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mega thread What are you thinking?


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Ugh why do I have to feel so scared?? :( I shouldn't try to be scared at all but ouch... That pain by my heart.. It's like a dark orb of fear.. :sunny: I really hope that I am just overthinking this and that it'll all be okay... :(

*My cat, obviously in a hyper mood, comes up and bites a strand of my hair*

And what do you think you're doing?


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Thinking about TrotCon in July. What I am going to be doing. And either to drop an application for DJ'ing or just keep with the panel I submitted. I would love to do both. But we'll see. I may just drop the app just to see what happens. I almost made the cut last year. We'll see. :)

  • Brohoof 1



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read P-21's character bio last night. P-21 is from Fallout Equestria: Horizons. According to his biography, he's more lenient towards ponies of the same gender as himself, i.e. he's attracted to colts/stallions. So, last night, I was thinking about what a Kronos x P-21 shipping would be like. It's not all that bad after giving it much thought. I mean, it could turn into a 3 pony relationship with Kronos, P-21 and Arostle/Rampage all having Dissociative Personality Disorder. I mean, it could work out. Even if Kronos would initially reject P-21, Blackjack or any of the other mares whose orders he's obligated to follow would just order him to go out with P-21, anyways. :D What do you guys think? 

  • Brohoof 1
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Try to get this reference:


Leaves falling from trees

Your body falls to the ground

Life leaving your corpse


How hilarious

You've set off my trap card

Time to go to work


Your eyes deceive you

An illusion fools you all

I go for the kill


A challenge, you say?

The Vault, my new masterpiece?

Challenge accepted.


If you still don't get it at that point, then you probably haven't played the associated game series. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Right now i'm thinking how contrived Bats was and how fluttershy just defends her animals first and her freinds second. Espeusaly when you consider the scene from the begininning of the 'Keep Calm and Flutter on" with the whole beaver dam thing. Fluttershy had NO right ot force aj to appligize.  aj was complte in the right there. the beaver KNEW what he did and was gloating cuase he had fluttershy to act as a get ouf of jail free card. ugh! stil lannoys me to this day

  • Brohoof 1
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Right now. At this very moment. I'm thinking about how I usually come into forums, leave anywhere between 2k to 15k posts and leave for no reason whatsoever and never return, thinking how I could fix that

  • Brohoof 2


I was too tired while making this so I fussed up a lot of frames. Will fix if I can be bothered.

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I'm thinking about how this day of the week has a horrible song named after it... Ugh, I hate Friday by Rebecca Black, the horribleness of that song just makes me cringe. :eww:

  • Brohoof 1


| Poet, Writer, and artist | Cartoon, anime and Disney lover | Video game lover |

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." -William Shakespeare
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." - Jimmy Dean


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Is that a Deathclaw?


I mean, it LOOKS kinda like one, but it's at the edge of my vision, and it's dark... I shouldn't have sold those binoculars...


... it might be a... wait...












... Dammit.  Reload.  *sigh*

  • Brohoof 1

=====  ( 0=====


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