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Everything posted by Sheheuwi9sidufud7eiwkn3

  1. Djdiiekrfmnfixizwhwududhebebdudidbdjeiwoowlamsnwbeuifcogotoeknwnwbshduf8riwnwbeuf8fjrbrb3iwosofjfnrnrjeiwisndnfufi
  2. I was watching the first Daring Do episode, (can't remember the title), saw this scene, and screenshotted it =P I knew this would be my avatar.
  3. The day I discovered past sins I stayed up until 8 in the morning so I could finish it, but that's it.
  4. I was never a hater in that sense, but I certainly did not understand them, and would try to keep away from them. But then I lost a bet to one and had to watch the first season, and look where I ended up.
  5. I don't really have a charachter that I would call an OC, more of the equivalent of me as a pony. So yes, I would hope that he is alive =P
  6. Big mac isn't very developed as a charachter, so I have to go with apple bloom. I still love the whole princess big mac thing.
  7. Said a prayer for you Steel. I sincerely hope whatever went wrong fixes itself!
  8. Human Trixie would be that girlfriend that would in a way "demand to be worshipped" if you get what I am saying. She would require that you do EVERYTHING for her. So probably as a pet. I just hope it wouldn't be a world like My Little Dashie where you would have to keep her locked up all the time, rather a world where people could co-exist with (intelligent) ponies just fine. I don't know how much if a "pet" she would be though, she would most likely try to take over your soul in a creepy kinda way... I'd call animal control to get them to lock her up.
  9. If you take OCs, I really dislike Pen Stroke's Spell Nexus. I am a huge fanboy of past sins and he does an amazing job of making everyone hate nexus. Anyways, as far as real charachters go, I don't like blueblood, he is a selfish jerk to rarity in season 1, but I don't think we've seen him since.
  10. Even if the show ends, I think the whole brony community will stay together but in a different form. We will all probably become fans of Lauren Faust's new show she is doing with Sony, Medusa. I really want to see MLP continue for a while after this, as long as the quality doesn't fade out. But when they do eventually end it, as all things come to an end (unfortunately) I want them to do a really awesome, long movie that makes everyone happy and content with what the show has brought them. Edit: I really hope that whenever G5 comes around, (which I am sure will happen eventually, because there's money to be made) that they don't turn it into gen 3 crap. We know better than anyone that they would be losing 8-16 million fans (approximated number of bronies) if they did that.
  11. 321,457 *sigh* gotta get back to my AP summer assignment >.>
  12. If you like remembering your dreams, just write them down every morning and your brain will get used to remembering them. Last night I did a whole bunch of random stuff in my dream, but I remember turning into a Warriors Cat :3
  13. Mom: Is your room clean? Me: Eeyup Mom: What if I go check Me: Just don't open the closet, you might get buried in random crap Anyways, I am mean to our dogs when my sister is around just to annoy her, but I secretly love dogs <3
  14. @TopQuark Sorry, I am asexual and aromantic. So I'm not interested in a relationship, nor do I socially understand them O.o
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