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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. "Like baby, baby, baby nooo" ( Justin Bieber... [We will never speak of this reference again :okiedokielokie: ]) "But there never seems to be enough time To do the things you want to do, once you find them" (Jim Croce, Time in a Bottle [that's better ] )
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MONO


      yes...I think I can live in a world ruled by ponies...i may in fact become one just to associate with them.. OwO

    3. Virgil


      Good luck with that. The only transmogrification process I can perform involves turning spoiled royalty into frogs. :/

    4. MONO


      oh i have a few ways that may work. :) theres always the exosuit option after all. :)

  2. Three Huzzahs! Happy to have you here, and a random guy will be dropping of some "welcome" cider in 4-10 business days.
  3. I think it is very accommodating to many users, that the Mods are even willing to discuss via PM whether a pic might be NSFW. I can very much imagine most sites just saying, "if you have to ask, then don't post period." As that I'm sure would make things easier for the Administration of any site.
  4. You don't have to say it. I know you wish you were me.
  5. I don't think I'd be the type of person who would intentionally start a fandom, assuming anyone person actually "starts a fandom". I'd be the guy, who says to a couple dudes, " Hey you should watch this scene of this kids show, they got a clever Benny Hill reference snuck in here." And that is how I would accidentally start the Brony fandom and save Christmas :har: .
  6. Using more than three Nuclear ICBMs, three are plenty as long as you pick the right spots. Sorry I was thinking about something else, what was your question again?
  7. Well, if you want to try something "exotic " I'd suggest trying Ripe Pu-Erh Tea it's a very unique experience and can put coffee to shame in some ways (no offense Artemis ), for fruit teas... I'd take a look at a tea website called Adagio , as they have a number of types of herbal teas and you can get various sample size packs.
  8. [ you're really putting me in a bind ...thinking... thinking... By Jove I've got it!]
  9. Well, if you just did it all of a sudden they would at least be taken back by it. As I would think it would be on part with someone you barely know, just giving you a hug with no warning in the middle of a chat. If you spent time with them, after a while you could potentially have them let you pet them if you explained what you were about to do first. Having trouble deciding who I would want to pet more, Sweetie Belle or Luna (I want to know what her mane feels like).
  10. I outed myself when I put S1 on DVD on my Christmas wish list on Amazon last year; my parents were confused at first ( my mother remembers watching one of the previous generations with my sister, so it was understandable ) but are now okay with it. Guess they just added it to my list of eccentricities ,and... my Older brother bought me said DVD for Christmas that year. Funny aside: I'm pretty open about being a fan, so at my former place of work (don't worry, was just time to move on didn't get fired) I would sometimes wear a Derpy belt buckle and would get an impressive amount of compliments about from customers. So when I got employee of the month I asked if the plaque that bears the name of those who get that title would read Derpy Hooves instead of my name. My reasoning being Derpy actually got more praise than myself, although it would be unlikely I found out since corporate has to approve the paperwork. Didn't find out what the plaque ended up reading, since it takes a while to get the plaques. But if I find out it reads Derpy.... that will be my greatest accomplishment.
  11. I would pick a Katana ( what can I say, I'm a swashbuckler at heart ) but I would likely use a Wakizashi in my left hand. If I remember right, that was Miyamoto Musashi's advice when on the battlefield.
  12. If I'm not mistaken, in some of the traditional schools of Japanese Martial arts ( Bujutsu as opposed to Budo which is "modern" i.e. styles founded after 1860 CE roughly; I mean no disrespect to practitioners of styles such as Karate-Do, Judo, and so forth, as I greatly respect them) part of the syllabus did include training in firearms. And I would argue that any martial arts will find their roots in groups of professional warriors learning certain skills with the intention of winning. As an example the schools of Bujutsu were founded by Warriors for Warriors. Granted I'm sure most of these were founded by honorable warriors, but they would have been practical ones as well ( one had to survive long enough to found a school in those days after all). The various styles of Budo and their Chinese counterparts ( which would include most schools of Chinese Kung Fu that have survived into the modern era), while very effective for Civilian use were by and large by Civilians and for Civilians; or by those of the Warrior class in times of Peace.I'm sure you must have been struck by the immensely practical approach the German Longsword takes; I had the honor of being on the receiving end of some techniques once, and was impressed by the very direct no-nonsense attitude the techniques demonstrated. I think there are two extremes one should avoid. One is to divorce Martial Arts from the context and purpose they were developed from, thus losing the Martial aspect; the other would be to degrade them into simple Pragmatism, thus losing the art (in a sense). I would dare say it is just as much a Science as an Art. Thus, I have no problem saying that someone who endures the rigors of say, Sniper training and continues to develop all the skills that entails ( of which are many), is probably far closer to a Warrior of yore who founded a school of martial arts; than many modern practitioners of Martial Arts.
  13. How did I not notice this topic sooner?! Let's see... Well, when I was a kid I spent a brief stint at a school that is not worth mentioning and in hindsight is best I dropped out due to laziness and being a prideful little "white-washed sepulcher" as a kid. Because, the term "belt factory" comes to mind, and would have just given me very poor technique and even more of an ego than when I joined. But moving on... The school I attend teaches Chinese Martial arts and offers three programs; I trained in the first two for a bit but moved on eventually settling on the third program offered because it holds the most interest to me. A bit like the undergrad who switches majors a few times within his first two years of college before s/he finally say, "Wait a sec, I really like subject 'X' and should major in that!". Anyway, the programs are 1 ) a style of kung fu incorperating five animal style as well as other things, reffered commonly at the school by the name 'Wujido' ( yes, 'Do' is a Japanese term meaning 'way' I know; so that is actually not the full name but rather a shortened version of the proper Chinese name which is rather long and hard for Americans to remember). 2. Yang-Style Taijiquan (aka Tai Chi); which I still have a fondness for, can likely brush off my skills and remember the forms I was taught; but had to quite unfortunately because the third program is very demanding; and I found myself unable to continue learning both at the same time ( became like the proverb about trying to catch two hares). 3. ( And this is the style I have settled on attempting to learn as much as I can) Wujiquan which is a very old battlefield kung fu; the "closest" thing to it would be a style known as Xingyiquan. Sounds a bit hokey perhaps, but suffice it to say if you ever met my Master in person ( Gentleman in his 60's, been training since about age 20), and if his very matter of fact, sincere nature didn't speak loud enough for you; the skill of those who have trained under him for a few years would be proof enough. And by the way, has anyone ever watched the documentary "Needle Through Brick" ? It's a low budget independent documentary, made about Traditional kung-fu, and is one of the few documentaries I know of that has the sense to just interview various Kung Fu Masters and let them and their demonstrations of their techniques speak; instead of some blasted narrator.
  14. I'm amazed "Let it go" has only been mentioned thrice so far... and I refuse to voice my opinion on that song on the grounds I might be tarred and feathered. Anywayyyy, excluding live action stuff and in no particular order. ( This is pretty much the 'how to use visuals in a musical number' )"When We're Human" "Zero to Hero" "Be Prepared" "Oogie Boogie's Song" "This is Halloween".... Actually just about any song from that movie... "World's Greatest Criminal Mind" "When Your a Professional Pirate" "Make a Man Out of You" And since Tis the season " "Hmmm, half of those are villain songs, should I be concerned? Naaaahhh!
  15. Hmmm, need 5 votes for Winter Wrap Up to win and my diabolical plan for forum domination to move to phase 15 ... Time to get my blackmail folder out! You know if you are on it. :comeatus:
  16. Vote for Winter Wrap Up, so Jeric must sing Twi's part (with all those delightful high notes;yes, I'm evil I know :3 ).
  17. Winter Wrap Up would be rather appropriate considering the occasion. And it is one of the few songs where most of the staff would be forced to do a solo!
  18. I think I would have to quit the forums, because I would have reached the highest level of forum fame; so anything afterwords would just be a letdown, "Only 100 brohoofs? Well that post must have just sucked!"
  19. Tea is love, tea is life... and your new avatar is flipping adorable.
  20. Well... I would at least I could finally get an answer to this question . But I think we'd just be friends and have a weekly hour meeting to whine about stuff while sipping tea. We would never marry or date... as I would think our weaknesses would be the same... and they are of the variety that would cause disaster if both parties have them.
  21. I like this very much so . It has a very good flow, and reads like an old classic devotional one might come across.
  22. Well, I would laugh maniacally while the rebel scum is crushed like this .
  23. I like it, has a pretty solid rhythm to it. With the exception of the sentence "then when we leave...", which I would suggest rephrasing, as just the wording kinda messes with the flow. But that would be the only "flaw" in my mind, cuz other than that it's solid writing.
  24. I typically drink black tea with cream or milk, but I generally avoid sugar. Have been known to use honey on occasion.
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