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Carl Poppa

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Everything posted by Carl Poppa

  1. It's weird how you can be really interested in someone, then not see them for a few days and it's practically gone, but interest in someone else might linger for months of no contact.
  2. I never said they'll inevitably betray you. I said they might. Whether or not you take the risk is up to you, but if they don't betray you, the reward is well worth it.
  3. I'm very naïve and have a tendency to be more trusting than I should be. I can't handle stress, and social situations make awkward and stressed out unless I'm with people I already trust. Because of this, I can't do fast food/retail/customer service. (Which means I'm in trouble.) I'm way too susceptible to emotions and can really go off on people, sometimes when they don't deserve it. I'm extremely submissive and tend to just let people I care about walk all over me... as such when I stand up for myself, people tend to use it to make me seem like a bad person... I've only recently stopped letting this affect my self-esteem. When I don't know how to respond to someone (which is often) I simply don't respond at all. I have a tendency to forget to thank people for helping me. I'm always second guessing myself, probably in part because I misunderstand so many situations that have led to me making a fool of myself. And my biggest flaw... well that's my fixation on attaining a kind of love that may not exist.
  4. Unfortunately, people can and do lie to peple for years, they do grow bored, they can be fickle, etc. It is entirely possible for a good friend to betray you after years, and it's very possible for jealousy over numerous things to kill a friendship as well. I have lost quite a few friends myself, and tend to be betrayed by those I get close to, but I still don't stop believing in friendship or shut people out. Humans are social animals. Without friendship and bonds with others, we suffer. I prefer to give people a chance than to rule out the possibility of finding true friendship. I think the friends I have now will stick around, but that's not a guarantee. I choose to trust them. That's what it comes down to. Knowing someone has the power to really hurt you, but trusting them not to... anyone who cares about you at all won't betray you, or, if they do in a moment of weakness, they will try to make up for it, because they value you and the time you spend together. I'm sorry you've had bad experiences, but dwelling in such thoughts will just become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I personally see no reason to deprive myself of friendship, or others of my friendship, just because some people are asses. Whether you choose to have friends or not is up to you, though.
  5. I hope everypony is doing well.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Thank you Darth, hope you are as well. ^_^ I Am doing pretty good this morning, chatting with my boyfriend, gonna do some gaming. :)

  6. Still annoyed by some of the deaths in Halo:Reach. Kat should have survived that.

  7. I'm feeling tired. I haven't slept and will probably only nap a little if I sleep at all. As much as I hate to, I need to get myself onto a diurnal sleep cycle.
  8. Well considering most of you youngsters seem to think the Playstation and PS2 are classic... by that definition, my favorite classic game would actually be Final Fantasy IX, since it's my favorite game overall... but PS1 really isn't old enough to be called classic... is it?
  9. I'm totally miserable, physically anyhow. Mentally I'm fine aside from being tired.
  10. Ugh, I've been tired for a while, but I can't sleep!

    1. KikiTwilight


      I just woke up after 6 hours of "sleeping" with awful nightmares and everything. -.-

  11. Stuck up people who treat others badly without cause and think they should get to run the place just because they say so. People who will pretend to like someone only to hurt and use them. People who do like someone, but because of something that is either not fully that person's fault or is entirely beyond their control, will use, hurt and abandon people. People who manipulate children in bids for power (this... I actually saw happen). People who act like their problems which are 80% or more trivial BS are more real and debilitating than the real problems other people have, and in fact claim that the other people are just "whiny" and "weak." People who moan about things that don't affect them in any way, shape, or form. Homophobes. Racists. Religious extremists. People who choose to be stupid. People who hide behind religion in a feeble attempt to excuse their prejudices. Hypocrites. Trolls. Bullies. Liars. Misogynists. Uppity film analyzers who put people down for liking a movie that isn't of a "high enough quality." Gullible idiots who refuse to make their own opinions. Prequel haters. Haters in general. Anyone who looks down on someone else because of something they like or an interest they have. People who refuse to accept that humans are animals and who insist evolution is not real. People who play only Candy Crush Saga/Angry Birds/etc. but call themselves "gamers." People who think that video games or TV actually make people violent (when the reality is, they can only have an affect on violent tendencies if said tendencies were already present.) People who abuse/mistreat others, particularly children and animals. These tweens and teens on tumblr who keep making up more and more labels for gender and sexuality despite the fact that the ones that existed already covered everything possible; they reflect poorly on the entire LGBT community and have caused even worse treatment of us in some cases. Tumblr in general. People who make promises they can't keep, but expect you to keep every promise you make even when they make it impossible for you to do so. People who refuse to discipline their children in any way because "it's abuse to hit them or raise your voice to them at all under any circumstances." ...I could go on but that's probably plenty for now, and I suppose I could have just as easily said all of this by saying "people."
  12. Obviously they're younger than their pony counterparts, if their schools work like ours... based on the school's environment, probably 17/18. Unless some of them failed a grade at one point and got held back. Dunno if it applies to EG, but didn't Fluttershy say she was a year older than one of the other mane six in one of the episodes? If so and it applies here, she's probably 18 and that one is probably 17, again, assuming no one failed a grade. Of course, it's also entirely possible that their "human" world doesn't function like ours and high school may not be the same years of their lives as it is ours. I mean, even in other countries school works differently and lasts different amounts of time, so why wouldn't theirs be a bit different as well?
  13. After having read the entire OOC thread, this seems interesting. Tomorrow I will try to read through the in character thread and see exactly how it's all going down, and see if I will definitely join, but I'm thinking that I will. Most likely I will create a new OC, but just to clarify, would a hippogriff be an acceptable species? If so I may use my newest OC, rather than creating a new one.
  14. Honestly, some of the redemptions are excellent and make sense, others do not. Starlight had a terrible reason for being evil (trust me, losing one friend whom she probably could have just written letters to is NOT a good excuse for stripping others of what makes them who they are and trying to undo the friendships of others), and she did some extremely HORRIBLE things. No she wasn't pure evil like Sombra or Tirek, but tbh, the finale would have worked much better if she had been because that backstory undermined her entire character, and the finale would have had more impact if Twilight had not been able to save her and instead had to banish her or something. She could have been redeemed later after having served a sentence and actually having time to think about her mistakes and truly repent for them, but instead the message season 5 gives is "it's okay to hurt others because you're hurt as long as you're sorry for it later" and that's just BS. Not to mention that it's unrealistic for everypony to be redeemable since all people aren't. There are LOADS of people who don't WANT to be good, who don't care about others at all and who live for treating others like crap. People who are like that REFUSE to be reformed, and it's silly for there to be so few antagonists in the series showing this like it is. I understand why they reform so many villains, they are trying to teach kids (and other viewers) that it is best to try to make amends with those who have wronged you, and it is best to try. However, some people will just continue wronging you if you continue to forgive them; some people, if left unpunished, will continue being criminals and will continue to deliberately cause others harm. Some people do not deserve forgiveness, and, for the weak reasoning she had compared to the crime she committed, Starlight Glimmer is a pony who really doesn't deserve forgiveness. Her redemption and backstory were handled exceptionally poorly, and that's quite sad because that finale episode was good until the backstory and redemption occurred. The story would have benefited more from Twilight having to accept that somepony so similar to her was somepony she couldn't be friends with, from having to deal with the fact that friendship, while powerful and able to conquer many things, can't solve every problem, and from having to do something as Princess that would be difficult to do (such as banishing Starlight) for the greater good. That said, again I shall reiterate that I understand why they redeem most of the baddies and have fully accepted that they will continue to do this. The show isn't supposed to be realistic, it's fairly utopian. I mean most of the villains aren't even trying to actively harm anyone, they're mostly tame. But imo it would have been better to have a pony villain who was seemingly "normal" be irredeemable from a story/development perspective.
  15. I'd like to go, but I've never been and probably never will. My parents and siblings would never drive me to such a thing, I have no local friends to take me, and I have a phobia of driving that worsened after having been in a wreck. So yeah, not likely for me, sadly.
  16. I knew that many animals do, just didn't know turtles/tortoises were among them. But then, I have only researched certain animals, so, it's not really been in the knowledge base I've been accessing.
  17. Doesn't look like it's dying to me. This place is active, I keep encountering bronies on sites for other fandoms, deviant Art is crawling with them, fan content is everywhere, conventions are getting bigger from what I hear, and there are references to the fandom in other media, like Teen Titans Go. I have also seen plenty of brony sites that seem active as well. MLP is not the hype right now, but the fandom certainly seems to be strong still.
  18. You shouldn't judge based on what someone tells you, you should watch them enough to remember and make your own opinion. That aside, if Jar Jar had died at that point, the Empire wouldn't have existed, and the events of the beloved Original Trilogy wouldn't have ever happened. No matter how much people dislike Jar Jar, he's the reason Palpatine got into power, and without him, or someone just like him, it wouldn't have been possible. I have yet to hear a valid reason that the prequels are supposedly bad; people just hate them for being different from what they expected.
  19. The Streets of Rage series, I guess. I don't consider ps2 or anything of that era and newer to be "classic," they're not that old. Or am I just ancient compared to you people? Apparently a lot of people not much younger than me owned an Xbox 360 first and were "raised" on it.
  20. I don't dislike it *that* much. I'd sometimes prefer to be male, but generally I'm fine with being female. Edit: No matter the reasons, never lie to yourself about who you are.
  21. I slept for about 6 or 7 hours last night. My family loves waking me up though.
  22. Tired, hopeful, and a bit glum. I hope next Christmas will be nicer than this one's been so far. Also hope this one looks up.
  23. My family is fighting again... and my dad wants to change my sleep schedule... and none of them care about why I go to bed so late or how I feel...

    1. TheRockARooster
    2. thegoodhen


      Bawk bawk. *hugs*

    3. Carl Poppa

      Carl Poppa

      Thank you both. It's okay now. :)

  24. Why is this discussion everywhere? The prequels are no more flawed than the original trilogy, and I'm really tired of these butthurt purists complaining everywhere. I'm actually starting to like the OT less because of all the whining about how it's perfect while the prequels suck. Both trilogies have high points and flaws, and without a character like Jar Jar, there'd be no Empire. Additionally, the acting wasn't bad in the prequels, nor the writing. The visual effects were good, too. Everyone has preferences, and that's fine, but the constant hatred and claims that the prequels suck or don't exist is highly immature, especially considering that objectively, without the rose-tinted glasses, both trilogies are on pretty even footing. The prequels do not need to be remade, and neither do the originals. Both series are good. Grow up people.
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