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Everything posted by Jessper

  1. Well, when you put it like THAT. And yeah, the cute and fluffy Spite is one of those few that make it out alive, mostly intact. He's also getting more "screentime" after the second book, where he is virtually nonexistent.
  2. Well, I used to have this boss who kept insisting you came too late to the work when you were 30 minutes early and would keep you there for a hour longer or write you off as absent for the day. So I told him to go ... himself and sent in the office of labour inspection to his company. It was really... Oh wait. You don't meant that kind of boss, do you... Well, how about Yiazmat in FFXII? 50'000'000 HP and max damage that can be dealt at once was limited to 6000 (or something like that). That was real fun way to spend your day.
  3. That's because you all say that and the next thing you know, there are burning pieces of a former person all over your clothes! This really is one of those things that makes me go "Why? Just why would anyone do that?!" You better redneckomitize! Bluewater Productions continues it's examination of the under belly of FAME in the second installment of their new "15 Minutes" biography comics line that focuses on the stars of reality television. Alana Mitchell better known to the world at large as pint sized pageant queen "Honey Boo Boo. Join writer/artist Michael Troy as we uncover Honey Boo Boo's rise to FAME from her breakout appearance's on Toddlers and Tiara's to landing her very own reality series. Discover why self-named Honey Boo Boo has garnered the attention, if not the hearts from Anderson Cooper to The White House. I'm surprised by two things. One, it seems to be a real thing and it can be bought. Two, Honey Boo Boo isn't her actual name.
  4. That's just ridiculous, just because you people don't have souls and emotions is no reason to make fun of you! He must be such a horrible, horrible person!
  5. That probably is it. Honestly, half-dead drunk hobo sleeping on a pile of trash is more classy than that family is. The part that makes me sad isn't the family itself, it's that it's on TV and it's popular. It always reminds me why I almost never watch TV anymore. Evil brother, huh. Is he at least your twin? But to be honest, some fat people are funny, because they are fat. It's the kind of laughter that makes you die on the inside, but still. You see, there is your problem. Having any faith in humanity as a whole is somewhat naive and makes you life hard. Don't do that to yourself. Oh hell not. That would make heads explode.
  6. Yeah, I think this is urban legend, so to say. Unless you are insane from the beginning, if which case this could make you full crazy just as for example hypnosis can.
  7. I wouldn't jump in front of bus to save anyone. Unless I would be reasonably sure I can get away without being hit by the bus. And my child? I don't know, I really despise children, so I doubt that will ever happen. I wouldn't take bullet for a stranger, friend or parent. Both because I don't want to die and because if you have enough time to dramatically move between shooter and a person, you probably could've done something more productive like distracting or taking out the shooter instead. Additionally, after you get dead, they can shoot the person you protected anyway. Yeah, I know you didn't mean it like this, but there you go anyway. I would never give my life for a stranger. Not willingly anyway. If you fall into a metro tunnel, I'll do my best to help you out of there without compromising my life, be it offering you to pull you out or running to the control booth to make them stop the train, but I will not jump down and carry you away when the train's coming. Similarly, I won't push someone out of the way of a car, but I'll be the first to call ambulance and will try my best to give you first aid. I hate people who pull out their cameras instead of helping, as such I will do my best to help, but not put my life on the line.
  8. Yeah, I just think alicorn in Mane 6 would give a bad vibe. It's kinda like "Oh hey, I'm god now by the way, don't mind me tho. Act as if nothing happened." But then again, so far I really liked even the episodes people called terrible and the end of the world as we know it, so I'm not very bothered. I'm sure it will still have "that" magic that keeps me watching again and again.
  9. What is it about about Honey Boo Boo that makes people so hyped up? I saw like half of one episode and it looked like a bad reality show making fun of stupidity of redneck family in not very funny manner. It made me sad if anything.
  10. I know, I know. I'm just saying people should sit back and enjoy the show, raging and panicking over speculation, or even over things that actually happen does no good to anyone. Everyone knows the fandom isn't over even if Twilli became the new Celestia and Discord joined Mane 6 in her place. So yeah, let's just wait for it and enjoy, and I keep saying that bacause I believe it will be enjoyable no matter what will happen. But yeah, Twilli Alicorn would be a bit weird, because I'm not sure where would it go from there in the S04.
  11. By blocking it from Youtube, they are basically supporting piracy. It's kinda ironic, but you know it's true. Tho I haven't noticed anything, I guess it really us US-only thing. That's too bad, so sad. *sarcastic smirk*
  12. You have three books to go then. Like I will spoil it for you. Go buy them. Now. There's lot of twists in the story you have to see, the first two are just a warm up. It's an order. And you wouldn't want to be branded a traitor to the will of the Witch King now, would you?
  13. I had to read it twice to understand what you're talking about, because all I remembered after the first time was a lot of warnings and panic. It's all just assertions, speculations and conspiracy theories. If there will be a new alicorn we didn't see before, you can do nothing about it. If Twilli becomes alicorn, you can do nothing about it. If Celestia dies and there will be new princes, you can do nothing about it. Simply, you can't do anything, so you may just as well sit back and enjoy whatever comes.
  14. Jessper

    gaming THQ

    Probably Saints Row 3. It's a great fun and one of the very few THQ related games that aren't a very, very bad port. Darksiders II is pretty good too, but it is the very definition of bad port. Tho I thought THQ buyer was decided a long time ago.
  15. To simplify it, when it's good and it stays good along the way - as long as is humanly possible. When you stop liking it, you can stop watching, when you like it, you'll be happy. Of course there are shows where it doesn't work when you are waiting for some big conclusion, tho there are shows that can go on forever, as they keep explaining the "secrets" along the way or have no secrets at all. And I don't really like short things, as there's not time to really start loving the characters. Not saying there aren't good miniseries tho. Then again, I don't really watch all that many series, but those I do should go on forever until the whole cast dies of old age.
  16. It's friday. There's hoping I won't forget about Mare-a-thon for once. Can't wait to see what we'll -create- this week.

  17. I'm not sure. Suddenly, noone has personality or personality traits today. Everything a bit unique is disorder. And everyone has them. Funny how what is a disorder gets dictated by society, rather than actual medicine. Oh, and everyone has depressions too, noone is just feeling bad. Similar with phobias. Something makes you uncomfortable and you fear it - phobia, naturally. Just something to think about.
  18. "Wait a minute. This isn't right. What's going on here?! God. For the love of god... Whatever... Nothing." And the "You came for us!" - "Nope." *stuffs them back to pods* Also like this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzYLTbQQEZQ
  19. Well, AJ might be getting "A little bit less love" than the rest, but then again, farm life, cowboys and redneck accent kinda isn't for everyone ain't no good fer some people 'round 'ere. *spits chewing tobacco* I'm confused about two things tho. Why people go on about over/underrated characters all the time? It really is just a feeling you have and I don't see what are you hoping to achieve, apart from provoking other people. Because that is all it will ever do. Especially if you poke in all the wrong places, like Derpy Secondly, when you love character and you feel like it should be loved more, why attack other characters? This "Hey, maybe if I point out flaws of that guy, people will hate me less!" attitude is just, very, very sad. Additionally, achieves nothing, but provocation (but that's the point, isn't it). Yeah... and the controversial, I don't think "AJ is a background pony" refers to number of bg appearances, but AJ's personality, so to speak.
  20. I wouldn't say it affects your personality, but it surely affects reactions of other people to some extend and perhaps can be a little humiliating for the name-holder. Tho, most of the names are pretty neutral. I just don't think being named Adolf makes you more likely to become white supremacist, if you do, the problem comes from somewhere else, not your name. But it often creates awkward situations. From my experience, best are the terrible names with ties to religion, when atheists hold them. "Hi, I'm Ezekiel and I will speak for atheist student alliance..." *everyone tries to hide laughter and fails badly* Similarly, a priest named Damian Black is also somehow making the work harder. Personally, I know a medical doctor who has a second name that could be translated as "Scary". Go talk about your problems with a huge, bald man named Scary, I dare you. But yeah, I think it's mostly funny or awkward, but not necessarily shifting the person.
  21. "Do you remember privacy? That thing the people of old used to have?" Tho I have to wonder if the FBI would really use name that is basically Hi_yes_we_are_looking_at_you. I though that "FBI_VAN" type of stuff was a hoax. But hey, be happy, your government cares so much about you, that they will go out of their way to protect you from making your own choices.
  22. "I'm Garrus Vakarian ... and this is my rectum." and Shepard's dirty secret. The Gamer Poop actually creates stuff I will never be able to get out of my head. Especially "We'll bang, okay?" and "Liara. Ben Dover.". I wish this guy made the ending for ME3, it would be at least funny. (Yeah, I'm still complaining, half a year later) Unrelated: Everyone prolly knows this by now, but I'll throw it in anyway.
  23. I think I will never be able to look at Garrus the same, after I saw that Citadel scene. Also. We'll bang, okay? Yeah, I just kept watching everything he (or they) did. But I find the Skyrim and ME to be just hysterical, but the rest is very worthy of watching too. It gets better when you like the games they do, and as it so happens, I like all the games they did. Also... "What is it? Count Dracula?!" "No.... It's Cock Blockula!" I almost died back there. Yeah, their songs are surprisingly catchy, considering it's just mash up of game dubbing
  24. Greetings! Some of you may know those, some of you may not - But I feel like I should share it, because it made me laugh until I started getting cramps, which doesn't happen too often, so I have to spread the joy. One of the hilarious aspects - it's all made in the game engine and all the lines are actual edited audio from the games. Warning: Contains strong language and humour some may consider ... Distasteful. Skyrim (6 episodes I believe): Mass Effect (3) (5 episodes): I'm linking you only the first of each "series" I'm sure everyone knows youtube well enough to navigate to the rest, should that be your desire after seeing the first part. I higly recommend to do that, since they seem to get better, gradually. Either way, enjoy and cheers.
  25. It works great, especially on devArt. Contact authors doing similar art as you, put each other in the blog or somewhere on the main page, everyone gets new visitors, everyone is happy. And as you get more people and more exchange, it'll all go faster and faster. Getting a little link on related sites works just as well. Of course, other way is paid add, but that's a bit "eh" when it comes to spreading your own art (if it's not the source of your income), as far as I'm concerned. Edit: Oh yeah, and the dirty way to to this on dA is to befriend someone really popular and then force them to feature you. Plus, your gallery is pretty good, you shouldn't have problems getting exchange and more people.
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