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open Zombie Survival RP


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@child of the night

"Kid,come back down, the chanc that meatbag will come is even less then that Thundy......eerr i mean Thunder and the rest are dead" Dust thinks to herself:"Please come back" Dust started staring outside again, still...it looks like the light across the street called for her. Like it silently whispers:"Dust" Dust hasnt drank for a while, but she decide that she should wait untill the others are back.

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 *very slowly walking down spirit stayed on the stairs and saw dust look out the window*


"don't go to the light, and I didn't go upstairs because of the zombies, it was because of something I said now as you are an older pony what should we do as we wait?"


((@@SkyHeart, yea but what does it stand for?))

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@child of the night

Dust kneels towards Spirit:"Kid,even if i was your mother,in this stage we are all equal. Now, how did you know i was looking at that light?" Dust turns around looking back at the light:"I'll talk to the others when they're back if we can go there" Dust walks towards her thrust rifle that she now named:Twister and started carving with a broken piece of rock a twister on the rifle.

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(sorry as usual realm life gets in the way Sometimes)

Josh had grabbed a couple cans and then heard the cry. He heard thunder and quickly ran towards the cry. "where are you?" he shouted unsure of where these ponies were in the store. He looked around worried about nearby zombies

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*getting up from the stairs spirit walked over to dust*


"I saw you, i was sitting on the stairs over there for a bit longer than you may think, anyway are you sure we know what the light is, couldn't a zombie have turned it on? Ugh I want some food, there is an oak tree just out back to you think we could get some leaves?"

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@chuld of the night

Dust doesn't hear Spirit and keeps focusing on the light:"Wa-Wat? Yeah,sure do want you want but eat your vegetables and dont do drugs." Dust suddenly starts closing her eyes a little:"You go to the back, kiddo, i'll stay here." Dust was thinking:Come on,leave,give me a chance to go the light" At the moment Spirit goes away, Dust sneaks out off the house towards the other side off the streeet

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"Back Here!" I say from the back room of the grocery. "We're back here!" Uses my hoof and knocks on the door dor you guys to hear exactly.


((Filler filler filler filler filler filler. OOC i can't see how many characters i have used... on my tablet... Filler filler filler filler filler filler)

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Upon Dust entering the house,she immediatly saw a dead body:"Eew" she thought "Well,this is a good sign" Dust smashed with rifle on the body"s head to make sure it doesn't turn. As she walks forward,she doesn't notices the frontdoor shutting and locking.

Dust then sees the room where the light comes from. Dust opens the door....and is shocked.

She immeditaly freezes out off fear. The light is from two unicorn zombies......and the calling for Dust was an LP stuck in the word:"Dust". The zombies notices her. Dust fires a shot and gets one. But then her weapon jammed."Really?!" Dust runs to the door only to find she's trapped with a hungry zombie.

Edited by TheGloriousRussian
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Thunder kicked open a door with a sign that said "manager". Inside was a pony, who looked like he had been trapped in here for a while.


"C'mon, let's go!" He shoited and raced out the door. He called to Josh "Go! Fly oit the skylight!" He turned to the new pony "you too! Go! I'll try to hold em off!" He hefted his ax and waited.

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Josh quickly flew up and opened the skylight. Waiting for the other ponies he took a pot shot at a random zombie near Thunder. The arrow stuck into it but didnt kill it "im not good with this" He stared at the bow and then back down to the other ponies below him

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(Occ mirrorwing is with me too :P)


I take off to follow you guys out along with mirrorwing at my side to follow you guys, our saviors, out of the grocery strore as fast as possible.


As we get out i say to you both. "Thank you for saving us.... My name is Warfluttershy. I serve... or rather served... under our princess Celestia. As i am a knight trainned by sword. As of recenly, i have lost my sword. Otherwise i could of easily tooken care of those zombies." I finnish look towards the pony who staydd back long enough for our escape and safty

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"A member of the royal gaurd huh?" Thunder smiled at him. "Welcome aboard. We'll take you back to our base."


@@Josh Riordan


He turned to Josh. "We gotta get back. I'm worried about Du- er, the others." He turned and after making sure everyone was safley out, he flew up and headed back to base.

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Takes off flying too. "Well... sort of. More like going on special missions that needed my experince in... but i am not much use other than law inforcement with my hooves. You see, I had lost my swords in a fight before this happened... actual now that of it now. It happened right as all of this was happenning" say almost deadfully thinking and reflecting on that mission, as alittle bit of tears shed and drop and i quickly stiffle them.


((OOC sorry about the late response. The realm of life was involved.))

((Occ for future refrence since i won't be on tomorow much. I keep to my self and don't tell much else of my background other than i am an expert with sword fighting techniques))


((Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filer ffffffiiiiiiiilllllleeerrrr))

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*spirit seeing that dust had gone went after him, as it was night she walked slowly and stayed away from the street lamps. getting to the house he tried the door, finding it locked he entered through the window. Walking to the light she breaks open the door and pulls dust out*


"not loosing you today, even if I don't know you"

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Upon entering the base, Dust didnt spoke a word for 10 mins, just staring outside, waiting for the others. Dust picked up her rifle and startedd inspecting where the jamming problem is. Dust saw it was one off the bullet,but the bullet itself was half melted and useless.

@child of the night

Suddenly Dust spoke:"Those things...they...it looked like they were crying when i saw them. Like,they have eternal pain. Like, they almost scream "KILL ME" Dust walks upstair:"Listen,i am gonna take a nap, tell the others what happend, when they come back."Dust looks under her right wing and then closes her wing again.

Edited by TheGloriousRussian
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Josh looks to a nearby tree and gives down to grab a few leaves. He takes about 10 in total. Moving back up he follows the others back to the house keeping a careful a careful eye out for anything suspicious. "is everyone alright?"he looks around himself quickly fit any damage

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Dust hears the voices downstairs. As responds she walks downstairs, gun first with the safetypin off. Upon coming downstairs, she saw the other ponies being back. She putted the safety back on the rifle and hung it on her back again. Without saying "hi" Dust just askes:"Well?,what did we get?" Dust looks under her right wing:"Do any of you know symptons of turning, i mean..for if we meet a survivors and he has those symptones"

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*spirit hearing the others walks into the front room just in time to hear dusts question*


"lets see, dulling of senses. um increased tendencies for bloodier or moldier meat. Your response time will be slower, and the colors of the skin around the infection will turn a slight grayish tint."


*walking over to dust spirit jumps on his back*


"why? do you have anything to tell us?"

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Dust screams of pain when Spirit jumped:"Aaah,get the buck off now!" Dust looks mad at Spirit, but then looks at her wing again:"No,it's just...it's usefull to know when we meet somepony"

Dust looks at Spirit,giving a tiny hug:"Sorry,kid. But you shouldnt be jumping on non suspecting back of somepony"

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*spirit rolling her eyes said*


"i think that any fully grown mare like you should be rather fine with someone like me on there back, anyway whats up with your wing, you keep looking at it?"


*spirit begins to walk around the group until she gets back to dust*


"are you a zombie in disguise and your looking to see if your disguise is being depleted"


*with that spirit ran upstairs giggling*

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Dust looks the filly but before she could call him, he was already gone."He,Kids right? Always making fun even in this situation" She said as she smiled. "I am just going to the bathroom upstairs and clean myself a bit." Dust walks upstairs and sees Spirit in the room but ignores him and goes to the bathroom:"Please,be just a cut" She mumbles as silent as possible while she looks and touches under her right wing, hurting herself a little.

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her cut didnt show signs of infection, it looked like she had scratched her self against something like a sharp peice of wood, probably from inside the other house


the main way zombie infection spreads is through a bite, since the virus only travels through the nervous system and into the brain the blood stream is unaffected but still should be avoided as much as possible to avoid the potential risk of any blood born illness, the virus its self stores its copies in the saliva glands which makes the bite infectious, it also would be possible to get an infection if grey matter were to get in your mouth or an open cut


(ive updated the stats)



Down the street of the groups house, in a different part of the neighborhood, you are hiding out in an abandoned house, with a steak knife to defend your self with, there are a few zombies outside, but not many, most are gathered around the street lamps out side

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Philipe climbed quietly upstairs, and into the attic, A tree had fallen on the house smashing A good chunk out of the roof and rolling off to where it lay in the front yard...or at least he assumed that that is how the roof was smashed. he moved a heavy crate of books over the trap door sealing up the only entrance other than the roof, three stories...not a bad vantage point

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from his vantage point he could see the rest of the neighborhood, there were a few zombies roaming the streets, shambling on through, there was one flying zombie, haphazardly flapping about it was uncoordinated and wild, it wasn't flying very high, the moon was bright and directly over head, it would of been a nice night out if it werent for the zombies  

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