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Everything posted by Jessper

  1. I like cuteness. So eventually, when I watched MLP by sheer coincidence (Looking for a place to sleep on anime con, MLP projection room was the only one with free and comfortable chairs), I really fell in love with it. And later, well, the community around MLP is much nicer than most around, so why not go inside?
  2. Cool. Fun. Let me just note tho, while some symbolism or inspiration, more like, is there, a lot of it can be seen only because you want it to see. But hope you do it for fun, not to find... Something that isn't there, so as I've said, fun, fun, fun.
  3. If you tell me what your point is I may come up with better explanation or analogy than I already did. Because I'm honestly unsure what it is you are trying to argue or ask. I'm not coming up with 4chan necessarily, I'm saying that it doesn't mean brother pony. It's a word, a slang if you will. Name for a member of fandom. Perhaps "dude" is better example. Typically it refers to a man, but as far as language goes, it merely means a person, regardless of gender.
  4. Well, gamer also used to be gender specific, because for some reason, someone thought women will never play games. Brony started as a joke, eventually sunk in and now it's much broader term just as the word gamer. Of course brother refers to male, but as I said, brony never meant "Brother Pony".
  5. Brony is simply used to flag someone who watches MLP, not necessary "I'm a bro and love ponies". For analogy, I'd say ... Gamer. It refers to both genders, but it makes people presume you are male. So if you are not and want to be specific, you'll say "gamer girl". Which would of course be pegasister in our case.
  6. You still treat them as some highly organised group. Even write anti-brony with capital letter. Don't do this. "It's just a X" is just an evil argument. Everyone has different approach and attachment to various things and this argument is doing nothing but making people feel bad. Not all opinion should be respected. At all. Often not even tolerated. This isn't even about MLP, I don't know why people think all opinions and stances should be respected. Especially if those opinions are meant to belittle, attack or offend others and have no reasoning behind them. Waaagh, sorry, I guess I'm just bugged by your "If they kick you, don't fight back, they'll stop it eventually, if you defend yourself, you are way worse than they are." approach.
  7. I'm talking about youtube too, but not 4chan. You aren't on 4chan if you aren't a troll at the first place. Also I doubt that the number of bronies is higher than the number of trolls in the world. It's not like there is a real, dedicated group of nice people who turn bad just when they see MLP, it's just a large assortment of people who are assholes and will hate to/or provoke anything that is the minority or somewhat controversial. Either to get attention or simply because they are assholes by nature. But yeah, there are some awkward "discussions" but again, don't blame the people on the defense, someone simply can't help it and defend what they like when it's attacked, someone will just ignore it. The latter is arguably the better option for everyone.
  8. I don't know about that. I keep getting a lot of unpleasant messages on other sites, just because I have 50x50 pony avatar, despite the fact I never talk about MLP. In fact I don't see many people forcing MLP anywhere or "attacking" someone as you say. I often see a bit weird or annoying arguing from actual bronies, but it's always a reaction, not something they started. It's kind of that good old "Everyone knows they do it, noone just saw it yet". Well, what I'm saying, if one person punches other and the second punches back, you can't really blame the second, even if it causes awkward situation or if you disagree.
  9. Worst enemy of bronies are bronies. Why? Noone really takes haters seriously. I've yet to meet any troll or hater that would manage to make me even slightly irritated. On the other hand, when people who are part of the community flame and hate other parts of the community, or spout something really bad, it' a sad thing to see. Like those religinuts. No matter whether you are religious or atheist, you will just laugh when someone goes on about how Twillight is the incarnation of satan forcing people to sin.
  10. Fake laughter turns your teeth yellow.
  11. I know, large head, large eyes, smaller body, it's all supposed to make little kids cute enough so their parents -want- to care for them. While it works on me with manga and ponies to the extreme, when someone presents a little kid (even one of those symmetrical babies from the ads), I have the tendency to evacuate as fast as I possibly can, because that is everything, but not nice and cute. I guess I'm broken.
  12. Taxes are here to stay, death will come for you. Hey, it's nearly due. You don't have a say. We will die alone, we just live with each other, I say this with a sad tone - why even bother?
  13. How do I criticize your overthinking? If anything, I criticized the ambiguity of your post. Which was largely caused by (or perhaps was the cause of) me taking you for angry parent. I wasn't even criticizing for that matter, just laughing in desperation at the human kind. But FiM has one of the more interesting designs out there for sure, so very simplistic and yet beautiful with highly distinct characters, but I definitely didn't compare it to the older generations as I really find them all related just through the name "MLP". Well, that and the fact I don't like the other generations, so I don't want to sped time examining them. But if you have something very surprising, shoot. The trend would seem to be make a nice things as opposed to making ugly things in time when the range was so small that it didn't really matter. Well, actually, I'm still not sure whether you were making a connection to the whole "too skinny style forced on kids" idea or not.
  14. I didn't say that. At all. I said that if you like everything (every pony) EQUALLY you are that what you quoted. I do like almost every character in the show quite a lot, even tho I have a favorite, which I like a little tiny bit more. I'm sure you do have some different opinions or feeling about, say, Fluttershy and Snails or Twillight and Granny Smith. Or no? Do you find them all to be exactly the same? Yeah, the OP uses "Exactly equally" and I take him by the word, I'm just evil like that.
  15. You weren't supposed to take it literally and overly seriously. I hoped you'll get the point and I think you did. Tho looking back, I'm not sure if I reacted in the right way, because I honestly can't say whether the remark about current trend and "It's parent's who end up buying them" were strictly speculative or the (so popular today) evil industry starving kids and parents allowing them to. I assumed the latter, obviously. So, apologies if that was not the case. On unrelated note. Would anypony really pick the one on the left? The toys still aren't ideal, but at least they are not creepy.
  16. But come on, now even horses ponies have to be fat otherwise it's not politically correct and has to be shunned? I wish there was more pressure on kids to be thin, maybe they would stop dying from heart attack at 20 then. That story about toys and models causing anorexia is the same one as games causing all the violence in the world.
  17. Well, they failed if they were trying to do it with G1, because they were, as was stated, chubby and big and if you ask me, creepy, bordering on nightmare fuel in some cases. You could just see the "Please kill me" in their eyes. Oh no, I'm very happy with FiM. Tho some of the toys are still creepy.
  18. If you like everything equally then you probably are a very flawed human being or not human at all. It would mean you have no individuality and no personality. So be happy about it.
  19. They are nicer now as far as I'm concerned. It's not really any "evil" trend, it's just that it looks better and more cute that way. Small, perhaps thin body with big head and eyes simply has that "D'aaaaaw" factor.
  20. During the deep night, I keep mast....ering my skills or working. When I have some visitor in my home, then we usually have se...veral debates about many different topics. No, but really, I usually work during nights. and it's not very hard to looks whats new in the MLP tab here and there.
  21. Most statistics are completely accurate and trustworthy. It also never matters who did the reserch, people wouldn't lie to prove their point.
  22. 1.) I'm not sure. Could you define normal for me? Because I'm pretty sure I don't want to be that. If you want to be normal, go for Jersey Shore. 2.) Yes, in fact, MLP makes people very gay. As in merry, happy, cheerfull, in good mood... Oh, you mean as in homosexual. No. Sexual orientation is something you already have, not something you catch when people sneeze or get after watching a show. 3.) It's not, because I'm bigger, badder and older than you and I was there first.
  23. You should choose to not listen to teens complaining about how being an adult is terrible. Sure, it has harsh moments, but also many advantages. And if you think about what you are doing, the advantages are way more numerous the annoying stuff. It is also often clever to not imagine how you'll be like your parents. I mean really, your life doesn't suck after 20, your life starts after 20. What you'll do with it is a whole different matter.
  24. If you stick a finger in your nose just in the right moment during full solar eclipse you'll get instantly transported to Australia.
  25. I want to get tattoo for about 5 years, but I never get around to it. Partially because something always comes up and because I'm one of those people who have problems deciding what to have for dinner, let alone what to get as a tattoo - too many cool possibilities and I never can pick a favorite. Tho I've finally picked, just recently, "You can't read this" in daedric runes from wrist to elbow, on the bottom of right hand. Any opinions on that? Now just to save a bit of money, I'm really scared if I imagine the artist screwing up and the really respectable saloons aren't exactly cheap.
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