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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by BlinkZ

  1. I really should talk to people more

  2. Want to RP but i'm sort of scared and confused

  3. What if that dimintional mirror was also a Stargate. be cool to see what the ancients look like in mlp. or maybe we are the marsions
  4. just gaming today nothing to special

  5. did a chatbox RP few hours ago, and i had fun

  6. gah, wish i could draw

  7. WEll was going ot watch Kungfu panda 2 but then decided to watch Planet 51. Was also going to watch Stargate series but changed my mind
  8. I like it. Cant really talk about what might be wrong with it cause I'm not much of an artist. though I think the legs could have been more muscluar, they seem a bit thin to me.
  9. The adorable counter its onver 9000!! I like it, " its so flutty I could die." I love the shading, makes it look like clay. they are so soft and bubbly
  10. good noonish. woot 4 weeks till S4

  11. Zebra's are cool

  12. BlinkZ

    Space is fun

    I"m having so much fun bulding in Space Engineers have a look these images are huge so i'll just post the URLs http://imageshack.us/a/img9/421/ys0e.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1398676_10151683089500988_2092040296_o.jpg
  13. man i'm having fun playing Space Engineers

  14. My work was less then active, i was so bored.

  15. WEll lets see i'll go to bed around 2pm and wake up at 9 30, ten ish. So 7 hours I guess. I dont work mornings i work Evenings so you can see how i sleep
  16. Well my dogs barking at every single person that comes tot he door today, good thing i'll be at work :D

  17. eh people can pass this day by pretty easy. I"m dont dress up or anything, we buy candy to hand out but thats about it
  18. Today is just another day for me, nothing special about the 31st for me anymore. eh half off candy tommorow i guess

  19. Going to go read then head to bed. So much for fanfic writing

    1. Sunny Fox

      Sunny Fox

      I hear you. Tough to find inspiration sometimes, isn't it?

  20. Yeah probably would hae been better of drawing in photoshop. But hey now your thinking with angels
  21. I know Brony Critics like Digibrony and others did video's on topics like Distiny, might help :shrug
  22. Well i'm sure theres a thread for this kind of topic but i'll state it in a blog just cause. When i think about mlp and relatable character I have trouble thinking of who i relate to. For some people its obvious but for its a little tricky. Off the bat I can relate to AJ, mostly cause I like to have work to do and I guess i could count as a Hard worker. Though i'm not sure that enough to relate to her. I'm friendly and kind but not shy, though I have Aspergers, so slightly socially aquared, though that hardly make me relate to fluttershy at all, cute only goes so far people. Sort of a twilight I guess, spent a lot of time on the internet not exactly and egg head but i'm knowledgeable. Oh isn't that a big word. So yeah hard to figure out how I relate to most, mostly a mix basket I guess.
  23. Well Unless story of the blanks counts..then i have no clue.
  24. Think about it, while her character may be redeemed you have got to admit the villains look so much cooler then the hero's in mlp. Suger coated fluffy vs nightmare moon black and blue armour, Sombra's glowing eye liner or dooom!!, and the changlings well changing. face it Villains are way cooler..well when well developed that is.
  25. You know being Magic and all couldn't twilight use some sort of uber speed reading spell. You know one that would allow you to read several books at once and be able to retain its information.
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