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Everything posted by MozillaToast

  1. Have you ever watched a YouTube video that's left you in tears or doubling over from your sides hurting so much? If the answer is yes then please share your experience below and a possible URL link Mine is: WARNING, SEXUAL INNUENDOS ARE INVOLVED IN THIS CLIP! Anyways enjoy everyone else's humor
  2. Hehe, mature me, laughing at my 69 brohoofs XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ash Windheart

      Ash Windheart

      And the teen in me can't really leave cause I'm 15. XD

    3. MozillaToast


      XD thanks Wingnut

    4. SCS
  3. Pewdiepie and minecraft. They both get on my nerves, whats so funny about a guy screaming and making rape jokes? Ones that aren't even funny... Minecraft is just very repetitive and plain and i fail to see the craze about it, its just squares. JUST squares, nothing else.
  4. Hey guys, I saw the digital version of this image and it made me laugh for a long time. Then again, I'm boring but still I drew this Enjoy and critique how you see fit. P.S, I know there's a line above Celestia's head I'm tired >.> Also my friend (Pfft yeah right..) Stole my Camera so, my iPod will have to do
  5. Oi, We don't hate Limp Bizket.. Only Fred Durst!!!
  6. Well, I inherited Coelic's Disease from my mothers side of my family (Quite recently too) and now can't have anything with wheat in (A lot of things) so, bread, pizza, pie, most crisps, cake, cookies, muffins, sugarpaper (It IS a food), pasta, most junk food, some ice creams and most things with a thick sauce like gravy or bolognse sauce. So yeah lots of stuff and Gluten free stuff is like 4x the price of normal stuff. :'(
  7. Listening to good music on max volume is the BEST way to annoy my neighbors :3

  8. Exactly the same here. (Character Usage Brackets!)
  9. This bug is starting to really get on my nerves...

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Are you talking about WoD? Because there is always some bug after launch

    2. MozillaToast


      Blizzard thought it would be a great idea to make EVERY SINGLE quest go through one little village style garrison,

      Need less to say no one can get in it because the server resets every due to the pressure of 400+ people in a zone smaller than goldshire. -.- they aren't even fixing the problem.

    3. JonasDarkmane
  10. World of Warcraft, Mist of Pandaria... Why blizzard? You have much lore for any new x pack but base one on Asian pandas who love to grow ridiculous sized vegetables... Also monks... -.-
  11. And another server crash XD

    1. Revertz


      Dude on frostmourne its literally a 6 hour wait to get in fucking hell xD

  12. Naa, too busy camping the portal in wow to get into WoD, my server nearly crashed 3 times XD
  13. Bye bye life, see ya in 3 months from now!

    1. JonasDarkmane


      WoW - WoD release tomorrow right?

    2. MozillaToast
  14. Find the wizard because then i can say "You are not prepared... For my request."
  15. CoD BoPs 2 S&D Just foolin around with a few other bronies on Xbox XD
  16. Of course I have, but every will have been at some time within their lives I've had an embarrassing story or two and although it's not funny at the time, you'll look back on it in alter life and have a little chuckle.
  17. @Rainboom Dash They probably pretend to hate you to provoke a reaction because their lives are so dull and empty, ruining someone else's happiness is pleasureful to them. But yeah, in year 10 a new girl (who made it as big a point as possible to tell everyone she was gay) joined and constantly gave me evil's and swore at me for no reason, I think she was jealous of my GF, but apart from that she had no reason to hate me. I spoke to her once and that conversation consisted of "hello" and "bye".
  18. So, I was happily running around on WoW, minding my own business, then suddenly a character named; Youavinagiggle approached me. Luckily he was asking for directions and when I asked on inspiration for his name he said, "You avin a giggle there chummy?". And walked off XD. Anyway, whats the funniest name you've seen someone have in any video game every? NPC's and players
  19. Well, I create playlists for gaming in PvP environments, and the best ones to listen to are fast paced and and pretty bass'y, but honestly, if i was to choose something that I enjoy of gaming, probably mellow rock.
  20. Yeah, I really, REALLY hate my iPod XD
  21. Pegasus, because they're so awesome. They can walk on clouds, and control the weather. And fly of course.
  22. Thanks man, i was considering redoing the hind legs but changed my mind because i'm lazy and they were where i started drawing from
  23. Just a picture I drew of Rainbow Dash, jus' sitting there, as you do. Please leave feedback on what's good/bad and how I could improve. Thanks! Why must my iPod be such a troll :'( ???
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