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Everything posted by DuskSong

  1. De-facto atheist here. Spent years in mental purgatory due to fear of hell holding me back in my childhood. I've overcome the fear of such illogical places thankfully. I have received a lot of judgement, misunderstanding, anger and offense for not believing. It sucks, but people will be people. Though I have never pushed my beliefs on others or talked down to religious people because I do not care what someone's beliefs are unless it negatively impacts others, I have had plenty of theists talk down to me and threaten me with hell, punishment, etc. I constantly hear of the so-called "persecution" that Christians face in America. This is pure fallacy-based hysteria. Laws are made by a Christian majority. God is on our money, in our pledges, and used as justification for the passing of laws, bills, actions, etc. Churches are tax-exempt, while spreading influence into our politics, our government, general places that cross the church and state wall. I've had Christians claim that I talk about God so often because I "hate" him and actually do "believe" in him. I do not speak of God because I believe he exists, I speak of God because I know that believers exist. To them, I ask: if laws, schools, and our money represented/displayed images and quotes that speak the name of Allah or any other God, wouldn't you, too, have something to say about it? When something you don't believe in is used as influence/justification to make changes and write laws in your society, wouldn't you, too, have something to say about it? Taking prayer out of public schools (that are RAN by the government) is not religious persecution. It is a rightful step in retaining the wall between church and state. Petitioning to remove God's name from the pledge is not religious persecution, it is a rightful step in retaining the wall between church and state. In our First Amendment, it states this: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." The cries of the Christian majority are out of fear of losing control and influence in the political and social facets of our country. If simply being kept in check by the government to enforce the separation of church in state is enough to cause mass upset and rage, imagine what it is like for a Muslim or Jew to live in a country that so obviously panders to one specific God. And maybe it is the fear of losing their imposition that causes the upset. Maybe it is the fear of losing their religious majority that causes upset. If Christians cannot handle being held to the same standard as all other religions in America, imagine what it would be like to walk in the shoes of your Atheist neighbor, your Jewish neighbor, or your Muslim neighbor. I talk of God because of these problems. I talk of God because of the wish to become an even greater power in our government and society. It threatens religious freedom and threatens to silence or oppress the voices who do not belong to the same system of beliefs as Christians. I am not oppressed, but the way that Christianity as a whole acts in America is that of an oppressor who grows ever-hungrier for more power and a louder voice that wants to become the center of everything in it's control. And that is not what America is meant to be. That is not the dream our Forefathers envisioned, where we have a secular country, founded on freedom of religion, where one religion cannot have control over the people. The spread of religion into our politics, our government, is toxic to our foundation and must be defended against.
  2. Americ

    an Football

  3. Chai Tea Lattes > everything.
  4. "Don't worry about it" Worry is not an exactly fully controllable emotion for many people, and sadness/anxiety is not something that can be fixed by "just smiling" or being told to "not worry about it."
  5. Used to never drink soda for quite some time.. picked up Bang energy drinks though because of the energy boost it gives me to get through the day. The caffeine content is dangerous enough to have a label warning against consumption if you are under 18, pregnant, taking prescription medication, or have any medical condition, though. Probably shouldn't be drinking it.. but it's zero-cal and zero-sugar so I haven't gained weight like I did when I drank Baja Blast and Monster constantly.
  6. don't work for Hot Topic. New associate expectations are a major reason I quit as soon as I could back in June. The fun, spirit and soul of the company is dead, and has been decaying for years. Also the pay and hours are awful in general for sales associates.


  7. Tried 1919 Rootbeer today. Nothing special, just an overbearing vanilla flavor that overpowers the actual rootbeer taste.

  8. storm area 51, lets see them aliens Aliens undoubtedly have to exist. The scale of the universe is so large that we cannot even see all of it, and only see a very small amount of it. However, when I say alien, I do not specifically mean intelligent life. Somewhere, maybe even in Enceladus' oceans. It is extremely unlikely that NO life exists elsewhere in the universe. I am most certain that there are thousands of planets with some form of at-least single celled organisms, or perhaps even multicellular. Seeing as how many conditions must line up for intelligent life to develop, that is less likely, but still very possible. Given the brain-shattering scale of our universe and astronomical (no pun intended) amount of planets that exist, alien, extra-terrestrial life probably exists, but probably not as advanced as we'd imagine it. I am confident enough to say, though, that basic forms of life exist elsewhere, and closer than we think.
  9. It is absolutely revolting and disgusting that people still call for the death/genocide of LGBT people to this day. I will always wonder why these people cannot just let people live their lives as they are. How does the love life of someone you don't even know impact your daily life? I mean.. besides the studies that show that homophobes are very likely to same-gender attractions, the only theory I have is that these people are afraid of their own feelings, or the decades of indoctrination into hateful religions. But, I will say again: the love life of other people do NOT impact your own life, so fuck off and stop telling others how to live their lives. It's not yours to live. Focus on yourself. 

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      Even many Conservative Christians -- e.g., me -- don't condone "the death/genocide" stuff.

  10. anything that involves being around other people. gotta love GAD.. sigh
  11. I have tried MANY root beer/cream soda flavors in my life, and it is my goal to try as many as possible. The most unique and well-tasting brand of root beer I have found exists in Minnesota, called North Star Craft Soda. I do not take my opinions regarding this lightly, as from memory I have tried these brands: A&W, IBC, Sprechers, Sioux City, Barq's, Dad's Old Fashioned, Stewarts, Virgils, Barqs, Killebrew, Faygo, and of course the aforementioned NSCS, and ones from random restaurants, etc. The only one I have locally that I have yet to try is Frostop. There are others I have tasted as well, I just cannot recall them as of right now. I am a sucker for vanilla flavoring, so I am a bit biased in what I consider the best. However, I can say that staple names such as A&W or IBC lack something 'special' that makes them worth picking when other brands are available. If you ever see NSCS near you, I'd give it a try, I really think it is one of the better root beers available! EDIT: If you ever stay in a Radisson hotel that offers honey root beer.. don't try it. it's nasty.
  12. " Day by day we grew to love this place,
    And where I make my grave is where my anchor lays.
    The sound of my youth echoes out through these empty streets,
    I guess I can't kick up the roots;
    It's home, and that's the truth.

    I've been wasting away,
    But in a town with no way out, there's not much else to do anyway,
    If you're looking for a place to decay,
    Then there will always be a place in my town called revelry."

    ~Neck Deep

  13. Fourteen hours. Might've been more, give or take. Can't really remember, I was on sleep meds during that time due to insomnia. it felt amazing, though.
  14. i hate when summer rolls around.. i feel i isolate myself. but i have a demanding job, hobbies, and a whole lot of shit in my head i have to sort through just to get by. i guess i just miss being carefree and living without all of these expectations, responsibilities and the imbalanced chemicals of my brain.

  15. we are made of everything and the foundations to grow

    but i am nothing and i'm decaying slow

  16. People who base their WHOLE personality on the fact they smoke weed. You're boring, and it shows if that's all you talk about. Cigarettes Alcohol Anti-vaxxers People who believe the pharmaceutical industry is evil and only wants to profit with "fake" treatments/cures People who don't believe in mental illnesses People who think anti-depressants are "bullshit" but believe a walk outside will cure it. Some people's inability to pickup on sarcasm or humor (See The Onion's comment section.) Inability to have level-headed discussion and debate, e.g. yelling and getting angry over your views being challenged Closed-minded people
  17. Life is hell sometimes. Can't avoid that, though. But, I have a new job which means more money, and more time out of the house to distract myself.

  18. Last day of 11th grade tomorrow. I'm losing quite a few senior friends, and it's killing me

  19. Elder Scrolls Online. It's been my main game and escape ever since I left WoW back in October.
  20. i'm still alive. depression has been choking the life out of me for some time, but things are slowly getting better.

  21. i lost a friend to suicide last week..

    this hurts.

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Shit. I'm so sorry. :(

  22. this sunlight and nice weather has eradicated my S.A.D symptoms, ohmylord. feels good.

  23. "There's another blade
    And there's a bottle of pills, a fifth of vodka, a hospital visit, two weeks of inpatient while your whole family prays for you to get better
    There's a doctor with blank eyes who never looks at you
    He’s always scribbling things on his clipboard
    Everything you say, he documents, even when you're not talking to him
    You don't smoke, but you still go out for smoke breaks with everyone else on the ward because there's nothing else to do but stare at the walls, and wait for the next group session to start
    So you hang out in the courtyard, not smoking cigarettes but still befriending those who do

    And there's a man
    Maybe ten years older than you, with eyes like rough-cut pine and sunset
    He notices you don't smoke, so he tries to stay downwind from you so he doesn’t exhale in your face
    He tells you it's okay, bud
    We'll get through this and be better when we leave this place than it was when we got here
    And he's telling you the truth
    And you believe him

    One day, the doctor who doesn't look at you comes to your room and tells you that your insurance isn't paying for any more days, so you're all better now
    And you leave
    Your mom picks you up in the lobby and her eyes are the most worried kindness you've ever seen and you go home
    And you fight off the ghosts, which is easier now than it was before, because now you have a better set of tools today, and your life goes on like it was meant to
    Like you were always supposed to survive the fight

    You stop writing poems about smoke tendrils trailing off the lips you once wanted to kiss, or about how your loneliness is so unbearable, because now you write poems about how to stay alive
    You write poems about the places you feel at home rather than the places you wish you could be

    One day, you catch a glimpse of someone in the mirror, and there you are
    Eyes like stubbornness and struggle
    Like the brick buildings in abandoned factory towns that refuse to fall completely
    You look at all the scars, the history etched into your arms like a road map of where you used to be
    Versus the endless possibilities of where you are and where you can go now
    And the smoke tendrils, once midnight black and swirling above your head, break away, leaving nothing in your view except the sky
    And it is so perfect
    And it is so clear"

    ~Old Gray

  24. I will never be able to look at a bottle of alcohol without feeling pure hatred and disgust. that shit is responsible for my family losing everything, and it's responsible for the fucking chaotic atmosphere of my family life now, with switched parental roles.

    I'll slit my throat with the broken glass of a bottle before I let that shit come anywhere near my tongue.

    Take your peer pressuring and normalizing of getting shit-faced every Friday and Saturday night, and shove it.

    It's not normal, and being a fucking drunk trainwreck ain't a desirable trait.

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