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Ahhh, that's actually a difficult question. : /  Deadpool was great.  And, even though I'm not the biggest fan of the Cap'n, Winter Soldier was very good.  The recent X-Men films have been solid (though I've only seen the first two of those).


What's your favorite Batman film?

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The animated ones were my favourite. I can't really say which one I liked the most. I guess maybe the one where Robin became red hood.


How was your day?

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decent worked sucked heat wise, saw an old airsoft buddy, playing dnd and my character has now lost an arm :x, better then my characters though.


you stumble apon a magic book, what spells dose it have?

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Not as good as hot coffee for me, I feel the ice waters down the taste. I still like it, but not as much as I love hot coffee.



How do you feel about midnight?

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I haven't but It sounds interesting. I'll go check it out later.

When was the last time you remember crying? What was the reason?

Just today a few hours ago, because my family sucks. :(



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Just Yesterday, When I had finished watching the Dressrosa arc in One piece.


The feels were overwhelming.





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Watched Me Before You at the cinema two days ago. The feels were damn real.


Peanut Butter or Nutella?

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PM - I'm not a morning person.


Do you use Listerine after you brush your teeth? (Do you brush your teeth?)

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