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Everything posted by Rivulet

  1. Rivulet

    request Need new Avatar!

    Top to bottom would be cool with pony on top and changeling on the bottom.
  2. Rivulet

    request Need new Avatar!

    Hello! Could anyone attempt to make me mine for my avatar picture? If you're able, make him like mid-change from changeling to pony form.Thanks! Pony Form: http://imgur.com/jUJ3svb Mark: http://imgur.com/7qLkzqr
  3. Hello! Could you attempt to make me mine for my avatar picture? If you're able, make him like mid-change from changeling to pony form. Thanks! Pony Form: http://imgur.com/jUJ3svb Mark: http://imgur.com/7qLkzqr
  4. So, talking to my friends in a Skype call, and we get on the subject of fan bases. It sparks a huge discussion on how outsiders would see into a fandom. We've all heard the insults before, and for most people, none of them hold up to be true. The media (like the Fox News station who said we quit our jobs to watch this show, like how does that even make logical sense?), portrays bronies as mostly just strange people. But are we? They enjoy shows, just aren't as active in it as we are. The furry fandom, I don't quite understand it, but I don't see them all as some cult of crazy people. Apparently there's a Steven Universe fandom as well. Spongebob. Pokemon. You name it, people have websites, accounts, ideas, art, etc based on it. I mean you don't call somebody a low-life because they wait a week to watch CSI, do you? I wouldn't, because it makes no sense to. Bronies are just 'out of the norm', I'd guess you'd say. But is that a bad thing? How many times have you seen a girl watch what would be considered a dude's show? And how does that differ from dudes watching what they say is a girl's show? The outsiders of fandoms need to at least go into the fandom to understand it. If they don't like it then, oh well. But I bet if the haters legitimately tried, they'd join or stop the hate. If they continue to hate, then there's another factor in them that isn't surfaced. I'm done rambling now, but I want to know, What's your opinion on the haters and how fandoms are portrayed?
  5. I like them. To me, it pretty much ensures that they are soulbound to assist one another for the rest of their lives. Unless the changing cutie ,ark theory becomes cannon, which I doubt. It's a symbol of who you are. My favorite is Scoots. Sweetie is in close second, and AB's is meh. Part of the apple family is just another apple.
  6. I think that Ponysonas are okay, if that's what you'd want to have (someone based on you, that is). I personally think a very very large percentage of this fandom is extremely creative and inspired by each other for good ideas and improves them, like a creativity latter of sorts. An OC allows for much more creative freedom than based on you. It can make the character, backstory, etc etc a lot more interesting.
  7. Edited everything out to "delete" this.
  8. I can't sleep because of a song stuck in my head. :| Not 'No Sleep Til Brooklyn' even though that would be extremely ironic.

  9. Rivulet

    request Need my OC drawn plz

    Hallo. I need someones help with drawing my OC for my avatar on the forums. He is a changeling, but also has his own pony form to change into. Here's the Imgur link for the pony form: http://imgur.com/jUJ3svb and his mark: http://imgur.com/7qLkzqr I'd like to have him like mid transition from Changeling to Pony. It would be cool. Thanks! Much Appreciated!
  10. Cool. Seeing what it is now, it will look nice. I really like the hair, wings, and magic 'essence (?)' on their horns. Never seen it like that before, really unique.
  11. The references were real with this one. The Morty (Back to the Future) one, Discord's sprint when he first showed up and left I'd saw was a reference to Scooby Doo or Sonic's 'Run in place' thing. Then the Bob Ross. The Bob Ross was real with this one.
  12. #ChanglelingLove :3 I wanna guess the background: Changeling army fighting off the Royal Guards. Even if I'm right (which I might not be), the thought of that probably won't be as awesome as the actual fully done picture. Can't wait!
  13. This look so flip-flop fadoodle scubasteve 'in good that I made a new adjective for it. :3
  14. Hallo. Just something I was wondering. Have you found any other bronies? Not virtually, even though that is the easiest way to, but in school, work, etc. Where I live, it is impossible to find one person who is. The closest I've ever gotten was driving home and saw someone with a Rarity shirt on. If you do know local people, how many do you know?
  15. Whatever the people's opinions are, they can't deny that it's entertainment. It's funny, relatable, and just all around fun to watch. His construction series was the coolest thing I've seen in a while and I learned some things from it, without even meaning to. Just forget about all the biases you have on the guy and watch his videos sometimes. Don't start a comment war against the others.
  16. Rivulet

    general questions Removing/Hiding Topics

    Do you know of any staff I can PM to help me?
  17. I love McJuggerNuggets' videos. I just watched the one from today no less than an hour ago. But there has been evidence and things pointed out on how it is faked and staged, and ever so coincidentally, the next video is something that totally has new evidence against the opposing evidence. As an example, when the "cop" arrested him, the 'Is It Real?' and 'DramaAlert' channels both had proof that the cop suit was one off of Amazon. Next video: All of a sudden, Jesse learns that his dad staged it on purpose. I am on the side that they are all faked and staged, but I am still a Juggie and watch it daily. They are great videos and I hope he doesn't stop making them. (P.S.): He did say they're real, but wouldn't you if you were making a living off the those very videos? He did also confirm that some of them were faked before, but the ones then on weren't. Just don't believe everything he says on the videos. He wants you to think that they're real. Heck, maybe they are. Keep It Ridgid.
  18. Rivulet

    general questions Removing/Hiding Topics

    Is there a way to remove a topic you started, or hide it so nobody can view it anymore? I can't find an option, button, etc. that'll allow me to do so.
  19. I'm a changeling. I'll simply change into the form of his precious Mystery and lure him in myself. Can't be that hard.
  20. Ah, I see. If I see any blue box I'll be sure to lay out a trap for this Mr. Hooves. Would jelly babies or fish finger and custard make a better bait for him?
  21. Hey, so I'm lost, and what's a better place to go than the internet. So, basically, I have a guitar hero guitar, and found out that the faceplate (the front design) is easily removed on the kind of guitar I have.My dad said that if I wanted to spray paint it, he'd get me the stuff but I have to tell him what to get. Thing is though, I have no idea if there's any special thing you need for it. I've googled things and all I know is that it needs to say it bonds to plastic. I saw websites that say you need primer, and another one that said you need some king of clear gloss coat to go over it when you're done. I have no idea. If you have any idea how to use it, or if I'm just being dumb here, tell me. Thanks!
  22. No, can't recall the name. I would ask what he looks like, but we both know how that won't help.
  23. Your top 5 music producers/bands? Mine are (in order): -Skillet -Linkin Park -3Oh!3 -Eminem -Bright Eyes
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