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Everything posted by AmarisNsane

  1. Well, here goes nothing. This is actually a piece I've foud lovely.
  2. Rarity as elegant and lovely as always.
  3. Everyone is trying to kill me with the power of adorable in this fanclub! Everyone's in cahoots! Cahoots, I tell you! :-o But seriously, this has made my night. Thanks guys! <3
  4. I can love either to be quite honest. They're just adorable to me regardless! Oh my gosh, guys, stahp. Actually don't. This level of cute can get lethal!
  5. Haha, actually yes! One of the few. <3 How did you guess? Loving the art, by the way. So cute!
  6. I don't always ship but when I do, it's adorable.
  7. Dashie in the attire of Delsin Rowe (Infamous Second Son).
  8. Friendship slippers have been exchanged.
  9. Don't judge me for this. While the game was only decent at best (IMO), I always find myself coming back to this song months or so later as it's one of those songs that I don't exactly forget. Not sure why.
  10. I'm feeling fairly well, and grateful for the friends that I had been fortunate enough to make during my time here. I may not have a ton of friends but the few that I have are as wonderful as they come! And for that, I am exceedingly thankful. ♥♥
  11. Ah, to be the 'Black Sheep' of the family. I'm never enitrely sure if I should consider it a blessing or a curse.

    1. Ashen Pathfinder
    2. AmarisNsane


      Just the usual feeling of disconnection. It doesn't often get to me but, well... would you mind my sending you a PM? Steam is sadly out of the question at the moment.

    3. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Sorry for missing your reply; kinda fell asleep in my chair. >_< Of course; you can send me a PM anytime. :)

  12. If I could broohoof this more, I would. I'm a huge fan of Rarity in a suits and tuxedos!
  13. Pinka appearing quite lovely in this piece, in my opinion. And here we have obligatory cute.
  14. I'll stray from the obvious answer and say... Element of Joy!
  15. I've felt that Shimmer looked quite nice in a lab coat!
  16. Love Ember. This is probably one of my favorite pictures of her as well, if not my absolute favorite.
  17. Last movie that I've (Re)watched was Guardians of the Galaxy, I believe. Love that movie.
  18. I'm generally pretty laid back, I think. I'm only really ever competitive when it comes to video games, for one, and even in that I'm not always so competitive. I think that I become competitive when it's something that I feel I play well. I often don't like the idea of someone else playing better than I am in a game that I already feel accomplished in, and immediately feel challenged if they show more 'skill' in a sense of speaking. If I'm not so great, perhaps decent at best in a certain game, I'll often play casually. I don't feel challenged as I'm already aware that I'm not great in it. I subconsciously choose my battles, I guess. The better I am at something, the more competitive I become. And finally, I'd hate to admit it but I become competitive (if only passively so) when it comes to my partner. I can be quite jealous, and I'd prefer to think that I'm always number one to him in every regard outside of his family. If someone does something that impresses him, and/or performs something better than I would, I would feel threatened. Call me self-conscious but it's sadly how I get. I want to be the one that impresses him the most, and I want to be the best in every way to him. The best that I can be, or better. So I often strive for greatness in this regard as I often crave his constant favor. Other than these two scenarios however, I'm not very competitive in much else.
  19. Yes, laugh all you want but this is friggin' adorable and was the last video I've watched.
  20. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D. While there are some changes from the original that I don't care a great deal for, it's still a great game in my eyes.
  21. Pinkie in what I can only assume is the suit she wears in "Rhythm is Magic".
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