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Saddle ~ Arabia

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Everything posted by Saddle ~ Arabia

  1. Hello there and welcome to the community of MLP Forums! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask me anytime and I'll do my best to assist you here.
  2. 10/10 - sounds like a very nice brony and makes awesome signatures.
  3. Yuck! (why would I want to eat Dashie?) Jellybeans?
  4. Hello there Garrett and welcome to the community of MLP Forums! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask me anytime and I'll do my best to assist you.
  5. It would definitely have to be Snips and Snails. They're just the kind of ponies which I awfully hate acting all goofy and they always seem to act like servants around the ponies they like, etc. Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon.
  6. Yuck! Ice-cream?
  7. Hello there and welcome to the community of MLP Forums fellow brony! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask me anytime and I'll do my best to assist you.
  8. Hello there Black Tie and welcome to the community of MLP Forums! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask me anytime and I'll do my best to assist you here.
  9. I've always loved Dashie ever since I've become a pegasister and I shall love her forever more. Nopony can ever resist the coolest pony in all of Equestria!
  10. Yum! Gummy bears?
  11. Hello and welcome to the community of MLP Forums! If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask me anytime and I'll do my best to assist you here.
  12. Changed my avatar.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 123457
    3. NothingIsEverything


      I just got the dieabetus. I like to change mine at least every two weeks. In fact, I just changed mine yesterday

    4. Saddle ~ Arabia
  13. 7/10 because by the looks of the avatar you like Trixie -brohoofs-
  14. Hm, very nice theory there my friend. In the episode Too Many Pinkie Pies Pinkie Pie did request her to come chill with her in the water but Dashie refused and went napping instead. In my opinion Rainbow Dash is a world class athlete. Of course she can swim but then again, in the episode The Mysterious Mare Do-well she did seem as if she was drowning just after she was fixing the dam.
  15. Yum! Pancakes?
  16. I think they make a cute couple considering the fact they do like each other. Its very interesting due to the fact that its the first time we've seen Twilight with a crush.
  17. I have not the slightest idea why you would want to ask that but if you really want an answer, yes there is. Who's best pony?
  18. I just love ''Series of Unfortunate Events'' by Lemony Snicket and ''The Hunger Games'' by Suzzane Collins. They're amazing. I've got plenty of other groups I enjoy reading like, ''Dork Diaries'' and ''Eragon''.
  19. I'd probably scream to death of Dashie's cuteness and how the heck did she get in my room. Anyway, having anypony in my room will make me go all crazy and eager to show everypony that there is ponies in this world.
  20. I don't actually care if my parents know if I'm a brony or not. I don't even think they care. I did show them some of my artwork but then again, they just let me go with the flow. My parents let me like any fandom as long as it isn't anything inappropriate.
  21. I don't really approve or like this episode as I don't support Alicorn Twilight. I know the real reason why she was an alicorn so soon and I accept that reason. But it just doesn't seem all that right. Her wings don't suit her at all considering the fact she's the element of magic.
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