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Everything posted by DJStrike

  1. I'll say coffee, because the only tea I like is sweet ice tea.
  2. If you could, could you use my OC. He would wear a Black suit with a yellow tie and he would wear the Mask bellow. Its would actually be kind of fitting because Strike is an ambassador of where he's from, The Unified Far East.
  3. Thanks dude, your awesome. Also I figured I should tell you because the last artist couldn't tell (because of the angle I drew him in) but he does have two horns like in my profile pic.
  4. How complex would you consider to be too complex? I figured this is most likely too complex but I figured it be best to ask anyway.
  5. It's fine I am a very patient person.
  6. Is this request shop still open? If so could you please draw my Pixiu, Strike.
  7. I would like to say hello from ridiculously tiny and dull, but weird town of Sneads, Florida. Y'all live in such beautiful places while I'm just here with the lake and swamp. The most interesting thing about where I live is the fact we got people from all over the country living her. Just at my church, Victory, our youth pastor is from North Carolina and his wife is from California. We also, at one point, had a preacher from Ohio and are church is one of the smallest around.
  8. My character would be quite the good for the fighting game. My character is Strike who is a Pixiu. Besides slashing and punching with his fore paws and kicking with his hind hooves, he can also use lightning based combat by either shooting it, calling it down, or using it in his punches. His fighting style would be aerial focused combat, sorta like Taokaka from BlazBlue, but it would be more power based than speed based. If you would like to know more than please ask.
  9. You could use my Pixiu if you'd like to. I don't know if I can apply it to the base but I will try. Until then here is what he looks like.
  10. If you can, could you draw my OC, he's a Pixiu(a mix of a Chinese dragon, Chines lion, and a horse). It's hard to tell from my bad drawing, but he does have two horns. You can draw him doing whatever you like, I'm not very picky. Though you don't have to do it if you don't want to, and if you do just take as long as you need I am very patient.
  11. You are a great artist, if you could, could you please draw my OC? He is a Pixiu, which is a mix of a Chinese dragon, a Chinese lion, and a horse.
  12. Well crap, guess i got to wait till March.
  13. You are a great artist.
  14. I, thankfully, had help from some awesome people(firephantom) in finishing the design on my OC that I want to use to make mlp related YouTube content. Now all I need to figure out is how to make colors work and look good on the character. If anyone could help me with the colors it would be very much appreciated. Also I do cant for the life of me figure out vectoring and digital art. If anyone could help me with that it would, as well, be very much appreciated.
  15. Alright i gave it a few tweaks I think I got it now I just need to figure out a color palette for him... and then how to vector.
  16. Thank you sooooooo much
  17. That's so awesome, Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! The only other thing I have to say other than how awesome this is is, and this is entirely my fault because I couldn't draw it well, that the front legs have lion paws. But this is Soooooooooooooo awesome. Yes please, that be so awesome.
  18. He is a dude and thank yal for the help.
  19. I'll try to draw it more, right now the only drawing I have finished is the one that is on my previous post.
  20. I've been working on a design for a character to use when I make MLP content for YouTube. I tried to make a Pixiu, which is a Chinese mythological creature that is a mix between a horse, the Chinese dragon, and the Chinese lion, in an MLP style that could be appealing to look at but I'm not that good of an artist and I need help. I'm having the most issues with the mane, fore paws, color scheme, and that I'm not that good at creating things in MLP style. If anyone could please help me with the design or has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.
  21. I was making lunch and I turned around and saw it and it made me spit out my tea laughing.
  22. I'd have to say it be the Do Your Thing PMV.
  23. "That's a funny looking cloud, looks sorta like a mushroom."
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