So many mosquitoes vanquished...and I'm stil lcovered in bite scars regardless. I almost killed a spider last night, but it was being cute so I let it live.
Marine biologist was the only job I ever wanted. It still is As a young kid I'd have to explain to my friends what marine biology was, since they were little and had no idea what either words meant xD
Can I trade the wings in for, say, fins? Because I'm afraid of heights, so if I tried to fly I'd be dead pretty quickly. I'd probably start crying, actually...
Last time I posted I said I was Unhappy, but my life doesn't suck anymore! So I'm probably a Moderate-Creative hybrid. I love the writing and the characters, and I also like making and indulging in pony-centric things.
I am not a creative color.
In all seriousness, I'm most definitely creative. I draw, write, and do plays, due to how many ideas I have swimming around in my head. I don't put a whole lot of them on paper, though.
nothing will ever upset me again now that i know these exist, i am smiling so hard right now
Forum Member Crush: Whirlwind, AKA Jack Ordan.
Pony Crush: Braeburn, Soarin' and Rarity.
IRL Crush: Whirlwind also counts as this, but celebrity-wise, Martin Freeman.
But I do believe it would be at least advisable to address romance in some sense, like how to balance time between friends and boyfriend, etc., and how to get along.
I'd be a mangrove, because mangroves grow near shorelines and I love the oocean and tropical regions in general Mangroves aren't particularly attractive, though...
They're still cool.
I'd like it, especially if there was an episode discussing how the rest of the Mane Cast have to adjust and deal with Twilight's new relationship. It is a show centered around relationships, after all.