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Everything posted by Obsidian_Winter

  1. Spiders? SPIDERS? No, I hate them. The bigger they are the more hate I have for them. When they get big enough where you can feel them crunching under your shoe, they are terrifying! Spiders are natures way of reminding me I'm not all that. Whats said is I know somewhere out there is a spider...lurking....waiting.....for...ME!! *cowers and looks for someone to hide behind* SAVE ME!!!!!
  2. ZOMG!!! NOT THAT! ANYTHING BUT THAT! I give I give! Uncle! You win! lol...I love how even in the face of disagreement folks can still get along.
  3. As I said in my post, I based what I said off my experience, not research. I have not done research into the brony fandom, only in the Otherkin communities. Frankly I really don't care enough to do research. My experience was enough to form my opinion. But again, its healthy to agree to disagree. No two ponies will always see eye to eye.
  4. I just got the lines. I'll reherse them tonight, record them tomorrow after work so you should get them tomorrow night or friday at the latest. Oh, I'm sorry...I have no idea what steam is....other then Steampunk that is. lol
  5. I could try for Applejack and Chrys. I'm working on AJ anyway for an upcoming audition. Throw me a few lines and I can send you a sound file or upload it to youtube.
  6. Because Its me....as a pony. If I was in the series, this is what I would be called. Obsidian because its dark, yet beautiful and Winter because its cold, fierce and reminds me isolation, which is how I usually feel.
  7. What about an online event? We could set up like an eveing event with all kinds of special stuff going on like art give aways, singing, rap battles, RP, etc. Kind of a one night extravaganza for a set donation amount. Ponies tend to give more when they get something else in return. I use to raise loads of money for Spirit Halloweens: Spirit of Children fund raiser for sick kids in hospitals. I think an event could be obsolutely amazing! What do you guys think? I would be willing to throw in whatever talents I can to the event! Obsidian
  8. Okay ponies, I need some advice from people here. I'm a Fanfic writer.....I'm also an amatuer novelette writer but I'm not really sure how well I could translate my style to MLP. I mean I deal with some really intense things sometimes and add a more adult theme, or at the very least a more 18+ theme. So, in saying that I have a request. The closest thing to MLP I ever wrote was a Unico Fanfiction. I have provided a link below to chapter one. If some of you could be so kind to indulge me, read the chapter and see my style and see how maybe it could translate to MLP. I don't want to get into a project just to get pissed when it fails. Thank ya kindly ya'll! http://karei-syn.deviantart.com/#/d52bkqy Obsidian
  9. Thats actually a really good question. Do you want any specific lines said for Discord and Applejack? It may help. I'll put them in a single audio compilation, Sunday.
  10. I can rap and sing, yo....tee hee! But seriously, I can sing but its strange.....I can only sing in a male voice because I had to learn how for a web series I did. In my own voice I sound....less then good.......
  11. kk, I'll work on fine tuning the accent and such and post something by this weekend. If you have trouble finding people, let me know and I'll see if I can maybe squeeze out another voice for another pony.
  12. Winter wrap up and This Day Aria....both were stunningly well done. Winter wrap up is more catchy but This Day Aria was just a great musical number.
  13. I use to do a lot of voice acting a few years back. My talent was I could do both male and female voices. I'm really whats called a Mimic. Usually I can mimic what I hear if its within my vocal range. I could help with maybe Applejack. Again, theres a few I could do if I really worked hard at it, but Applejack would be the easiest to adapt.
  14. Yup! I use to work there. I lived in the outskirt towns and such like Issaquah, Kent, North Bend and Snohomish. I spent some time out in Mount Vernon too, but that was a pretty good drive from seattle. I remember Seattle has this massive and impressive public transit system. You can go anywhere. I remember they have a rather lovely Gay district, unlike Nashville where I live now. When I lived there I was an activist fighting to get the same rights as married folk through domestic partnerships. And now here you guys can smoke pot legally and have full fledge marriage. Maybe I need to move back?
  15. I was born there! I use to live in a lovely tourist town called Lincoln City. It was right on the Ocean so usually wet, cold and very little snow unless you went to the mountains. During the summers it was crazy busy because the town was build around the tourist industry. Around winter time, the city just died....while I was there I don't think I met a single kid my own age. I spent most of my time in the Casino where my dad worked. I have some rather lovely memories of the place. The nights were so clear it was like you could see every star in the sky and watch shooting stars for hours.
  16. It is true that none of us can say we know most bronies, but there is a fine line between stereotypes and forming an opinion based on research, personal experience and statistics. Though these things don't make someone always right, they give a good insight into a certain demographic. Thats why I call it my opinion. I happen to believe what I posted based off my experiences. Others, like yourself disagree and thats totally fine. we don't have to agree. both arguements are valid and make for interesting debate in which we can all learn something new if we keep an open mind.
  17. This is EXACTLY what I was saying in my Post I made in the Sugarcube corner section called Friendless, Ugly, Depressed. Though the opinion above was stated rather matter of fact and didn't try to spare feelings, it doesn't make it anyless true. I agree that most bronies fit the description above. That being said, there isn't anything WRONG with that, We all want to belong and I can tell you, long after MLP stops being the cool and hip thing going on, I'll still be here. Oh, and I'm now a cupcake and my lovely partner finished the outline for my avatar! Woot! Yikes! I had no idea I was sticking my nose in the middle of a pony pissing contest. That being said, I think I'll stick a hoof in the fray... Really you both are correct on some points and you both are wrong. The first thing that hit me was the comment on stereotypes. YES, Stereotypes do exist for a reason. They began because of enough people seeing a certain behavior from a specific demographic, HOWEVER they remain because people can't move past the stereotypes. Its ignorant to think in this day and time you can classify an entire race or community of people based off the actions of a few, or even many. So you see, both of you were right about stereotypes. Next, you two need to back up and really try to understand where the other is coming from. I think that some Bronies are indeed people who are stunted emotionally, suffered trauma and are looking to reclaim some innocence, even if its on a subconscious level. On the other hoof, I also agree that some people just like the formula of the show because its different from the other drab out there. In conclusion you two both have very valid points but are too busy defending your single point to accept the others view is just as valid as your own. Take a step back and remember the moment we stop learning from others is the moment we stop living. Obsidian
  18. Oh come now One, don't be like that. I think "convert" was used in its more literal term of going from one opinion to another. I can't imagine anyone wanting us to try and throw the show down anyones throat. That never works. Just sit back and enjoy a cupcake with me?
  19. First.....attempt? Thats freakin' amazing for someone who makes them for a living.....Very good job. You should either wear that at the next Con or sell it to an RD fan!
  20. I came across MLP because of my daughter. I was a huge fan of the show before I ever even looked at the community. I knew Bronies existed because I had seen them being mentioned in General chat in WoW, both good and bad things. I gravitated to the community because it seemed the next step. Both my partner and I adore the show and its message, plus the stories. She has yet to go as far as join a community but I'm already eagarly establishing roots here. Obsidian
  21. Its hard to say what the saddest thing I ever saw was because I have seen so much death and felt so much sadness. I think it would have to come down to what people are able to do to each other. I've seen the countless videos of Kids....teenages, killing other kids because they were gay or just different. I've seen torture and I read and saw the Amanda Todd video....that just broke my heart. But maybe the saddest thing was when I realized I was starting to put my job over my family just like my father did to me. I remember my daughter begging me not to go to work all, crying the entire time because she missed me. That was a game changer when I looked at her and saw myself over 20 years ago.........
  22. You see, THATS the kind of thinking we need......wait, did you say muffins? Hey! You almost got me distracted there......We as a community CAN change things if we just follow the example of the show we all enjoy so much. Alot of media out there offers great life lessons and things we can take with us. I challenge anyone to write out every letter that was written to Celestia in the first season and actually try to live that with your friends or future friends and just see how things work out!
  23. Yes, and this is my point I guess. So many balanced and GOOD communities have their moment in the sun and then fade away. But then there are those with whom it becomes more. It becomes a part of them, a way of life. A good example of this is steam punk. My fear is you have this great thing, but how many will remain when it gets "old" or the next fad hits? I may just do that. Oh! I'm a Mare by the way....lol. And yes you are right. The point isn't to spread butterflies to everyone. There may never be world peace but I just hope that this piece of world, what we all have here, now, can grow and as Bronies, Ponies, etc we can change a small bit of darkness and unhappiness into light.
  24. When I was 16 I was like that as well. I had the most amazing friends. I think sometimes between 18-30 you lose the Magick part of the Elements of Harmony, if that makes sense. This. Exactly This. Somewhere along the lines Friendship does take a back seat to money or status, etc. They have even dealt with these issues in the show. It only stops when WE decide it will stop....So many ponies are grey right now...opposite of how they should be.....I believe that if a fire can be lit, even if only a handful and we show others how much better life can be when you keep in your hearts the elements of harmony, they can take that and affect others..then those ponies, others.
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