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Everything posted by Espurr

  1. I'm back! Man, it's been a while...

    1. Monsoon


      I recently came back as well

  2. This. I had this. This is the best rice ever. I love it to death! They took away due to some people getting sick from it but now it's back and it tastes just as awesome! I've never gotten sick off of it but it's just THE. BEST. They sell it at Costco if anybody was wanting to try it.
  3. Unless everybody become a brony in one day. Yes. Have you seen Frozen Fever? They're either going to screw it up or it'll be the best thing in the world and I think they're going to mess it up. Sequels are always messed up. Ok, mostly messed up.
  4. No. MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME! MY MIND CANNOT UNSEE WHAT HAS BEEN SEEN TONIGHT! But everybody remembers let it go. I still can't believe the movie came out three years ago and I'm still singing let it go.
  5. Since ponies can technically eat meat, I would miss my friends, family, the internet, earth in general, hands, my computer, my iphone, instagram, snapchat, facebook, fimfiction, this forum, agents of shield, my tv shows, Pokémon, college... the list goes on.
  6. Well, I'm angry at old 'friends' of mine for never inviting me to hang out with them back in high school, I'm upset because I think I lost one of my dearest friends and I dunno if I can get them back and I have to go pee. I'm also sleepy.
  7. I like those. A LOT. A LOT LOT. Dunno what those are but Google makes them look tasty. Have you ever tried wine gums? Those things are delicious! I'm pretty sure they're a British candy but I bought some in Oregon once and they're the BEST.
  8. I've got a friend who doesn't like jelly beans. I like jelly beans too but they cause this weird mucus like problem sometimes depending on which state I live in. At least, that's what I learned. I swear, it's the air in the states. So far, Texas has given me zero mucus problems so that's great. I'd imagine Pinkie likes her jelly beans grape flavored. Grape's her favorite flavor.
  9. I saw all the DLC and next expansions. Kind of reminds me of WoW in that way and that's what kind of made me not want to get it due to all of the expansion packs (that's what I'm calling them) they have out now.
  10. But isn't that what Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and the like are for? To be noticed? The only thing anybody wants in our world of today is to be noticed and cared about so they keep such profiles on these sites in hopes that they'll have what anybody wants, an audience. And isn't that what our world of today wants? To be noticed? All you want is to hope that somebody out there cares about your existence among billions of people. All we really want is to be our own personal celebrities. Man, I sound so old talking like this. Things my generation learns, eh? But is this not what you meant? But opinion wise, I go for the topic that interests me most, popular or not. Also, I never read through all the pages of posts. Just like one or two. And I reply because I like to reply. I don't care if it ever gets read. And I find that my replies usually get read whether in this week or next year.
  11. Is Destiny really good? I've always wanted to try it but I never did and eventually, all the hype for it died down for me.
  12. Same. I feel the same, man. Hello.
  13. Thanks. I haven't been on this site literally in months so now since I am on here, I say thank you for this!
  14. Looks better than what I can do. I draw stick figures mostly and that's as good as it gets for the most part. I'm more a writer than anything else so drawing's not my strong point. But you did really well! I can never get the muzzle right is what my problem is. The muzzle and everything else. Yours looks awesome. 10 out of 10.
  15. But it is rated Y so there's only so much you can get away with in a show like that, yes?
  16. I think I'm a Millenial. Dunno. If I am, well, I haven't had a bowl of cereal in forever just because. I like Lucky Charms, but I only eat the marshmallows. What I really like though is frosted flakes and that's if I'm going to have cereal. I'd really just like a sweet apple. Or a pear. Or almost any fruit really. Except bananas.
  17. Season 1: Bridle Gossip Season 2: tie between Lesson Zero and The Mysterious Mare Do Well Season 3: Sleepless in Ponyville Season 4: Tie between Power Ponies and For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils. Oh and Twilight's Kingdom part 1 and 2. Season 5: Tie between Slice of Life and Do Princess Dream of Magic Sheep
  18. Aye. I'll be here until this ship sinks, mateys. Then I'll go back to Pokémon. Actually, I'm already with Pokémon, so it doesn't matter!
  19. Those 9/11 ones are the most insane to me. And the ones that say the moon landing was a hoax. Can I use the Minds are like parachutes, they only work when they are open quote in my diary?
  20. I have no style. I wear what I like. This saddens me when I want to go out for parties and I don't know how to look nicer than causal wear but more causal than straight formal wear.
  21. No. I'm not moving. I like it here. I love your wine gums. They taste fabulous! They are delicious! Not from the UK BTW. There is Amazon. You could just buy the DVDs off of there. Or ebay. Or do they not have that in Norway? So Norwegians speak English? Yeah. I can watch an anime just fine over here. In not Japan. Plus, I speak English so how would I watch stuff in another language anyways?
  22. You're really good at this. My ponies always come out too fat... Anyways, great job!
  23. I sure do! I have a changeling, a dragon, two unicorns, a newly created earth pony, one alicorn, a zebra, a fox and a bunny.
  24. It's magic! Knowing this is Equestria, it's probably magic. No logic necessary. Maybe the show's writers put her in as a random character at first until they realized they wanted to use her for something. Besides, you can never judge somebody's age on looks. She's probably the same age.
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