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Everything posted by Invincible

  1. I'll have to be honest here. Pinkie pie? If i developed Schizophrenia and could hear Pinkie's voice in my head - i'd die happy. Yes, That's how much i love her! That being said - i couldn't really make out her character and personality during S1, sans one exception - Party of one. What happened there was pretty damn sad. I thought she was more of a token annoyance character at first. That belief was crushed in S2, most prominently in "A friend in deed". It was then when i became absolutely smitten with her. How can you not like a character whose only motivation in life is baking cupcakes out of her friends making others smile? Season 4 had a little less pink madness than i'd anticipated, and mostly pooled around Pinkie Pride. Still, i liked just about all of what she had to deliver - and i can't wait for her adorable, cute randomness in S5!
  2. I'd have to say i'm torn between the rather doleful Serbian accent (it sounds kind of sad and frustrated to me) and i'd say Chinese sounds really awesome (Can't differentiate between dialects, but i was considering of learning Cantonese when i get some free time).
  3. Chafed my hands on a barbell while lifting it. I should really just get a pair of gloves...
  4. Hey there, pal! Welcome aboard. That's a nice little intro you have there. If you've anything you'd need assistance with, be it the forums, or your fan-work, i'm sure either one of the community here will be able to help. Don't hesitate to pop a PM!
  5. The Pinkie Pie cannot be stopped. Welcome to the Pink side, friend! ... We have cupcakes.
  6. Hey, welcome to the forums! We're always really happy to make acquaintance with new people,and we hope you're here to stay. Saw many of sonic fans out there who are also bronies, and alot of bronies who are into military and martial history, so i wouldn't exactly rule you out of the realm of possibilities. It looks like you're covered already, but if you need any help just let us know
  7. Welcome to the forums! I'd offer some assistance, but it looks like somebody EVERYONE beat me to it.
  8. The project sounds lovely - at first glance. What i'm getting at is this - what are the costs of even doing something of this nature? Surely the electronic components alone make this a difficult task? Next is, well, maintenance - working on conventional roads aside, how much effort will be need to adjust to working over glass panels and electronics? How frequently? Finally - there's the question of solar power gained. Obviously, the sun doesn't always cook the surface. There are cloudy days, and the angle of the sun lighting up the panels correlates to how much solar power is obtained. I don't mean to be a party pooper, but i'd first like to see some numbers and what they mean?
  9. I would have to say my laziness. There are many things i could have been doing right if i just got off my butt more often.
  10. Once, when i was just a kid, i hid inside a large closet because of how cool it was there (it was a hot summer). I felt content enough, curled into a ball and fell asleep for a few hours. My family mustv'e been worried sick because i was woken up when people started calling my name in panic.
  11. Invincible


    Ah. I was wondering if you'd like to play something of a multiplayer sometime. But i guess that's out of the question. Sorry =/
  12. Invincible


    An interesting introduction. First of all, welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll enjoy it here with everypony Secondly - i play D3 (or atleast, used to) a lot too. It's a fun little toy! I play through the PC though. Do you play anything else on your computer or are you mostly on your PS3? Thirdly - Chrysallis is a changeling pretty cool pony bro
  13. Hey there. I doubt the show or even the fandom surrounding it will ever be in conflict with your faith. I don't think anyone here actively worships ponies. Anyway, welcome to the forums!
  14. It might be some genetics involved, Shining and Twilight had similar colors if i recall. But then i'm not so sure because Sweetie belle and Rarity have different colors entirely. Maybe it also has something to do with their personality or nature because when Trixie used the Alicorn amulet it's power corrupted her mind and her magic went a strong, blood red.
  15. Hah, scored a 67 on Advanced Probability - and you know what? I'm not complaining! I passed, and now i'm free from that horrible test, woohooo!

    1. MetalTao


      Success sounds fantastic to the ears anyways! Great job! :3

    2. Invincible


      I think i should take a nap or something. I can't study for my other exams, i'm so drunk with success right now i can't think straight :D

    3. KoGy



  16. My personal theory is that Equestria was created through the interaction of two primordial forces, one representing Chaos (Change, Motion, etc.), the other being Harmony (Stasis, order, and so on). I think that the tree of harmony was the physical embodiment of the latter, while discord came into existence as the representation of chaos. The tree was an inanimate relic and the elements had to be used proper, so discord had free reign for a while.
  17. Like the title says. Did your opinions of who's your favorite ponies change over seasons 1 through 4, or over time in general? I actually liked Rainbow Dash's energy and tomboyish nature (mostly her arrogance and pride) when i first started watching the show, making her my favorite pony. Around the second half of the first season i started liking rarity more because of her clever dialogues and delivery and, of course, her song (that's one of my top favorites). I eventually gravitated to Pinkie in season 2, in which her character was a whole lot more developed (in my opinion anyway). Did something similar happen to you? Doesn't have to be with the mane 6, could also be any background pony / princess you have in mind?
  18. I broke my hands 5 or 6 times (each) fighting other kids (multiple times...) when i was little. I never truly recovered and i have terribly shaky hands nowadays. Sometimes, when we're bored, me and a friend of mine would log onto local forums or various servers for games and troll on them (not this one though, no worries ) making up nonsense like "Red hot chili peppers' new song is coming out - it will run on 1080p resolution and include a 3D glasses set, you should download it!" I speak three languages, English obviously, and also Hebrew and Russian. The latter one is because my family immigrated from the soviet union back in '90.
  19. 1) Immortality (duh) 2) The ability to exist without a corporeal body 3) The ability to manipulate reality by willpower
  20. Wet dog stink. That's the worst thing ever. They smell like they're warmed up but also wet at the same time. Seriously, did you ever catch a whiff of that?
  21. Welcome aboard. I suppose you could post something in the discussion forums and see if you get a response?
  22. Hey, welcome aboard! You know, you can always head over into the discussion forums and post about recommendations for some of your books, if there are any you like in particular. The community here, it's really nice and friendly, so you'll have no trouble making friends and interacting with everyone.
  23. Welcome to the forums. I guess i can sorta relate, most people around my home location don't even know of the show's existence, so i never even met another brony in real life. Don't worry though, you'll find plenty here If you wish to chat, just pop a PM
  24. Hey there! I see you're a fellow Pinkie Pie admirer - that's awesome! Welcome to the forums, and enjoy your stay.
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