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Favorite stuffed animal or plushie?


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I have a collection of sock monkeys. One of them is like, half the size of me. His name is Geoffrey :D but seriously, if I see a sock monkey, it's mine

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I used to have a lot of stuffed animals. My first toy ever was a Ren and Stimpy stuffed animal that made sounds. I also had a few Pokemon plushies, though I've given them away to cousins who wanted them. Continue the Pokemon tradition and all. Right now, the only one to which I really pay attention is my Applejack plushie I got at an anime convention.

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I only have one plushy right now and that's my Twilight plushy. :) I'm not really that much of a fan of stuffed animals, but I have seen a bunch of cute ones that I wouldn't mind getting. :P


But as for right now, my Twily plushy is good enough. 


Hopefully some day, I can get myself a Pinkie Pie plushy! laugh.png

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I used to have a large collection as a kid: had a favourite bear I was bought from Asda and I called Montego ‘Monty’, all of them ended up in the loft and got thrown away eventually though.


I still have a small collection bought in my adult hood:


A Paddington bear, beanie babies Alvin and the Chipmunks set and two build a bear ponies, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.




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I sleep with a Shadow The Hedgehog and a Companion Cube stuffed animals. 


I have a Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash stuffed animals...all spaghetti hair version though. 


I also own a Death The Kid plushie and a collection of different stuffed animals.  


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I have a bunch of dog plushies, specifically rottweiler plushies. The reason I have so many is because they remind me of my dog who passed away. :(


I also have a Twilight Sparkle plushie that my mom bought for me.

  • Brohoof 1



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I still have a Care Bear.


But I have a legitimate reason. It was the last thing my grandma gave to me.

I was at her bedside as she lay there, dying. She gave me the care bear that she had with her in her bed. And she said, "Keep good care of that bear. He's been with me and gave me comfort, and he'll give you comfort." It was after this that she said "I love you." And passed away. And that's why I have my Care Bear still.

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I still have my webkins Alaskan husky which i have had for many years because it was the last thing my grandma gave me before she passed away due to cancer. heres a pic of what my plushie looks like although mines an older version of that plushie.



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I don't have any, I used to have 3, one Rottweiler, one Koala and one Great Blue Whale, but now I don't anymore. I wish I had a Sweetie Belle plushie, for obvious reasons :P


Signature by the amazing LittleRawr. Avatar by the as equally amazing Breeze.

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I have two that I mostly sleep with. One of them is a very large dog which I named like "Cutie" but in swedish. xD

The other one is a bit smaller and is a bunny that I have owned since I was 2. She's with me if I'm traveling anywhere. :P

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I have five of the same eeyore stuffie because I got him a few years back at Disneyland, and used him as a pillow for years. I finally broke down and bought 4 more. I moved away from Southern California, and didn't know when I would be back.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Aaa, i used to have so many stuffed animals. My mom would tuck me in when i was little and tuck them all around me like a fort. The only ones i really have now are my bunny,lamb,and a pooh bear that has a wind up music box contrapion inside that plays the lullaby.

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I collect Pokemon plushies and I make a YouTube series with my sister of our plushies, they're all different characters, so I don't mind doubles. I also love plushes and stuffed animals in general. I have quite a few. I used to collect Build a Bears and Care Bears but they got thrown out after we got lice and they were shoved into the basement, which later flooded. I miss them so much. :c

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As much as I would LOVE to own a stuff Fluttershy to snuggle to sleep, I don't have any money and I can't find one with any other mane other than streamers.


Probably the closest to ever being able to snuggle the real Fluttershy, and I can't. sad.png


 I would do anything to get my hands on one...

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I have too many to count. Mainly bears but I also have bunnies, lions, dogs etc. I have two bears I alternate sleeping with. Dilly (the big bear) and Daryl (the little one.)


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I own the following


  • Harvest Moon Cow named Cow
  • Wind Waker Link
  • Wario
  • Mario
  • black mario mushroom
  • 3 wolves
  • Ein
  • I think a black kitty somewhere
  • and a Mario Spiney that hands off my fan ^-^


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I've got four pony plushies: Lyra and Rainbow Dash, which I got from ebay, Twilight Sparkle, which I bought during EquestriaLA last November, and a hand-made Bon Bon that I made on my own (which was to go along with my Lyra cosplay).





And yes, I like snuggling to sleep with either of these ponies pretty often; except Bon Bon, since due to being my amateur first shot at making a stuffed animal, and being made entirely of felt fabric, she sort of too delicate and fragile to cuddle with in bed without ruining some part of her, like the mane or the tail.

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After hyjacking a completely unrelated topic, I realized we needed a thread about stuffed animals, favorite blankets, the stuff you dragged around through the mud as a kid. Or even things you got as an adult that you still sleep with (partners excluded!) I also want to know how you got them!


Mine is Baba, got him when I was about a year old, and I took him everywhere with me. Eventually got him a sweater, so his arms would fall off less often, and he would need less surgery.


Behind Baba are five stuffed Eeyores. They came from Disneyland, I bought one about 10 years ago, and they were perfect pillows. When I went back about a year ago, they still had them, so I bought two more. Then I learned that my parents were moving from Southern California, so I bought an additional two, because I didn't know when I would be back for more!




I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Oh boy, I have lots! I had so many stuffed animals as a kid, but my favorites were/are:


- A big pink squishy bunny rabbit I named Helen. I've had her since I was 2 - she was my adoption present.

- A black lab toy I named CC. I used to be obsessed with black labrador dogs and had so many stuffed animals. She was my favorite (or my first, I don't remember). I got her for my 7th birthday.

- A small white-and-lavender cat I named Pippa. She represents my friendship with two of my online friends from years ago. We don't talk anymore, but we used to be very close, and Pippa (and the two cats I gave each of them) represent that. We called them 'kitty cousins'. 

- Similarly, a purple Heffalump toy named Lilac. Same thing - me and the two friends I mentioned all have one. I bought the cats for them and they bought the heffalump for me.

- A crocheted black-and-purple Cat (my 'fursona') my online friend made for me by hand. It was so generous of her!

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This is Mr. Snuffles. He's one of my best friends. He likes to wear different hats. :3

  • Brohoof 2

how even is otter and how can it be if

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As a child, my favorite stuffed animal was a little bambi deer named Cubby.  Sadly, my birth father cut him up in front of me when I was 8, saying I was "too old" for stuffed animals :'( I was told I got him when I was 10 months old....I wish I could've saved him

Now, my favorite stuff animal is Rannoch, a deer I got when I was 12. I got him from a flea market at a tractor pull at the bottom of a stuffed animal pile for 1$.  I remember I had to choose between him and a Rudolph stuffed animal that was at another vendor, but my foster parents said I could only have one (they payed for the animal), and this one's eyes just said "take me home" (lol)

I still have him, and now he wears the ribbon that was around my wedding boquete.  He was even at our wedding, and is the only stuffed animal allowed on the bed with us (awkward I know). He is my stoic little deer, and if sh** were to ever happen, he will be the only stuffed animal I would take with me, if I had to choose only one.  I have about 400 stuffed animals right now; each have a unique name and I even remember how I got each of them. However I have almost 100 (not part of the 400) Whisper TY beanie babies, and they all look alike, so I'm at a loss with them (except the oldest one I have, but that one looks old). I have an army of deer....I love deer, can't you tell :P


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