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Everything posted by CaptainDoubloon

  1. Counting the days until the new Mass Effect game releases.

  2. Little Caesars is my favorite pizza chain. It tastes good, the crazy bread tastes good, and the pizzas are $5 instead of $10 like at most pizza places. I just wish they delivered.
  3. Honestly, I don't like speed-runs. Perhaps it's just my personal taste of wanting to enjoy the artwork, music, and design of levels instead of wanting to speed right through them. I've never been the type of gamer that wants to show-off skills or achieve all the digital trophies. It's also one of the main reason I play games on the easiest setting. I can appreciate a speed run in a level, if for instance in Crash Bandicoot 3 time trials, a level can be replayed specifically with a timer as an extra goal.
  4. I do, in fact I downgraded to a Tracphone flip-phone recently because it was cheaper and I don't use a phone that much. People are often shocked when I explain to them how little I use a cell phone.
  5. My computer died two weeks ago but now I'm back with a nice, new gaming computer. ^^

  6. Really enjoying Horizon Zero Dawn so far.

  7. When I make my first character in a new Elder Scrolls game I like start based off of what province the game is set in. Nord for Skyrim, Imperial for Oblivion, Dark Elf for Morrowind, etc... I wonder where Elder Scrolls 6 will take place.
  8. The sequal to the Airplane movie, both of those movies cracked me up.
  9. I buy most of my games from Gamestop and very rarely download them from the Playstation store. I prefer to have discs. If it's an older, classic game I buy them from Amazon. Forgot to mention Steam as well.
  10. My computer died on Sunday. >.> Sneaking on mlp forum at work, heh.

  11. I dislike Captain Planet. A show that pushes the idea to save the environment while making really bad puns by the hero himself. And the Legend of Zelda cartoon. "Well exuuuuuuuuuuuusize me, Princess!" >.>
  12. Just saw the lego Batman movie. It was great!

  13. Video games is the first thing on my list. Next, robotics technology, mainly androids and how far advanced they'll become. I doubt robots will become fully self-aware in my lifetime or any time soon. I'm also curious how well the self-driving cars will turn out. As someone who doesn't drive this could either be really useful to me or dangerous to ride in.
  14. I do. I really like the pony Coco Crusoe for some reason. The FiM staff must like this pony too since he's been in the show every season.
  15. This video is cute, Bowser is my favorite character!
  16. Buying the game For Honor tomorrow. Go Team Viking!

    1. Monsoon


      I want that game so much but I'll have to wait a bit until I can get it

  17. 33 here, and that annoying dial-up noise will forever be burned in my brain. Web-pages took forever to load and I was never allowed to stay on the internet too long because it tied up the phone line. That wasn't too bad since at the time there wasn't too much to do online. I even thought at one point the internet would eventually phase out, what did I know, right? lol!
  18. Sometimes I've seen the Pig sign referred to as a Boar. Which term is used more often? I think Water Boar sounds better then being referred to as a Pig. >.>
  19. Chewy Chips Ahoy are the best! But I do like things that are crispy as well, like chicken strips.
  20. I'd love to be able to teleport. Then I could travel around the world or just visit a city for a couple hours and then go home.
  21. This is an older Disney song but for some reason I like it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7zULgod8E0
  22. As several have said, the Mario Bros movie. I did think Yoshi was really cute even though it didn't look more like Yoshi from video games. That movie also got the idea stuck in people's heads that Daisy & Luigi were a couple for future games.
  23. I still regret selling my SNES and all my games at a yard sale back in 2003. I may buy another one in the future but they seem expensive now.
  24. Favorite Drinks: Dr. Pepper, Coffee, Apple Juice, Peach Ice Tea, Ginger Ale Favorite Foods: Cheeseburger, Pizza, Chicken Strips, Ice Cream, French Toast
  25. Mine is the Sapphire for September, it also happens to be my favorite color blue.
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