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Gay ponies in equestria?


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Yeah... Like in "Bats!", they sure learned not to be paranoid and judge superficially.



Not sure what you're talking about. Flutterbat?

The bats themselves?




For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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>Shows Shining Armor X Big Macintosh.

>Shining Armor married to a female.


Don't make too many assumptions ya'll.



Hey, Cadence could be a cover up! Why else wouldn't we see Big Mac on the farm?He's obviously visiting his boyfriend in Canterlot.

  • Brohoof 2

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Hey, Cadence could be a cover up! Why else wouldn't we see Big Mac on the farm?He's obviously visiting his boyfriend in Canterlot.

The term commonly used for a person who acts as your partner to disguise your actual orientation is a 'beard'. Cadence would be Shining's 'beard'.


Which makes Starswirl the Bearded kinda funny, really, especially when you realize that Star Swirl was a mare in G1, G2, and G3. ;)

  • Brohoof 1


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Are their "gay" ponies?! YES! 


They are all soooo very gay! Look at them! See how happy they are! 


Now if you are trying to ask "Is there any homosexual ponies?" Then maybe... 


Maybe there is a few. Now I'm not 100% sure if there is or is not homosexual ponies, I just don't know. We think there could be like, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Lyra, Bon Bon etc etc. Key word "Think". 


So at the end of the day, I say eh 50/50. I'm like 90% Rainbow Dash is not.... why? Because.. for my own reasons. Now I wish Shinning armor was gay... but he's not. 


BUT! There is one pony I'm 110% he is gay... and hot damn I'm sooooo happy he is. Because mmmm he's sooo sexy! and that is.. 



MMMMM Fancy Pants. 


ahhh soo hot. what? he is! anyway.. 


He's a homosexual.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Hey, Cadence could be a cover up! Why else wouldn't we see Big Mac on the farm?He's obviously visiting his boyfriend in Canterlot.

Oh god, that kind of reminds me of Brokeback Mountain.


Hmm, but they look so happy together!

  • Brohoof 1
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Yes! There's probably a bunch of homosexual/heterosexual couples in Equestria- we just don't see them. The show doesn't really focus on romance (we've only had three or four episodes about it), but let's face it- we all know romance exists in Equestria.

Ponies are usually tolerate and very kind-hearted, but they aren't perfect. Maybe there are a few homophobic ponies out there?


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I never said you can't have homosexual characters that are organic and well written. I never said they can't be three-dimensional. You really love putting words in peoples' mouths.


What I did say is that it's very unlikely given the prevalent trend.


See, in reality, homosexuality is still largely a taboo. Most gay characters in media, therefore, don't bother with dimensions. Gay characters in media fit predominantly into a few categories:


- Fanservice

- Throwaway pandering toward the equality crowd

- Played for drama

-Played for comedy (usually camp)

- Juvenile gay jokes


Stacked against all of the above, the three-dimensional and well-written gay character is a relative rarity. Ergo, realistically, homosexuals are for more likely to appear in media as less than three-dimensional. This is a fact.



Not once did I say three-dimensional well-done gay characters cannot exist. I'm saying most that do exist, by virtue of homosexuality still largely being a taboo, are not three-dimensional or well-written. If the MLP writers can pull off that rare well-written gay character, good for them. But gay couples just randomly tossed into background scenes would qualify as nothing more than fanservice, and that should not happen.


Actually, that's starting to change. I'm starting to see a lot more well written gay character. And based on what you wrote, you insinuated that there shouldn't be gay characters because they'd be arbitrary:





But arbitrarily throwing in gay couples, background or otherwise, is hardly a good idea.


See, I was talking to someone else about how it's not unacceptable to have homosexual characters in children's media, and you approached the conversation saying this. It insinuates that writing gay characters for the show would be arbitrary. Whether you meant this or not, this how it sounds because you didn't elaborate or explain yourself further.



Then, after I responded, you said this:



The heterosexual couples that have appeared have done so as a natural result of the writing. Some episode takes a romantic bent (Hearts & Hooves Day), couples are obviously needed to create the right atmosphere. Heterosexual is the more common form of couple so it defaults to that.



Realistically, homosexual couples are far more likely to appear simply as fanservice or because people start crying about equal representation or something (as if they're oppressed by a cartoon). It'd be the opposite equivalent of that whole Derpy scandal. Where she was removed due to cries and demands, these would be tacked on due to the same.


If the writers ever feel like taking on that particular challenge, good for them. But it should be natural and something they want to do, not "HERE'S SOME RANDOM GAY CHARACTERS BECAUSE EQUALITY/FANSERVICE!". The former would be an interesting obstacle to see tackled by the staff. The latter would be arbitrary and pointless.


You start defending your point by pointing out that heterosexuals couples in the show were a result of good writing, but this doesn't explain or justify why you can't have well-written homosexual characters.


You then explain that homosexual characters are more likely to appear just because of "fanservice". But again this doesn't justify you're initial insinuation; that gay characters would [by default] be arbitrary. (I now understand that you didn't quite mean this, but again, this is how it came off because you didn't elaborate on your point at the start.)

Edited by Hansel

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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If fandom shipping is to be believed... every single mare in Equestria is gay.


Well, say goodbye to the population!


Just kidding,


Sweet Sig by Lunia

Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather

CM By Scilight Paitanibu 

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I think the Ponies would b welcome

and ok with it given how it pushes

for tolerance and friendship and

such good things of the messages

of the show.  To bad Russia can't

learn that lesson sadly...


(Sig made by Me)

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I don't think sexuality exists in Equestria. :P

It absolutely does.  If it didn't, then there would be no couples at all, and yet we see them all the time in the show.  Plus, ponies are born to these married couples, which means they must have sex.


Not necessarily. Could reproduce with spores or asexually. :P

The fact that ponies exist with two sexes is definite proof that they are not asexual.  Plus, they are based on real-life horses, which are mammals and reproduce by having sex.


Sexuality isn't even canon in FiM so I would say that it's unconfirmed either way.

Please read the above two comments in this post. ^


BUT! There is one pony I'm 110% he is gay... and hot damn I'm sooooo happy he is. Because mmmm he's sooo sexy! and that is.. 



MMMMM Fancy Pants. 


ahhh soo hot. what? he is! anyway.. 


He's a homosexual.

I'm not saying that this wouldn't be hot (because it would... it totally would), but why would you think Fancypants is homosexual?  Isn't Fleur DeLis his girlfriend/wife?

My vote:  I think realistically they would exist, but whether or not they would be accepted would probably vary from region to region, just as it does in our world. 

  • Brohoof 1

You are a ghost, driving a meat-coated skeleton made out of stardust.

What have you got to be afraid of?

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I'm not saying that this wouldn't be hot (because it would... it totally would), but why would you think Fancypants is homosexual?  Isn't Fleur DeLis his girlfriend/wife?



No she's just his friend as I see it. Top of all that if shinning armor could be a homosexual ... then lol He's a homosexual

  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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No she's just his friend as I see it. Top of all that if shinning armor could be a homosexual ... then lol He's a homosexual

Oh, okay then.  I just always assumed they were in a relationship, since she tries so hard to  look good around him.  Maybe she just hasn't figured out that he's gay yet and is trying to impress him.   xP


I don't think  Shining Armor is, though.  I mean, I know that's a big fan theory (so many gay ship fics with him, for some reason), but he seems to really be in love with Cadance, so it's unlikely that she's just a cover.

  • Brohoof 1

You are a ghost, driving a meat-coated skeleton made out of stardust.

What have you got to be afraid of?

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Oh, okay then.  I just always assumed they were in a relationship, since she tries so hard to  look good around him.  Maybe she just hasn't figured out that he's gay yet and is trying to impress him.   xP


I don't think  Shining Armor is, though.  I mean, I know that's a big fan theory (so many gay ship fics with him, for some reason), but he seems to really be in love with Cadance, so it's unlikely that she's just a cover.


They could just be escorts for each other, boosting each others social standing as such by being together but not in any romantic way (tho they could still be acquiantences :P)


Cadence is the princess of love. At the very least Shining could be Bi and sh'e be totally ok with it. She could always hit him with the sex-magic if she gets tired of him wanting stallions more. XD

  • Brohoof 1


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It absolutely does.  If it didn't, then there would be no couples at all, and yet we see them all the time in the show.  Plus, ponies are born to these married couples, which means they must have sex.

Nope, it doesn't. There are couples because some ponies like each other but that's a personality thing, not a sex thing. And ponies are born by their parents releasing spores of DNA from their hooves which then fuse together and instantaneously become a baby filly.


(Translation: "Why are you going on about absolutes and definite proof and the real world in a CARTOON ABOUT MAGICAL TALKING PONIES?! That's just ridiculous.")

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Nope, it doesn't. There are couples because some ponies like each other but that's a personality thing, not a sex thing. And ponies are born by their parents releasing spores of DNA from their hooves which then fuse together and instantaneously become a baby filly.


(Translation: "Why are you going on about absolutes and definite proof and the real world in a CARTOON ABOUT MAGICAL TALKING PONIES?! That's just ridiculous.")

In your opinion, perhaps this is sane.  What I find more ridiculous, however, is your total refusal to accept anything that isn't explicitly stated in the show.  Some things are just common logic and aren't stated in the show because the creators assume that everyone else will just assume.

You are a ghost, driving a meat-coated skeleton made out of stardust.

What have you got to be afraid of?

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your total refusal to accept anything that isn't explicitly stated in the show.

Right, because that's totally what's happening here. Except not at all, in any way, anywhere. :huh:


I have not once refused to accept it because it's not explicitly stated but thank you for projecting that onto me. Now I know not to take you very seriously here because you just make things up anyway. Incidentally, you're taking this entire exchange far too seriously yourself. I honestly suggest you go fix yourself a drink and have a hot bubble bath because you're entirely too tightly-wound if you invest so much seriousness into what is obviously not a serious explanation of reproductive mechanics in Equestria.


What I am doing is not refusing to accept something without explicit statement but rather choosing to disregard it altogether and invent a more entertaining alternative because it's more fun (Do you know 'fun'?) than the squickiness of bringing sexuality into the canon of a cartoon about talking horses. :P


Plus, we've seen that ponies lack genitalia soooo....Yeah. Spores. In fact, I submit that parasprites are those spores and that they instantaneously become baby fillies after eating enough and fusing together (a process usually controlled by strict containment protocol, but which ran awry and went out of control in the episode). That episode was actually about averting a pony overpopulation crisis.


Edited by Koelath
  • Brohoof 1
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I could see gay ponies in Equestria. And considering how awesome the writers are, I am very positive they could pull it of. Hell, if there can be a gay couple in Good Luck Charlie, there is a very high possibility that we can see a gay couple maybe not in season 4, but in season 5. Just imagine how many supports they would get, but on the same token, imagine how many haters thy would get to!!




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I have a feeling that the writers of the show have thought about this as much as they have, having a scene explaining how foals are made. It's a kids show so no one is even going to go near sexual orientation. So canon wise, no such thing as gay ponies in Equestria. But if Equestria was a real place, I think that it is safe to say that there is a fair chance of their being gay ponies. Whether they are accepted or not, who knows. maybe like us, they would be divided on the subject like us.

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I could see gay ponies in Equestria. And considering how awesome the writers are, I am very positive they could pull it of. Hell, if there can be a gay couple in Good Luck Charlie, there is a very high possibility that we can see a gay couple maybe not in season 4, but in season 5. Just imagine how many supports they would get, but on the same token, imagine how many haters thy would get to!!



Epicaly awsome, I really dont watch the live action disney shows they seem to have gone down hill since well since the 90s but epic gay parents in disney i did not think i would see the day.

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Right, because that's totally what's happening here. Except not at all, in any way, anywhere. :huh:


I have not once refused to accept it because it's not explicitly stated but thank you for projecting that onto me. Now I know not to take you very seriously here because you just make things up anyway. Incidentally, you're taking this entire exchange far too seriously yourself. I honestly suggest you go fix yourself a drink and have a hot bubble bath because you're entirely too tightly-wound if you invest so much seriousness into what is obviously not a serious explanation of reproductive mechanics in Equestria.


What I am doing is not refusing to accept something without explicit statement but rather choosing to disregard it altogether and invent a more entertaining alternative because it's more fun (Do you know 'fun'?) than the squickiness of bringing sexuality into the canon of a cartoon about talking horses. :P


Plus, we've seen that ponies lack genitalia soooo....Yeah. Spores. In fact, I submit that parasprites are those spores and that they instantaneously become baby fillies after eating enough and fusing together (a process usually controlled by strict containment protocol, but which ran awry and went out of control in the episode). That episode was actually about averting a pony overpopulation crisis.


I actually try not to ever take anything too seriously; it's a waste of time.


Your explanation of parasprites, on the other hand...  now that is quite entertaining.  You can't imagine how hard I just laughed when reading that.  (Seriously...  I was drinking a Dr Pepper at the time;  you nearly  made me spew it out my nose.)


Just because I bring logic into a cartoon doesn't mean that I don't have fun; I just enjoy logic more than nonsense sometimes.  There is a certain time and place in which nonsense is more fun, but this particular subject just doesn't deem it necessary in my mind, so I'm afraid I disregarded your intention without meaning to.  It's not like I was trying to start an argument.

You are a ghost, driving a meat-coated skeleton made out of stardust.

What have you got to be afraid of?

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If there were gay ponies in Equestria, who would it be?

Big Mac's clearly lovin' the ladies.


But Fluttarity is too awesome a ship to not be possible. :lol:

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