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Nit Pick

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Everything posted by Nit Pick

  1. Being the lonely love seeker that Nit Pick is, it would be hard for him to figure out. Mostly because he would find everypony there attractive, even Mrs. Cake and the Mayor. However if it had to be one of the mane six, it would be Twilight. There's a silly story behind it but I won't get into it.
  2. I did travel on a plane with my family at one point going to either Mexico or Orlando Florida. I liked it somewhat but the ear popping doesn't help. My brother has a fear of flying and crowds so we went by car for the next Orlando trip. I hate cars and I hate car rides, especially with bad seats in a 2007 Toyota Prius. A 6' 2'' person (me) trying to lie down in a 4' back seat equals pain. Makes me want to ride first class so I can have nice seating, but the prices though are way out of may range.
  3. My character Nit Pick has Misophobia as a part of his OCD. It was bad to a point were he learned to master a sanitation spell by tapping his horn to kill off any bad germs and dirt on himself. It drives him nuts if an Earth pony or (or any pony) handles things with their mouths. Even hoof shakes or just physical contact with other ponies scares him.
  4. I don't feel like exercising because I'm lazy and no one outside of my family is going to miss me when I'm gone.
  5. I can never got into sports or watched it. One, I have very flat feet and I have to mentally walk or run correctly and I lose my balance. Two is all the rules, the numbers, the stats and the names. I can't remember any of them. I don't have the hand eye coordination to dribble a ball or kick a soccer ball (or football if you prefer). I can't even throw an American football right either. If you take out all the rules and changed the football, basket ball, soccer ball, and hockey puck (if we're stretching it) to a regular ball; they're all the same. Two teams, one ball, two goals. Yes, they are completely different sports; but only because of the rules, goals, balls and stuff the players wear. Basically I just see the same sport, just made differently. Baseball I respect. I don't know if there's anything similar to it since I'm not a sports guy, but "it's a whole different ball game" (hur hur) compared to other sports. I also respect tennis, because if it wasn't for the sport; Tennis for Two wouldn't have been made on an oscilloscope. Starting the history of video games.
  6. The run of the mill Time Warner Cable speed. Help us Google Fiber, you're San Antonio's only hope!
  7. *Gently places a link in the forums slowly* http://www.ecumenicalnews.com/article/five-nights-at-freddys-movie-adaptation-currently-being-developed-creator-scott-cawthon-on-board-with-project-29237 *runs away as fast as he can with a troll face the whole way*
  8. The one app I had an idea for was an app that easily helps make a top (insert number here like 10) list. When you make the first entry nothing happens, but when you add the second entry, it asks "Is (Item 2) better than (item 1)?". If yes, the second entry is put above the first. If no, it stays below the first. The third entry asks the question for the second and first entry. When the user finishes the list; they can refine it by going through the list from the bottom up with the same question. Then they can share their list on on facebook, google plus, twitter as it creates a jpeg or a png. At least that is how far I got.
  9. Being a grade A sucker to a few Steam Sales. Now I have 258 games. Most of which I haven't played yet. It's the whole "I'll play it eventually" mentality.
  10. I would love to learn how to animate and have it look exactly like the show. But yeah, I'm in agreement with Jeric. It ain't gonna be done in a day.
  11. I have this set as my ringtone. She's one of my favorite secondary characters. Mostly because her mane, shades and scarf remind me of certain Team Fortress 2's cosmetic items. Battle Bob Summer Shades and the Merc's Pride Scarf
  12. Good parody movies like 'Airplane!' or the first (maybe second) 'Hot Shots!' movies. Instead of the ones that just don't spout reference after reference after reference. I heard this ↓ ... ... tastes exactly like Crystal Pepsi. Despite the name. :okiedokielokie:
  13. I have somewhat of a history with ads. Long before TIVO, I had to sit through the most asinine commercials. I saw this and I felt sick to my stomach. It lingers in my memory to this very day of how stupid old Taco Bell commercials were. The worst part of it is, they got it right. Having their product linger in my mind was doing something right by doing something wrong (oh SO wrong). Drag doesn't bother me but... the length that these fictional characters had to go through to have "GOOD" nachos for an affordable price is stupid. Whats worse is it made me mention Taco Bell, in turn, making people who like Taco Bell (not everyone but some) who are reading this thread are in the mood for it (if it did). Also I hate it when the commercial is SUPER loud when the thing I'm watching is at a reasonable volume. Not only that, advertisements of car commercials. They go to such great lengths to make their cars seem sexy, elegant or high class. Hearing stuff like 0% FPR Financing or how they nonchalantly say $30,000 is such a steal when I could barely afford my car (I paid in full). The worst part is hearing the same commercial twice or three times in a row before the days of TIVO. Often just the 45 second one then the 30, then the 15 second version. Honestly how many times can you sit through the same commercial until you torture yourself? The oldest adblock to this day is the mute button. I just wish there was an auto skip extension to chrome for Youtube that skips the commercials automatically and closes the little pop up windows at the bottom of Youtube videos. Not only that, have the extension mute the commercials too. Like the extension for Hulu. I do agree that ad revenue needs to exist for sites or Youtubers to keep making videos. I tinkered around with my adblock and there's a "show all the ads except these sites" part. I can't figure out how that works.
  14. Starlight Glimmer topped the lists. Until she shows her backstory as to why she's like this, shes the number one pony I don't like at all. Trixie. It just makes me cringe when people refer to themselves in the third person or pony for that matter. However I can't help but like how nice her mane looks in the show and fanart. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. I have a distaste for bullies no matter how old they are. Flim and Flam. Running Applejack out of her home. Need I say more?
  15. This happened in middle school at one point. I still beat myself over it because I embarrassed myself for not knowing what the word "gay" meant. I think it was an episode of "Frasier" where I head the word gay from one of the characters. It was a music class I believe and I came to class early where this group of girls came in after me. They stopped in the middle of their conversation to talk to me about "who do I like best" or "who is the cutest". Being the socially awkward introvert that I was, I mistakenly said "I was born gay" (which I'm not, I'm a straight supporter now). Then word got out and boys started jokingly making kissy faces at me, I was confused and I asked my Mom what gay meant. She told me, then I told her the story what happened then for a few years I was homophobic. After I grew up more and became more mature, I got over being homophobic. I also worked on my vocabulary, understanding words before using them in everyday life. I still beat myself up over it from time to time because I could have had a chance at a girlfriend. Why I beat myself over it is because I'm afraid that I might meet one of said girls who I misinformed and they still think I'm gay (which I'm not). I did have some friends who were girls, they defended me from such torment from middle school. I still wish I kept in contact with them.
  16. I would have super telekinesis, like lifting super heavy things or stopping bullets in mid air.
  17. Being an introvert, I prefer 1-3 close friends. I don't have any. At least I don't think I do. I tried to buddy buddy with a guy at college and I exchanged phone numbers. If he wanted to call me to come over to his house or something but he didn't call back. If you look at this Buzzfeed video, it's pretty much how I am. I appreciate my alone time but I do want social interaction. I do want to be invited to parties (without drinking alcohol). I do want to be with people. I just don't want bazillions of friends. Because I can't remember everyone's names, but I do remember Faces. Further note, I do want more Tumblr followers. (They can be friends too!)
  18. It would be both redundant and weird to hear that my OC Nit Pick (an obsessive compulsive introvert neat freak that finds joy in alphabatizing, organizing and cleaning) is fantastical magical with kids. Think of it as one of those abilities that you have that astounds other people and you're like "What? It's not that hard."
  19. I was blocked on YouTube, I don't know if you are familiar with Gamechap and Bertie? They often make Minecraft videos of the poorest impersonations of posh Brits.They are notorious for blocking people who give passive constructive criticisms. They even told their moderators on their website to block those kinds of people. I gave some constructive criticism of one of their episodes and they up and blocked me. Pretty much all of their episodes in the past and present have been Gamechap and Bertie introducing a Minecraft modification. Then they show it off. Then they go to a Minecraft Villager named Mr. Mayor and show it off to him (sometimes). Then things go wrong where they blow up a Minecraft Village then Gamechap chases Bertie for "being a bloody cad". Multiply that formula for every episode and it gets redundant after say the 5th time you start realizing the pattern. The constructive criticism I gave was (I forgot what I typed but it went something like this) "maybe you should change the ending a bit more often". I then noticed on YouTube that I somehow unsubscribed to Gamechap, I tried clicking on subscribe again and it said "User has blocked you from subscribing". Apparently I wasn't the only one as more and more people tried to give constructive criticism and they got blocked too. I was baffled at how insecure these two media creators were. Now all of their videos are click-bait with boobs and sexy girls just to drive up their ad-revenue. I find it sickening now that it's come to this.
  20. Most of the time when a song is stuck in my head, it's Weird Al's Polka Songs like this one.
  21. Life stuff, like what am I going to do with myself? If I'm not supposed to make movies for a living, what am I supposed to do then? My god given talent of drawing won't get me anywhere (unless I draw porn) Just to add to it, I'm lazy. Some may say well stop being lazy and do something about it. I'm like that droid with a bad motivator in Star Wars, it's just not going to work without some good motivation.
  22. I'd like to get to unicorn but it'll be a while before I get there.
  23. Psychonauts Portal 1&2 Battlefield 4 (of course I would say that in a quiet wincing high pitch voice) Star Wars Republic Commando Five Nights at Freddy's 1-3 Fallout 3 Team Fortress 2 (mostly MVM) Anachonox Batman Arkham Asylem, City and (hopefully) Knight. Overlord 1 & 2 Mostly any Point and Click adventure game. (Monkey Island or new ones like the Deponia series) The Hitman Series Games with time travel mechanics like Life is Strange Those are the only ones I can think of right now.
  24. If it's the cinnamon ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery, it doesn't need any toppings. :okiedokielokie:
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