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Everything posted by Haruhi-chan


  2. I'm very huggable! I love getting hugs, especially at my anime convention. <3 It makes me feel so happy too. You know who else is totally huggable though? This guy: I didn't take the picture though. It's like hugging a big teddy bear because senpai's hugs are absolutely AMAZING. I get a hug or two from him at my anime convention every year. Though, that could change because of his band though... meh.

  4. Pretty much yeah. I usually wake up between two am and six am. That's what happens when you have a hero that lives in Norway... I have set up so that I get his tweets texted to me on my phone. I also have it so that my phone will squee when I get them that way. jtlyk lol
  5. Oh wait... I just now realized what this thread was about. XD I'm ******* stupid lol wtf... The best day ever for me was when my hero said really kind words to me last Monday. It nearly made me cry because his words really hit me. I just got so excited that I almost screamed.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz7Y2moZLpo Why? Because hello... the GazettE? My absolute most favorite band of all time? Like seriously, if I could choose just one band I love the most, it would be those guys. I know them, I adore them... hell, I can't get enough of them. I'm always listening to them and... I just love them so much. I swear I'm not one of those fangirls by the way I do have other favorites, but I'm too lazy to find them and post them all.
  7. Break me, Break me before I break youuur mind~ <3

  8. It depends. Some nights, I can stay up until one in the morning. Most nights, I go to bed around nine or ten. I have been staying up more than usual just to listen to music though so... yeah it depends on my mood and tiredness.
  9. Funny you should ask this. My hero is this guy right here: I'm serious. I absolutely adore this guy. Not just because he's gorgeous though. The reason he's my hero is because I had like really REALLY bad anxiety. I've had it for a very long time. However, when I first discovered him and started getting into him more, my anxiety started to really go away. Now, I hardly ever have to deal with it. I don't know why, but I think a lot of it is because of his confidence though. He's usually highly confident. He's also funny and very adorable personality wise not just by looks lol. In fact, he said something that really spoke to me once and that I'll never forget. I told him he was my hero a while back, and just last Monday... I told him the reason why. So, that was what he said to me. <3 (dw means don't worry in case you don't know. Took me a while to figure it out too.)
  10. Eh... I'd probably just move on with my life. I'm not addicted to these forums, so I don't really think I'd panic as much as others would. If it was another forum I go on however... I probably would, but not these ones lol.
  11. Speak every language. Can you imagine that? I mean, I'd love to know what some of my artists/bands are saying when they speak their native languages. Most of the the music I like is Japanese as well, so I'd be able to understand the songs they sing too.
  12. I chose it because Ruki is absolutely mother ******* gorgeous in it. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM!!!! YOU CAN'T EVEN TELL IT'S HIM... For the record, it's from their new photo they just posted a day or two ago I believe. I absolutely died when I saw it.
  13. Very jealous, especially when your senpai is a ******* PRO at drawing. TT_____TT Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore his art. It inspires me to get better... it's just... AMAZING LIKE OMFG. If this isn't absolutely amazing, I don't know what is: Look at your own risk because he's absolutely amazing. His art will make you jealous. Senpai is amazing. That is all. BYE.
  14. Ever since my dad told me I couldn't go out anymore... yes, yes I do. D: He declared that I was too old to go out even though he knows damn well I'm a child trapped in the body of an adult though lol wtf. So yeah. I guess I kind of do. Other than that, I don't really care much about Halloween because I only liked it for the candy and what not. Also, for the record, I actually tried to tell him that trick or treating helps me with my cosplays... he didn't really buy it. ._.
  15. I fInd Japanese guys who wear eccentric clothing and loads of make up attractive. Like hell if I'm afraid to admit that. Okay so... I do find personalities more attractive though. lol I'm serious. I absolutely adore PelleK's personality so much because omfg. I love guys who are really sweet and adorable! Those are usually the best kind. Also, Japanese boys with adorable puppy dog faces: By the way, these are all things I find attractive in my fangirl crushes. THOSE HAD BETTER COUNT.

  17. I want to be a writer. My only drawback is that I can't be ****ed to finish a single story. THANKS A LOT ADHD. If not a writer... than I wouldn't mind helping kids with special needs. I have special needs myself, and I've always loved being around people who I can relate to. I feel as though I could be a good rolemodel to those who have disabilities just like I do. I don't really wish for anything else because my life is perfectly fine the way it is. I'm where I want to be, and no one is going to change that anymore. I'm no longer going to let people walk all over me because you know what? **** them.
  18. Probably baseball. My dad watches the Red Sox when it's baseball season, so I usually end up watching it as well. I did watch the Super Bowl this year as well. However, that was for two reasons. The first reason was because it was the Patriots playing. The second because it was taking place in the state I live in. Other than that though, I couldn't give a rat's ass about Football because I don't understand a single bit of it at all. Don't even try to explain it unless you want brain guts splattered all over the walls. Also for the record, I suck at every single sport. So, just thought I'd throw that one in there.
  19. Pop Punk sucks and is totally overrated. I'm serious. So many people think it can actually save them, and while I see their point of view... it's just completely overrated how half the fandom is about getting noticed by their precious heroes. Yeah, literally so done with that stupid shit. omg don't hate me for loving my metal stuff! Also, the J-rock fandom is horrible. Don't even get me started on how awful it is because it wouldn't even be appropriate to explain. Let's also not forget that a majority of the fandom looks up to the j-rockers like they are ****ing gods. Like, really? They are human just like everyone else! I mean I get they are gorgeous, yes... but I don't think they are gods to be worshipped or anything. I refuse to be apart of the j-rock fandom, despite being a total j-rock addict. I also can't stand the Amazing World of Gumball. WORST DAMN SHOW EVER. That and Sanjay and Craig. I mean come on, are the creators that damn desperate to get a younger audience? Oh, and don't let me forgot the shows on Adult Swim. The only good stuff worth watching on there is American Dad, Family Guy, The Cleveland Show and Bob's Burgers as well as Toonami. Everything else is complete and utter shit. I'm sorry if this offends anyone that likes adult swim but... come on. Half that stuff shouldn't even be allowed on the airwaves!
  20. My inner fangirl is pretty much my worst enemy at times. She literally bursts with joy and starts screaming bloody murder over her fangirl crushes. It's awful. I usually just let her do it to get it out of her system. After that, she is usually pretty calm, and you don't hear a peep out of her until another fangirl crush occurs. Believe me... you do NOT want to see her when she fangirls. You'd roll your eyes and get annoyed by her. XP With that said, I kind of like the inner fangirl because it's a huge part of me. So, I don't know why I'd want to defeat her.
  21. Has anyone ever played Jail ball before? Like, seriously... in elementary school we played it all the time. Basically, it was like dodgeball. Instead, there were 'jails' set up though. If you were hit with the ball, you had to go into this jail and stay there until the next game or something. I can't remember now because it was literally ages ago. I guess that was really the only fun thing about PE when I was a kid. Because let's face it... PE sucks.
  22. Loki... oh wait he's a villain... WHOOPS. lol in all seriousness though... I'd probably either say Thor or Captain America if I really had to go with anyone. I can't really be ****ed to get into the marvel community much. So, I usually only follow it because of Tom Hiddleston as Loki. XD
  23. Yes... yes it has. I used to be into a lot of pop punk/alternative rock stuff. Now, I'm into power metal/progressive metal/heavy metal/alt metal. I just discovered it about a month ago. Kind of a sad story really, but I'll copy and past what I said on Facebook. Status (posted from twitter to Facebook): When I was sixteen, I thought metal was pure screaming. XD Now, I know there's more to it than that and I love it. X3 More to the story: So, I also used to despise it because I thought it was all just vocalists screaming illegible things. So, I had a deep hatred for that. What's even more funny is that after I discovered PelleK, I realized a lot of what I like, especially in j-rock was actually some form of power metal/alternative metal/progressive metal/heavy metal. So, it surprised me because I had no idea all that time I was more into the heavier beat sort of stuff than anything. I think that's why I have moved on from all of the pop-punk stuff and gone for the metal stuff. So yeah. There you have it ladies and gentleman. 8D
  24. I have just two... 1. Toxic by the GazettE 2. Cloud Dancers by PelleK OMFG YOU SHOULD SO HEAR TOXIC IF YOU CAN. IT'S SO DAMN GORGEOUS LIKE... *SCREAMS* Well, that is if you like five gorgeous looking japanese guys singing in Japanese anyway. 8D I do love a lot of the GazettE's work though. They are one of the greatest j-rock bands known to man... if you don't get involved with the fandom. For the love of god... DON'T EVEN LOOK AT THE FANDOM BECAUSE YOUR EYES WILL START BLEEDING FROM THE SHEER HORROR OF IT. Anyway, I love their album called Beautiful Deformity in some way... but Toxic really takes the cake for me. I think my most favorite songs on this album are all of them, really. XD If I had to choose though... it would be a tie between VENOMOUS SPIDER'S WEB, MY DEVIL ON THE BED and The Suicide Circus. Pledge is also a very beautiful song as well.
  25. Well, it's official. I'm dead. Why? BECAUSE THE GAZETTE'S NEW LOOK IS GORGEOUS. THAT'S WHY.

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