Zhortac 1,475 March 25, 2014 Share March 25, 2014 I'm going to play devils advocate here, so don't go apeshit on me: I think making AJ seem like a background pony was a great idea. It was probably the smartest thing they could do for her, in terms of her character. It didn't seem like she was really that popular, and didn't have alot of fans early on (from what I could tell), but then there's an explosion of support and fans for Derpy, who had maybe 25 seconds screen time at most. Making AJ seem like a background pony helped her out, ALOT. She got alot of sympathy from the fans, and alot of people started to appreciate her character, and suddenly she grew in popularity and got more fans. If she was stuck in like the other five, I don't think she'd have as many fans, since the other five seem to overshadow her in alot of areas, and the things she does get ignored. Let's face it, this was the best thing to happen to her, and put her more in the spotlight, then she would be as a full time main character. Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Mane-iac 1,648 March 25, 2014 Share March 25, 2014 (edited) AJ is and always will be my favorite pony. My love for her is unable to be put into words. So yeah, I was extremely irked when I saw there wasn't going to be a toy of her and she was replaced with a background pony that has only had 5 seconds of show time, EG included. Then I decided it's only McD's toys and I don't give a flying pig bottom about them since I 1) don't like McD's, and 2) am not in the habit of buying happy meals if I do run through there out of desperation while out and about. I also decided that the reason Vinyl is there, is because she might actually be playing a more pronounced role in EG2. Seeing as how she is on the cover of the book(?) and all that. In the end, I'm completely fine with there being one less face tattooed AJ running around out there. How dare they ruin such perfection to begin with anyways is a whole other rant. Just like spelling her name Apple Jack or AppleJack. Edited March 25, 2014 by The Mane-iac 4 WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar. The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oblivion 20,271 March 25, 2014 Share March 25, 2014 Yes, it's been kind of a long standing joke for a while that "Applejack is best background pony" I personally hate that, she needs WAY more love, which she actually got a little in season 4, so that makes me happy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anilewe 2,178 March 25, 2014 Share March 25, 2014 (edited) Hm, lack of Applejack is one thing, but the fact that some fans state that Vinyl is more popular than her is what really annoys me. Vinyl loses with Applejack in EVERY. SINGLE. POLL. Even Derpy, who is so loved in this fandom loses with her! And yet some fans still think that toys of her will have better sales. I mean... Are you kidding me? Applejack is one of the main characters since the beginning. She has VERY strong fanbase (maybe smaller than Twilight or Fluttershy, but STRONG and still quite big). Besides, people buy toys to collect them. How am I going to collect the toys of Main 6 without one of them, huh? Besides... that video 'Why Applejack gets no love' is just plain stupid. I know that a lot of people agree with statements made in it, but in my opinion it only shows that people don't understand her character at all and honestly think that only way to make character interesting is to give them a life goal, which isn't true (just look at Pinkie or Fluttershy. even Twilight right now has no goal other than being a good friend and princess and I honestly doubt if she even wanted to be a princess in the first place). Edited March 25, 2014 by Anilewe 6 Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! ORANGESEXY IS THE BEST PONY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 March 25, 2014 Share March 25, 2014 I don't get it why Applejack has to be called a background pony, she has been with the Mane 6 since the beginning where she has had very strong episodes and character development but people still count her out. Every character doesn't need a life goal to make themselves interesting. 1 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightwing 12,978 March 25, 2014 Share March 25, 2014 Hm, lack of Applejack is one thing, but the fact that some fans state that Vinyl is more popular than her is what really annoys me. Vinyl loses with Applejack in EVERY. SINGLE. POLL. And yet some fans still think that toys of her will have better sales. I mean... Are you kidding me? Applejack is one of the main characters since the beginning. She has VERY strong fanbase (maybe smaller than Twilight or Fluttershy, but STRONG). Besides, people buy toys to collect them. How am I going to collect the toys of Main 6 without one of them, huh? Besides... that video 'Why Applejack gets no love' is just plain stupid. I know that a lot of people agree with statements made in it, but in my opinion it only shows that people don't understand her character at all and honestly think that only way to make character interesting is to give them a life goal, which isn't true (just look at Pinkie or Fluttershy. even Twilight right now has no goal other than being a good friend and princess and I honestly doubt if she even wanted to be a princess in the first place). And the worst is that what you say is true.Technically,Vinyl has less fans than Applejack,but Vinyl "has a better reputation"(If we can call a better reputation a punky hair and a DJ name ) I'm not going to sabotage McDonnald's (for now...),but they should rethink what are they doing. Thwy put every main protagonist,even the princesses,but Applejack?No Following that style if a pony with only 3 counted seconds on screen suddenly appears: He/she has more popularity among bronies than a main character(Applejack) I'm...i'm just tired...To start,who was the one who invented this stupid joke of the "Background pony"... And who was the one who followed with it,even during a season who gave Applejack more love than half of the series(This season) ? If you,Vinyl fanbiys,wanna give me a reason of why she's better than Applejack,i dare you to message me,but i don't promise kind answers,because fighting this kind of hate can be quite stressful... Good Afternoon and...follow with your war... -_- 5 ~~ Forum Rules - Forum FAQ - What do you think of me? ~~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KarentheUnicorn 218 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 As much as I like Applejack, I honestly get tired of seeing the same ponies over and over on toys and merchandise. If it were up to me...there would be new ponies every time, not the same 6 over and over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 I love Vinyl, but the whole "replacing Applejack" business = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1QCBF3h_tM I almost died from laughing. What an excellent response. XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ribbonfree 2,383 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 As much as I like Applejack, I honestly get tired of seeing the same ponies over and over on toys and merchandise. If it were up to me...there would be new ponies every time, not the same 6 over and over. I think this is also a valid point. Sure AJ kind of got the shaft this time around, but in general it's good if we get a wide variety of pones showing up in the merch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomeReallyRandomGuy 137 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 Very strange why they would do this. I personally like all the main 6 more then any background character, no reasson for background characters to replace main ones. Very very strange. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUnionJake 41 March 26, 2014 Author Share March 26, 2014 (edited) Eh. Boo. AJ needs more love, Vinyl is gag-inducing, she's so overrated. What does Vinyl have going on for her BESIDES music? music is nice, but she's just a background pony and that's all she ever needs to be. AJ may be simplistic, but she's 100,000,000x better than any Dj pon-3 As much as I like Applejack, I honestly get tired of seeing the same ponies over and over on toys and merchandise. If it were up to me...there would be new ponies every time, not the same 6 over and over. This is something you would think, since it seems like they're making this for the fanbase? Why else would they include Vinyl? I mean, do they expect that we bronies are going to walk into a McDonalds and order a girls' happy meal? We created Vinyl, and the "Target audience" hardly knows about her. So, it must be to sponsor/hint EG 2. But, why would they make a pony with less that 10 seconds of total screen time the main character of their next big move? Who knows, but one thing I know, Vinyl Scratches' placement makes no flipping sense. Edited March 26, 2014 by TheUnionJake 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 I am glad that the "background pony" nonsense about Applejack has died down a bit after season 3 but the fact that it is still around is becoming more and more ridiculous with just how much great character development we have seen from Applejack since season 3. I get why Vinyl Scratch is popular, I like her too but nearly everything is fanbased with her while with Applejack you get both great fanworks and great in show appearances. I love how a Rarity fan aids Applejack too I have noticed that a lot, a lot of Rarity fans also seem to like Applejack and vice versa, a few well known Rarity fans on here like Ghosty and Docxfizzle even have Applejack as their second favorite pony. I find this pretty interesting considering just how different Applejack and Rarity are from each other, though despite that there is are a lot of similarities between their respective fans. 4 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightwing 12,978 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 I have noticed that a lot, a lot of Rarity fans also seem to like Applejack and vice versa, a few well known Rarity fans on here like Ghosty and Docxfizzle even have Applejack as their second favorite pony. I find this pretty interesting considering just how different Applejack and Rarity are from each other, though despite that there is are a lot of similarities between their respective fans. Yeah.Both Applejack and Rarity fans have great relationships with each other,and it can be easy to see Applejack fans defending Rarity too. Both ponies are so different...but so similar at the same time,and that's what makes the fans of both ponies comw together And that's true too.Rarity fans tend to have Applejack on a high tier on their favourite pony scale,and i see the same with Applejack ones. 3 ~~ Forum Rules - Forum FAQ - What do you think of me? ~~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argumedies 1,748 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 Ya know, I don't wanna hear any more whining about Applejack background character. AJ's probably had more air time this season then any pony So I don't wanna hear it!!! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Mane-iac 1,648 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 I have noticed that a lot, a lot of Rarity fans also seem to like Applejack and vice versa, a few well known Rarity fans on here like Ghosty and Docxfizzle even have Applejack as their second favorite pony. I find this pretty interesting considering just how different Applejack and Rarity are from each other, though despite that there is are a lot of similarities between their respective fans. Yeah.Both Applejack and Rarity fans have great relationships with each other,and it can be easy to see Applejack fans defending Rarity too. Both ponies are so different...but so similar at the same time,and that's what makes the fans of both ponies comw together And that's true too.Rarity fans tend to have Applejack on a high tier on their favourite pony scale,and i see the same with Applejack ones. I can attest to that. I'm an AJ fan through and through when it comes to the mane 6, but Rarity is a close second in my book. No one else even comes close. I think I've brohoofed more of Ghosty's posts then anyone else around here. Reason AJ and Rarity fans have each others backs? Rarijack is best pairing, and practically canon. Seriously though I think it's because of how much interaction has been between the two, how they are both similar in that they are the most mature and have pretty much acquired their goals, and how they both seemed to get the short end of the stick in fandom appreciation and merch in the beginning. WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar. The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 (edited) and have pretty much acquired their goals, Yeah, Applejack and Rarity seem to attract the older fans at least for the most part but although at 28 I am one of the older members here I wish I was one of the people that has acquired my goals. I am much more ambitious than Applejack, in that regard I am closer to Rarity even though I have almost nothing else in common with her and Rarity took me the longest to like out of the mane 6. With Applejack I know what it is like to have to fight and struggle to get what you want in life and have overdone it at work more times than I could possibly count which has resulted in some rather nasty knee injuries. Edited March 26, 2014 by EarthbendingProdigy Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Obsidian Sky 14,004 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 Reason AJ and Rarity fans have each others backs? Rarijack is best pairing, and practically canon. Seriously though I think it's because of how much interaction has been between the two, how they are both similar in that they are the most mature and have pretty much acquired their goals, and how they both seemed to get the short end of the stick in fandom appreciation and merch in the beginning. Yeah, Rares and Apples work so well together because they are so similar and so different at the same time. I really like them interacting. I wrote something to that thema three months ago on another site, i tried to explain to someone why, for me, Rarijack is best shipping, but i guess much in my text holds true for their general friendship. Hmmmm, i guess its because they are so different, but so similar at the same time. They both work very hard, and both love their work, they sometimes sacrifice their physical and mental well being to make their work just right. Even though they jobs have almost nothing in common, they have exactly the same pride in their work, the good kind of pride, and i like to think they have an great deal of respect for each other because of that. Its this passion they share.... Rarity would never give subpar clothes to an client.... and Applejack would never give somepony less then the best Apples and Cakes in Equestria. For both their familiy is very important. Applejack and Rarity would almost do anything for them. they both adore their little sisters, even if Sweeties and Rares relationship was somewhat difficult in the past, they made up for it later. They both would sacrifice much for friends and familiy. Reputation is also very important for both, Rarity and Apples could not stand the thought of theirs being blemished. If somehow they would loose their good name, it would be disastrous for them. They are both beautiful mares. At the same time there are much differences between them that give their relationship spice! They both are not really into the passions of the other, Rarity disliking dirt and farmwork, and Applejack having no connection to fashion. Applejack likes physical activities, Rarity does not. Raritys mind is extremely focused and notices the smallest details, Apples likes to think more of the big picture. Applejack being practical, Rarity being artistic. Rarity tends to get derailed from problems, Apples keeps marching. Applejack and Rarity clashed in the beginning in season one until they noticed their similarities, then they learned to respect, and like each other. accept their differences, they became friends. Its not far off to make them lovers too. They somehow complement each other imho. If Rarity has her head in the clouds Applejack brings her back to the ground. If Apples fails to see the finer things in a problem, Rarity sees them. The physical worker, the artistic worker. The farmgirl, the fashionista. Both the same, both differend, united in love. I hope i could make my point clear with my crappy english. But i guess most people love it because its awesome. Duh..... I hope its not too shippy for this site, i understand it tries to stay save for work. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarSwirlTheBearded 356 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 Calm down. They're just McDonalds toys. Sig by Kyoshi — Ask me anything – http://mlpforums.com/topic/94670-ask-sstb-me/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,383 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 @StarSwirlTheBearded, "JUST MCDONALD'S TOYS"?!?!?! 1 By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Away 2,077 March 26, 2014 Share March 26, 2014 Wow. This is just plain wrong. She's more of a secondary pony than a background one. Sheesh! Get it right, people! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cwanky 17,602 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 Eh I don't care much for McDonalds and their slave minimum wage and corporate greed. The last time I was interested in McDonalds was when they released YGO promo cards. I'm still waiting on Build A Bear to have an official Applejack plush. And yes I expect it to have her freckles and Stetson Hat too. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight Magician 494 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 Yeahh, that REALLY pissed me off. Vinyl Scratch should never take the spot of a mane 6 pony. That horribly overrated background pony is not nearly AJ's caliber of fabulousness (She's fabulous in her own way, dammit.) Of course, it's just McDonald's toys. They're probably pretty cheap and of piss poor quality, anyway They're probably just as good as decision to replace AJ with Vinyl. Which, was a pretty piss poor decision Eh. Boo. AJ needs more love, Vinyl is gag-inducing, she's so overrated. STATEMENT OF THE CENTURY! How could a background pony with ZERO personally (I mean canon Vinyl, not fanon) take the place of a mane six pony? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 It's 2014 now and the background pony jokes seem to be alive and well. While I've never found the joke's existence to hold a great deal of merit to begin with, it makes even less sense here and now than it did in 2012 when season 2 ended on a pretty low note for Applejack. During the course of the 26 episode season, she received all of maybe two episodes of focus; one in which she was, according to some of the more fatuous members of the fandom, "outshined" by Derpy. In the other episode, she really didn't learn anything new, and that only served to reinforce the common notion that she's an underdeveloped and "fully explored" character. BronyCurious' popular and oft-cited "Why Applejack Gets No Love" video definitely didn't do anything to help matters either. I have and still do see that video frequently presented into discussion about Applejack's popularity and treatment by the FiM writing team. I didn't agree with the video when it was published then, but by now it's just plain outdated. AJ has come a long way since season 2 and has proven that she doesn't need the excuse of a destiny or goal to be an engaging, deep, and multifaceted main character. As I was saying though, it's 2014, we're nearing season 4's end, and the joke is nothing but a complete farce anymore. Seasons 3 and 4 have both been very kind to Applejack; giving her even more screen time and episodes of focus than that of even Twilight Sparkle. She was the only character to have a speaking role in every episode of season 3, and season 4 has had a very heavy hand of Applejack-centric episodes, even if she co-starred in most of them. We've seen so many new dimensions to Applejack's character this season, and I think that she's been absolutely fantastic all throughout. To call her a background pony in 2014 out of anything other than jest would display a great deal of ignorance, but I honestly think most bronies do use the term as lightly as possible, and not because they actually think badly of Applejack. You will find a few rotten apples in every bushel though. As for the McDonalds toys and why the set has excluded AJ, I really can't answer that question, but I think it reflects the fact that she is among the less popular of the main characters and isn't seen as being as marketable to the powers that be. But even then, AJ would thrash Vinyl Scratch in a popularity contest on any given day, and seeing as these toys are aimed at an audience that probably pays little to no attention to background ponies like the DJ, I am baffled as to how Vinyl got into the set over a a much more recognizable, main character like AJ. I've always enjoyed the group dynamic of the Mane Six, and it's sad to see any one of them get shafted in any given toy set. In my mind, the toy line will always feel incomplete if it doesn't feature all of the main characters. Thankfully for me, I had no interest in getting any of these toys to begin with, and the lack of AJ all but makes it a done deal for me, and I am sure that enough little tikes will be disappointed with Applejack being MIA from their Happy Meal too. If so, let all of this be a lesson to Hasbro and Mickey D's to always include Applejack in the future. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUnionJake 41 March 27, 2014 Author Share March 27, 2014 Ya know, I don't wanna hear any more whining about Applejack background character. AJ's probably had more air time this season then any pony So I don't wanna hear it!!! Her status as a background pony and her replacement by Vinyl Scratch is what's angering us, so take two seconds to try and understand what's going on here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skye 463 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 God, it pisses me off to no end.Applejack is my favorite of the mane 6. It rustles my jimmies when people are like "APPLEJACK IS BEST BACKGROUND PONY."Get out.I don't understand why she doesn't get hardly enough love she deserves. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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