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S04:E23 - Inspiration Manifestation


S04:E23 - Inspiration Manifestation  

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Title: Inspiration Manifestation
Air Date: April 26th, 2014
Synopsis: Spike finds a spell to help Rarity recover from a creative block, which has good and bad effects.

A Rarity and Spike episode? Written by Corey Powell no less? Let's hope this ends well now then. :wacko: Edited by Radiance64
  • Brohoof 15
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Ah, a Spike and Rarity episode!  Believe it or not, we actually have not had an episode that's focused on those two to a significant extent since Season 2's "Secret of My Excess" (an excellent episode if I do say so myself, possibly Spike's finest that's focused on him, though "Power Ponies" certainly gives it a run for its money).  Anyways, I hope to see their relationship get a few nice highlights, and anticipate that Bad Luck Spike is going to cause all sorts of problems.  Poor, poor Spike, can you do nothing right?  -_-




Yeah, sometimes it sucks to be Spike.  -_-


Oh, just kidding, I love the little guy!  ^_^   Here's looking forward to shipping madness and fabulosity all in one episode!  :D

  • Brohoof 5
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Glad to see this topic finally open.


It's great to be back to the great old mlp forums to talk about stuff again.


I'm pretty stoked to see the first of the two Spike episodes! He's my favorite character after all.

  • Brohoof 3
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The shippers are going to love this episode and wow is that guy Snips Dad or uncle or something?

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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>_> In Rarity's defense, that idiot puppeteer hired a fashionista to put together a traveling puppeteer cart.  Really dude?  Really?  :mellow:


Also, yay for Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents showing up!  Magnum's officially been confirmed as a unicorn, sweet!  :D   Also spotted Cloud Kicker and Alula together; nice bit of continuity considering the two showed up together at the Sister Hooves Social.  :)

  • Brohoof 3
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Dude's got a point. It's flashy enough to be seen from space, but has almost zero functionality as a puppet stage. Though I'm wondering why he hired a dress maker to make it?

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An episode written by Meghan McCarthy!!....and Corey Powell.


I'll admit this looks like an interesting combination. Corey Powell is known for writing Spike episodes though they aren't that good. Meghan seems to be the only one who knows how to write him in well so this should be a good episode.




is that guy Snips Dad or uncle or something?


That's kind of what i was thinking. Same body structure and familiar mane.

  • Brohoof 1
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PS guys Equestria tv isn't working.


Also what did I miss?

Edited by Shift
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Dude's got a point. It's flashy enough to be seen from space, but has almost zero functionality as a puppet stage. Though I'm wondering why he hired a dress maker to make it?

Yeahh. You can't blame her for not meeting expectations her first time through, given she's a fashionista, not a carpenter or whoever would make that sort of thing. 


Also, it's hard to deny that being less a of a jerk would've suited him just fine. 

  • Brohoof 1
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