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S04:E23 - Inspiration Manifestation


S04:E23 - Inspiration Manifestation  

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I am just going to start by saying that episode was AWESOME!!! I don't care what anybody else thinks I loved.  Why? well because I love to see characters lose it in one way or another, that's why I like the show so much to begin with all the characters have faults and vulnerabilities that give them more depth than rather being perfect all the time.  I believe that is what sets MLP apart from the run of the mill kids show.  One negative I must say (and this applies to pretty much the whole show)  the ending was really anticlimactic.  Things were starting to get really tense and epic, and what do we get.  "I should have told you but I was scared to hurt your feelings".  However, I still absolutely loved this episode and I think it just took my 2nd place favorite next to "Rarity Takes Manehattan".  


All I have to say is  :D  a million times  :D

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A pretty good episode, with a really cute ending. Along with a good moral, owl not being a character I wanted to just strangle, Rarity's evil/crazy side being both hilarious and kind of scary at times, being a good Spike episode, no a great Spike episode. If Owl hadn't been there so much I would've loved it. He wasn't totally annoying but still annoying at times I know he was trying to help Spike learn his lesson and all but I don't like him much so it got a bit grating seeing him in pretty much every scene. And I don't really find the running joke of "who" with him very funny so that kind of took a few points off of it being totally amazing. All in all great episode.


^full sized avatar picture there

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Overall, I liked this episode better than "Trade Ya", though there are other episodes this season I like far better.  I thought the overall plot was a bit dark for MLP.


I did like the resolution, though - speaking the truth to break the spell.  And Twilight's indignation at the end is surprisingly cute. :)


Which reminds me: I wonder if they undid Rarity's "improvements" by turning everything back to normal directly, or if they teleported all that new gold and jewels into the Canterlot treasury before restoring everything? The book did seem to imply the manifestations would be permanent; seems like a waste to transmute all that precious material without stashing it somewhere. But then again, maybe gold and jewels are so common in Equestria they they are almost worthless except for their utilitarian purposes, like the bits and decorations?


I'm guessing that the princesses simply turned everything back to normal - it's strongly hinted here that Rarity's changes are magical manifestations and not actually real.  Twilight mentioned cleaning up dark magic, so the semi-permanence of those "improvements" was likely fueled solely by magic energy, not because they were formed of anything real.  Apparently, though, it took a lot of time and effort to restore everything - must have been pretty strong magic!


Isn't this the very first time Luna has been stated (not shown, however) to be out during daylight?


Outright stated without also being shown, yes.  However, she has been up and about during daylight hours four times during the series:


Friendship is Magic, Part 2: She was given a flower wreath during the celebration after Nightmare Moon was defeated.  That was during the day.


The Crystal Empire, Part 1: She consulted with Celestia and was present when Twilight showed up to get her instructions.  She was also there with Celestia again at the end of Part 2 to suggest Starswirl's book.


Magical Mystery Cure: Luna was at Twilight's coronation, which was during the day.


I'm on the fence as to whether Princess Twilight Sparkle (Parts 1 and 2) count, since when both Celestia and Luna are abducted and imprisoned, the rest of the plot takes place in a literal half-day, half-night setting.  When the two are freed at the end, it's not clear whether it's technically during the day or night at that point.

Edited by Pixel Stick

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Spike focused episode that wasn't a disaster.

Spike as best friend of Rarity.

Good role of Owlicious.

Evil version of Rarity-Radiance - an alternative to Nightmare Rarity.

Rarity going mad/possesed by evil book giving her power of materializing and transforming things to everything she can imagine.

Problem with Rarity not related to her becoming overly greedy.


Yes, I totally approve!

Although not perfect, I enjoyed it much.


I loved Rarity expressions, she was so creepy.

Now I wait for episode where Twilight is becoming evil or possessed.

Few conflicts in full episodes are Rarity being greedy really.

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Isn't this the very first time Luna has been stated (not shown, however) to be out during daylight?


Luna was out in daylight when she helped Sweetie Belle fix Rarity's headdress in "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" She has also been mentioned without being shown. However, I am not sure if she was mentioned as specifically being out in daylight without being shown on screen before if that is what you are referring to. Sorry if my post doesn't make sense.  

Edited by StitchandMLPlover

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Finally got around to watching and writing about Inspiration Manifestation S4E23.



Well this felt like a very moderate episode. In the sense that it didn't feel like it tried pushing to extremes to overplay things or to give Spike the usual shaft. At the same time, it sort of underplays itself a bit. Not really overly weak, but not too strong, fair way in the middle. This episode feels moderate with some good light hearted side comedy. The basic conflict of this episode feels reasonable, and for a Spike episode, that strangely sounds good for him (given past episodes).



The main focus is Spike and Rarity, (with Owlowiscious being support). Like I have previously said, I was getting disappointed and a bit annoyed at how poorly written Spike was or the way I feel the writers have thrown Spike a bit under the bus. I was also wondering throughout this episode if Spike had gotten over his crush on Rarity or not (I had assumed from Simple Ways, that he already had). By the end of the episode, to me, Spike was officially over his crush phase and his relationship with Rarity, seemed just like that, friendship.



Seeing Rarity's first attempt at redesigning that Puppeteer’s wagon, I was a bit taken back. It seemed like Rarity took the stylish versus functional route for redesigning the wagon, nothing major or out of the ordinary. Gold-plated and shiny Jewels? Doesn't that feel a bit cliche? Even for Rarity ? No matter. Her being upset sets up the initial part of the problem for the plot.



Now, like others have asked, why, in the old castle (Castle of two sisters) are there deadly ancient spell books with dark magic laying around? Granted it was hidden behind a secret passage, but you would figure that all the dangerous and valuable objects of an old abandoned castle would have been kept and moved with Princess Celestia after she left it .... you know if Spike can just walk into the castle and just find a random dark magic spellbook – well that place would be great for looting. (which it has been)

Granted though, Spike is completely oblivious to the danger of grabbing said book and just walks, avoiding certain death – nice play off between Owlowiscious' concern and Spike's oblivious nature.



Also, is it really that easy for unicorns to learn new magical spells? Rarity literally just read it outloud and instantly knew how to use it. (Okay, she was more like possessed by it) No wonder Twi's so advanced, if being well read is all that is needed to know magical spells



Now some of the “redesign upgrades” that Rarity pulled off started out pretty well – then they seemed to get a little more and more worst near the end. I actually liked the redesign for the puppeteer's wagon, that looked both functional and stylish. AJ's cart, well not so much. Dash's dress, not bad, Fluttershy's birdhouse, overkill, etc but this works perfectly too for the plot. Overexcessive and out of control (possessed) Rarity is needed (and usually fun). And, OMC Octavia!!!!!!! Octavia, Octavia, Octavia, Octavia (brain fart .....) wait, what ever happened to that pony mariachi band? .....



Throughout this episode, it's also fun to see Owlowiscious & Spike develop a friendship as well. Owlowiscious however seems like the smart straight shooter who is more than capable of seeing the future problem and future solution. But it's also fun to see Owlowiscious take up wingman for Spike (I don't think this is the first time either). Points for Owlowiscious for eye roll (16:34) expression, that whole “yes that's a good idea, why didn't you think of this before Spike?” and also deadpan expression after getting thrown under the bus for Spike (18:42). Gotta love that owl :P



Now Spike actually being able to say to Rarity, that her redsign changes were actually bad and him not able to speak the truth until it was last option, that's pretty reasonable premise for a plot. So it's actually pretty good. The conflict goes back to Spike, inner conflict, not wanting to hurt a friend's feelings because he felt his opinion would hurt Rarity's feelings and cost him his friendship with her. This was good of Spike, there's reasonable cost at risk here for Spike to not say anything until it matters. Okay that last line of the spell also felt fairly contrived but plots that require main character to be possessed by some demon/magical object/etc sometimes feel like that to me.


Also, ending, smooth Spike, real smooth trolling with Twilight's anger. Slow clap*, well played.



Now random things:


  • Cool to see Rarity's mom and Sweetie Belle hanging out at the beginning.

  • Pony mariachi band that turns into OCTAVIA, OCTAVIA, OCTAVIA (brain fart ..... oh and the rest of her ensemble as well).

  • Also, Vinyl Scratch was at the beginning too ..... My ship, there is something there OwO (there shall be more future episodes with them together, I know it).

  • Golden streets .... if it was any regular human city, everyone would be going “ MINE!” and pickaxes would be everywhere. I mean, GOLD!!!!

  • Ah, so alicorn princesshood duties involve janitor duties, I kid. Considering the mess, and dark magic change, it probably can only be changed back with alicorn magic.



TL/DR: Great support from Owlowiscious, and good play off between him and Spike. Rarity breakdown needed to be crazier to be more funny, Octavia & Scratch (shush you), Spike & Rarity friendship bonding, a half decent Spike episode? No way .... but seriously, it was pretty decent. Not overly crazy, but not too bad, reasonably decent. Let's see how next week goes, this episode was moderately good.

  • Brohoof 1
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That book is evil, Rarity is possessed, Spike is just stupid and Owlowiscious is smart. 


It all ended good but it makes me wonder how retarded everyone is!

Edited by P1nkD3dlyG0th
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As soon as I saw rarity and spike episode I took a sit down and quitely squealed in happyness, needless to say I like rarity and spike.
They really need more episodes.

Graham Allen (SparkleShy) • Web Dev & GFX Designer.

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I do so love Marshmelodrama.  I must say, ever since I started watching MLP I've developed a great deal of respect for T St. G and her skill at dramatic hysterics.  Seriously, I don't know how she held back from doing maniacal laughter at the end when she really starts chewing all that scenery.


I know a lot has been made of Spike not learning from his experience with the enchanted comic book but honestly, I think that it makes sense that Spike, as a baby dragon, would not stop to think about his actions.  He may speak more intelligently than the average human of his age but I think his mindset still has a long way to go.  Plus the lesson was a great one to learn, especially in nerd fandoms since we tend to be tighter as individuals than some groups of friends.  I've seen the kind of damage that a big name personality surrounding themselves with yes-men can do.


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This was an all-around great episode! Rarity's freakouts are some of the best, and with the help of some dark magic we got one of the best episodes of the season. Rarity's over-the-top fashion sense has always been great, and seeing her give most of Ponyville a makeover had me in stitches. It's been too long since I've had a goofy smile on my face for an entire episode.

  • Brohoof 1



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Loved seein Rarity all mad. Reminds of a certain crazed anime antagonist...what was his named?








Oh Yeah, VECTOR!




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Overall, I don't think this episode has much going for it. Rarity's immature behavior in the first part of the episode is painful to watch. Also, Rarity's running around making "upgrades" and Spike's continuous fawning over Rarity, even as her behavior continues to get worse, aren't particularly entertaining in the first place, and become quite repetitive by the end of the episode. My observations will be relatively short, since ultimately, not a whole lot actually happens in the episode.


First, Rarity's reaction to not being able to "leave her creative mark" on the Ponyville Foal and Filly Fair is immature, baffling, and a little annoying. Rarity's screaming and crying fit probably lasted for a while - long enough for Spike and Owlowiscious to venture through the Everfree Forest, get the book from the ruined castle, and come all the way back. But Rarity doesn't just scream and cry and lay on her couch - she force-feeds herself ice cream to the point of stuffing her cheeks while making "nom nom nom" noises, and does this in between sobs and in the middle of a conversation with Spike, not to mention that she shovels down 12 tubs of ice cream by the time her fit is done. And why is Rarity doing all of this? Because, in her words, she wanted to "leave her creative mark" on the Ponyville Foal and Filly Fair, and now apparently she can't. The audience doesn't even know what the Ponyville Foal and Filly Fair is, let alone why it would be so important to Rarity, so I find it difficult to even see why Rarity reacts so terribly to this.


Spike's near-constant praise and adoration of Rarity throughout the episode also becomes annoying and tiresome. It's hard for me to imagine that Rarity would even take Spike's stream of hyperbolic compliments seriously, given how frequent they are and how canned they sound. If Spike's goal is to get Rarity's attention and/or get Rarity to like him more, I would think that he's much more likely to turn her off by taking the praise too far, and would be much better off toning it down (quite) a bit. And of course, Spike feels the need to keep playing along, even as Rarity becomes more insane and ramps up the intrusions and harm done to other ponies. I think it's rather funny that, near the end of the episode, Spike says that he refrained from speaking out against Rarity's actions because he was "trying to be a supportive friend"; perhaps the more likely story is that he didn't want to "ruin his chances" with her, and/or he was still pursuing Rarity's attention and praise and pats on the head.


We obviously also see another case of magic emanating from a book in this episode (rather than, say, from a unicorn or other magical being). Similarly to other instances seen in the show (e.g. the enchanted comic book, Starswirl the Bearded's spell book), reciting the words from the book aloud activated the magic contained in it. However, this time, the magical effects apparently exist independently of the book; in fact, it seems like the book was "possessed" by some kind of evil magic which, after the words of the book are read aloud, transfers to possessing Rarity instead. When Spike tells the truth, the evil magic exits Rarity's body and flies off screen. Where did it go? Can it exist outside of the book or someone's body? Is it still flying around somewhere out in the world of Equestria? Presumably it didn't go back into the book, since Spike swallowed and probably digested it.


Finally, I noticed a couple of things about Rarity's words/actions while "possessed". First, Rarity says that she has always thought that Ponyville could use a few beautifying upgrades, and that she has always thought Rainbow Dash could use a little more glamour. These statements might imply that the upgrades Rarity did throughout the episode are ideas she legitimately has in her head, but just never acted on, with the evil magic perhaps serving to remove her inhibitions about respect for other ponies, practicality, ability, etc. (This might also mean that Rarity walks around consistently judging other ponies and their choices and thinking how she would do things better.) Also, why does Rarity continue to seek, and even demand, Spike's praises of her work? I suppose it's understandable that possessed Rarity might keep him around to prevent him from telling anyone about her strange behavior, but why is the praise necessary? Possessed Rarity says that Spike's constant praise and adoration drives her to even greater heights, but why and how, especially if Spike is simply intimidated into saying such things? Is it somehow part of the way the evil magic sustains itself?


Now, a few more miscellaneous observations:


On Rarity's first traveling puppet theater, the wheels seem like they're permanently suspended off the ground. Can the pegs holding the stand up be retracted or something, or do those wheels actually serve no purpose?


I hope the writers stop flogging the "Hoo"/"Who?" joke with Owlowiscious; it wasn't even a terribly funny joke the first time around, and is less entertaining every time it's reused.


Speaking of that, Owlowiscious's "hoos" in this episode blatantly sound like a person is saying them, and some of them even sound a little like the Pillsbury dough boy.


When Spike is obliviously walking down the steps as they crumble beneath him, he doesn't even notice as he falls down a significant distance (much further than one step). This situation makes me think of times when I'm absentmindedly walking up or down steps and I misjudge how many steps there are; I certainly have a reaction when my foot doesn't go where I expect. Wouldn't Spike at least have some similar reaction when he falls?


Rarity would apparently be cheered up by the Ponyville Foal and Filly Fair being cancelled? That sure seems like a nice attitude to have. "If I can't make a creative contribution to the Fair, then I don't want anyone else to be able to, either, even if it means depriving the foals and fillies of a good time at the Fair!"


As I saw pointed out by someone else, on Rarity's new puppet theater, the wheels should be on the opposite side of the harness in order to ensure it can be wheeled along while harnessed to a pony.


When Rarity asks "What does a bird know about architectural design?" I think the same could be asked of her: What does Rarity know about architectural design? She's a fashion designer, not an architect or a civil engineer.


Rarity's evil magic can apparently physically alter ponies' bodies - eye color, coat and mane style, maybe even gender. I suppose this isn't the first time we've seen much magical effects - Trixie, when wearing the amulet in Magic Duel, could physically alter ponies with an age spell.


What first prompted Twilight to start looking around for someone suspicious? Did Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy tell her about what happened to them, did Twilight just happen to notice strange things going on, or did someone else come to her like the Mayor did in the episode?


Finally, Spike says "You don't look so good" to Twilight at the end of the episode, then is surprised at Twilight's reaction because, after all, he's just being honest, and that's what good friends do. Spike apparently fails to realize that good friends also know when to be tactful. Besides, what's the point of him even saying that?

  • Brohoof 2
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... ^ wall of text


Not my kind of episode, as Rarity isn't my fave but I still think it was a kind of nice episode of her, or was it focused on Spike, I give it 4/5. Rarity was a real FASHIST, get it? Not fascist, just fashi(on)st. I think forcing her style fits that word perfectly. Personally I liked seeing some evil from her, this made the episode a bit more interesting. BUT - why green glow, better some other, green always related to some 'undead'. Yes it was funny how she turned that party makers into orchestra and replaced them with the orchestra with Octavia, and gold plated the whole town.


What won it for me was the whole idea that it started from this castle in ruins. I think that castle is full of secrets and lots of episodes could be made out of it, I remember the Castle-mania and such, great place for Equestria.

Edited by ImtR
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I think this was a good overall episode, Spike actually shined as a character a bit instead of being the universe's punching bag. He showed that he's devoted to Rarity and will do anything to make her happy again after she put her best work forward only to have it rejected by a complete jerk.


And then there's Rarity she was able to really express for extravagance in this episode. She also went totally which is a plus. But the control of the book showed her at her worse she full on ruined a little filly or colt's birthday party and even left Pinkie Pie dumbstruck which you have to really do a lot to do that. Now then again this was all because the book had her under its control and we've seen what dark magic does to a pony, Sombra and Ttixie anyone?


Then the lesson isn't half bad either, tell your friend the truth even if you think it will hurt them.


But then there's the bad of the episode, the conclusion felt a little forced and rushed kind of like the ending of Equestria Girls, Spike just said the truth and poof no more changeling magic in Rarity now I know they actually alluded to it when Rarity was casting the spell early on but I can't help but feel it was wedged in.


Final rating is: 4/5 stars

I'm not a fat star! Just rounded is all...

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The plot's disjointed, the dialogue doesn't go with the characters, the progression is clearly derivative, the pacing is uneven, the narrative felt like toile, they used awkward imitations of the characters when it clearly called for a cohesive depiction of contrasts or maybe a heartfelt depiction of personal conflict, and the overall design is reminiscent of prêt-à-porter and not true French haute couture.

But, you know... whatever you want to do is fine.

  • Brohoof 2
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The plot's disjointed, the dialogue doesn't go with the characters, the progression is clearly derivative, the pacing is uneven, the narrative felt like toile, they used awkward imitations of the characters when it clearly called for a cohesive depiction of contrasts or maybe a heartfelt depiction of personal conflict, and the overall design is reminiscent of prêt-à-porter and not true French haute couture.


But, you know... whatever you want to do is fine.

I laughed out loud :lol: Nice one, man :D



I remember that line...ah, the golden days. This episode is so much different than anything you'd see back then because it's so dark, a bit *too* dark for my tastes, but enjoyable nonetheless :D


Can't help but miss those old days of Season 1, but time keeps marching on, and if you don't go with it, you'll get left behind :D

This little joke brings back some fond memories, though. 



He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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