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Everything posted by Jessper

  1. Any advertisement will slightly annoy 9/10 people, while the remaining one will actually see what you advertise and might be happy that he/she did. I'd say it's more about where and how you advertise, more than how much. For example, people on forums who end all posts with "Oh and check this, it is very cool. Check it. Really Check it. It's cool. I made it. Really." are just annoying, simple as that. Tho having it in your sig and profile is fair and not annoying at all and still does the work. Mentioning you draw and where your work can be found is also cool, in the right situation. Other than that, you can always do link exchange with other authors and webs, that might be helpful, while still decent and polite.
  2. I'd say nuclear energy is the best thing we've got and prolly will have for a long time. From what you offer I'd say wind energy is definitely the best, but it can never be main source of energy, because it cannot be used effectively in majority of countries. For a long run, Solar, because as opposed to wind, it's viable in many countries, eco-friendly and doesn't take up whole lot of space. The "night time" or cloudy days doesn't seem to be too problematic to me, as the energy is getting stored anyway, rather than being pumped into the circuit directly. Hydro energy is not as cool as it seems, it tends to damage the whole surrounding ecosystem and kill everything in the river where it's at.
  3. Jessper

    movies/tv Wrestling

    I mean, even all those years back it had a lot of theatrics in it, no doubt about that, but just about a month back, when I saw it on TV, two big guys I never heard about were standing in the ring and arguing about who slept with whom if I understood them right. That went on for about 7 minutes and then the adds came so I just turned it off again. And that, plus a friend who keeps complaining about "wrestling nowdays" is all I'm basing it on, so I might as well be wrong here.
  4. Jessper

    movies/tv Wrestling

    Pretty much what Twilight above me says. I don't even remember how many years back that is. I watched a bit of wrestling recently and it felt like with soap opera with bad actors with big muscles. I mean, do they still fight, or do they just stand around and yell about their love problems?
  5. Reality is the totality of all things in existence at the current time. Yeah, that doesn't sound that romantic. Although i'd say that is the only possible answer as to what reality is. The debatable part is how we perceive and interpret reality. On that note I'd say reality is objective, while our perception and interpretation is very subjective. Minds do not affect reality as such, just the interpretation. You will exist and be part of the reality, no matter whether you acknowledge your existence or not, no matter whether you can interact or not. Yes. That still isn't very romantic. Either way, it looks a bit more like you are thinking about the existence of a mind, rather than reality.
  6. Oh, I said before that it's cool. And yea, humans are pattern seeking beings, we see patters everywhere, it's in fact what got us where we are from being just "another" animal on this planet. I'm just saying don't go too deep, because people who saw too many patters usually ended up being insane suicide cult leader or the type of people who see evil omens and symbols just about everywhere. I was more worried about the latter in this case.
  7. No reason. Why hate people for having different skin colour than you have or why hate people for having different sexual orientation? For that matter, why hate people who wear colour of clothes or haircut they dislike? As long as it's minority and/or controversial, lot of people will always hate it. Why? Because they can. Someone simply loves to hate, someone heals their complexes that way, other doesn't even know why. But I wouldn't say everyone hates bronies. Most people just don't care and possibly thing it's kinda weird when they learn a little bit more. It's just that the haters tend to be more vocal than anyone else.
  8. I like them all, but I'll stick with Pinkie, simply bacause whenever she sings it makes me happy. Literally. It's the voice, music and words, not only singing, but still. I usually don't have any real and noticable emotional reaction to music.
  9. You made something in me very happy and for that, sir, you have my thanks. Do post more as you make them! MLP: SG-1 is officially approved by the Dark Elders of the Internet.
  10. Funny thing, I don't think the show gave me any lesson. But one thing it taught (or gave me the chance) me is to relax. No matter how horrible the day was, no matter how much stress is around, no matter what shitstorm is incoming, I know I can just watch a few MLP episodes and get a shot of relaxation and happiness that will last for many hours.
  11. I don't know that many, so I'll just say Spongebob. It's stupid. And yes, I know that it is supposed to be stupid to create funny situations, but instead of making me smile, it makes me irritated.
  12. Lawfull evil is pretty amazing for a powerful character. Governed by intelligence and rational thinking, gaining more power trough plans and intrigues... Yes. And when it's a dark elf (Forgotten realms, preferably), it all goes even better. Tho I really dislike Chaotic Evil. Those are just dangerous. I call it being evil for the sake of being evil. Psychopaths. Also, sharp stick poke incoming. How can you be both Lawful and Chaotic Neutral, those two are almost perfect opposites.
  13. Just seeing it pop up over and over, tulpae isn't forced multiple personality disorder. I know the name makes you think "Hey, those people must have like more people in them!" but that's not really how MPD works, that's a bit of a misconception. As far as stupid analogies go, MPD is closer to hardcore sleepwalking (doing things without knowing about it), rather than "several people in one shell". Not to mention the whole concept of forcing something you are generally born with is rather shabby. If anything tulpae is mix of meditation and self-hypnosis. Yeah, I just did my homework before starting. Now, that being said, I'd like to ask for help, or mayhaps an opinion. I have completed the visualisation stage as perfectly as I wanted to, but I'm still having trouble with the narration, or simply the part where the talking starts. Yes, I've read several guides, but I'm still stuck at the very beginning even after quite some time put into it. Would you friendly people, give me hints or share your experience as to how did you get to the part where the tulpae talk on their own, to simplify it? I would be very grateful for that!
  14. In RP, I'm always Lawful Evil. I'm actually almost in the position where I'd say I want to be that. In life, well, Chaotic Neutral with bits of True Neutral. As far as would D&D and Neutrals go, I would be influenced by Evil way more than Good.
  15. It's absolutely normal, don't be bothered by it and just enjoy it. If you catch yourself building shrines or giving Fluttershy a blood sacrifice, then you should stop ad think, but apart from that, normal and nothing to be worried about.
  16. All I'm trying to say is - using your methods (and mind?) if I took a few photos around my house, you'd find several symbols and references on those photos, despite the fact most or all of ti would be just decoration and random "stuff" with no meaning whatsoever, apart from looking nice. As such, as long as it's for fun, it's great, but don't get too deep and serious.
  17. One thing about lucid dreaming - if you end up exhausted, you made a mistake somewhere. And I don't mean it in any disrespectful way, more like a help. Realising it's a dream takes training, tho the exhaustion should never come if you time the waking period right.
  18. I guess my subconscious want me dead, because I generally have dreams about dying. It's a lie that you can't die in a dream. I do it on daily basis. Someone shoots me dead, then I fall from a waterfall, I'm in burning building, stone tower falls on me... You name it, I probably died there. Except for the cliche dream where someone tries to cut you with giant scissors or where you are naked in some awkward place. I never had dreams like that. I even had a dream where I was an actual (FiM)pony. But someone was hunting me. I don't remember why or who, I just know someone wanted me dead. I even am quite proficient with lucid dreaming, but it always goes wrong somewhere.
  19. To enjoy every day. You never know when you're going to die, so don't waste time. Yeah, enjoy every day, do what I like and make people I like happy, while pissing of those I dislike. I don't need fortune or power or dreams of glory to be happy. I don't even want to change the world, I gave up on that a long time ago. I just want my happy quiet life with people and things I enjoy, without planning too far ahead and without others sticking their noses in.
  20. Good for you, I've dreamed about being shot with a shotgun to the chest over and over without dying (or waking up) by a robber in the middle of dark trainyard in some country I didn't recognise. Can I please have your dreams?
  21. I'd say RD, because, well, she is RD. That should be obvious. But apart from that, I think she had the best and most "majestic" dress of the six. I think it's the circlet.
  22. Her whole life is centered around growing, harvesting and processing apples, with occasional caring for farm animals. She comes from a family that does similar thing for generations. I don't think she is educated nor does she need to be. I'd say it's your run of the mill elementary education if anything. Read, write, simple math. I would argue her busyness skills too. It's not very amazing. On the other hand, Twilight aside (a that is magic education, not education per se), there doesn't seem to be much of education around Equestria, or at least it's not mentioned. Apart from everyone being able to read and write.
  23. Not surprising, it's the same line of reasoning the religinuts use when they claimed Twilli is Satan incarnated, trying to force kids into obedience and witchcraft. Someone also connected Lauren Faust with the Faust (from the story, the guy who made a deal with devil). Conclusion: If you are fanatical enough and you want to find something, you will find it.
  24. I watched a little bit of each and, well, it's not really funny, cute of complex. G1 is pretty much as any other cartoons of that time. It actually reminded me of He-man. Which I don't particularly like either. G2 is just bad. Not much to tell about it. Ponies living in your average US city and solving problems like how to tell X you like him. G3 is kinda better, but still not very nice. "G3.5" is... KILL IT WITH FIRE, FAST! And all those generations... The ponies there just creep me out. If that was next to my bed, I would be never able to sleep again. (just my opinion and you are fully entitled and justified to love any of the previous generations) And overall, they don't really have much to do with FiM, apart from the name, character names and that the characters are ponies.
  25. It's provocative joke (?) that became a running joke. All the references and awkwardness it still cause is totally worth it. Don't get too dramatic about it, there isn't much to be dramatic about. Also...
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