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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Haruhi-chan

  1. I used to be able to ride one really well. However, since my bike accident at the age of nine... I became very weary of it and stopped riding anymore. I was always wobbly and felt like I would fall off. It scared me, and I swear I've never ridden a bike since then.
  2. How would you react? Would you freak out? Would you just not care and move on with your life? This would probably be me: Sorry, but I would like to keep my Gotcharocka and all my other favorites of course.

  4. Not really. Such is the life of a crazy devoted fangirl.
  5. What's keeping you up? I'm curious. I have two gorgeous guys preventing me from sleeping. One is my duckie aka Yui from Gotcharocka and the other is my hero PelleK. My hero just posted a tweet not long ago... like omfg REALLY AFTER MIDNIGHT WHEN I'M TRYING TO FALL ASLEEP? As for duckie? Well just look at him being such a cute duckie in my avatar. <3
  6. Nope. I love being barefoot. I can't stand wearing shoes or socks even unless I have to. Whenever I come home from going out, I usually just kick off my shoes and run around barefoot. I go barefoot even on our outside patio as well. I don't have a care in the damn world about it!
  7. Let's see... I have to say PelleK first. I mean, this guy is my hero. Not the whole omg saved my life kind of hero. Though, he did help me improve my life. I look up to him more than anything. He's confident and absolutely the most sweetest guy ever too. I could go one forever talking about him. XD Another important person to me in life is Duckie. No, not THAT Ducky. The duckie in my avatar. <3 He actually goes by his stage name known as Jui, and he's from Gotcharocka. He's so amazing as well and omg I swear I'm in love with him. He makes me really happy and has actually made my heartache a few times as well. His voice is actually just as amazing as PelleK's voice. It's so hard to choose between the two of them! omg I have so many important people on my life though. I'll just leave you with those two.
  8. Hell no. As much I love the cold, I can't stand taking cold showers without freezing to death. I do like warm ones though were the water feels just right. :3
  9. omfg don't laugh okay but... the first forums I ever remember going were about Jamie Kennedy. DX I had a huge fangirl crush on him back then. LIKE I SAID DON'T LAUGH AT ME. Anyway, I don't consider that my first. I like to consider PC (Pokecommunity) to be my first because I've been there the longest (off and on but still). On Jun 29th 2015, I will have been on PC for eleven years. So yeah.
  10. Well, I'm dead again. Thanks to PelleK and Jui. RIP inner fangirl. TT_____TT

  11. I listen to music. Seriously, music helps me in so many ways. It blocks everything out around me, and it does help me focus a million times better than anything as well. However, it's not really helping me today because I can't get my mind to stop thinking about Jui for one measly minute. DX
  12. Not very often. I just don't know how to approach people. I get shy really easily, and I end up withdrawing from many social interactions as well. I find it very troubling to deal with so much communication towards people I don't know. The only way I'll really talk to others is if they come to me first. I think a lot of it is because I'm autistic. Usually, when I do get to know the person too, my true colors start showing... including my faigirlism. X3 I do have all the friends I could ever want as well, so I'm not really too worried about wanting to make more or not either.
  13. Yep. I'm dead now. Goodbye all. It was nice knowing you guys.......
  14. Other than the fact that my ovaries are gone, and I'm dead right now... yep, it's going fine and dandy so far. :3 Two of the most gorgeous men named PelleK and Jui think it's cool to act all hot and sexy. FML
  15. Thanks to two gorgeous men, my ovaries are gone and I'm dead. #fangirlproblems

    1. chirox the pony

      chirox the pony

      Did I need to know that?

    2. Haruhi-chan


      Probably not but eh... I'm a little too hyper right now. DX

  16. Well, I'm really hoping after I get my cosplay that we can save up some money for my anime convention. It's usually hard to save money for my parents at times. D:
  17. Hm. Let's see... how about a cute puppy dog smiling? ...not that kind of puppy dog though. This kind: It always makes ME smile because he's so cute and all. He looks like a puppy dog, doesn't he? <3 Yeah, so I'm obsessed with visual kei j-rockers. SORRY, NOT SORRY. ...OKAY BYE This one is cute too... and omg for once Kazuki actually looks hot.
  18. http://i.imgur.com/8gx3fJl.jpg JUST LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKS OMFG I WANT TO PINCH THEM SO BAD.

    1. Selfie Snapshots

      Selfie Snapshots

      ._. I know it's not my business but...are you ok Miss?

    2. Haruhi-chan


      Perfectly fine. :D No, seriously. It's just a fangirl thing lol.

    3. Selfie Snapshots

      Selfie Snapshots

      Oh thank Celestia X3

      I thought something was going down

  20. I'm thinking about Jui from Gotcharocka and how hot he is. <3 I MEAN LOOK AT HIM SERIOUSLY: THAT TONGUE OMFG. <3
  21. Okay since you guys all know I absolutely love Jui from Gotcharocka right now... duh my biggest obsession like **** he's gorgeous omg... ANYWAY, I should list all my other crushes. Just now that this list is VERY long though. I'm not even sure I listed all of them but... I tried okay? ♥ PelleK ♥ Ruki and Uruha from the GazettE ♥ Kazuki from SCREW ♥ Asagi from D ♥ Zin from Jupiter ♥ KAMIJO ♥ Shou from Alice Nine ♥ Mizuki from Sadie ♥ Kanon from an Cafe ♥ HITT ♥ All of the guys from MoNoLith ♥ Tom Hiddleston/Loki ♥ Matt Smith ♥ My senpai ♥ Jensen Ackles ♥ David Tennant ♥ Devon Bostick ♥ Sebastian Michaelis Yeah, a majority of them are from visual kei... BUT I LIKE IT SO SUE ME. D:<
  22. I'm not an aspie... but I do have autism. I've pretty much overcome a lot of my struggles though. I'm trying to be a much more openly social person as well. It's gone really well for me so far. I've also improved a lot as far as my emotions go as well. NO MORE ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION TO DEAL WITH OMFG YES! Sorry I don't mean to brag. :x
  23. My rl friend got me obsessed with Gotcharocka... NOW I CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO THEM AND FANGIRLING OVER THE LEAD SINGER. FML.

    1. Wingnut


      LOL...you've got me ready to fangirl...and I'm a dude! xD

    2. Haruhi-chan


      LOL... sorry. These guys are amazing though. <3 I'm usually more of a metal person, but damn.

  24. Not really. The only thing that attracts me the most is the visual kei scene. Give me a japanese guy wearing stage clothes and make up, and then we'll talk. :3 Also, my rl friend got me into Gotcharocka... so now my new obsession is Jui, the lead singer. <3 He's soooo cute, and he's also really hot at times too! Also, sorry... I totally forgot about fanboys when I posted this. DX I didn't even think of the guys... lol... SO SORRY I SWEAR!!! DDDDD: Also... Jui without make up is adorable too. <3
  25. I wanted to change my answer to this because my tastes have really changed since then. My favorite musician is definitely PelleK. I mean this guy is amazing. Not only that, but he's the whole reason why I've finally gotten back to being myself. He also helps my anxiety and depression by making it non-exsistent too, which is weird because most people have never been able to do that, you know? He's kind of my hero right now, besides being my fangirl crush. Yes, I know I mentioned PelleK in my previous post, but that was before I even realized he was my hero. lol Also, I absolutely LOVE the GazettE. No, it's not because of how gorgeous they are either. That is one of the reasons. I love their music so much. They have a very heavy beat that I just love. I just have this deep fondness for them. Most of it is because I pretty much know the members and are comfortable around them. I've liked them since I was about seventeen or eighteen... if you don't count my long four or five year hiatus from them and other bands I like. Though, it's hard to choose between the GazettE and SCREW right now since Kazuki of SCREW is sooooo cute he's my puppy dog lol. So yeah. Updated response, and I'm finally very proud of it.
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