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movies/tv What old cartoons would you like to see return?


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Lauren Faust had the good fortune of getting an opportunity many of us wouldn't get even in our wildest dreams, the chance to reboot a show from her childhood and that show is why we are here on this forum. So I ask the question to all of you if you had this opportunity which show would you choose?


For me it would be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I grew up with 80's and 90's cartoon and recently finished watching the 2003 series and am watching the 2012 series and they are awesome in their own ways. But there were a few things they could have done better in the 2003 series mostly in the later seasons, the episodes after season 5 just feel rushed and there are more plot holes that even Michelangelo can shake a pizza at.


There were many good ideas but it seems like they never really got off the ground, which is a real shame and season 5 which focused on Tengu Shredder should have been the series finale.The earlier seasons though were just worked on so many levels, the plot the character development the villains it was all there The 2012 series is good so far and there are one or two nitpicky things I don't like like the Shredders voice or the fact that they made Baxter Stockman a total dweeb, but it is still early in the series. My vision would probably be equal parts light hearted humor from the 80's and 90's series along with quite a few references and the dark serious tone of the comics and the first half of the 2003 series.

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Megas XLR. I don't want it changed though, just re-aired. That show was god-tier.


I mean seriously, how many TV shows are about a fat guy who finds a giant robot from the future, turns it into a game console, and beats up giant robots and aliens with it, and destroys the entire state of New Jersey in the crossfire in every episode? None.

Edited by Urdnot Pinkie Pie
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I think that they should reboot some of the classics (Ed, Edd, and Eddy, Billy and Mandy, KND) on Cartoon Network. The channel just seems to be going downhill. Although Total Drama is my secret pleasure when I'm not re-watching MLP episodes.

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Megas XLR. I don't want it changed though, just re-aired. That show was god-tier.


I mean seriously, how many TV shows are about a fat guy who finds a giant robot from the future, turns it into a game console, and beats up giant robots and aliens with it, and destroys the entire state of New Jersey in the crossfire in every episode? None.


Indeed it was, I didn't know about the show until a friend of mine told me about years after it stopped airing, I found it on the internet though and downloaded it onto a DVD I just wish I remember where I put that DVD. Yeah I would definitely like to see that re aired and with new episodes.

  • Brohoof 2
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Hmm... I see little point in rebooting television shows because trying to live in your nostalgic past is something I just never understood all that well. Most the people involved with whatever old show you loved probably moved onto bigger and better things and perhaps you just never knew about it.

Like how so many people are hoping on these lame Powerpuff Girls reboot rumors. I don't get why people desperately kling onto a show like that and wish to reboot it if the makers moved on and the show ran its course. Lauren Faust and Craig McCracken moved on to make Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, which is a much loved show. Faust went on to make My Little Pony Friendship is Magic which is one of the few reboots I've seen to be somewhat necessary. And now Faust and McCracken are joining forces once more to make Wander Over Yonder!




But still that doesn't answer your question. If I had to pick a show that didn't quite live on as long as it should have and the main creators haven't really moved on to anything substantially better.

Tough one...

Well I'd mostly look at a few cartoons that I feel went down a tad too early.


Chowder is one that many people believe died before its prime since it was just getting good so I'd really go for that one since it only finally grew on me as soon as it went down. The only issue with that is that the series creator C.H. Greenblatt is apparently making some new show called Bad Seeds, but there is no real explanation of this show so I'm not so sure.

The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack is another show in the same boat as Chowder. I only really got into it right before it went down and its a real shame since it took part in this big comeback of Cartoon Network I've been seeing lately. Thurop Van Orman is currently producing Adventure Time though which is a show I'd rather not interfere with since its pretty much the best new age cartoon! haha


Invader Zim is a good candidate for a reboot seeing that the show was canceled in the middle of its 2nd Season pretty abruptly which has really ticked off fans ever since. I feel its a show that was just starting to finally develop before they killed it. It also has a pretty large fanbase for such a small show that is very interested in reviving it either through fans animating unfinished episodes or campaigning to bring it back to Nickelodeon.

With such a large fanbase wanting the show back that ended pretty prematurely, I say Invader Zim is VERY MUCH deserving of a comeback! So I guess Invader Zim is my choice.

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Megas XLR. I don't want it changed though, just re-aired. That show was god-tier.


I mean seriously, how many TV shows are about a fat guy who finds a giant robot from the future, turns it into a game console, and beats up giant robots and aliens with it, and destroys the entire state of New Jersey in the crossfire in every episode? None.


Or there was this show!

I was going to mention this because its one of my favorite shows Cartoon Network ever had!

But I was focusing more on actual revivals of shows that I feel deserve it and not just re-airing.


Not sure if there is too much of a demand for more episodes, but show creators, Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic, aren't up to much else so they could return if Cartoon Network would take them.

But I left it out because I'm guessing there's a really low demand aside from some fans like you and I alike!

  • Brohoof 1

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I don't know if this counts... Mine would be an anime, actually: Trigun. I loved the Trigun anime. I'd like to see a new version made that would follow the storyline of Maximum, instead. I know many people think that the anime was better, but I don't care. =P

Edited by Envy

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Reboot of Code: Lyoko.   A very long series and definetely amazing! So original.  I even tried writing a Code Lyoko and MLP crossover but it didnt turn out so well.  Code: Lyoko definitely!tongue.png



I remember that show. Wasn't bad, though it needed some work. Looked it up on netflix a few months back too.


But if I had to pick a show that needs to be back, it would have to be Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.




(It was actually written by Lauren Faust, and her husband made the show)

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Still waiting for a Captain Planet reboot, Cartoon Network. Either that or a Carmen Sandiego reboot, and the planned movie doesn't count.

  • Brohoof 1

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If I could pick three shows to resurrect, they'd have to be "Courage the Cowardly Dog", "My Life as a Teenage Robot", & "Ed Edd n' Eddy".

But If I had to pick one out of that list, I'd have to pick "My Life as a Teenage Robot". I don't exactly know why I liked it, but I found it entertaining. 



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Megas XLR. I don't want it changed though, just re-aired. That show was god-tier.


I mean seriously, how many TV shows are about a fat guy who finds a giant robot from the future, turns it into a game console, and beats up giant robots and aliens with it, and destroys the entire state of New Jersey in the crossfire in every episode? None.


HOLY POOP. Jester, anyone? biggrin.png


I'd reboot the whole of Nick GaS. Because it was awesome.


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Hmm, I loved a lot of childhood shows, but the thing is, they eventually ended for a reason. All shows eventually run out of ideas, or become incapable of being what they started has by either becoming to complicated or just straining to think of new ideas.



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I would reboot a show I used to watch called reboot actually no I wouldnt it wasnt that good but megas 




Megas XLR. I don't want it changed though, just re-aired. That show was god-tier.


I mean seriously, how many TV shows are about a fat guy who finds a giant robot from the future, turns it into a game console, and beats up giant robots and aliens with it, and destroys the entire state of New Jersey in the crossfire in every episode? None.

It also had one of the most awesome sound tracks of any tv show to date I miss megas xlr it was awsome 


Edited by mycarhasaMoustache
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No, really. I'm ze most excited stallion on the planet now. :3

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It was awkward when shows were cancelled without actually concluding the main plot. Samurai Jack was one (I think) as was Sonic Underground (don't bring that back).

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I know that the Hub is airing this again, but ANIMANIACS.  


Not only was the show enjoyable for all ages and demographics, but it was also hilarious, witty and educational. Seriously, a reboot of that show would probably attract the largest online fanbase for show targeted at children EVER I bet. There's an endless number of episode ideas too as there's so much that that show could parody and make fun of today.

Edited by Rarietty


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there is one that (for me) stands out above all the others:




this show was amazing, it had great character development and was just a joy to watch (imo)

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That's a good question. I don't think I would reboot any show from my childhood. It just wouldn't be the same, you know? Even if the new version was good, it would never measure up to your memories of the old one. A good example is the Garfield cartoon. The old version was one of the best cartoons I ever saw. I still watch it. The reboot is a a tacky CGI nightmare.


If I had to reboot one show, though, it might be Mummies Alive. It had a good story behind it, but could have been better than it was.

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I really want Samurai Jack to be rebooted. I loved that show so much and it makes me sad that they never actually gave it an ending

I really hate to tell you this, but they cancelled Samurai Jack because the actor that voiced Aku, Mako, died in 2006. Avatar: The Last Airbender actually dedicated the episode Tales of Ba Sing Se to him.


As for a show I would like rebooted, I would have to say, in a sense ironically, ReBoot. It was my favorite cartoon growing up. And being one of the earliest CGI cartoons I can think of, taking place inside a computer no less, it was one of the more creative shows of the time, with many video game references, and technological jargon.

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As for a show I would like rebooted, I would have to say, in a sense ironically, ReBoot. It was my favorite cartoon growing up. And being one of the earliest CGI cartoons I can think of, taking place inside a computer no less, it was one of the more creative shows of the time, with many video game references, and technological jargon.


ReBoot is the only show I know that has managed to make fun of Pokemon, Dragonball and Power Rangers all in the same episode.



Anyway, the show I'd love to see rebooted is SatAM.  Or at the very least, re-aired.




Hub, air this in the time slot right before or after FiM, and your transformation will be complete and my mission will be over.

  • Brohoof 1

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