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The Swedish Brony

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Everything posted by The Swedish Brony

  1. Good night everypony, may Luna watch over my sleep...

  2. Oh sweet Celestia no! Noooo!! NOOOOOOH!!! I don't want to fight Fluttershy! But know when I think about it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb0luhNAYpA I might be screwed If she really want's to fight, I think I would die, but otherwise, I think I'm fine
  3. If I was indeed trapped, then I know who I certainly would NOT want to be trapped with. Do I need to say more? But... if I'm in a asylum... that points at me being crazy, yes? Then I wouldn't mind Pinkie, we could be crazy together If I'm not crazy, I think I would choose... Twilight CELESTIA! OF COURSE!!! She's an all-powerful royalty with sick magical abilities and a pleasant personality!
  4. Ahhhh this is... pure luv, no denying it! When I see this.... the feels... are overwhelming. What is luv? Baby don't hurt mi, don't hurt mi, no more.
  5. This is enough internet for one day. G'night!

    1. Remi


      Have a good night, mate.

  6. Ey listen to this! As I was going home from school today something MIND-BLOWING(kinda) HAPPENED!! When I go home(/too) school I always listen to music. This time I had just put on "Raise this barn"(from the show I know we all know and love :3 ) and was passing some house where some people were working at. And just as the "1, 2, 3, 4" part of the song come... THEY HAMMERED IN EXACT HARMONY!!! :D My mind was totally bloooooown!! xD

  7. And that would be enough ponies for tonight. G'night :)

  8. Aaaaaaand I'm bored :I Anypony having any suggestions for a MLP episode? It's been awhile :)

  9. I've always thought that it have been much better with real books. I simply like the feeling of holding a book and turn the pages as I read it in the light of a lamp(or another source of light). I have also found it much more tiring reading on Ipads and computers.
  10. Oh my Celestia, I'm on a roll! Finding hilarious pics left and right! !http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/268/434/fb5.png

  11. I'm having mixed feelings between "Hilarious" and "Indifference"
  12. Here's a REEEEAALY bad one: "I lost the entire left side of my body... I'M ALL "RIGHT" NOW!" BWAAHAHHAAHAHHAHOOOOO!!!! Kill me now please
  13. I'm calling quits for to night :)

  14. Hi, I'm just here too say that I have just now become a fan of this series I've just finished the first game on emulator and is moving on to the next one right now But seriously, what's not to love with this series? The characters, great. The plot, super. And seriously that music :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHhMH3__74M&list=HL1376893070 F***ing loving it
  15. It's probably time to go to bed, I got school starting tomorrow :/ Well good night forums :P

    1. DaReaper


      Well goid night from ab american swed

  16. I too start school tomorrow It's not that bad but I'm gonna miss my loooooooooong sleeeeeeepy mornings They sure were fine
  17. OMEGUDYESSHHHH I finally got my emulator to work! It's finally time to OBJECTION, HOLD and TAKE THAT my way to justice xD

    1. The Evil Yoyo

      The Evil Yoyo

      Hell, It's about time ^^

    2. Super Derpy

      Super Derpy

      That's awesome! I just got my emulator to work yesterday. I had been waiting forever to play Ocarina of Time.

  18. Anypony else remember the "I am octavia" song from a while ago? Somepony have animated it and it's.... ahhhhhhh MY FEELS!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
    3. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      It most certainly is :)

    4. The Evil Yoyo

      The Evil Yoyo

      I always shed a tear =( same with the band of brothers and pacific intro

  19. I might be really late on this... but now I've I watched the Phoenix Wright ace attorney and MLP cross-over, AND MAN... That shit be good xP I also feel like I really want to play those games now... :P

    1. The Evil Yoyo

      The Evil Yoyo

      They are superb if you ask me ^^

    2. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      Downloading emulator and games right now ^^

    3. The Evil Yoyo
  20. The hour is late... I shall be going to bed now :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. longgone


      Ich spreche nicht schwedisch

    3. Dsanders





    4. longgone




      I assumed it was swedish, but google translator said it was slovenian :P

  21. God natt! (that's swedish for Good natt) :3

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