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Is there lots of misanthropes in this fandom?


Are the majority or minority of Bronies misanthropes?  

39 users have voted

  1. 1. Are the majority or minority of Bronies misanthropes?

    • Minority.
    • Majority.
    • Not sure.

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I seem to meet a lot of misanthropes in this fandom. And quite frankly I find them really annoying. 


So how many misanthropes are in this fandom? I've encountered so many of these people, from self insert misanthropic Human in Equestria fan fiction, random Brony whining how he or she hates Humanity and Ponies are better than Humans and blah blah blah.


Are the majority of Bronies misanthropes?


Is it only a minority misanthropes. But they are very vocal.



Edited by Rush
  • Brohoof 1

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Disliking humanity is just another bandwagon that people on the internet have jumped on, so some bronies get that as well from their other influences. I'd say it's a minority who just happen to be loud and or affected enough to put out their views in blogs and fanfic and the like, making it seem like there is more of them.

Edited by Lil' Strapless
  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly, this misanthropic bandwagon is a giant fallacy that slowly eating us bronies away of our morals and our "love and toleration". It just doesn't make sense. If you love MLP, why do you hate others? It's a total oxymoron. 

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Honestly, this misanthropic bandwagon is a giant fallacy that slowly eating us bronies away of our morals and our "love and toleration". It just doesn't make sense. If you love MLP, why do you hate others? It's a total oxymoron. 


Misanthropic Brony: Because Ponies are all good and all Humans are evil and worship Sauron!


Don't even get me started on The Conversion Bureau, in short many of these stories are about saving Humanity... by killing all Humanity. Wat?!

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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There is more of a minority of them. They put out their views or thoughts in fan fictions to voice their opinions, and it's like a bandwagon of people who say negative things about humans and think that ponies have perfect utopian lives.

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Misanthropic Brony: Because Ponies are all good and all Humans are evil and worship Sauron!


Don't even get me started on The Conversion Bureau, in short many of these stories are about saving Humanity, by killing all Humanity. Wat?!

Ugh, it's why I always say, "This world is going down by the day."

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I seem to meet a lot of misanthropes in this fandom. And quite frankly I find them really annoying.


So how many misanthropes are in this fandom? I've encountered so many of these people, from self insert misanthropic Human in Equestria fan fiction, random Brony whining how he or she hates Humanity and Ponies are better than Humans and blah blah blah.


Are the majority of Bronies misanthropes?


Is it only a minority misanthropes. But they are very vocal.



You know, for someone who claims to be part of the FIM fandom, you post a lot of threads on here hating a lot of the fans! Edited by Princess Sunbutt
  • Brohoof 2


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A lot of people in the fandom are pessimists and anti-social, I don't know how many are full blown misanthropes.


I also know that a lot pretend to be misanthropes because they think it makes them look bad-ass (Hint: It does not), as if they needed to be into something the exact opposite of family-friendly to counteract their love of candy colored Equines, to restore the natural order of the Universe.


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I think it is a very vocal minority, sometimes took a big crap on people and sometimes people end up losing faith in humanity. It is not entirely excuseable but I do understand it because I too went through a misanthropic phase in my life. Ponies if the show is any indication seem to have things a bit better than us but as I have said many times if they were to exist than the show would be an idealized version of them. Issues like sex and violence will never be covered in the show but a few other things have been covered like racism, bullying, conformity and many other problems that we also have here on earth.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think it is a very vocal minority, sometimes took a big crap on people and sometimes people end up losing faith in humanity. It is not entirely excuseable but I do understand it because I too went through a misanthropic phase in my life. Ponies if the show is any indication seem to have things a bit better than us but as I have said many times if they were to exist than the show would be an idealized version of them. Issues like sex and violence will never be covered in the show but a few other things have been covered like racism, bullying, conformity and many other problems that we also have here on earth.


It's a kid's show, so yeah they can't address grimdark issues that happen in real life, such as war, murder and other sensitive subjects. 


In nature everything comes down to survival. Our world is harsh and we have to be a little harsh to survive. Animals, in nature by it's very nature is cruel and merciless, at least us Humans feel bad about what we do sometimes and even show mercy. 


Also, if us Humans truly are such evil beings, couldn't all other sapient minded aliens be just as evil or good than us? 


The Krogan (fictional race, but still a good example) from Mass Effect almost destroyed their home world in a nuclear war. We haven't done that yet, and hopefully we never will.

Edited by Rush
  • Brohoof 1

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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I don't think they're a majority or minority.

But yeah, a lot of people in the fandom have had bad experiences with people. If it affects them enough, Equestria can seem perfect in comparison. The grass is always greener and all that.

But you're totally right. It's a kids cartoon about ponies run by Hasbro. They can only show so much bad.


HOWEVER, I've seen plenty of stuff in the show that tells me the place really isn't that perfect.

Ponies in the show can be incredibly rude, and they're almost never called out on it. We've seen evidence of organized crime in Daring Don't. We've mental break downs and various disabilities (though the disabilities are handles exceedingly well). We've seen prejudice and snobbery.


Plus in the real world we don't really have to deal with beings so powerful that all of creation is at their mercy.



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It's a kid's show, so yeah they can't address grimdark issues that happen in real life, such as war, murder and other sensitive subjects. 


In nature everything comes down to survival. Our world is harsh and we have to be a little harsh to survive. Animals, in nature by it's very nature is cruel and merciless, at least us Humans feel bad about what we do sometimes and even show mercy. 


Also, if us Humans truly are such evil beings, couldn't all other sapient minded aliens be just as evil or good than us? 


The Krogan (fictional race, but still a good example) from Mass Effect almost destroyed their home world in a nuclear war. We haven't done that yet, and hopefully we never will.

Then shouldn't the very occurrence of misanthropes be something you should be thankful for? Because if there are any kind of people who feel bad about our atrocities as a species, it's them.

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Then shouldn't the very occurrence of misanthropes be something you should be thankful for? Because if there are any kind of people who feel bad about our atrocities as a species, it's them.


Yeah, but then there's people that hate their own species so much, that they write stories about Ponies killing all Humans and that's a 'good thing' to them. Because all Humans are 'evil' apparently, and only way we can be saved is by being turned into a bunch of pastel Ponies. That right there is Reaper from Mass Effect logic.

Edited by Rush
  • Brohoof 1

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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I hate what humanity has become, although I don't hate other humans. And I don't think we would be better under Princess Celestia's rule, unless we all lived on Equestria, because she doesn't have much experience with what we had to go through to survive (although she would have somewhat of an idea with all the dangerous creatures in Equestria).


In the end, Equestria was created to be a utopia. They have an occasional conflict, but everyone is almost always so friendly and happy there. Not realistic, but if there was an Equestria somewhere in the universe that was exactly or mostly like the Equestria in the show, I think that would be the closest thing to paradise (outside of Heaven, or whatever happy afterlife place your religion believes in) that we could get, assuming we could ever find our way there. But then again, unless we only get there by being reborn as ponies and lose our human memories, humans would just turn Equestria into another Earth.


Edit: I would just like to add that I'm not misanthropic in general, but I do hate a sizeable portion of humanity, or at least, I don't trust most of humanity to do the right thing.

Edited by Assertive Fluttershy
  • Brohoof 2

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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It strikes me as being symptomatic of other things going on in the lives of the people in question-many Bronies talk of being bullied, of having difficult home lives, of feeling like they don't fit in anywhere or with any particular group. MLP depicts a welcoming environment where everyone is accepted-it probably stands in stark contrast with their experiences with humanity up to that point.


These attitudes usually pass as people get older and realize that the experiences of school life are not representative of humanity as a whole.


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Then shouldn't the very occurrence of misanthropes be something you should be thankful for? Because if there are any kind of people who feel bad about our atrocities as a species, it's them.

But it's ultimately a useless and counter-productive sentiment. There's a huge difference between "I see problems in the world" and "fuck humans, they can't do anything right". The latter is basically nihilism.

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My most optimistic estimation is that 70%-85% members of the fandom are unclean.


But it could be that those are really in the minority and are just very vocal...


Still...It was in the Brony Fandom where i encountered Misanthropy first time to such horriying levels.


The show was meant to teach you to be a better person and help your fellow humans not to spread pony supremacy and despise your fellow humans.

But i really hope that those are just a very, very, very, very local minority and that the rest is either positive or neutral. It would be otherwise just really sad...

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But it's ultimately a useless and counter-productive sentiment. There's a huge difference between "I see problems in the world" and "fuck humans, they can't do anything right". The latter is basically nihilism.

I know that I can get misanthropic myself and that usually happens when someone is expressing nonsense as their basis for optimism. Both sides are at play here and it polarizes people. It's this whole polarization thing that's really detrimental as opposed to any one philosophy because of how paralyzing it really is. IMO both sides need to quiet down and that's far easier said than done. That's really because it's very difficult to correct someone without shaming them, especially when it happens in a public setting such as this one.


IMO, and this is going to be a bit cut-throat, while the extreme misanthropy you're referring to is indeed detrimental, it's still not as detrimental as topics like these which will only compound the polarization and thus compounding the paralysis. If we want to mobilize and do something about occurring problems, we must first stop all this finger-pointing.

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Eh, I don't know.. I used to be one, but that view changes in the years.


You can't really blame them. Humans ARE a terrible species. No matter how empathic a human might be, the main drive of a human is always based around a self centered point of view.. People are good for their friends because friends are important for them. If those feelings weren't there, they wouldn't do that (And that is the reason why psychopaths are psychopaths).


Still, people should try to see how other people work. We aren't any different from other people, we are all self centered. And this self centered behavior also leads to some great self sacrifices. If we weren't self centered, we would be like ants.. There would be a hive mind idea..


And this is why humans are great. We are individualistic and capable of creativity. People might have different opinions on this, but that only proofs how varied we are. In some ways, we might even learn from them, and vice versa.

  • Brohoof 1

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I've noticed a lot of misanthropes in the fandom as well. Thankfully, they do seem to be a minority.


Yes, Humanity has its problems. But look at all of the good humanity has done. Look at all of our creations, and achievements. Look at everything around you. Think about My Little Pony. Would you, or any of this stuff be around had humans never existed?


I used to have a much more negative outlook on humanity. Lately, it's been a lot more positive.  I like to try my best to stay true to the "love and tolerance" motto, because if I don't then it makes me a hypocrite. I've known Love, and I've known hate. I think we all know which one feels better.

Edited by Mikami
  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I know that I can get misanthropic myself and that usually happens when someone is expressing nonsense as their basis for optimism. Both sides are at play here and it polarizes people. It's this whole polarization thing that's really detrimental as opposed to any one philosophy because of how paralyzing it really is. IMO both sides need to quiet down and that's far easier said than done. That's really because it's very difficult to correct someone without shaming them, especially when it happens in a public setting such as this one.


IMO, and this is going to be a bit cut-throat, while the extreme misanthropy you're referring to is indeed detrimental, it's still not as detrimental as topics like these which will only compound the polarization and thus compounding the paralysis. If we want to mobilize and do something about occurring problems, we must first stop all this finger-pointing.


But misanthropy isn't a "side" or a philosophy, it's just an incredibly immature reaction to the world's problems.

Eh, I don't know.. I used to be one, but that view changes in the years.


You can't really blame them. Humans ARE a terrible species. No matter how empathic a human might be, the main drive of a human is always based around a self centered point of view.. People are good for their friends because friends are important for them. If those feelings weren't there, they wouldn't do that (And that is the reason why psychopaths are psychopaths).

What you mention here is probably the weakest point in misanthropy.


Humans are awful... compared to what? Is there some other sapient species out there we can compare ourselves to?


Trying to compare us to other non-sapient animals is a pointless apples to oranges comparison. Animals are incapable of being immoral, but only because no meaningful moral weight can be applied to what they do. They can't be good or bad, they can only act out their natures and follow their instinct.


The thing that is special about humans is that we can feel bad about what we do and reconsider our how our actions affect others.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm a little confused, I'm afraid.


Can someone give me a description of a "misanthrope"? ^^"

Misanthropy is "a hatred or distrust of humankind" so a misanthrope is basically a person who hates on their own species.

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Misanthropy is "a hatred or distrust of humankind" so a misanthrope is basically a person who hates on their own species.


That's...strange.  :blink:


I can't say I've met one in this fandom, or really anywhere in general.


I can understand fans who would rather be a pony than a human, but I don't think I've met anyone who's hated their own species. ^^"


By the way, thanks for the help! ^^ (\


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