the three terms that Amethyst had stated, the only one that Midnight felt really concerned him was the mention of other relics emblazoned with that same magic eye as the lock box. If there were other trinkets with that symbol on them, then it was reasonable to assume that they likely belonged to Amethyst to begin with, but that didn't stop Midnight's curiosity. And all this also begged the question, what was inside the other lock box? Through all this Midnight had made sure to not lose track of the music note lock box, because if the magic eye one had been so helpful then it stands to reason that the music note is helpful as well. Sadly he won't be able to answer that question until they reach the Crystal Empire where he can make a replica of the key and open the box. But for now, surviving the trip was far more important than worrying about a broken key.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Pavisa moans quietly as she tries to sit upright again.  She gets her other foreleg to respond to her this time, though her hind legs don't seem to be cooperating yet.  "I...  I'm sorry...  I don't know what just happened..."  You're supposed to be tough, damn it...  Don't have a break down now...  Shaking her head to try and get the tears out of her eyes, she groans quietly and turns her gaze away.


"I just...  I don't know, something happened in my head...  Voices, yelling at me that I'd failed.  I don't know what that was...  It's stupid, I know."  Stop complaining...  The others are in worse shape than you, you should be doing something to help damn it!  


@@Frosty V,

@@Commander Tangent,

@@Midnight Scribbler,

(and anyone I may have missed)


Pavisa's horn starts to glow again with a soft light, barely detectable, but it starts to give off a soothing healing aura.  It wasn't exactly strong - far from an actual spell, more as though the magic in her horn was reacting to her emotions.  It would be strongest for those closer to her, but the members of the party close enough to see the glow would start to feel a soothing effect.  The stomach pains, as well as physical wounds, would start to feel less painful.  Not actual healing, but more like the wounds and sickness would feel lessened. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@anyone who cares...


((Guys, after this post, I'm probably going to take a step back from posting for an unknown length of time. My reasons are my own, so please don't ask. If you need Crimson's opinion or input on something, you have permission to godmod him. Other than that, just assume that Crimson is following along with the current group, keeping to himself and drinking quietly...))


@ @@Geek0zoid @@Tricksters Pride


Crimson sighed and scratched his head. "Fine...I agree to your terms as well...but don't even think of betraying us, alright? Anyway, can we hurry up and get moving? I want to start saving the world as soon as possible..." he said, eager to be far away from Shadow. "Also, where do we even start? Because I honestly have no clue..." he said, taking a swig from his flask.

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@@Windbreaker (Gwyn),


A guttural, hyena like cackle echoed down from the rooftops above.


Gangly and unworldly - stretched almost - the creature stalked in circles around the gathering of ponies. It sunk low and assessed them before flitting around the edge for a better view: its limbs propelling it with a haste that should have been impossible. It's body was unnaturally thin - hooked claws extended from the base of each of its four spindly legs and a razor edged younger hung hungrily from its mouth - which sported nothing more than four large fangs. The rest of the best was obscured by a curious, shifting light that seemed to cover its body.


Some of the ponies left and the opportunity presented itself - it lunged.


Dropping from the edge of the building and flitting towards its target - a female with an unusually powerful aura for a pony. Misjudging the amount of energy required to cover the distance in this strange world, it felt its jaws snap shut on the open air mere inches away from its intended prey.




Orion Starsinger.





@@Midnight Scribbler,



Orion pushed onwards - The others were muttering various trivialities: it didn't matter. The Litany was here - it had to be here, he had felt it - he still could... even if something was wrong, he could save it, then use it to save Willow. Save himself, from himself.


To kill the backstabbing bastard and finally enforce peace of Equestria...


Somewhere up ahead was the dull murmur of voices echoing throughout the caverns - distorted by the twists and turns and sheer distance - he wasn't certain if they were even real - might they be their own echoes? Or even inside his own head? He didn't know. The further they delved, the more well build the place became - lights eventually augmenting the glow from Mirrors horn as a number of crystals began to appear lining the stone - casting a far too faint glow around them. The ground evened out into a hoof - build path from the hewn stone they had been walking on. This place was ancient, but it had been built to last.


"Stay alert - we're getting close. If the Litany is nearby then we do t know what kind of guardians it might have..."


But the hollow feeling remained - as if these tunnels simply couldn't hold the tension that they should be: there was nothing. No creatures moved - no traps sprung... there wasn't even any evidence of an effect on their magic. The defences seemed... dead.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@~chaotic sole~,


Shadow merely nods at Amethyst in response to the deal before eyeing the snow covered swordspony and separating the snow from his coat with a black mist. The swordspony seemed to be the most sensible of the bunch, if a bit quick to jump to conclusions. "Think on this swordspony, if i really where a dumb, selfish, pompous, and cowardly demon who blames others for my problems... Would i really have done anything other than blast you to bits while you where suspended helpless in the air?"

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@~chaotic sole~,


Shadow merely nods at Amethyst in response to the deal before eyeing the snow covered swordspony and separating the snow from his coat with a black mist. The swordspony seemed to be the most sensible of the bunch, if a bit quick to jump to conclusions. "Think on this swordspony, if i really where a dumb, selfish, pompous, and cowardly demon who blames others for my problems... Would i really have done anything other than blast you to bits while you where suspended helpless in the air?"

ronin looked at shadow with neutral expression, trying very hard not to scowl. They needed to work together to save the world, and that'd be a lot easier if they were friends. But he was never one to make friends easily anyway. "No, you seem more like the type to play with his prey before the kill. Word to the wise, don't underestimate an enemy... No matter how weak or minuscule they may seem." He said flatly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Noble Persona and Gwyn


Gwyn screamed and leapt back as a set of horrifying jaws snapped shut inches away. She closed her eyes and tried to focus enough to cast, but found it difficult due to her mental state. A grunt and a thud later made her pause, reluctantly opening her eyes to see that the Earth Pony guards had speared it through the chest and pushed it to the ground. Noble was at her side in an instant, drawing his sword in case the creature got up again.


“Gwyn, are you ok?”


Gwyn nodded, tears flowing freely from her eyes. “I’m scared, Noble. It’s…too quiet in my head. I can’t think. Please, brother, don’t leave me. Not like this.”


Noble lifted Gwyn onto the cart. “Stay there, and I’ll come back. I promise.” He took off his mask and nuzzled Gwyn, giving her a fond look before replacing his mask and standing with the Earth Pony guards.



Aegis Dare


It was nothing more than a dream brought on by his pending consciousness. He stood at the edge of the world, looking down. Clouds drifted by while his mane blew in the wind. He took a deep breath, stood on his hind legs and fell forwards over the edge. The wind whistled past as he closed his eyes and the material world grew closer. Then, he woke up.


@Team Brandy,


Aegis stirred, holding a hoof to his head as he struggled to get up. He shook his head to clear away the dizziness, finding himself with a headache in its place. “I feel like I’ve had a mountain dropped on my head. What happened while I was out?”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Tricksters Pride,


White Eclipse

"No, you probably wouldn't have." Eclipse said, walking up to Shadow. "Like I said, we don't like you, and you don't like us, but for both of our own well-beings, we need to cooperate. For now, we're partners, but I suggest that we remain on each other's good sides, again, for our own well-beings."




Blasted Nova

Blast looked up to the now conscious Aegis, answering his question upon awakening.

"Aegis... I returned the favor. You saved me from making my injuries worse, and I saved you from the shack. We're even..." Blast smiled, coughing a bit more. "Everypony who ate the stir-fry is coming down with serious stomach flu... nopony is doing so well right now..."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Frost began to feel as if the slight stomach ache lifted slowly. It was a good feeling, like he had just woken up from a long nap. He looked over to see a ponies horn glowing and he assumed it was this pony that was the source of what he guessed was a healing spell. He stood up slowly and nodded to Clockwork, letting him know he would return. He walked over to Pavisa and smiled."Do I have you to thank for the lifted stomach ache?" He asked

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Choosing to ignore the unicorn that seemed to think that he was being addressed... Again. And instead smirked at the swordspony. "Heh when did i last underestimate the amount of effort required to defend myself from your attacks? You seem to be misinterpreting restraint with arrogance." He then glanced at the unicorn in a haphazard manner.



"Actually i don't particularly dislike any of you yet, though some are beginning to annoy me. And i'm fairly sure that it would better for my mental well being to just squish one or two..... And i'm prefer the term acquaintances thanks, 'partner' implies that i am getting something out of this... Which i'm not."

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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Choosing to ignore the unicorn that seemed to think that he was being addressed... Again. And instead smirked at the swordspony. "Heh when did i last underestimate the amount of effort required to defend myself from your attacks? You seem to be misinterpreting restraint with arrogance." He then glanced at the unicorn in a haphazard manner.



"Actually i don't particularly dislike any of you yet, though some are beginning to annoy me. And i'm fairly sure that it would better for my mental well being to just squish one or two..... And i'm prefer the term acquaintances thanks, 'partner' implies that i am getting something out of this... Which i'm not."

ronin shrugged "restraint, arrogance, call it what you will. But either one can get you killed if your not careful." He said, before hearing him mention not getting anything in return. "And look at the bright side, at least I can't call you demon anymore." He finished sarcastically, smirking.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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