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Darkshadow, i will eat your face.


Anyways, dear lord homestuck. DOn't even get me STARTED on Cascade.


Is it scary that my birthday is on 4/13?

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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Darkshadow, i will eat your face.


Anyways, dear lord homestuck. DOn't even get me STARTED on Cascade.


Is it scary that my birthday is on 4/13?


Mine is 4/14; so close!

  • Brohoof 1




Physical Health: 6/10
Mental Health: -0.527/e


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I hate a moral coward, one who lacks a manly spark

I just detest a man afraid to go home in the dark

I always spend my evening where there's women wine and song

but like a man, I always bring my little wife along!


I'm a member of the Midnight Crew

I'm a night owl, and a wise bird too

Home with the milk in the morning

Singing the same old song!

Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun

Early to bed, and you'll miss all the fun

Bring your wife and trouble, it will never trouble you

Make her a member of the Midnight Crew!


The fun it doesn't stop 'til 12 on happy old Broadway

So what's the use of going home, until the break of day?

Now, something confidential, whisper not above a breath,

I once went home at 2 AM, and scared my wife to death!




I never shall forget the night I made Six Rappers' Run

Although I didn't have a knife, a blackjack, or a gun

I proved myself a hero of a very high degree

I ran for home, and six of them, were running after me!



Make her a member of the Midnight Crew!~

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  • 2 months later...

ITT: all things Hamsteak


It can be anything and everything from theories/predictions to shipping to fanmade anything to favorite panels/flashes to music to favorite characters, I don't even know where this list would end if it ever did. Spoilers shall abound, enter at your peril unless you're, like, me, Moose, Wobbels, Veece, Silver Arrow, RippedOffMattress, or anyone else who's caught up completely. Which, for all I know, is all of you.




So this OP isn't completely useless, time for an analysis of Calliope and uu. Calliope's strife specibus is allocated to wandkind and its innocuous double, pistolkind. The wand becomes a white magnum. Where have we seen this before? Doc Scratch, perhaps? Calliope also wears a jacket and bowtie much like Scratch. When she's about to sleep in the sarswapagus, she takes off her jacket to reveal...SUSPENDERS. Also part of Scratch's outfit. uu also has been said to use something more "heavy-handed" than Calliope. Lord English's staff/gold AK duo is pretty heavily implied here. They share the same body, similar to how Scratch "hosts" LE, they sleep in a sarswapagus much like the Cairo Overcoat, uu has red blood and LE has red cheek circles, CALliope CALmasis and Lil Cal is Scratch's ectodad, uu is freaked out by Lil Cal, uu's shackle is on the same leg as LE's pegleg, Calliope is the Muse of Space and Doc is pretty much a reality warper, uu is the X (Lord?) of Time and LE travels through time, etc etc they very much symbolise the "mirthful messiahs." Calliope, like Scratch, even greatly influences the story by being a key player in the creation of Liv Tyler/Terry Kiser. Also LE's AK makes a BRAKABRAK sound when fired, an anagram for BARK which is sort of like MEOW and is the code for Gcat. What does this mean? Considering that LE entered the pre-Scratch kids' universe through Doc Scratch, who was the First Guardian of a planet in a totally separate Bilious Slick, as a hulking one-legged dude, it makes sense that uu may eventually mature to become LE. He is one of the most powerful classes in Sburb, after all, and could probably do some time shenanigans LE-style. Of course, there's no elaboration on what universe the cherub planet is on, meaning it can be assumed to be separate, as they are a different species. Perhaps Calliope and uu play the game, become extremely powerful players of Space and Time respectively, then...create the system of universes in a stable time loop? It stands to reason that Lord English is perhaps a god tier uu who made himself a constant in all instances of a universe. What confuses me is that he enters through Doc Scratch, who was shown to be ectoborn from Lil Cal and Vriska's magic cue ball. I sense there may be more to Scratch than what is shown, although I'm not sure how, given that he was Alternia's First Guardian in its post-Scratch version specifically. Maybe LE's entry method varies? From what I can tell, Calliope probably dies eventually (like her dreamself already has) and uu takes over, although, given that they share a body everywhere but the Medium, maybe he has to finagle a way to have his dreamself reach their planet and kill Calliope, thus...taking over the dead body and putting it on a Quest Bed/Sarcophagus/Cairo Overcoat? Then becoming like Zazzerpan from COTL and "using some enchantment to continue playing once the king is gone," much like his game with Calliope? Maybe LE can be "defeated" by saying Calliope's name to him? There's this massive (allegiance) mesh of possible connections here, but I can't quite piece it together "correctly," if that's even a thing here. Jeez, that was a lot more long-winded than I thought it would be.


Also, so this doesn't become merely a Callie/uu discussion thread, my three favorite flashes, in order, are Descend, Cascade, and Prince of Heart: Rise Up. And because I feel like it, have some Karkalicious:


BLUH BLUH GOTTA CHOOSE A TOPIC PREFIX THAT WON'T FIT NO MATTER WHAT EVEN THOUGH THIS BELONGS HERE. Homestuck is media, but it is most certainly naht Books, Music, Movies/TV, or Gaming. I guess it's most similar to Books, and the OP is quickly becoming one, so wynaut


But really, guys, you can discuss my rambling at myself and anything and everything else you can think of related to HS. Hopefully this can attract some new readers, although by this point the OP has probably alienated any potential candidates. Nevertheless, I encourage patient people to give it a try. Enough of my post-post script, though: DISCUSS AND STUFF

  • Brohoof 1


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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I hate a moral coward; one who lacks a manly spark,

I just detest a man afraid to go home in the dark.

I always spend my evenings where there's women, wine and song!

But like a man, I always bring my little pony along!


I'm a member of the Midnight Crew,

I'm a night-owl and a wise bird too.

Home with the milk in the mor-ning, singin' the same old song!

Rise with the Moon, go to bed with the Sun,

Early to bed and you'll miss all the fun ;)

Bring your pony and trouble, it will never trouble you:

Make her a member of the Midnight Crew!


The fun, it doesn't stop till 12 on happy old broadway,

So what's the use of going home until the break of day.

Now something confidential, whisper not above a breath:



I'm a member of the Midnight Crew,

I'm a night-owl and a wise bird too.

Home with the milk in the mor-ning, singin' the same old song!

Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun,

Early to bed and you'll miss all the fun.

Bring your pony and trouble, it will never trouble you:

Make her a member of the Midnight Crew!


I never shall forget the night I made six rappers run,

Although I didn't have a knife, a blackjack or a gun:

I proved myself a hero of a very high degree~

I ran for home ans six of them were running after me!



I'm a member of the Midnight Crew,

I'm a night-owl and a wise bird too.

Home with the milk in the mor-ning, singin' the same old song!

Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun,

Early to bed and you'll miss all the fun.

Bring your pony and trouble, it will never trouble you:

Make her a member of the Midnight Crew!

Edited by Blue
  • Brohoof 3
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Make her a member of the Miiiidniiiiight...Creeeeeeeew~


Discuss most recent update ( Caliborn: Enter.)? Discuss most recent update. Also what's with the lack of character counter gotta check back up on that



uu's name is pretty much officially Caliborn, which keeps with the whole "names starting with Cal" business. But let's start with the update from Lord English's perspective, shall we? He arrives on what looks like some conglomeration planet, mostly LOLAR although it had a Hero of Time's Quest Bed (Caliborn's planet?), in his Cairo Overcoat at an unspecified point in time, although it has to be late enough for all those doomed versions of the trolls and kids to exist. He's shown wielding the white wand, which suggests he's at least got Calliope's strife specibus, if he even needs one, and her weapon. He uses some majyyks to shoop da whoop and kill all the doomed characters simultaneously. We then see some glass-breaking shenanigans after an animation that looked much like the creation of the Green Sun in Cascade. I'm gonna guess that's LE destroying the universe. Alpha Dave, PM, and Bec Noir all get a look at the glass-breaking stuff, which means they're probably just outside that universe or group of universes, fairly safe from the influence of this particular LE.


Back to Caliborn: the cherub's blood changes color, he wakes, and immediately breaks free by biting his right leg off. This also noticeably costs him a fang, which is in the same spot as Lord English's gold fang. He's been planning and stuff and somehow has a roboleg at the ready. He then wields a black staff/AK, which I'm guessing he eventually alchemizes with the Cairo Overcoat or something gold and colorful otherwise. Next we see, he's at the cruxtruder, which has his associated symbol, the red tilde and green U, although not overlaid this time. It's in the same format as ~ATH code, and remember that U is shorthand for universe. His kernelsprite is pretty radically different from what we've seen in that it flashes in a few colors, then eventually turns black and seemingly becomes a black hole. It swallows the entire planet as well as part of their sun. Since Caliborn himself is somewhere in there, it would seem he'd be unable to create a cruxite artifact for entry. His entry was probably just through the black hole sprite, along with his entire planet, which may or may not remove the need for his own planet in the Medium. In any case, we know that later (earlier?) in the session, Calliope notices that Skaia becomes stormy and Caliborn eventually gets their Jack to kill her dreamself. We'll have to see how that happens. Another thing...it was stated that all planets destined for intelligent life have a First Guardian designed to facilitate completion of Sburb. We haven't seen the cherub planet's FG yet, so they either are an exception to the rule, which isn't out of the question, or their session is meant to go completely haywire with Caliborn playing competitively. There's also the matter of their guardian's genetic code. Hmm. Guardian codes are shown to be mostly four characters, and Calliope's title is Muse, then there's LORD English...


EDIT: I see no one is interested in discussing Hamsteak, but there is a speculation I wanted to put into words somewhere. The trolls were "denied the ultimate prize" by Bec Noir slashing up the door to the kid's universe, right? After winning a session, the prize is to reign over the universe you created as a god. Lord English is pretty much the most powerful being in the troll's universe, and he's pretty much Caliborn, so I'd be willing to speculate that the cherubs' session creates the troll's session. Another thing that might throw a wrench in this, though, is that the meteor Calliope and Caliborn lived in was pretty much identical to the one Rose, Dave, Karkat, Kanaya, etc. are now riding into the post-scratch session. It could be that the cherubs live on Earth in the far future, near the death of the sun. Perhaps Dirk or his Bro mass-produced jpeg artifact Statues of Liberty as an ironic thing. This does raise a bit of a question: if the cherubs created the trolls and the trolls created the kids, then who created the cherubs if they live in the same universe as the kids? It all works itself out to a three-universe cycle if the cherubs aren't actually in the kids' universe, so maybe that's what's not necessarily true here.

Edited by BowlArt64


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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  • 2 months later...

Meenahquest part 3 is out!



Rufioh Nitram is Dante Basco. It's him.

And Horuss Zahhak has invented Rennaissance Sweatpunk.

And Damara Megido is sure to annoy all Japanese speakers who know a Homestuck fan.




That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello there, just thought that I'd set up this thread for anyone interested in Homestuck. Feel free to talk about anything MSPA related for that matter.


I'll get the ball rolling with a quick question:


Who was the most underrated character so far?


My personal answer would be Aimless Renegade.


Also, I didn't know what to catagorise a web-comic as, so suppose "Book" is close enough?

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Its this really awesome webcomic about a group of 4 teenagers. Time travel shenanigans are involved, aliens called trolls and awesome animations with a good soundtrack are included.The writing is quite witty and well thought out as well. It's well worth the read if you get the time, but be warned: it is over 5000 pages long and slow starting.


The fanbase is kinda weird on the surface but will you understand their strangeness and devotion if you read it.

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If you don't have the time or patience to sit down and read it, there is a "Let's Read Homestuck" series on youtube which you could always watch. An option would be downloading the videos and using a converted to extract the audio and listen to them on the go, but the visual element is quite important.


The slow start can be enough to put most people off, but if you want a taster of the later stuff, read the intermission called "Don't bleed on the suits". It's in the middle of the comic and has some references here and there, but won't ruin the story. http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003054


I just realised I sound like a salesperson here... BILLY MAYS HERE!!!

Edited by hailPhantom
  • Brohoof 1

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*sees Homestuck thread* *squeals like a fangirl* *makes sure it isn't her mind playing tricks on her* *heart explodes*


Hmm... Does anyone have any cosplay tips? I'm going to do Dave (regular and God Tier) and Terezi... I mainly need help with Dave's hood/cape and Terezi's horns. And where would I get what I need to do Terezi's skin color?


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I personally don't cosplay myself, but i've heard good stuff about Ben Nye makeup for terezi and other trolls' skins. perhaps this page may be of use? http://homestuckcosplayhelp.tumblr.com/post/20363693393/terezi-master-guide


I really want to cosplay Aimless Renegade at some point, but having trouble finding the cash for a black morphsuit and some adhesive CAUTION tape.


Good to see someone else on here who likes Homestuck ;)

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Wow, thanks! I was stuck on wig too, so that's definitely going to come in handy! Yeah, money's an issue for me too, but I'm sure soon enough I'll be able to do my first HS cosplay.


And yeah, I didn't know anyone else on here liked homestuck until now. :)


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I made a Hamsteak thread a while ago (right before Caliborn: Enter), but I ended up talking to myself. I think the book tag discourages people, maybe?


But yes, Homestuck is the greetest. I fancy myself as a Mage of Time, so I was gonna get a Hero of Time hoodie from What Pumpkin, but I guess they're out of stock even though they're restocking?


I don't think AR is really underrated: he saw Bec's creation, sent John to safety on the rocket board, entered the portal to Earth, co-founded Can Town, blew a few things up, then got beheaded. He didn't really do too much, although I give him credit for what he did in Cascade. I'm more excited to see what else happens with WV's dream sequence, since I'm pretty sure he was meant to put on the ring. This was pretty enlightening about all that: http://lildurandal.tumblr.com/post/32557672455/the-ultimate-reward The whole blog is full of great theories. Basically, even though everyone already loves WV, he's also a really tragic character, which makes his sillier side seem like a way of dealing with his past decisions. I mean, the guy led countless pawns into battle only to have all of them brutally slaughtered in front of him by Jack. He thinks they died because of him, and he still doesn't forgive himself, so his coping mechanism is to be a Cloud Cuckoolander. Deep, man.


I know of very few Homestucks at my school or in my city. It's me, Wobbels (rip in peace), and a couple people who at least know what it is. One is actually reading Act 2 right now. I even wear a Peixes pin on my backpack to fish (hehe, fish puns) for comments, but no dice. Maybe the Time hoodie would be more effective.


I'd like to thank Veece for admonishing me to read Homestuck back in...February, I think it was? It's been fantastic, and I look forward to seeing what comes of the adventure game in a couple years.


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Even though Homestuck threads are cursed on this forum to never last more than a week (this is the fourth one I've seen, and I haven't even been looking for them) every time one pops up it seems more and more Homestucks have joined. They actually seem to have a pretty significant presence now, so perhaps this thread will break the streak?


But anyway, back on topic.


Allow me to say that right now, in terms of how much I look forward to each and every new update, the comic is at critical mass. Every single character is being absolutely amazing right now, from Dave's compulsive raps to drunk Rose and sober Roxy to the B2 kids' session to helmetless Mituna to Vriska, Aranea, and Meenah's cherubquests to Caliborn's... Calibornness.


And by the way, the most underrated character is Equius

  • Brohoof 1

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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What are everyone's thoughts on the other MSPA's? I've read all of the except Problem Sleuth, which I am currently reading. I love how the comics are sort of intertwined as well. Like the throwback to Jailbreak in Homestuck and the SBAHJ references throughout.

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What are everyone's thoughts on the other MSPA's? I've read all of the except Problem Sleuth, which I am currently reading. I love how the comics are sort of intertwined as well. Like the throwback to Jailbreak in Homestuck and the SBAHJ references throughout.


I've read Jailbreak and Problem Sleuth all the way through, but I've only ever gone through one of the many, many incomplete paths of Bard Quest.


Problem Sleuth is pretty fantastic, and by far the most gamey of any of them. It's obvious it was made specifically with the suggestion box in mind, but even looking back it's awesome just to see the great Rube Goldberg machine's parts all click into place as the story reaches its conclusion.

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I actually haven't read any of the other MSPA comics besides Homestuck, I am going to start reading Problem Sleuth hopefully sometime soon.


I mean, I have... 6 Homestucks at my school, but that's about it. I know more Homestucks than Bronies, which is a bit upsetting, but it's still nice to know other people in real life who follow the comic.


And by the way, the most underrated character is Equius


I don't think so, at least we share different opninions. I'm not sure who I believe is the most underrated character, but I don't think it's Equius. He plays a big role when Gamzee first goes crazy, going to try and kill him and all. I don't think he's THAT underrated. I think the most underrated character might be Roxy...


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Dude, Problem Sleuth is amazing. One thing I want to see before I die is EPULCHRITUDE. There's almost no way it will ever happen, but a guy can dream, right? If you like Homestuck, then you need to read Problem Sleuth, no questions asked.


I've also read Jailbreak, which had a pretty dissatisfying end, and Bard Quest, which was a clusterfuck to the tenth power. Regardless, they were both okay, and they're short enough that I'd recommend them to any Homestuck fan just because of the references to them in both Problem Sleuth and Homestuck.


On the topic of Hussie's non-HS stuff, has anyone else read And It Don't Stop?

  • Brohoof 1


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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