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The writers, and Rainbow Dash.


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Is it perhaps just me, or has our local Tomboy-mare really lost her, hmm..spark? I just feel her wings have been clipped, so to speak. This season has seen some high points for her, but mostly she just feels as background as AJ used to be (who has clearly risen in the ranks of popularity due to her massive screen time this season).


Now I do not mean this as a shot or jab at the Dashie. But has anyone else found her, I don't know..anoying, this season? :shrug: Again this isnt a "I hate RD" thread, I love all the girls! She just feels, off.


Especially after the episode "Rainbow Falls" she really feels like she "fell" since then. She has gotten rude, cranky, and really synical. I dare say she almost reflects the Bronyfandom as a whole right now.


  • Brohoof 1

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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Is it perhaps just me, or has our local Tomboy-mare really lost her, hmm..spark? I just feel her wings have been clipped, so to speak. This season has seen some high points for her, but mostly she just feels as background as AJ used to be (who has clearly risen in the ranks of popularity due to her massive screen time this season). Now I do not mean this as a shot or jab at the Dashie. But has anyone else found her, I don't know..anoying, this season? :shrug: Again this isnt a "I hate RD" thread, I love all the girls! She just feels, off. Especially after the episode "Rainbow Falls" she really feels like she "fell" since then. She has gotten rude, cranky, and really synical. I dare say she almost reflects the Bronyfandom as a whole right now.


No not really imo, but I think Fluttershy is going through a rough patch this season. RD has had standout moments for both good and bad reasons, as per usual.  Fluttershy's only standout moments this season are her transformations (Flutterhulk, Flutterbat, and Flutterguy), and her horrible punchlines in It Ain't Easy Being Breezies. Don't get me wrong I don't think it was a bad episode, but Fluttershy just isn't being given much to actually do.

  • Brohoof 2

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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It's not easy to juggle around more then 1 or 2 main characters, without some getting shafted in one way or another.

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She has gotten rude, cranky, and really synical. I dare say she almost reflects the Bronyfandom as a whole right now.


I haven't really seen any of this happen any of this happen, so I can't say I agree. As for everything else I think it's debatable but I think there's some truth to what you say. With a few notable exceptions I think this has been a really weak season for Rainbow Dash, and she hasn't had many moments to shine compared to the rest of the cast save for a few occasions(namely Flight to the Finish and some bits from Maud Pie, Bats! and Pinkie Pride), though I still wouldn't say she's a "background pony"

Edited by Megas75
  • Brohoof 4
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I never really found her annoying this season. But, all characters have their moments where they shine in good and bad episodes alike.


I concur with Scoot.   IMO, this has been an odd season.

She has gotten rude, cranky, and really synical. I dare say she almost reflects the Bronyfandom as a whole right now.


I haven't seen her like that so far this season, yet i hope the writers don't make her go down that path.

  • Brohoof 2
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Rainbow Dash in season 4 is a lot like season 4 in general, she started out very strong riding some amazing character development from season 3 around the first half of season 4 but after Rainbow Falls it kind of fell apart. It is not nearly as bad as with Pinkie Pie as she started out if anything even stronger but fizzled out way way worse (Pinkie Pie was awesome in the most recent episode though and her sister rules). We had Scootalove officially become cannon in season 3 but they are yet to really do anything with it which is a shame because there is so much they can do with it and it is so adorable. It could help Rainbow Dash with her problems with expressing her emotions and maybe tame her more reckless side by realizing that she has to be a good role model to Scootaloo.

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I can see where you are coming with this, RD really didn't have a stand out episode, sure she was a big part in Rainbow Falls, but that episode wasn't the greatest. There's not much to base it on this season.

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I feel the same way. Haven't seen her free-fly since Season 2 Episode 7. 


Doesn't A Canterlot Wedding have her free-flying at the end?

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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Rainbow Dash isn't really herself, unless she's calling the shots to what she does. Constrains and burdens cage a free character like her, which is why she's the way she is now. I didn't really like Rainbow Falls because it felt like the writer was punishing Rainbow Dash for being herself.

Edited by Singe
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Really? I don't find her anymore annoying than in the previous seasons. In fact, she seems less annoying than before. As for her character, I don't care what others say, I loved Rainbow Falls and I think she had great character development in it. She's also risen to second best pony this season, so, yeah.

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I think the writers may have hit a creative wall with her. "Rainbow Falls" was mostly a half-baked retread of "Wonderbolts Academy" and she has not had any episodes otherwise this season, and rarely featured in others. I believe they might be missing an opportunity with her and Scootaloo's relatively newfound relationship, but everything could change -- there is another episode planned for her before this season is out.

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Imo, Rainbow has always been... sassy, let's say. A bit too blunt and impulsive at times. Not that I don't like her or anything, but that's part of her personality and I don't think she's been out of character this season. She's also remained mostly loyal to her element and continues to get plenty of exposure in relation to the others.


I don't know. Nothing has seemed amiss to me, unless I've failed to notice something. As others have said, I do wish we would see more Scootalove than we have.


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Dashie has always gotten on my nerves a bit. BUT don't get me wrong sunshine. She's amazing and awesome. I love her, just like I love all of the mane 6. They all have faults and positives to them. Rainbow's fault just happens to be that she's not the most modest pony around. 


I think that just because she's had LESS screen time this season and Applejack has had more, doesn't mean she's lost her spark. Just means they're trying to show diversity and pick other pony's to have episode's on. 


that's my opinion anyway. teehee. 

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I think that just because she's had LESS screen time this season and Applejack has had more, doesn't mean she's lost her spark. Just means they're trying to show diversity and pick other pony's to have episode's on. 

tbf, No one ever said AJ abundant screentime is what's causing Rainbow's current slump.

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tbf, No one ever said AJ abundant screentime is what's causing Rainbow's current slump.

Oh I didn't mean to say that either. I'm just saying they're trying to give an equal amount of screen time it seems. 


Dash's downward spiral that people are noticing I think may have A BIT to do with the less screen time. Not AJ. 


Though I don't really notice much difference in her. Except for her occasional outbursts of non-RD-like emotions. Which have pretty much always been happening.

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RD is NOT a bad Character, in fact her Character of the free wheeling Tomboy is vital to any multi-girl team. (See SailorMoon, Tenchi Muyo, etc. You need this element of "brute attitude"). And I am not one to defend Dashie, I have never really gotten into her character, she always came off as someone who just did NOT want to be around and when she was around it felt it was soooooo not worth HER time. But this isnt a discussion of her Element of Loyalty either, Rainbow is beyond Loyal to the point of putting up her hooves at the drop of a hat just to defend one of her friends. I believe (from her development over the 4 seasons) that RD would DIE for her friends, easily and without question. For that, I respect her character.


But while everyone of the Remane5 (Twi excluded due to Main Character powers) you get a Gemini like approach to there character. They ALL show off there "element" some constantly, some more rarely. But the flip side to that we get there flaws. The character flaws of the girls (and yes Twilight before princessdom) is what makes us fall in love, see ourselves within, and all in all understand the Mares.


Rainbows loyalty never clashs with her "solo" flaw. Infact, her need to protect, shepard, and defend is perfect! But is the other side of her, the "flaw" the stereotype of the Tomboy. She has taken this character type in a direction that is both old ground and new turf. Compare her for a moment with Haruka Tenou from Sailor Moon. Haruka is the extreme of the stereotype, to the point she binds down her bossom and lowers her voice to appear masculine, and even lies to her co-workers about her sex (race car driver). Rainbow was from character birth, given the cracked, smokey, femine voice. It suits her, and that isnt a problem, instead a reinforcement of her role. But this utter...lack, of anything in her besides her flaws is just, disturbing. She has shown some development over the seasons, but nothing compared to Pinkie or Fluttershy. If anything, even Twilights becoming more the Teacher (ala Celestia) over the years, then the student she was, is a deeper development. Rainbows Development keeps tripping over her Element of loyalty. Every chance she gets to better herself, she shoves it away for her friends!!


But Jock, thats her ELEMENT!!!111!!!


True, and while several of the other girls (Rarity giving up her job to help somepony else in RTM for example) do martyr themselves for there elements, RD is just leashed to it. At this rate she will NEVER become a Wonderbolt, she will NEVER be more then she is because she herself will-not-allow-it.


The point of this thread is not to bash RD, or to whine to the writers about her development. Instead it is to examine Dashies actions in this season. If anything, gone is the ego-driven mare many fell in love with. She seems..sulky, and grounded. It feels like her place in the Mane6 is getting "old" for her, and she is starting to resent her friends more and more. Her dialogue is keys to this, its been..teeeeerrrrible! Part of what made RD so beloved is her "devil may care attitude", not the "meh whateva!" currentness.


I LOVE this season, heck, I love ALL of the MLP seasons (FIM and otherwise), and while I have stated I am NOT a Rainbow Dash fan, I am..worried, for her.



p.s. This is not a bash at the seasons writting, I have been enthralled by its depth, and how subtle its been compared to other seasons. Maud's character is a perfect example, every-single pony reviewer on the cursed Youtube is bitching about how this episode is a bad "friends" episode, they are right, BECAUSE ITS NOT! It's about the two Sisters, and the simple action of Maud cupping Pinkies chin, hugging her, and resting her head over her little sisters in a protective manor...IS THE FREAKING MESSAGE! Do all reviewers not have siblings?..blah,, but thats another thread for another rant.

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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I think Rainbow Dash has been doing okay this season, I think.


But maybe Hasbro has wore her character out a bit, hmm?


Like, if they just chilled on the Dashie love for a bit, she would come back better?


I dunno.


I thought she was awesome in "Daring Don't", though.


Loved seeing her and Twily have a nerd-off! ^^


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