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The Awesome One

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Everything posted by The Awesome One

  1. I think it has something to with her getting a wee bit older and less...uh..bookish and less like this: Seriously she was acting weirder than Derpy and no complaints from parents.
  2. Well actually they're more of a military demonstration team.Like the Blue Angels (Oh how I love airshows).Anyways I have an explanation for this image: 1.Celestia hired wonderbolts to perform 2.They are at that last dance party thingy at the end of the episode 3.RD bumps into Soarin' 4.RD:''OMY GOSH OMY GOSH OMY GOSH!''
  3. They might make an appearance just like Luna's in the season 2 finale.A few lines and little screen time but still not a cameo and an actual appearance.Maybe in a future episode when the Mane 6 are in Canterlot they might bump into Shining Armor on his way to gaurd duty or something like that.
  4. I effing loved to watch Sabrina when I was little.Her animated show was awesome and I can't believe I didn't notice the similarities between the two characters.
  5. And what?Ponies became the dominant race,somehow became intelligent and learned from what the humans had left behind.
  6. I like you for your 'Ask Luna' thread because it really feels like your talking to Luna and not someone trying to act like her.
  7. I think they have all the animals we have such as Platypus,Cheetah,Giraffe (the last two probably are found at the place where Zecora came from) and with that they have mythological creatures as well.To them,us humans are mythological as well but instead no human has been sighted in their world so they're not sure if we exist or not.
  8. Is a brash Pegasus with the same flying skill as Rainbow Dash acceptable?If so here he is: http://mlpforums.com/topic/11007-night-flash/
  9. Actually I just think it means he's a good flier. Now either Hasbro is listening to the shippers as well or they have their own plans.
  10. Sounds like another good brony song is in the making.
  11. If she does die in a fight against Discord Celestia will probably have a huge 50-foot statue built of her and put on display at ponyville with a stone tablet underneath it saying: ''Equestria's Hero,Fallen in battle but never forgotten.''
  12. Well it will be something like this Rainbow *father's first name* Dash Twilight Shining Sparkle or something like that...
  13. Excuse me while I go puke rainbows at this picture's epicness.
  14. The first squee from fluttershy had me all 'D'awwwww'' for like a minute.
  15. I think a chill just ran down spine O_O
  16. Narutardedscum: Bunny with most interesting name
  17. Very few of us can even tolerate the older generation ponies because in my view they tried to make them too realistic.I bet the seaponies will look better in this show and not be as annoying as before so I'm fine with it,so long as they do it right.
  18. Robert Faggot,was on a quiz show some years back.
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