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Shadow Stallion

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Everything posted by Shadow Stallion

  1. Derp derpy derpity derp derperp derp derrpp derererp? Derp deerp derrpp derpyderder! :D :D :D

    1. Parties like Pinkie

      Parties like Pinkie

      Radda Radda rada rad rada rada radda rad radda radda. Radda Rad radda rad rada rada radda!

    2. Shadow Stallion

      Shadow Stallion

      Ohohohoohoo derp derp derder derp derppp!! xD xD! derpy derrpp derperp!

    3. Parties like Pinkie

      Parties like Pinkie

      Radda? radda rada!! :3 radda radda rad rad rada rad rada radda rada!! ra-rada!

  2. Not sure why, but Pinkamena blogs are really starting to grow on me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shadow Stallion

      Shadow Stallion

      Yes, that kind of Pinkamena. There's a few tumblr blogs with that Pinkie, and I'm interested in them, which is a bit weird.

    3. Parties like Pinkie

      Parties like Pinkie


    4. Shadow Stallion

      Shadow Stallion

      Your a fan as well? xD

  3. That was disgusting :L
  4. Types "notacleverpony" into google, and sees that the third result is a topic on these forums stating his return ;o

  5. Happy birthday :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D need I type more :Ds ? Of course! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  6. I am seriously in love with a brony musician. I need to kick my music production into high gear. I want to meet, or at least talk with her more than anything. NACP, some day. Some day.

  7. She won't make anymore music. She has dropped off of the face of the internet and will likely not return any time soon. This is old news in the eyes of some people. Horrifying news in the eyes of others.
  8. Notacleverpony is gone and will not return; for she has dropped off of the internet. God help her, and she will always be in my heart. Thank you, Notacleverpony, and enjoy your life to the fullest.
  9. Night everpony! May Chrysalis stalk you in whatever you do, and may she take the form of a loved one and screw you over later! <3 ~

    1. Aureity


      Lovely...*slow clap*

    2. Whiteshade


      Where do I sign up?

  10. Gadfh elasgj jeeheh ajrgh 54j 23h fdaf ?

  11. This school is in a town near Fillydelphia, but not in Filly itself. And I found out who chose the song! He's actually a sophomore, and he IS a brony! We had a small conversation on Facebook, and we're friends now. Another one of his friends is a brony as well, and well, now we're friends too! So today, I gained 2 new brony friends! I say this day went well!
  12. So every morning my school has a little 5-10 minute broadcast on the TVs in each classroom. The program is run by the students; teachers are very little involved in the broadcast. There's two students who talk about upcoming activities/sports/anything else going on. After they finish that, they move on to the birthdays. This is where the fun started.. While they're saying the birthdays, the TV just has "Happy Birthday!" on it. There is music played in the background, and a kid announces who's birthday it is. Now, at this moment, I was half asleep (this happened today). I heard the first few notes of the song, then my eyes widened, and I was like, "Hey, this sounds like Tomb's remix of Discord. Neat.". Then, THE VOCALS CAME IN. I SHOT straight up, and my face must have been like !@!#!@#$!@$! ! It WAS Tomb's remix of Discord! I was flipping out, and then the song faded away, and the announcements continued. So, that moment was just amazing. I was thinking, "Is there a brony on the announcement team?!", and I'm actually trying to contact the director of the broadcast to see if she knows who picked that song to be played. I only know of two other bronies at my school, and they are both freshmen, like me. If this guy/girl is a brony, then that would be so awesome, because I don't know any senior bronies. If I find out who chose Discord to be played, I am going to ask him to play Party With Pinkie (because it's more obvious that it's related to MLP). I just thought that I should share this with you all, and forgive me if this post sounds confusing in any way; I am STILL excited xD! UPDATE: This school is in a town near Fillydelphia, but not in Filly itself. And I found out who chose the song! He's actually a sophomore, and he IS a brony! We had a small conversation on Facebook, and we're friends now. Another one of his friends is a brony as well, and well, now we're friends too! So today, I gained 2 new brony friends! I say this day went well!
  13. I am So Great and Powerful's 5000th sub! lol xD Wasn't even aiming for that, just got lucky.

  14. Please, someone use this as an avatar. If it has to be me, it will be. Just someone. Use. This. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m39v5gubso1r7w0t2o1_1280.gif

  15. Lots, if not all, all my friends know. Some of my family knows, but nopony knows how much time I devote to the show. :L
  16. Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned one of the most principal things of producing music. Something I should have learned months ago. The drum beat is the skeleton of a song, and the synths are the meat. *facehoof*

    1. TomokoKuroki


      I am glad to hear of your discovery!


    1. NeverNeverland


      Are you from Philadelphia?

    2. Shadow Stallion

      Shadow Stallion

      Yeah, a bit south from it.

  18. I GREATLY AGREE WITH THIS BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D *squeeeeeeeeeee*

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