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Nit Pick

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Everything posted by Nit Pick

  1. I just personally think it's unhealthy to be angry in general. So I assess the situation and relax about it. Like why somebody would cut me off when I'm driving. I don't know the reason why they would other than I'm leaving a cars length between me and the guy in front of me. So I'll just be passively sarcastic. For example: "So you want a car accident? Oh. OK. Don't let me stop you. Go right ahead. Just don't involve me please." Even better, live by what Johnny Mercer and the Pied Pipers told everyone in the 1945. I think it goes a little something, like this↓
  2. Basically what I would like is to hear peoples plain English/layman's terms of technology. For example you are trying to explain to someone who just does not get the difference between an SSD and an HDD. How would you explain it in the most basic of terms. Like an ELI5 type of reddit explanation. The reason why I made this thread is to get the best explanations. Share explanations you heard, gave to someone else or came up with. Sorry if there was a thread like this, I used google search and nothing came up.
  3. I'm really trying my best not to be too afraid of them, like the little spiders. Those are ok as long as they don't crawl on me. Those particular spiders with the huge satanist black eyes can f*** right off. The giant ones too. What really creeps me out about certain spiders or arachnids are the ones that are aware of me. Their *looks it up* chelicera wigging around, their eyes staring straight into my soul. Turning their body in the same direction I am. Nope. All the nope. I like Daddy Long Legs though, they eat mosquitoes. Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend :3
  4. I don't mind hypocrisy, but I hate it when people deny they're being hypocrites. I can never not be a hypocrite but I try my best to be as less of one as possible. An example of which is anyone who strongly believes in not praising to false gods, worships a celebrity by watching all their movies. Granted I have favorite celebrities but I don't watch EVERYTHING that they're in. I like Hugh Jackman but I skipped over Prisoners because I didn't like the story. I hate the excuse of "o i typ lik dis bcus its qiker". Buy Mavis Beacon, put your fucking fingers on the home row keys and type a decent sentence you lazy mother f- ugh. I hate it. The "Jump to Conclusions" mat from Office Space. I mean... come on. I hate it when people jump to conclusions but that is just abhorrent. I get the joke but he was being serious in that scene. No one except that guy would want that. I wouldn't give that thing the dignity of wiping my feet on it. Basically people who jump to conclusions. I don't hate them for doing so but the act of jumping to conclusions makes me hate their impatience for answers. Just so they can find an excuse to hate me! I also hate "it's just for kids" excuse. So the "My shell is tightening" line from the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is perfect for little kids? Or the "Yeah, they're real." Line for Planes 2? Perfect for the kiddies. REEEEEAALL perfect. :okiedokielokie:
  5. It's usually around when I wake up but sometime before 10:30 preferably. It's either pancakes and syrup, a Del Taco 89¢ breakfast burrito with jack cheese with a side of guacamole or whatever my parents feel like doing. I'm at my best when I had my eggs (or just breakfast) in the morning.
  6. As much as I care about both, I'd rather disappoint Mr. Rodgers. Mostly because I don't remember any of the things he taught me other than Bill Nye. How Bill talked about things made it fun. Deoxyribonucleic acid was the pinnacle thing I remember from his show. Otherwise known as DNA. It always made me laugh how in his "Science Guy" show, he always added "Of science" at the end of every proper name he presents that is science related. Shame that his "Stuff Happens" show didn't really catch on.
  7. I was going to post the OneyNG and Pebbles video where they did an extremely funny cover of Let It Go. But it's blocked due to butt hurt Frozen fans I'll fall back to these. ↓
  8. If you listen to this review of Video Girl Ai by Bennett the Sage, the last bit around 15:14 would brighten anyone up.
  9. Um, ok? To each their own. I don't like Elder Scrolls Series.
  10. Other then reading about that stuff in news, forums and word of mouth; nothing much. Never seen it in person. The ones that I find hypocritical are the ones where furries are f***ing pony corpses, furries growing giant to smash Ponyville or Transformers ripping Pinkie Pie in half. I'm not mad at those people who draw that stuff, but disappointed.
  11. I hear what you have to say and I agree, however, since this is the 100th episode. It should go into syndication right? Which means the older episodes will be available on new channels. Right?
  12. I don't intend to. But... seriously? He couldn't care less about reviewers who critique other cartoons? I mean if he has a strong distaste for adults and teens liking cartoons, then he should hate on all the cartoons people watch. Liking western cartoons as an adult ain't nothin' new. A good chunk of celebrities watch cartoons for christ sake.
  13. I didn't have an answer to this thread till I saw your post. YES. Those annoying people. Granted I was looking for movies that no one has heard of like the movie Carpool, but if no one is buying or renting that movie regularly. No one should really care if it's uploaded to Youtube right? At least give me that, but no "Sign in to virus latent movie site dot com and watch all the free movies you can ever want!" Uggghhh. Now on the subject of PEEEEWWWWWDIPERRRR, I didn't care for him at all until I heard that he donates to charities (I think Markiplier does that too). I'm like "Oh ok, I don't care for his videos but if someone else does and donates to said guy; good for them." I REAAAAALLY want to hate on Game Grumps but after learning about them in their videos. I just can't. They get motion sickness in some video games and can't watch first person shooters or they get urpy. Arin can't draw from memory (then again not even the best artists draw from memory). And well, Danny's better than JonTron. Why I want to hate on them is because they haven't tried to play the game I sent in. It was Psychonauts on the Xbox one- I MEAN the original Xbox . Other than that I just ignore the other channels. Why get mad when you can just, I dunno? Not watch it? Also I don't just subscribe to every channel I see just willy nilly. It has to apply to my interests. Never really seen this guy's videos but "helping with the downfall of our society"? How? What shows does he like? :okiedokielokie:
  14. I don't think this thread exists, I used google so I assume so. I'm still trying to quit soda but I found the Coca Cola Freestyle app on android (I assume it's available on iPhones too). It was a fun experience that lets me communicate with Freestyle machines that mixes up to three sodas with a flavoring like peach or vanilla. SO, does anyone use the freestyle app and the machines? What mixes do you like? Share on this thread! ↓ I'll start ↓ 50% Barq's Root Beer, 40% Sprite = Sparqs
  15. I thought of something similar as a cgi/live action movie. However I got out of wanting to be in the movie making business. I was thinking of something more along the line of a furry PMC/mercenary group. The lead guy had special powers but I grew out of it and now he's just a normal guy. It evolved into a dark R rated movie kind of deal. Basically IF this is a first draft, don't take it. Which in turn is why you're asking about it of course. You probably might need to spoon feed a tenth the info in the first few episodes. The audience would have a cognitive overload if you plan on showing all of this in the beginning. So go through a few drafts. Figure out the parts where you wanted to put something in because "it was cool" and decide whether or not you want to keep it. Basically it needs to just follow the narrative of the canid girl. Once you break away to talk about this cool thing, the audience is like "wait, wat?". Check out some writing videos on youtube or buy a book (kindle, google books or paper) that shows you how to write. Here is an article to help ↓ http://narrativefirst.com/articles/familiar-patterns-of-story-structure ↑ THIS! SO TOTALLY THIS! I would so watch it if it was anything like Drawn Together. Granted the show wasn't completely funny but I loved the concept.
  16. Video game jokes offend me, particularly from middle aged comedians who say stuff like "Hey remember Nintendo? Remember the only way to clean it?" and they proceed to overly exaggerate blowing on a cartridge. I watched that Gabriel Iglesias "The Fluffy Movie" and I just zoned out when he was talking about Nintendo. I'm like, good god why go for Nintendo? Why not say Atari 2600? Or the Sega Genesis. Almost all of the video game humor I hear from stand up comedians is "Hey remember Nintendo?" blah blah blah. It's hard to find a comedian with good video game humor (mostly because of copyright) but I'm sure they can figure it out right? RIGHT? The other thing would be Texas jokes, it's all hur dur pa der NASCAR and beer and trailer homes. While (insert state from where the stand up show is being held) is the oh so perfect state in every way. Also, if said "joke" is making loud noises or screaming in order to make people laugh. I just can't find it funny, it just offends me how people think that. Like that one scene from "The Other Guys" where Will Ferrell is on top of some other guy (I think) and demanding information and screaming. I hate that kind of "humor". I don't get butt hurt about it verbally though, there's no point. To each his own as they say, if someone finds stupid imitations of stereotype hicks or blowing on a Nintendo cartridge funny. That's their business. If they find the movie "The Other Guys" funny. Good for them. Just don't tell me to laugh at that movie because I don't find it funny.
  17. I have a lot but my top favorite so far is Two Best Friends Play (aka The Sw1itcher).
  18. There are a lot of skinny ponies yes, but I do remember that one puppeteer pony from S4E23. Then there was S4E15 with the little foal with the tofu burger cutie mark. A little pudgier than the rest but not like some human children we sometimes see in real life. I originally wanted to add Pony Joe to the list but he does not seem pudgy, just a thicker chin.
  19. Avengers 2, it was a 5 out of 10 in my opinion. I gave the first one a 7.
  20. Some of the posts here relate to me as well, people think I'm a loner when I value a small group of friends. I mean if I had any that would want to hang out with me. I mean sure I respond to questions with short sentences but that doesn't mean I don't have any interest in talking. How else are you supposed to respond to a yes or no query?
  21. It felt like the the ratio of Marvel to Disney is leaning way towards Disney than Marvel. My evidence why (contains spoilers) ↓ However I say the first one is better than the second but none of which are in my top favorites.
  22. Nit Pick

    movies/tv Code Monkeys

    I really would like to see more of this. I bought both seasons 1 and 2 on my xbox. What the creators need to do is to make new episodes on Youtube/Vessel. Heck even make a Kickstarter/Indiegogo campaign to fund it.
  23. It's rare to find a brony/pegasister who isn't an introvert.
  24. I would have to say ponies. Duh. But to be more realistic, I have to say Open Broadcast Software. It's an amazing screen recorder that gets up to 60fps and it's completely free!
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