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No Bullies?


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Yeah, sure.


This fandom was created by trolls. Why the hell do you think are so many memes there? To Annoy people.

Actually on this site people post memes to make peopek laugh!

Don't they?

This forum has some bullies and trolls, you might want to look some more if you haven't encountered any.

I'm guessing they like to roam around the Everfree Forest Section.

  • Brohoof 1
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There is a healthy balance of devout fans and then there is always that unhealthy balance of even one troll slipping through the cracks anywhere you go on the internet, they believe their entity is an object of the internet and that they are the ones running it, but really they are just making things cultural and having hipsters follow, not ironically follow. Then some have the typical "I did it first" attitude trying to be prideful about something irrelevant that took place as a fad amongst a bunch of anonymous people, You pretty much just have to ignore them no matter where you go, the internet is a slimy place, you probably talk to trolls on a daily basis and just don't know it, you will get passive aggressive bullshit, people trying to get a rise out of you, just remember, theres no point in arguing with someone that wants to argue lol.

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Then, you could be right. Trolls are everywhere on the internet, most of them are actually good.

A lot of people are misunderstood, but you are the problem if you are purposely misunderstood. I don't agree because of almost every meme that they have evr laid claim to passing through the B folder, the racial, sexual, and just overrall insensitivity for life, is disgusting, child pornography, beastiality, memes mocking suicide and murder victims. Tough love and rude humor can be funny, but there is the difference in that and being a social parasite.

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Maybe it's due to the kindhearted nature and innocence of the show? We've all learned lessons about friendship in mlp and maybe some of us have taken that into our posting habits. lol We must always remember to be respectdul and tolerate others.


Obviously theres always going to be some fighting or trolls as that is inevitable on any forum, but maybe it's the fandom that explains why the bully rate here seems to be lower than that in other forums.

Edited by Swoony
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A lot of people are misunderstood, but you are the problem if you are purposely misunderstood. I don't agree because of almost every meme that they have evr laid claim to passing through the B folder, the racial, sexual, and just overrall insensitivity for life, is disgusting, child pornography, beastiality, memes mocking suicide and murder victims. Tough love and rude humor can be funny, but there is the difference in that and being a social parasite.

I couldn't agree more. There is a thin line between making memes to make people laugh and just making something that is disgusting and disturbing for others. I only like most memes, not the very demeaning ones.

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If you think this forum hasn't encountered bullies....you need to look back farther. :P THis forum has had many trolls and bullies. A famous one was banned not to long ago. 

Kind of like me, though I'm more of an idiot who doesn't abide by the rules than a troll and bully others.


This fandom is so beautiful, that I could make love to it (though that would be impossible).

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@Sugar Dash I have only been on this forum for a little while.  But I'm with you.  I guess I might not know what a troll would look like in an internet setting but everyone has been super friendly that I have come across. 


There's always going to be one or two bad apples in any bunch but overall this is a great forum to be a part of.  And yes some folks are very argumentative but everyone is entitled to their opinions.  I tend to feel sorry for the folks who know it all and leave no possibilities open.


So back to your statement of this being a great forum, I TOTALLY AGREE!

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I won't name names but I have indeed run into some people here that weren't very most of the ones I am thinking of either got banned or left though so this place isn't completely "pure" but then again no place is. Despite this though out of all the forums I have been on this is the most civil and welcoming, if you have the misfortune of running into a bully or troll on here don't let that discourage you, no place is going to be completely perfect but as far as sites go this is a pretty good one.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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There are bullies and trolls here, but there are far fewer than there are in most other places I have encountered online. Even though I see the worst of the community on a regular basis since I'm a moderator and it's my responsibility to help deal with that behavior, I stand by my several previous statements that this is the best community I have ever encountered online. The bad that occurs here is a very small minority. Overall, this is a friendly place, and I hope that you will have a great time here.
If you ever do encounter bullies or trolls, I strongly encourage you to report them. The staff do not tolerate that behavior. That behavior is harmful and destructive to the individuals it is aimed at, as well as the community as a whole, and is not at all welcome here.

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So far on these forums I haven't encountered a single troll or bully!

This just goes to show how great and pure this fandom really is!

I'm so happy to be apart of it! :-)



This is the only pony forums you've been to, isn't it?

There are some pretty awful people in this fandom, make no mistake about it! This is coming from someone who has been on 6 different pony forums including this one (two of which are off the internet). And I'm not talking about just bullies, trolls and general scumbags here. I'm also talking about people who manipulate others into always taking their side. Sometimes, those tools can include moderators and even administrators. The kind of people who can speak in a matter that is so persuasive that it's almost as if you are moved to do something against your will and certainly against your better judgment. Then there are those bronies who appear nice but are not sincere nor genuine. These are the people who "love and tolerate" for primarily for keeping an image be it for themselves or the fandom at large. As I have learned the hard way, those are not people you want to be friends with. The vast majority of those people I have met from the first pony forums I joined and had been a member of for two years. Those of you who have read certain blogs of mine know which pony forums I'm talking about.

Edited by SunBurn
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I'm guessing they like to roam around the Everfree Forest Section.


Nope, the Debate Pit <:3 Where they can cause limited amounts of drama and not get pegged xD

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If you want to find trolls, look inside the Forum Lounge or the Debate Pit.


But seriously though, you need to look harder. There are a couple of infamous bullies/trolls that shall not be named.

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