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Everything posted by Obsolete

  1. Inherent Vice reminded me how much I love Can's Ege Bamyasi. This here is a pretty kickass song to open a movie with. HEY YOU. YOU'RE LOSING, YOU'RE LOSING, YOU'RE LOSING, YOU'RE LOSING YOUR VITAMIN C.
  2. Inherent Vice I still can't believe I got to watch this two months ahead of release. This is getting quite a bit of hype in some circles - understandably considering it's a new film by a respected director - but I do hope people don't set their expectations too high. This movie struck me as PTA goofing off rather than aiming for greatness. I suspect audiences will be quite split on this one, and it's unlikely to get much love from the Academy come oscar time, save for maybe in the technical categories. What did I think? Ehhhh. It's either a comedy that isn't funny enough or a mystery that's too convoluted to engage, unless the increasingly tangled plot is meant to be some kind of meta-joke. All I could really appreciate from a single viewing of it was the fantastic 70s period detail and the exuberant performances. Otherwise, I don't know what to make of it. Maybe I needed to be stoned.
  3. I waste too much time worrying about wasting time.

  4. I just want to bread.

    1. HeartFeltPuma23


      I want to bread free.

    2. Obsolete


      Don't bread my heart, Puma.

  5. No. Stop being that guy.

    1. Thunderchild


      And which guy would that be, my old fruit?

  6. Indifference.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Obsolete


      Feelings of despondency.

    3. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      The feeling in my gut after I watched Rainbow Rocks.

    4. HeartFeltPuma23



  7. Korra starts tomorrow. I am squealing internally.

  8. I'm both ecstatic for more Korra and a little concerned. This season is being released so soon that I can't help but worry that the quality might be diluted. I wouldn't have minded them taking their time with it. But we'll see how it goes. As for the time skip, I'm fine with it. They ended season 3 in a place where the narrative could reasonably stand still, free of major conflicts for a few years. With skillful writing, all the relevant information about what happened in between could be conveyed in a single episode if they need to.
  9. Homu is a weirdly crop.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Obsolete


      Still one of my favorite mutations of my name. I wonder how I didn't come up with it myself. x)

    3. DND


      bcuz i am mutation myself

    4. Obsolete


      This explains everything. :o

  10. Happy birthday, Puma! I hope your day goes splendidly! ^_^

  11. Doesn't matter to me. I've seen plenty of vapid posts get brohoofs and plenty of thoughtful ones get ignored. My own ratio is 561 brohoofs to 350 posts and I got most of those from forum games, which tend to be the posts I put the least amount of effort into. Not that I often make an effort, anyway. I'm almost a full time lurker.
  12. I'm the only person I know who's actively trying to gain weight.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. MasterCombine


      The desire to bulk up is really common, it's just that you tend to hear more about people wanting to lose weight and trim down.


      I seemed to have a hard time gaining weight when I was in middle school and high school, but prior to this year I think it was mainly due to poor eating habits (I would generally only eat a couple meals a day, and I don't think I worked out at all in 2013). Thankfully I fixed that this year, and am eating a lot more.

    3. ~StatesTheOblivious~


      I never ate much until I hit puberty. Than I started to eat too much at some point. Then I lost weight again and now I'm just a bit chubby with no noticable muscles at all. ^^

    4. MasterCombine


      ^^Then lift, bruh XD


      Assuming you want muscles, I mean.

  13. *stinks up your latest visitors list*

    1. Clarity



    2. Obsolete



  14. Not really, but it's been happening with surprising frequency. xD I'm now on episode 11 and it's terrific. Just when I think it's settling into a predictable formula, it pulls out a new surprise that forces me to look at something in a new light. Hopefully it keeps up this quality.
  15. I do remember. It was on a status I made about pizza and wheels back when I was a newbie. I think I said this on the first page but I don't care.
  16. I'm currently 6 episodes into Revolutionary Girl Utena. It's not amazing so far, but it's fun and has some rather interesting stylistic traits, like the shadow puppet interludes (which I adore), the cool prog-rock inspired soundtrack during the duels, and the use of repetition as a storytelling device. I hear it's supposed to become a self-indulgent arty mess as it goes along. I am so psyched.
  17. I don't feel bad at all.

    1. Clarity


      Nor do I. This is highly amusing.

    2. Obsolete

    1. Clarity



    2. Obsolete



  19. I remember clearly. You gave me my first brohoof, making you the first person here to interact with me.
  20. Heh. I'm selecting my film festival volunteer shifts based on the likelihood that I'll get to see Paul Thomas Anderson in person. And here I thought I was immune to celebrity obsessions.

    1. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      Meanwhile, nothing ever happens in Maryland ever.

    2. Obsolete


      I know the feeling, man. I spent 22 years stuck in Puerto Rico. xD

  21. Why can't I see my profile

    1. Teen Buscemi

      Teen Buscemi

      Because you're blind! (Dun-dun-dun!)


    2. Obsolete


      Is this some kind of selective blindness?

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