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rarity lacking a foil.


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I was just chating with sadistic ghost in pm about rarity

and debating discussing rarity and peaking over tommy olivers defense of rarity vs kimi sparkle


now at the 1:20 mark mr oliver says something to the effect,


"being invested in fashion doesn't always make someone petty and self centered."

And it hit me. 

Twilight has trixie.

rainbow has lightening dust.


rarity doesn't have a foil that is petty and self centered.


Imagine if she had to compete against someone else who did step over friends and succeeded and rarity had to choose her friends over being successful and someone else showing the wrong way to go about accomplishing your goals.



fantastic moral


depth to rarity


new villain and we don't need a fight a for her.


I mean in sweet and elite we see rarity make some bad choices,

but that wouldn't have been necessary if she would saw someone else making them in front of her.


it's alot easier to see when your being a jerk when someone else does what your doing in front of you.


Like dash in wonderbolts academy.


yay or nay to rarity getting a rival?

  • Brohoof 2


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I think she already met her foil: Prince Blueblood. He has all of her negative qualities while having none of her positive ones. So the question really should be, do we want Prince Blueblood to come back to the show. I would say no.

  • Brohoof 5

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Kimi Sparkle should find a new hobby.


Ah but with out kimi we wouldn't have noticed this small void.


her troll inspired thought and creativity (perhaps in spite of her).  ^ ~.

I think she already met her foil: Prince Blueblood. He has all of her negative qualities while having none of her positive ones. So the question really should be, do we want Prince Blueblood to come back to the show. I would say no.


because he does nothing.

that's something the writing staff could fix?  But i agree a fresh character would have made a better foil instead of trying to hammer prince blue blood in against rarity.


we don't see any other designers in equistra, and adding one or more would give a light to have rarity to reflect against

Edited by FNGRpony


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I think she already met her foil: Prince Blueblood. He has all of her negative qualities while having none of her positive ones. So the question really should be, do we want Prince Blueblood to come back to the show. I would say no.


I agree, I didn't think about it at first though. Blueblood was probably the least obvious foil on the show, but he was one none the less. He wasn't so obvious, like Trixie is, because he hasn't invested his time in fashion only to be owned by the obsession, the way Trixie did with magic. Blueblood didn't foil Rarity directly through passion, he did it through her dream of a high class life and taught her the lesson by showing her how superficial and petty he was.

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I think she already met her foil: Prince Blueblood. He has all of her negative qualities while having none of her positive ones. So the question really should be, do we want Prince Blueblood to come back to the show. I would say no.

Hey now, Blueblood was only a minor subplot.


Trixie and Lighting Dust were extremely integral to the episode(s) they were in and helped progress their respective counterparts as a character.


In the sense of being a foil, the argument can be made for Blueblood and Rarity. We just need something a little more on the level of Lightning Dust for Rarity, which, Blueblood isn't on that same platform. :D


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

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Hey now, Blueblood was only a minor subplot.


Trixie and Lighting Dust were extremely integral to the episode(s) they were in and helped progress their respective counterparts as a character.


In the sense of being a foil, the argument can be made for Blueblood and Rarity. We just need something a little more on the level of Lightning Dust for Rarity, which, Blueblood isn't on that same platform. :D


alright maybe i'm thinking about this to straight for ward and trying to nail raritys into something that isn't quite her.


rarity is trying to rise up in status, through some kind of fashion competition. 

and prince blue blood is in a a role of judge. 


I mean Lord knows he has to do something.

He'd be in the familiar role of dream dasher all over again

Edited by FNGRpony


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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alright maybe i'm thinking about this to straight for ward and trying to nail raritys into something that isn't quite her.


rarity is trying to rise up in status, through some kind of fashion competition. 

and prince blue blood is in a a role of judge. 

I mean Lord knows he has to do something.

He'd be in the familiar role of dream dasher all over again

Blueblood, in the opinion of this extreme Rarity fanboy, wasn't a suitable foil. You can make the case Rainbow Dash is more popular than Rarity, but I will say the writers don't take that into consideration: believe it or not, it's Twilight first, and the rest second. Rarity has had a two year episode drought, but she, along with AJ, have gotten plenty of screen time; also, due to the writer's neglect over my past two years in Rarity episode limbo, I have high expectations for her episode this season; just her having an episode will provide a good portion if what's necessary to meet those expectations




What I'm saying is, when looking at it from the writer's POV, what has Rarity not done to deserve an increase in characterization? And an easy, yet excellent way to provide that depth is through her own version of Lightning Dust.

  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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*Pictures Rarity in foil*.......new fashion trend??


Okay wrong kind.


Well neither does Applejack, Pinky Pie nor Shutterfly ;)


But were up for some major Rarity episodes so well see what pans out

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*Pictures Rarity in foil*.......new fashion trend??


Okay wrong kind.


Well neither does Applejack, Pinky Pie nor Shutterfly ;)


But were up for some major Rarity episodes so well see what pans out


Pinkie Pie's foil was any of her own clones.  They had all of Pinkie's worst aspects without any of her depth. 


I don't think a Fluershy foil would be all that interesting.  Fluershy's flaw is her shyness, fears, and inability to stand up for herself; emphasizing those doesn' make for a particularly interesting adversary.  Unless you want to go for a characer that othewise seems nice but hates animals, and tha makes no sense.


You know, the more I think about it, the more I realize that Sunset Shimmer, under different circumstances, would have been a *great* foil for Rarity.  You know, both of them aiming to be the high class, popular pony, but Rarity does so while looking out for others and giving of herself, while Sunse Shimmer seps on everyone along the way. 


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Pinkie Pie's foil was any of her own clones. They had all of Pinkie's worst aspects without any of her depth.



I wasn't counting the clones, simply because they were from Pinky. A foil is useualy a different character entirely but chooses a path in juxtaposed to their opposition, like Trixi and Twilight but I guess the whole clones could be seen as a minor foil if nothing more then a learning mechanism

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OH MY GOD, SO MUCH DRAMA WOULD GO DOWN. It would be glorious.

Hopefully it would escalate into an all out hoof-fight. I want the writers to prove my headcanon that Rarity is secretly a talented martial artist, but stopped fighting because it wasn't very classy or ladylike. :D BUT.... her rival ALSO has to be a worthy adversary, or else it wouldn't be a fight now, would it?


One can dream i suppose.... Anyway, I welcome the idea of Rarity having her own rival.

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OH MY GOD, SO MUCH DRAMA WOULD GO DOWN. It would be glorious.

Hopefully it would escalate into an all out hoof-fight. I want the writers to prove my headcanon that Rarity is secretly a talented martial artist, but stopped fighting because it wasn't very classy or ladylike. :D BUT.... her rival ALSO has to be a worthy adversary, or else it wouldn't be a fight now, would it?


One can dream i suppose.... Anyway, I welcome the idea of Rarity having her own rival.


oh i was thinking we'd have some catty bitchy moments between rarity and her foil.


like maybe they'd even be real nice to each others faces adn the moment she leaves "I hate her so much"


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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This was actually briefly covered in Look Before you Sleep.


I think Apple Jack makes a fairly good foil for Rarity, because of their differences in how they present themselves, both in looks and mannerisms. They've buried the hatchet a bit, but looking at Castle Mane-ia, it becomes quiet clear that Rarity prefers to spend time with Flutters, while AJ has her competition with Dashie.


However, a true rival for Rarity I think would be fantastic.


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Several facts must be taken into consideration, many of which are the reasons we have yet to see our Queen of the Cloth more active past snarky bits of drama and hoof to browing. 


1. Rarity has a rather large fanbase, why is this negative? Well in truth many of her fans (this brony being one of them) are very vocal. They want to see more of her. "But Applejock, clearly all the fans of each girl wants to see more of them!", yes but we must recall that Rarity has the least screen time over all the seasons. Her larger then expected following fanbase has alerted the Writers and they are looking at each other in worry. Why? Recall last time the Brony Community got up in hoof about wanting more out of a character, and when they gave us that, there was a big back lash. IE Derpy. Now you will argue, Derpy isnt a mane 6, she has little to no merch compared to Ra-ra and frankly shes a fan made pony. All good points, but Rarity's char, as mentioned many times even in this thread. Is one of balance. Consider that for a moment. She is sorta locked into a role of middle pony of the group, with the other two extremes of female-want going to her left and right. With Rainbow on one end and Fluttershy on the other.


2. To have Rarity just leave the show, NOT! This can't happen for simple market reasons. Thousands if not millions of dollars in her merch out the window. On a more fan sensative mark, imagine your fav girl NOT having her around? For all the Flutters fans, who is our timid little filly gonna look to for more femine outings, spa, shopping, just chatting. The other man 6 have proven to be too tom-boy, focused, or wild to fill this role. More over and finally, the voice work miss germaine puts into Ra-ra is amazing. She truely over the past seasons has captured this impromptu-refined accent with her and we would honestly miss the "oh Daarling!" lines.


3. She really is the balance of her element and being a real pony. Out of all of the mane 6 well i guess 5 since Twi really isnt an element anymore, ie princess MUST surpass that in power and prestige. Rarity is a perfect balance. I mentioned this many ranted lines above, but i want it to hit home here. Many argue she is not the element of generosity, that she is selfish. But we see time and time again when the Mare put herself through hell, turns her back on her own dreams and comfortable surroundings to defend her friends, and flat out just CARES about every pony. But, the haters are right, she has plenty of moments (that are normally over come with her element in the end, showing oh i dont know...CHARACTER GROWTH!) where the fashionist is snarky and selfish. This balance makes her character deep and relatable. In truth the only reason to "hate" Rarity is because you see yourself in her character. Your own defense to hide the fact you have made mistakes like she has is to call her out on them. Which is just...well..pathetic. No one is telling you to like her, but you must respect her.


AS FOR HER NEEDING A FOIL = Finally back to the topic!!! Damn! I never even considerd her needing this sort of character. EVERY PONY is her foil, imo. Especially Sweetie Bot..errr..Belle! The chemistry that Ra-ra brings to any pony on screen is what makes her character so needed. She can talk to any one, at any time, add something or take something away from the conversation. Her ego and supportive nature are what keep her so called back.


Yes, we missed a Rarity episode in s3, Celestia do i know it!!! But many a Pony didnt get an episode. What is important is what this character does in support of other characters in THERE episodes. Examine for a moment Castle-maneia, out of all the scenes she is in (i was shocked at how much screen time she and fluttershy got alone, good stuff) she gives some of the finest laughs and most realistic actions. Her typical Rarity moment of sobbing under the fallen banner is a bit eye rolling untill she mutters the line in a tone that rocked my socks "...Shes with meee...". This line was simple, tieing in why fluttershy was there, as well as here. But it was how it was said that really shows how her character is needed. AJ and RD where busy pointing hooves or mumbling to themselves when it was only Rarity that took ownership of the situation. 


In the end, if you want more action out of this balanced pony, throw her Sister into the scene, boom, enough said! I don't know many bronys that DO NOT want another CMC episode. Give the reigns to Rarity and say Pinkie for that one, out of the girls Pinkie gives the queen of fashion the least amount of bickering, back and forth, and drama. She looks upoun the element of laughter like a child and treats her like one. This is PERFECT for an episode with them surrounded by the CMC, giving these two a chance to come to terms. Pinky grows up a little, and Rarity comes to respect her. If you just give her another episode with AJ or Fluttershy we are going to get more of what we already know (and love) back and forth or girls day outing.

  • Brohoof 1

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<--- There be Brony!


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I kind of disagree.


There has been plenty of characters that balance her out. Main Characters like Applejack and minor characters like Prince Blueblood or higher up ponies in Canterlot that act similar to Rarity. 

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There's a profound misunderstanding here. Foil characters, while great for highlighting a characters opposites and other qualities, aren't necessary to do so.


Twilight for example has a foil not just with Trixie and Sunset, but also villains and other main characters. Foil isn't always a bad thing. Its used to compare and contrast traits that are different, similar, neutral or otherwise to the character being compared. Twilight has a foil with Rainbow in a lot of senses because she's more level headed, analytical, and patient whereas Rainbow is the complete opposite being confrontational, headstrong and aggressive. In turn Rainbow has a foil with Fluttershy, who unlike the former, is hesitant, more understanding, and not nearly as physically able. You don't need some obscure or 1 time character or even a bad guy to act as a foil.


Do you wanna know who Rarity's foil is? 



That's who sugar cube. Applejack. The person who's not ladylike at all, graceful or fancy like Rarity. Don't believe me? Go watch Look before you Sleep again. Better yet watch this scene from Spike at Your Service:



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oh i was thinking we'd have some catty bitchy moments between rarity and her foil.


like maybe they'd even be real nice to each others faces adn the moment she leaves "I hate her so much"

I was mostly kidding, what you just said is what would probably happen in reality though =D


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Well, the problem with that is pretty straightforward. The foils you're talking about are one (or two) off antagonists whose purpose is to carry an episode and deliver a moral. The issue is that giving Rarity a self-centered foil would only be retreading old ground.


Lightning Dust made such an excellent foil because she represented Rainbow Dash without her loyalty. It was essentially Rainbow against her evil twin, or a twisted reflection of herself, so the strength of the episode's conflict came from Rainbow Dash overcoming not only her own pride and arrogance, but a physical personification of it.


Now, if we were to do the same with Rarity, then at best, it would just be going over the same thing that Wonderbolt Academy and Boast Busters already covered (the latter, albeit horribly).


And that, frankly, would suck. Especially since Rarity episodes typically have conflict come from much smarter places. Suited for Success, for instance, had conflict come from Rarity trying to please everyone at the expense of her own needs. That's much smarter and more unexpected than simply putting her in the same situation that Rainbow Dash was in.

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The funny part is, Jenny who voices Kimi Sparkle, is a fan VA of Rarity, which means she's basically trying to make fun of herself, albiet not perfectly and I can understand why fellow analysts can misinterpret that.


The foil that I see with Rarity personality-wise is Applejack, who's carefree hoofs-on attitude highlights Rarity's awe with glamour, and just emphasizes her fashion obsession even more.


I think with the Rarity and Applejack episodes such as "Look before you sleep" and "Sisterhooves Social" indicates that Rarity's foil is indeed Applejack, when you compare them both to have sisters and are loving towards them in very different ways, while still having complete opposite personalities.

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(taking note on the posts above)....With Rarity's foils out the way all the way back in Season 1, what lies ahead for her?  This is the same problem as with Applejack (whose foil was presented crystal clear in the 3 episode of the series!).......Both of these characters need more to them so that they can continue to grow as characters and not be stagnate. I believe this is why Rarity did not get her own episode in Season 3, and I believe also it's because among the targeted demographic, she is one of, if not the least favorite character (Applejack is also there as well but as the end of Season 2, she was higher than Rarity, thus the Applejack episodes). 

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I think Rarity has been mishandled by the writers often enough that creating a proper foil is difficult. 


They repeatedly write her as distractable by aesthetics to the point of being selfish, and the Canterlot episode seems to be the only time she acknowledges that she let it get the better of her.  Castle-mania, not waiting for morning or not stopping to give Fluttershy pep-talks; Crystal Empire, getting distracted by the idea of crystal ponies to the point where it looks like she didn't research.... Diamond Dogs seems to be balanced, where she could just be being very firm against Spike emulating a kid with halloween candy.


They do also have her reining herself in often enough.  (I hate puns, but I can't think of a less painful way to put it.)  Most often, it's about getting dirty, but she also will suffer if her art is less important than her friends.

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