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Everything posted by The Swedish Brony
Ey listen to this! As I was going home from school today something MIND-BLOWING(kinda) HAPPENED!! When I go home(/too) school I always listen to music. This time I had just put on "Raise this barn"(from the show I know we all know and love :3 ) and was passing some house where some people were working at. And just as the "1, 2, 3, 4" part of the song come... THEY HAMMERED IN EXACT HARMONY!!!
My mind was totally bloooooown!! xD
Aaaaaaand I'm bored :I Anypony having any suggestions for a MLP episode? It's been awhile
Oh my Celestia, I'm on a roll! Finding hilarious pics left and right! !http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/268/434/fb5.png
Aaaaaaand there goes his head http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/ponies+react+to+teens.+not+mine.+i+do+not+own_0796cb_3253063.jpg
I truly lol'd at this xD http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/493/503/073.jpg
It's probably time to go to bed, I got school starting tomorrow :/ Well good night forums
OMEGUDYESSHHHH I finally got my emulator to work! It's finally time to OBJECTION, HOLD and TAKE THAT my way to justice xD
Anypony else remember the "I am octavia" song from a while ago? Somepony have animated it and it's.... ahhhhhhh MY FEELS!
I might be really late on this... but now I've I watched the Phoenix Wright ace attorney and MLP cross-over, AND MAN... That shit be good xP I also feel like I really want to play those games now...
The hour is late... I shall be going to bed now
God natt! (that's swedish for Good natt) :3