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Meson Bolt

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Everything posted by Meson Bolt

  1. If I'm lonely I'll likely browse here on the forums, check my friends and servers on Discord a bunch, and watch for the one RP that I'm currently involved in. If those are all quiet I'll end up watching YouTube, gaming or sleeping.
  2. My family, particularly my father and older brother, have always prided themselves in being able to 'take the heat' so to speak. And being a male in my family, of course I was expected to partake in the manly challenge of poisoning oneself in order to impress... uh... nobody, actually. Yeah, I found it really dumb. We had stupid stuff like "who can chug a bottle of Tabasco the fastest?" and shit like that (btw I won that challenge at the price of not being able to eat for like two days). At around fourteen I realized that it was incredibly stupid, and so I massively dialed back the spicy in my life. I'm still okay with it though. I LOVE Tabasco classic on eggs and pizza, but outside of that you won't catch me eating spicy stuff on the regular.
  3. Zero, because I prefer to work for my money, I have a stable job with an income, and it's probably a scam anyway. xD
  4. A person who occasionally makes mildly interesting posts in waves, but that's about it. I only really talk to specific friends on here, and usually we migrate to discord anyway, so there's not even really a point of me being here.
  5. Um. Quite. Both of my parents are quite preachy-Christian, of which I am not a fan, but my dad is the worst offender there. He's so arrogant and so full of himself, I actually think he believes he's a prophet or some shit like that. Aside from that they're just incredibly judgmental. Hence why I only visit them for maybe like a week out of the year, and why I keep my visits off the weekends. So I don't get dragged to church.
  6. Nope, $7.25 is still the minimum wage for Texas and a bunch of other states. I'll check, I haven't been back to my old Wal-Mart lately, but back when I worked there we had separate detachments of security and police to watch the entrances and exits.
  7. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
  8. America is a mixed bag for me... it really depends on which state we're talking about. Believe it or not, some states can vary vastly across the nation, and usually the further apart they are, the more different they are. New York is different from Montana, Michigan is different from Louisiana, California is different from Tennessee, and Florida is different from Alaska. The only connecting thread between all the states is that they're all worse than Texas. No, but seriously, each state has its ups and downs. Texas has its fair share of issues (low minimum wage, pretty useless terrain, lots of shootings :c) but also its fair share of bonuses (cheap rent, reliable jobs, great exports, amazing beef, and you can own guns). A lot of people here complain a bunch about the government, and while they can be idiotic at times, most of the time I feel like they do a good enough job of keeping this country... eh, running, I suppose. I'm sure it's a lot harder than I can even imagine to keep a country upright and running, and I don't feel like our governments get enough credit for doing so. If your house catches on fire, the firefighters show up. If your car gets stolen, the cops get notified and go hunt them down. If another country invades, the military does its best to stop them (after co-opting all the oil in the world, of course). For an outsider looking in... I'd say go visit some of the more patriotic states along the East Coast. Massachusetts is a great place to visit, there's a lot of American history and lore there, some pretty good food, and it's a tiny state that you can visit all of in about a day or two.
  9. Worked at a Wal-Mart for about eight to nine months. I worked the evening shift, that is, from 2 PM to 11 PM, with an hour lunch break in between. Most of the time I was in the back storage room, unloading the big semi trailers that came in daily, sorting the products, and putting them onto palettes to get pushed out to the sales floor. I was getting paid minimum wage ($7.25 an hour in Texas, or just shy of $60 per 8-hour day), and worked 5 to 6 days a week with randomized days off. Paychecks came in every other Friday, each check was about $630 before it got to me, and about $400 when it did. Thankfully I was still living at my parents' place, I don't know how I'd survive if I had to pay rent. The working conditions weren't terrible as most people assume, I worked in the back storage lot a bunch as basically a product-mover. That is, myself and a team of people would unload the big semi trailers that came in daily, we'd sort the product onto palettes and we'd push them out to the sales floor. Then if we had extra time in the day, we'd unpack the palettes and put the product on the shelves until the night shift came on. You got a 15-minute break for every 4 hours of work, so effectively two in the day, and you could add them onto your lunch for a really long lunch break if you wanted. Also I've seen a lotta people here comment that the store greeters have a horrible job, and let me tell you that they absolutely don't. I had to cover for a greeter once, and let me tell you, I wish I had their job. All you do is stand at the entrance to the store, say hi to people, ask if they need help (and direct them to the customer service desk if they do), and give stickers to children. And you make like $11.50 an hour. Mint. What made working there so horrible were the people. Management didn't give a crap about most of the workers, and despite our team constantly being understaffed (we were supposed to have 11 people to unload a truck... we had 5) we still had to meet the incredibly sharp time schedule. It didn't help that about half of the workers were assholes anyway, and the constantly changing schedule and consistently horrible pay was enough to force me out. I don't hate Wal-Mart as a franchise though. I appreciate not having to go store-to-store to find my stuff, and because I've worked there before, I can usually find stuff pretty quickly without asking for help (which for an introvert like me is always a plus). I just don't want to work at one, ever.
  10. Another day, another beer

    1. PiratePony
    2. Kronos the Revenant

      Kronos the Revenant

      I’m kind of a lager guy myself. 

    3. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      Sam Adams, usually.

  11. Oreos come in several different flavors and styles. My favorite are the super thin ones, cus you can snap them like chips. x3

    Which are your favorite?

    1. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      Oreos only come in one flavour though, original :please:

      Is there more stateside?

      I don't really like oreos honestly, they taste out of date, really stale (even when in date)

    2. Kronos the Revenant

      Kronos the Revenant

      Double stuf Oreos. Even when they’re like that, I still double stack those fuckers up. 

  12. Sore in multiple places that I'd rather not be. Mostly my back, I threw it out yesterday dead lifting (my form is terrible). Worked shoulders this morning, I'm sure they're gonna be screaming tomorrow.
  13. You're such a talented artist, you know that, right?
  14. God I love shooting guns. :3

    1. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      The sound of freedom.

    2. Kronos the Revenant

      Kronos the Revenant

      That feeling of power is so intoxicating. 

  15. I can't be the only one who uses the Force whenever I open an automatic sliding door... can I?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kronos the Revenant

      Kronos the Revenant

      I use it on all sorts of automatic crap and look like an idiot doing so. :D 

    3. Kronos the Revenant

      Kronos the Revenant

      I also do it to these automatic lights at my campus as I leave. 

    4. ShadOBabe


      Nothing wrong with having a sense of humor about life. X3

  16. Agh, my snoot! D: Boops @Emerald Heart back. Also boops @Summer Breeze, @Kronos the Revenant, @Totally Nyx, @SkyPie, @Ghost Sushi, @Treeglow Flicker, @dreamstream, @Tacodidra, and @Disky Bolt.
  17. My sister is the kind of person to swap her carry-on luggage for a parachute. xD

  18. I love fast food employees. The girl behind the counter at this chinese food place I go to just doesn't take shit from anyone. I asked her for soy sauce, and she gave me one. And I was like, "Um... can I get more than one?" and she passive-aggressively dumps like fifteen into my bag. :ButtercupLaugh:

    1. ShadOBabe


      Well it sounds like you were polite. I think she should save the passive aggression for an @$$hole customer.

      But at least you found it funny. XD

    2. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      Nah, it's funny to me because I used to work in fast food. They ain't got time for your shit. :p

    3. Kronos the Revenant

      Kronos the Revenant

      It’s true. I work in fast food right now. And I don’t have time for customer’s shit

  19. Hey Lucky. How's it going? :3

  20. I get asked that a lot. "How are you?" is a very common greeting in the English language, and while it's almost synonymous with "Hello", it is a question and requires a response. Most people say "fine" and get it over with (or the use the "no u" variant, "fine, and you?"), but I find that to be a very dull way of responding. Besides that, most people aren't actually doing fine when they respond, it's just a polite way to tell people to shut up and not worry about you. And that's honestly the proper response... nine times out of ten, the asker doesn't really care how you're doing, it's just a more polite way of saying hello. But to me this is really bland, so... If it's a person I don't know, I like to respond with an overly-happy greeting, even if I'm completely bs-ing them. "I'm doing great today, thanks for asking!" or something like that. I could be having the worst day in the world, but as long as I fake it, it might help spice up their day or give them a burst of positivity. If it's a person that I know, however, I'll likely respond honestly, which could be a variety of things. The flip side of that, however, is that if I'm asking someone I care about how they're doing, I really, genuinely want to know everything about their day. If I don't, I'll just say "heya" or something short like that. Anyway. Thoughts?
  21. Honestly, it really depends on the person, but I feel I'd be okay with it. I'd actually be honored a little bit, because a platonic relationship means that we like each other for who we are, not what we've got in our pants, and I feel like that's a deeper relationship anyway. Of course, there's always religious reasons to not want to have sex until marriage, and if that's the kind of person my partner is I shouldn't stomp on her beliefs like that. Side note, being intimate isn't the same as having sex. Stuff like hugging, cuddling, kissing, holding hands, etc., I'd still probably want at least some physical signs of affection, and I'd definitely want to give some as well.
  22. I like it. Certainly better than anything I'd be able to sketch. He looks charming.
  23. A few years ago it would've been @Jaxsie (Inactive). I really admired her, she seemed like a very genuine and sweet girl, but sadly we broke contact not long ago. We didn't have a thing for each other either, it was really just sincere, genuine friendship, and it sucks that she's gone now. :v I do have a friend like that now though, she lives overseas but she's very supportive and sweet, even though she doesn't know it. She is a little bit shy, which is understandable, but I've talked with her about deep shit that I've never talked to anyone else about. Can't say her name though, she wouldn't like that.
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