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Discovery Dream

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Everything posted by Discovery Dream

  1. Probably, at least while still in theaters where bronies can't twist it into something hilarious like normal. But once it somepony gets his or her hooves on it, it'll be palatable.
  2. If this gecko dies, I've officially killed every pet I've ever owned. Don't touch me, I might start killing people next. ;A;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Discovery Dream

      Discovery Dream

      Why, so I can kill that too?

    3. Jadefire


      Well, you only have to water it once a year.

    4. Discovery Dream

      Discovery Dream

      It'd probably get some sort of rare disease or something. All my pets up to now have. The gecko's probably impacted, so it isn't a disease as much as a condition, but still.

  3. I have a LiveJournal now. Time to brush up on my comedic writing skills. Here's an entry on CAPTCHAs. It's a tad vulgar, but it's decent enough for a first shot. I AM YOUR GOD.
  4. Can't tell if trolling, or legit.... Either way it's hilarious xD EDIT: It's trolling :3
  5. Mom, the renovation men are not babysitters, STOP LEAVING ME WITH MY TWO SISTERS AND A BUNCH OF STRANGERS PLEASE.

  6. I don't hate Rainbow Dash because of anything in the show or despite of character development, I dislike her because she is so grossly overrated. The same reason I don't like Trixie. She's never had much appeal to me since I can't identify much with her, and beyond that, bronies love her because she's cool and tomboyish and athletic, traits I just don't find appealing personally. If you love RD, great, more power to you, but I quite like Pinkie Pie myself.
  7. I like music with a bit more melody, and I've never really liked loud noises. It may some other people's cup of tea but I've never been into it. Simple as that
  8. I'm an earth pony, but if I was a unicorn... Shapeshifting It'd be a cool ability to have...it would most likely be limited to one animal, though. Probably some type of dog, or a sea lion. Water Manipulation The ability to levitate water and/or heat it, can't decide which I'd prefer. Teleportation Exactly What it Says on the Tin, the power to teleport anywhere. Unlocking Any Lock Alohomora! Especially useful for stubborn lockers! Soul Healing The ability to heal others with my spirit. I AM SO BORING I KNOW.
  9. Rattata solo run, biatches. Wish me luck :P

    1. Betez




      good luck

  10. There are Flame Princess haters out there. *cries*

  11. Perhaps swap the mane and tail, or pick another two soft pastel colors (like purple and blue).
  12. I'm sick you guys. Like, hands-jittering-head-feels-like-it's-on-fire sick. Parents won't care, I'm off to school tomorrow -_-
  13. I saw Iron Man 3 today. It was awesometastic.

  14. Well that was the weirdest Steam chat ever.

  15. I have a best friend who I've known since 3rd grade and trust completely. I act like a bitch on crack around her, though it's only because I'm comfortable enough with her to know that she'll put up with my bullshit. And that is why we are friends.
  16. "To the Moon" has already been mentioned. It deserves to be mentioned again, I haven't met one person who hasn't at least teared up from playing it. "Portal 2" is also rather tear-inducing if you think about it enough.
  17. I approve of this gentlemanly mystery.
  18. I'm one of those rare internet people who wholly loves America. Truly is a nice place to live, and honestly its flaws make it exciting. Outside of my native country, Australia sounds friggin' awesome. And it's got that Reef!
  19. Oh, we are discussing Professor Layton, are we? A fine series and the most gentlemanly of all the gentlemanly entertainments! My personal favorite is The Curious Village, for there's not a finer piece of work than the one that started it all. Oh, but Unwound Future gets honorable mention for being classy, intelligent, and yet terribly good at tugging on the heartstrings. A jolly good bit of the finest artwork out there!
  20. I cannot respect a so-called gentlecolts league that does not include bow ties. BOW TIES ARE COOL, GUYS. *dons a tuxedo and bow tie* Tuxedos are sexy on everyone. Yes. I'm totally a stallion by the way, hahahahahahaha, what would make you say otherwise?
  21. GUYSGUYSGUYSGUYSGUYS No spoiling Star Trek Into Darkness. I'm taking mom to see it after we see Iron Man 3 so NO SPOILERS. Are we clear? Gud.
  22. That moment when someone ships your favorite ship and you're just paralyzed with fangirly happiness

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      What's your favorite?

    3. Discovery Dream

      Discovery Dream

      Babs x Scootaloo, actually.

    4. ____



      Meet the members list (abbreviated)

      Well, I have brought you a tie...with top hats on it!

  23. Perhaps it's high time I write a fanfiction. About background ponies going on an epic adventure.

  24. He's probably insane. Everybody in this town is just as crazy as in Ponyville >
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