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Status Updates posted by DixonTheAdversary

  1. It's good to see a new banner. It had been quite a while since there was a change.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      And it is one that is actually good. Took way too long.

    3. Telferi


      Not enough Rainbow Dash o3o

    4. The_Gobo


      Needs more Maud :P


  2. It's my 5th Forumversary today! This year, I finally made my About Me on my profile. 

    Here's to more years to come!

    1. Tacodidra


      Happy forumversary, my friend! :yay:

    2. EpicEnergy


      Happy forumsversary! I hope you enjoy it! :grin:

  3. Just got my yearly haircut.

    1. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      i guess you like to grow your hair out, huh? :catface:

    2. DixonTheAdversary


      Usually grow it out for the winter and once warmer weather rolls around I get it cut.

    3. The_Gobo


      I get mine cut twice a year o3o
      Buzz cut to a No.2 clipper in the sping, then a light cleanup in the summer.
      Then let it grow out through the fall and winter XD


  4. Just hit 1500 Posts. 300 more to go to reach my goal I set for this year.

    1. EpicEnergy


      Congrats! :yay:

      I hope you reach your goal! :mlp_icwudt:

    2. Tacodidra


      Good luck, my friend! You can do it! :pinkie:

  5. Just hit 2,100 posts and didn't even realize it until I went on to my profile. 700 more to go for this year's goal I believe.

    Edit: Just checked, it's 600 more, not 700.

  6. Just hit 500 posts. 200 more to reach my goal I set last year.

    1. The_Gobo


      Congrats man :D


  7. Just hit my 1100 post goal on my 4th Forumversary. When I first joined the Forums, I never thought I'd actually hit a number that high, but here we are now. I probably wouldn't still be on the Forums without all of you guys, so I'm going to give my thanks to all of the people who follow me, plus a few extras.

    So first off, 碇 シンジン, Who I can't tag due to special characters in their name. Thanks for being my first friend/follower on the Forums all those years ago.

    Next we have: @Tacodidra, @The Recherche, @Lord Valtasar, @The_Gobo. You 4 are the ones who always reply/replied to my Status Updates, thus being the ones I always seem to find myself talking to the most. So thanks for always being there, otherwise I'd just be typing to myself.

    To @Rikifive for thinking I was leaving last year on my Forumversary, because I posted in the Welcome Center. I dunno either, but thanks for the amusement.

    To @Kawaii Besu, @Messy Mane, @Gone Airbourne, @Sonic Shimmer. Thanks for having such great taste in music, and indirectly helping get my playlist to 1400 songs.

    Okay, this next one is the big section: @Anti-Villain, @Button Feri, @DivineSoul1000, @Gabosor, @Lunar Echo, @lyrabetes3939, @Nsxile, @nx9100, @Phosphor, @Storm Shine and @TheRockARooster. Thank you all for following me back when I followed you without saying a word, and sometimes barely having any interaction at all with you.

    On the opposite side of the spectrum: @GlimGlam, @creativeunicorn, @JamesBobbyDReed, @Krashface, @Christmas cheer. Thank you guys for following me without saying anything to me.

    Finally thanks to: @Cwanky, @Denim&Venom, @Trottermare Galamane, @Dawnchaser, for being genuinely cool people. I'm sorry if I missed anyone, but after 4 years and meeting thousands of users, I'm bound to miss a few.

    So with that all out of the way, to those who are still here that I mentioned, here's to another year.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      Happy four year anniversary, CPL! :mlp_grin: I am pleased to have made your acquaintance, and while I may not be terribly active any longer, I do look forward to speaking to you.

    3. Rikifive


      Happy forumversary!

      Glad to hear you had a good time here and I hope, that the next years will be even better! :blue_baloon::yay:

    4. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      i know it's a bit late but i was off the intenet for some days, happy forumvesary

  8. Just noticed that I hit 1700 posts. 100 more to go to reach my goal for this year.

    1. Tacodidra


      Almost there! :ticking: I'm sure you can do it, my friend! :yay:

  9. Just so everyone knows, I'm not going to be on this weekend 'till later on in Sunday.

    1. Tacodidra


      See you later, my friend! :kindness: I hope you have a nice weekend!

  10. Last time I'm bringing this up, but my fan lights are doing the flickering thing again. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, it's completely random. 

    It almost feels like some sort of game show every time I turn the computer on... It's time to play the Mystery Wheel! If all 4 lights are solid colors, you win the GRAND PRIZE, non-distracting computer lights! If the lights don't land on solid colors, the underside of your desk is a strobe light show of distraction! Luckily, for you, we've provided a handy-dandy remote to turn off the lights at any time. Doing so however, will bathe the underside of your desk in darkness until you spin the Mystery Wheel again.

    Good luck, contestant!

  11. Looking back at the Forums through the Wayback machine, there are so many members that I had forgot about that aren't around on the Forums nowadays...

    1. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      Yeah, I know how you feel, even though I've only been here for around 5 months. :pout: It's crazy how many folks come and go on the Forums sometimes...

    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Yeah when I look back there is lot of stuff in there but there is also lot of stuff ahead of you when moving forward and we are currently having lot of stuff as well :)

  12. Man, this sucks. Brodie Lee/Luke Harper was the guy I latched on to when I first started watching wrestling. I'm not sure why, I guess I always liked his look. To hear that he passed yesterday is heartbreaking.

    I use his old WWE titantron for when I get followed/follow others on here, and I don't know if I still will, I'll have to think about.

    RIP Jon Huber (aka Luke Harper, Brodie Lee, Huberboy 2).



     2120634746_LukeHarperFull.gif.63d72c082c1ff07352f979bb8ac1c4c7.gif(The titantron I use(d?) for when I follow someone/ someone follows me)



  13. My goal to finish the show by summer has been unsurprisingly unsuccessful. New goal: finish it by the end of the year.

    1. ShadOBabe


      Don’t stress yourself. It’s not going anywhere. X3

    2. Tacodidra


      The most important thing is that you have fun watching it! :yay: I wish I still had some episodes left (though thankfully there's Pony Life). :)

  14. My music playlist just hit 1400 songs...

    1. Tacodidra


      Whoa... :wau: That's quite a lot. :please: I don't have a playlist myself, since I always end up listening to completely random stuff. :laugh:

    2. DixonTheAdversary


      That number doesn't include songs that aren't available on Spotify anymore that're still in the playlist, so it's more like 1415 songs...

  15. Not going to be on at all this Monday - Friday.

  16. Not gonna be on much Monday - Friday.

    1. Tacodidra


      I hope your week goes well, my friend! :kindness: See you later!

  17. Not quite the 28th for me yet, but who cares? Happy Birthday!



    1. DivineMist1000


      @DixonTheAdversary Thank you very much my awesome friend! :yay:

  18. Not too much has been going on.

  19. Oh hey, 1900 posts. Now here's the question, can I push for 2000 this year?

    1. EpicEnergy


      Go for it! I know you can do it! :eager:

    2. Tacodidra


      Good luck, my friend! :kindness: I'm sure you'll get there! :D

  20. Oh wonderful, it snowed again. Guess it's time to shovel...

    1. EpicEnergy


      I love snow, but I must admit that it's annoying when you have to shovel the snow so you can get out of your driveway to go places.

    2. DixonTheAdversary


      What's even more great, is that it started snowing again as soon as I stepped outside.

  21. Okay, I think my whole internet situation is finally fixed.

  22. Okay, so I'm in the new year now, and It's time for my Yearly post goal. Last year it was 1800 from 1200 and I destroyed that goal. I think this year, I'll shoot to reach 2700. 

    Also, I don't know about these Forum changes, though it seems kind of broken for me at the moment, so I guess it kinda isn't fair to judge right now.

    Anyways, Happy New Year, and let's hope 2021 is better than 2020.

  23. On this day, August 23rd, I made my account on MLP Forums. That was 3 years ago. To all of my friends that I've made along the way, here's to (hopefully) another 3 years.

    1. Tacodidra


      Happy third anniversary! :yay: Let's hope so – this is the best community there is! :kindness:

    2. 碇 シンジン
  24. Once again stuck in my never ending loop where I fall behind on the show and will not catch up for the next 5 months...

  25. Probably will not be on too much Sunday - Thursday.

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